grouped scatterhist in subplot in matlab - matlab

I am trying to make subplots using the grouped scatterhist function in matlab.
This makes one normal sized plot of the second subplot. Any ideas?

scatterhist doesn't interact well with subplot, so you have to find ways around that.
Here is a way of doing it with uipanel.
% create two separate figures with the two scatterplots in
h1 = figure
h2 = figure
% create third figure split into two uipanels
h3 = figure
u1 = uipanel('position',[0,0,0.5,1]);
u2 = uipanel('position',[0.5,0,0.5,1);
% get all children from each figure and move to the uipanels
%close unneeded figures
If you wanted to do a lot of these, you might want to create a function that works out the right position values depending on how many subplots you want in the figure.


Combine figures with subplots into one figure

Having done several simulations on a cluster, where each simulation saves a figure, I want to combine these figures into a single figure.
For ease, assume we have the two figures:
x = 0:0.01:.2;
x = 0:0.01:.2;
saved as figure1.fig and figure2.fig. I would now like to combine these two plots into a single figure with 3 subplots, the same colouring and legends. Is there an easy way to do this?
Open both the figures and copy the objects of one figure to the other.
hf1 = openfig('figure1.fig');
hf2 = openfig('figure2.fig'); set(hf2, 'Visible', 'off');
for k=1:numel(hf1.Children)
copyobj(hf2.Children(k).Children, hf1.Children(k)); %Copying objects to figure1
Result for the provided sample data is:
The plots may be too similar to be noticed which is due to the provided sample data itself.
From the figure menu File -> Generate Code ..., you can generate code to create the figure. Then you can modify it (subplot index and location) according to your need to combine with another figure.
I did not a find a command to generate code through.

Multiple Subplots with (Sub-)Subplots (MATLAB)

I aim to create 14 subplots with four figures in each subplot. Unfortunately, I do not have any example code to show, as I have not a clue how to go about this. A couple ideas that have popped into my head about how I can go about accomplishing this. One is to create multiple figures separately, then merge them into a single figure. Another is to create subplots with multiple subplots nested inside of them; however, again, I have not a clue how I could go about accomplishing this.
You'll probably find that you are trying to fit too much data onto one figure, and the plots will be too small to see anything of interest. However, a techniques that works, and will give you the option of having individual figures, and combining them into one figure if you wish, is to use individual figures each with a panel on it, then use copyobj to copy to your main figure.
For example,
% Create first figure
hf_sub(1) = figure(1);
hp(1) = uipanel('Parent',hf_sub(1),'Position',[0 0 1 1]);
% Create second figure
hf_sub(2) = figure(2);
hp(2) = uipanel('Parent',hf_sub(2),'Position',[0 0 1 1]);
% Create combined figure
hf_main = figure(3);
npanels = numel(hp);
hp_sub = nan(1,npanels);
% Copy over the panels
for idx = 1:npanels
hp_sub(idx) = copyobj(hp(idx),hf_main);
You may need to be more careful with positioning of the panels, and may want to create the individual figure with their visibility set to off, but the above gives the main idea.

Plot within a plot in MATLAB

I am trying to create a smaller plot within a plot in MATLAB, for example like the image of this MATLAB File Exchange Upload.
There, two figures are created and then both of them are plotted in one figure.
My problem however is that I already have two MATLAB figures from earlier simulations and I need to embed one figure into the other one, i.e., one would be small and the other plot would be big but in the same graph. Could someone suggest an easy way to do this?
This can be done using the copyobj function. You'll need to copy the Axes object from one figure to the other:
f(1) = openfig('fig1.fig');
f(2) = openfig('fig2.fig');
ax(1) = get(f(1),'CurrentAxes'); % Save first axes handle
ax(2) = copyobj(get(f(2),'CurrentAxes'),f(1)); % Copy axes and save handle
Then you can move and resize both axes as you like, e.g.
set(ax(2),'Position', [0.6, 0.6, 0.2, 0.2]);

How to specify the axis size when plotting figures in Matlab?

