Print pipe per character instead of newline - perl

In Perl I do like this now:
while (<$pipe>)
print $_;
But this just gives me the output linewise. How can I make this print lets say, each character, or split by \r instead of \n. The pipe only feeds me data on newline.
(I want to print the output from another process, and that process is using \r to print its process progress, this just ends up as a simple line with 100% for me..)

Perl has a concept of an “input record separator” $/ which is usually set to separate lines. You can read the full documentation here. Whenever you read a line/record from a filehandle, data is read until the end of file, or until the current string inside the $/ variable has been read.
For example: Given the input bytes aabaa, and $/ = "b", then my #records = <$fh> would produce ('aab', 'aa'). Note that the separator is always included, but can be removed with chomp (regardless of what the separator has been set to).
When reading from a file, the $/ has to be set before the lines are read, like so:
local $/ = "\r"; # "local" avoids overriding this value everywhere
while(my $line = <$pipe>) {
chomp $line;
There are a few special values for $/:
The empty string $/ = '' treats a sequence of two or more consecutive \ns as the separator (“paragraph mode”).
If set to a numeric reference, then that number of characters is read: $/ = \42 (read in 42-character chunks). In this case, one would rather use the read function.


Perl with FASTA sequence extraction has problems (only) with first sequence

I am using a function/subroutine extract_seq available on internet to extract sequences in FASTA files. Briefly:
A sequence begins with first line identified by '>', followed by ID and other information separated by spaces
Subsequent lines (not beginning with '>' have multiple strings
A FASTA file can have 1 or more sequences
Bug is that the output has additional '>' character for first sequence (only) causing consistency problems.
Program works fine in extracting sequences based on ID except for additional '>' in case of first sequence. Could you please suggest a solution as well as reason for the bug? A simple regex would fix the problem but I do not feel good about fixing bugs that I cannot understand.
The Perl script is:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $seq_all = "seq_all.fa"; # all proteins in fasta format
foreach my $q_seq ("A0A1D8PC43","A0A1D8PC38") {
print "Querying $q_seq\n";
&extract_seq($seq_all, $q_seq);
exit 0;
sub extract_seq
open(my $fh, ">query.seq");
my $seq_all = $_[0];
my $lookup = $_[1];
local $/ = "\n>";
#ARGV = ($seq_all);
while (my $seq = <>) {
chomp $seq;
my ($id) = $seq =~ /^>*(\S+)/;
if ($id eq $lookup) {
print "$seq\n";
The FASTA file is:
>A0A1D8PC43 A0A1D8PC43_CANAL Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase
>A0A1D8PC56 A0A1D8PC56_CANAL Uncharacterized protein OS=Candida
>A0A1D8PC67 A0A1D8PC67_CANAL Bfa1p OS=Candida albicans (strain
>A0A1D8PC38 A0A1D8PC38_CANAL Cta2p OS=Candida albicans (strain
The problem, as explained above, I face is that the output has additional '>' character for first sequence (only). I do not see the reason for the same and this is causing a lot of trouble. Output is:
Querying A0A1D8PC43
>A0A1D8PC43 A0A1D8PC43_CANAL Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase
Querying A0A1D8PC38
A0A1D8PC38 A0A1D8PC38_CANAL Cta2p OS=Candida albicans (strain
$/ is the input record separator, setting local $/="\n>"; effect is that input is split into record ending with \n>, after chomp, the ending is removed however />*(\S+)/ may not match because > is consumed from previous record.
from FASTA wikipedia a line beginning by > is a comment and may not always be an id. However in case it is always the case, following may fix.
my ($id,$seq) = $seq =~ /^>*(.*)\n(\S+)/;
You set the record separator to \n>. This does not apply to the first sequence.
Fixed code sequence:
chomp $seq;
# for first sequence
$seq =~ s/^>//;
my ($id) = $seq =~ /^(\S+)/;
if ($id eq $lookup) {
Please note that your implementation is extremely inefficient, because it reads & parses the file contents for each query. How about splitting loading/parsing and querying into separate functions?
Alternative solution: give the full list of lookup values to the loader. It would then fill an answer array as it encounters the matches during reading the file.

