why can pumping lemma for PDA be pumped down? - pumping-lemma

for each i ≥ 0, uv^ixy^iz ∈ A,
|vy| > 0, and
|vxy| ≤ p.
for 2, if we pump down uvxyz, we got uxz, but it will violate 2. since |vy| = 0.
I saw this as example at lots of place, where did i understand wrongly?

Ok i got this.
After a second thought, I think it meancs |vy| is non empty string, yet when they are pumped down, they repeat 0 times which make them disappear, but v y themselves are not defined empty.
Sorry for the stupid question.


How to "absolute-ly" take from a number? (How to offset a number?)

Essentially what I need to do is a - b, but I don't know what either will be and if a is positive then how can I take b from a in a "absolute" way?
What I mean is for example A = 10 and B = 5. Answer is obviously 5. If A was now -10, the answer is now -5. The answer leans towards 0 no matter what the numbers are. I heavily want to avoid using an if statement if I can.
My original idea was a - (b * (b / abs(b))). But b can be 0, and then div by 0 error occurs.
EDIT: A better way of saying it is I want to offset the result by an amount instead of math.
So do I understand correctly that whatever the value of A, you want it to bias towards zero (based on the initial value of A) by the value of B?
So given:
A=10 and B=5, the result will be 5.
A=-10 and B=5, the result will be -5.
A=-5 and B=-10, the result will be 5 (because it is offset by 10, towards zero from a starting point of -5).
Effectively the sign of B is immaterial because it specifies an offset towards zero in all cases.
What of the case where A=0 and B is non-zero? Is the result supposed to be undefined (because the appropriate direction of offset cannot be inferred), or is it supposed to be zero?
The formula for the latter case would be (ABS(A) - ABS(B)) * SIGN(A)) (assuming that the sign function returns 0 when A is zero).

Is it possible to prove 'implies_to_or -> de_morgan_not_and_not' without resorting to other classical laws?

Theorem implies_to_or_to_de_morgan_not_and_not :
implies_to_or -> de_morgan_not_and_not.
unfold implies_to_or, de_morgan_not_and_not, not.
1 subgoal
H : forall P Q : Prop, (P -> Q) -> (P -> False) \/ Q
P, Q : Prop
H0 : (P -> False) /\ (Q -> False) -> False
P \/ Q
This is from the 5 star exercise near the end of SF Logic chapter.
I've bashed my head against this particular problem for too many hours now, so I really have to ask at this point. I've already proven excluded_middle <-> peirce, peirce <-> double_negation_elimination, double_negation_elimination <-> de_morgan_not_and_not, implies_to_or <-> excluded_middle, de_morgan_not_and_not -> implies_to_or so I already have more than all the paths covered. To me that only makes this problem that much more confusing and I do not understand why I can't even get this proof off the ground.
Somehow there just is not that much to work with here.
One option would be to do exfalso and try to do something from there, but that would throw away the P \/ Q goal and I suspect that would be too much of a loss of information even if I could make some kind of headway.
Another option would be to try and destruct H, but in that case there is a problem of trying to prove P -> Q without anything usable being in the premise.
I've had trouble with exercises in the past week and managed to surmount them with effort, but I am not experienced enough to just let this thing lie without asking for advice. What exactly am I not seeing here?
Obviously, I do not want to convert de_morgan_not_and_not to some other
easier to solve classical law (like the excluded middle) as that would be besides the point.
Since the Software Foundations book explicitly asks not to publish solutions, let me give a hint.
Notice that the hypothesis H is universally quantified wrt both propositions it talks about.
This means you can supply any propositions for P and Q, even same ones. Basically, this observation lets you reason classically, which is enough to solve this problem.
Is there a particular reason you don't want to use your other proofs to prove this? It's fairly artificial to avoid using a result that you know is unconditionally true.
You can avoid manipulating de_morgan_not_and_not by using implies_to_or to perform case analysis on P and Q (refer to your proof of implies_to_or -> excluded_middle). Then you have four cases to look at, and all four resulting goals are simple 1-3 line proofs.

Basic Pumping Lemma proof doesn't make sense

Proving that a^n b^n, n >= 0, is non-regular.
Using the string a^p b^p.
Every example I've seen claims that y can either contain a's, b's, or both. But I don't see how y can contain anything other than a's, because if y contains any b's, then the length of xy must be greater than p, which makes it invalid.
Conversely, for examples such as:
www, w is {a, b}*, the string used is a^p b a^p b a^p b. In the proofs I've seen, it claims that y cannot contain anything other than a's, for the reason I stated above. Why is this different?
Also throwing in another question:
Describe the error in the following "proof" that 0* 1* is not a regular language. (An
error must exist because 0* 1* is regular.) The proof is by contradiction. Assume
that 0* 1* is regular. Let p be the pumping length for 0* 1* given by the pumping
lemma. Choose s to be the string OP P. You know that s is a member of 0* 1*, but
a^p b^p cannot be pumped. Thus you have a contradiction. So 0* 1* is not regular.
I can't find any problem with this proof. I only know that 0*1* is a regular language because I can construct a DFA.
The pumping lemma states that for a regular language L:
for all strings s greater than p there exists a subdivision s=xyz such that:
For all i, xyiz is in L;
|y|>0; and
Now the claim that y can only contain a's or b's originates from the first item. Since if it contained both a's and b's, with i=2, this would result in a string of the form aa...abb...baa...b, etc. That's what the statement wants to say.
The third part indeed, makes it obvious that y can only contain a's. In other words, what the textbooks say is a conclusion derived from the first item.
Finally if you combine 1., 2. and 3., one reaches contradiction, because we know y must contain at least one character (2.), the string can only contain a's. Say y contains k a's. If we would "pump" this with i=2, the result is that we generate a string:
We know however that s' is not part of L, which it should be by 1., so we reach inconsistency.
You can thus only make the proof work by combining the three items. It's not enough to know that y consist only out of a's: that doesn't result in contradiction. It's because there is no subdivision available that satisfies all three constraints simultaneously.
About your second question. In that case, L looks different. You can't reuse the proof of a^nb^n because L is perfectly happy if the string contains more a's. In other words, you can't find a contradiction. In other words, the last item of the proof fails. As long as y contains only one type of characters - regardless of its length - it can satisfy all three constraints.