Suppose that I have 2 figures in MATLAB both of which plot data of size (512x512), however one figure is being plotted by an external program which is sets the axis parameters. The other is being plotted by me (using imagesc). Currently the figures, or rather, the axes are different sizes and my question is, how do I make them equal?.
The reason for my question, is that I would like to export them to pdf format for inclusion in a latex document, and I would like to have them be the same size without further processing.
Thanks in Advance, N
Edit: link to figures
figure 1: (big)
link to smaller figure (i.e. the one whose properties I would like to copy and apply to figure 1)
For this purpose use linkaxes():
% Load some data included with MATLAB
load clown
% Plot a histogram in the first subplot
ax(1) = subplot(211);
% Create second subplot
ax(2) = subplot(212);
Now link the axes of the two subplots:
By plotting on the second subplot, the first one will adapt
First, you have the following:
Extending the example to images only:
load clown
h(1) = gca;
I = imread('eight.tif');
h(2) = gca;
Note that the configurations of the the first handle prevail:
1.Get the handle of your figure and the axes, like this:
%perhaps the easiest way, if you have just this one figure:
%if not possible, you have to search for the handles:
%you have to know some property to identify it of course...
%same for the axes!
2.Set the properties, like this:
%set units to pixels (or whatever you prefer to make it easier to compare to the other plot)
set(myFigHandle, 'Units','pixels')
set(myAxHandle, 'Units','pixels')
%set the size:
set(myFigHandle,'Position',[x_0 y_0 width height]) %coordinates on screen!
%set the size of the axes:
set(myAxHandle,'Position',[x_0 y_0 width height]) %coordinates within the figure!
Ok, based on the answer of #Lucius Domitius Ahenoba here is what I came up with:
hgload('fig1.fig'); % figure whose axis properties I would like to copy
figHandles = get(0,'Children');
figHandles = sort(figHandles,1);
ax(1) = findobj(figHandles(1),'type','axes','-not','Tag','legend','-not','Tag','Colorbar');
ax(2) = findobj(figHandles(2),'type','axes','-not','Tag','legend','-not','Tag','Colorbar');
screen_pos1 = get(figHandles(1),'Position');
axis_pos1 = get(ax(1),'Position');
This is the 'before' result:
and this is the 'after' result:
Almost correct, except that the aspect ratios are still off. Does anybody know how to equalize everything related to the axes? (I realize that I'm not supposed to ask questions when posting answers, however adding the above as a comment was proving a little unwieldy!)

Draw line between two subplots

I have two two-by-n arrays, representing 2d-points. These two arrays are plotted in the same figure, but in two different subplots. For every point in one of the arrays, there is a corresponding point i the other array. I want to show this correspondance by drawing a line from one of the subplots to the other subplot.
The solutions i have found are something like:
ah=axes('position',[.2,.2,.6,.6],'visible','off'); % <- select your pos...
This plots a line in the coordinate system given by the axes call. In order for this to work for me i need a way to change coordinate system between the subplots system and the new system. Anybody know how this can be done?
Maybe there is different way of doing this. If so i would love to know.
First you have to convert axes coordinates to figure coordinates. Then you can use ANNOTATION function to draw lines in the figure.
You can use Data space to figure units conversion (ds2nfu) submission on FileExchange.
Here is a code example:
% two 2x5 arrays with random data
a1 = rand(2,5);
a2 = rand(2,5);
% two subplots
% Convert axes coordinates to figure coordinates for 1st axes
[xa1 ya1] = ds2nfu(a1(1,:),a1(2,:));
% Convert axes coordinates to figure coordinates for 2nd axes
[xa2 ya2] = ds2nfu(a2(1,:),a2(2,:));
% draw the lines
for k=1:numel(xa1)
annotation('line',[xa1(k) xa2(k)],[ya1(k) ya2(k)],'color','r');
Make sure your data arrays are equal in size.
Edit: The code above will do data conversion for a current axes. You can also do it for particular axes:
hAx1 = subplot(211);
% ...
[xa1 ya1] = ds2nfu(hAx1, a1(1,:),a1(2,:));
A simple solution is to use the toolbar in the figure window. Just click "insert" and then "Line".