print lines after finding a key word in perl

I have a variable $string and i want to print all the lines after I find a keyword in the line (including the line with keyword)
$string=~ /apple /;
I'm using this regexp to find the key word but I do not how to print lines after this keyword.
It's not really clear where your data is coming from. Let's assume it's a string containing newlines. Let's start by splitting it into an array.
my #string = split /\n/, $string;
We can then use the flip-flop operator to decide which lines to print. I'm using \0 as a regex that is very unlikely to match any string (so, effectively, it's always false).
for (#string) {
say if /apple / .. /\0/;
Just keep a flag variable, set it to true when you see the string, print if the flag is true.
perl -ne 'print if $seen ||= /apple/'
If your data in scalar variable we can use several methods
Recommended method
($matching) = $string=~ /([^\n]*apple.+)/s;
print "$matching\n";
And there is another way to do it
$string=~ /[^\n]*apple.+/s;
print $&; #it will print the data which is match.
If you reading the data from file, try the following
while (<$fh>)
print <$fh>;
Or else try the following one liner
perl -ne 'print <> and exit if(/apple/);' file.txt

Replace comma with space in just one field - from a .CSV file

I have happened upon a problem with a program that parses through a CSV file with a few million records: two fields in each line has comments that users have put in, and sometimes they use commas within their comments. If there are commas input, that field will be contained in double quotes. I need to replace any commas found in those fields with a space. Here is one such line from the file to give you an idea -
1925,47365,2,650187016,1,1,"MADE FOR DRAWDOWNS, NEVER P/U",16,IFC 8112NP,Standalone-6,,,44,10/22/2015,91607,,B24W02651,,"PA-3, PURE",4/28/2015,1,0,,1,MAN,,CUST,,CUSTOM MATCH,0,TRUE,TRUE,O,C48A0D001EF449E3AB97F0B98C811B1B,POS.MISTINT.V0000.UP.Q,PROD_SMISA_BK,414D512050524F445F504F5331393235906F28561D2F0020,10/22/2015 9:29,10/22/2015 9:30
NOTE - I do not have the Text::CSV module available to me, nor will it be made available in the server I am using.
Here is part of my code in parsing this file. The first thing I do is concatenate the very first three fields and prepend that concatenated field to each line. Then I want to clear out the commas in #fields[7,19], then format the DATE in three fields and the DATETIME in two fields. The only line I can't figure out is clearing out those commas -
my #data;
# Read the lines one by one.
while ( $line = <$FH> ) {
# split the fields, concatenate the first three fields,
# and add it to the beginning of each line in the file
my #fields = split(/,/, $line);
unshift #fields, join '_', #fields[0..2];
# remove user input commas in fields[7,19]
$_ = for fields[7,19];
# format DATE and DATETIME fields for MySQL/sqlbatch60
$_ = join '-', (split /\//)[2,0,1] for #fields[14,20,23];
$_ = Time::Piece->strptime($_,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') for #fields[38,39];
# write the parsed record back to the file
push #data, \#fields;
If it is ONLY the eighth field that is troubling AND you know exactly how many fields there should be, you can do it this way
Suppose the total number of fields is always N
Split the line on commas ,
Separate and store the first six fields
Separate and store the last n fields, where n is N-8
Rejoin what remains with commas ,. This now forms field 8
and then do what ever you like to do with it. For example, write it to a proper CSV file
Text::CSV_XS handles quoted commas just fine:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::CSV_XS qw{ csv };
my $aoa = csv(in => 'file.csv'); # The file contains the sample line.
print $aoa->[0][6];
Note The two main versions below clean up one field. The most recent change in the question states that there are, in fact, two such fields. The third version, at the end, works with any number of bad fields.
All code has been tested with the supplied example and its variations.
Following clarifications, this deals with the case when the file need be processed by hand. A module is easily recommended for parsing .csv, but there is a problem here: reliance on the user to enter double quotes. If they end up not being there we have a malformed file.
I take it that the number of fields in the file is known with certainty and ahead of time.
The two independent solutions below use either array or string processing.
(1) The file is being processed line by line anyway, the line being split already. If there are more fields than expected, join the extra array elements by space and then overwrite the array with correct fields. This is similar to what is outlined in the answer by vanHoesel.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $num_fields = 39; # what should be, using the example
my $ibad = 6; # index of the malformed field-to-be
my #last = (-($num_fields-$ibad-1)..-1); # index-range, rest of fields
my $file = "file.csv";
open my $fh, '<', $file;
while (my $line = <$fh>) { # chomp it if needed
my #fields = split ',', $line;
if (#fields != $num_fields) {
# join extra elements by space
my $fixed = join ' ', #fields[$ibad..$ibad+#fields-$num_fields];
# overwrite array by good fields
#fields = (#fields[0..$ibad-1], $fixed, #fields[#last]);
# Process #fields normally
print "#fields";
close $fh;
(2) Preprocess the file, only checking for malformed lines and fixing them as needed. Uses string manipulations. (Or, the method above can be used.) The $num_fields and $ibad are the same.
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
# Number of fields: commas + 1 (tr|,|| counts number of ",")
my $have_fields = $line =~ tr|,|| + 1;
if ($have_fields != $num_fields) {
# Get indices of commas delimiting the bad field
my ($beg, $end) = map {
my $p = '[^,]*,' x $_;
$line =~ /^$p/ and $+[0]-1;
} ($ibad, $ibad+$have_fields-$num_fields);
# Replace extra commas and overwrite that part of the string
my $bad_field = substr($line, $beg+1, $end-$beg-1);
(my $fixed = $bad_field) =~ tr/,/ /;
substr($line, $beg+1, $end-$beg-1) = $fixed;
# Perhaps write the line out, for a corrected .csv file
print $line;
In the last line the bad part of $line is overwritten by assigning to substr, what this function allows. The new substring $fixed is constructed with commas changed (or removed, if desired), and used to overwrite the bad part of the $line. See docs.
If quotes are known to be there a regex can be used. This works with any number of bad fields.
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
$line =~ s/."([^"]+)"/join ' ', split(',', $1)/eg; # "
# process the line. note that double quotes are removed
If the quotes are to be kept move them inside parenthesis, to be captured as well.
This one line is all that need be done after while (...) { to clean up data.
The /e modifier makes the replacement side be evaluated as code, instead of being used as a double-quoted string. There the matched part of the line (between ") is split by comma and then joined by space, thus fixing the field. See the last item under "Search and replace" in perlretut.
All code has been tested with multiple lines and multiple commas in the bad field.