Can a SAT solver be used to find all solutions?

I wrote an answer to what I thought was a quite interesting question, but unfortunately the question was deleted by its author before I could post. I'm reposting a summary of the question and my answer here in case it might be of use to anyone else.
Suppose I have a SAT solver that, given a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form, returns either a solution (a variable assignment that satisfies the formula) or the information that the problem is unsatisfiable.
Can I use this solver to find all the solutions?
There is definitely a way to use the SAT solver you described to find all the solutions of a SAT problem, although it may not be the most efficient way.
Just use the solver to find a solution to your original problem, add a clause that does nothing except rule out the solution you just found, use the solver to find a solution to the new problem, and so forth. Keep going until you get a problem that's unsatisfiable.
For example, suppose you want to satisfy (X or Y) and (X or Z). There are five solutions:
Four with X true, Y and Z arbitrary.
One with X false, Y and Z true.
So you run your solver, and let's say it gives you the solution (X, Y, Z) = (T, F, F). You can rule out this solution---and only this solution---with the constraint
not (X and (not Y) and (not Z))
This constraint can be rewritten as the clause
(not X) or Y or Z
So now you can run your solver on the new problem
(X or Y) and (X or Z) and ((not X) or Y or Z)
and so forth.
Like I said, this is a way to do what you want, but it probably isn't the most efficient way. When your SAT solver is looking for a solution, it learns a lot about the problem, but it doesn't return all that information to you---it just gives you the solution it found. When you run the solver again, it has to re-learn all the information that was thrown away.
Sure it can. When MiniSat[1] finds a solution
v 1 2 -3 0
(solution 1=True, 2=True, 3=False) then you have to put into the original CNF[2] a clause that bans this solution:
-1 -2 3 0
(which means, either 1 or 2 must be False or 3 must be True). Then you solve again. You do this until the solver returns UNSAT i.e. that there are no more solutions to the problem. You will insert one clause for each iteration, and each clause will have the same format as the solution except that it's all inverted and has a 0 at the end
It's much faster to do this using the C++ interface of MiniSat, as it can then save intermediate data and the iterations will be faster.
[1] http://minisat.se/
[2] http://fairmut3x.wordpress.com/2011/07/29/cnf-conjunctive-normal-form-dimacs-format-explained/

Prove language irregular with pumping Lemma

I am trying to prove that the following language is not regular using the pumping lemma
L= { a^i b^j | i^2 > j}
Any tips on this? I am completely stuck.
The pumping lemma says:
If a language A is regular => there is a number p (pumping length) where, if s is any string in L such that |s| >= p, then s may be divided into three pieces s=xyz, satisfying the following condition:
xyiz is in L for each i>=0
The right way to show that a certain language L is not regular is to suppose L regular and try to reach a contradiction.
Lets try to demonstrate that L = {0n1n}|n>=0} is not regular.
We start assuming to the contrary that L is regular.
You can think about this kind of demonstration as a game:
Challenger: He choose the pumping length p. You cannot do any presumption on it.
You: Now it is your turn: choose the "kind" of string that represents the irregularity of the language.
Lets say that the string is in the form 0p1p.
A good tip in this step is to try to limit the adversary next move.
Challenger: He presents to you a string s in the form 0p1p.
You: It's time to pump! If you chose correctly the form of the string in your previous move, you can do some assumption. In our case, for example, we know that the substring y consists only of 0s (at least one 0 because |y|>0), because |xy|<=p and first p-elements are 0s.
Now we show that it exists i>=0 such that xyiz is not in L. For example, for i=2 the string xyyz has more 0s than 1s and so is not a member of L. This case is a contradiction. => L is not regular.
Never forget to demonstrate why the pumped string cannot be a member of L.
If you have any doubt, feel free to ask :)
To the above answer, "The pumping lemma says: If a language A is regular => there is a number p (pumping length) where, if s is any string in L such that |s| >= p, then s may be divided into three pieces s=xyz, satisfying the following condition:"
You mean "If a language L is regular"
Also, the three conditions
1. xy^iz is in L for each i>=0
2. |y|>=0
3. p>=|xy|
The second should be just |y| > 0 not >=
Say you choose the string:
aabbbbb. Which is in the language.
Now your opponent can choose XYZ.
Their options:
1.) X(empty)Y(some a's)
2.) X(some a's)Y(some a's and some b's)
3.) X(some a's)Y(some a's)
Based on their possible choices, you pump up Y using Y^i where i is an arbitrary number of your choice.
Say they choose 1.)
If you "pump" up Y^i choosing i = 0. The new string becomes abbbbb. Which is not in the language.
Repeat this for each possible choice of the opponent, if you can pump up Y in a way that produces a string that is not in the language L, then you've succeeded in proving that the language is not regular.