How to read large files with different line delimiters?

I have two very large XML files that have different kinds of line endings.
File A has CR LF at the end of each XML record. File B has only CR at the end of each XML record.
In order to read File B properly, I need to set the built-in Perl variable $/ to "\r".
But if I'm using the same script with File A, the script does not read each line in the file and instead reads it as a single line.
How can I make the script compatible with text files that have various line ending delimiters? In the code below, the script is reading XML data and then using regex to split records based on a specific XML tag record ending tag like <\record>. Finally it writes the requested records to a file.
open my $file_handle, '+<', $inputFile or die $!;
local $/ = "\r";
while(my $line = <$file_handle>) { #read file line-by-line. Does not load whole file into memory.
$current_line = $line;
if ($spliceAmount > $recordCounter) { #if the splice amount hasn't been reached yet
push (#setofRecords,$current_line); #start adding each line to the set of records array
if ($current_line =~ m|$recordSeparator|) { #check for the node to splice on
$recordCounter ++; #if the record separator was found (end of that record) then increment the record counter
#don't close the file because we need to read the last line
$current_line =~/(\<\/\w+\>$)/;
$endTag = $1;
print "\n\n";
print "End Tag: $endTag \n\n";
close $file_handle;
While you may not need it for this, in theory, to parse .xml, you should use an xml parser. I'd recommend XML::LibXM or perhaps to start off with XML::Simple.
If the file isn't too big to hold in memory, you can slurp the whole thing into a scalar and split it into the correct lines yourself with a suitably flexible regular expression. For example,
local $/ = undef;
my $data = <$file_handle>;
my #lines = split /(?>\r\n)|(?>\r)|(?>\n)/, $data;
foreach my $line (#lines) {
Using a look-ahead assertion (?>...) preserves the end-of-line characters like the regular <> operator does. If you were just going to chomp them anyway, you can save yourself a step by passing /\r\n|\r|\n/ to split instead.

How do I read paragraphs at a time with Perl?

When I write
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
while( <DATA> ) {
print "\n-------------------------\n\n";
after each "return" I get one line.
Why don't I get with the next script after each "return" one paragraph?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
local $/ = "";
while( <DATA> ) {
print "\n-------------------------\n\n";
line one
line two
line three
line four
line five
line six
line seven
line eigth
line nine
line ten
line eleven
line twelve
In your first script, with the $/ variable set to default "\n", the <DATA> will only return one line at a time.
I believe the second script does what you want, it's just that <> won't terminate the read on a 'return' but rather on a <ctrl-d> due to your $/ setting (as someone else pointed out <> reads from STDIN but I think you already know that and are using it to regulate the output).
If you really want to regulate the output with 'return' then you need to do more with $/ in the loop.
while( <DATA> ) {
print "\n-------------------------\n\n";
$/ = "\n"; # default so that the following terminates the read on 'return'
$/ = "";
I guess you're expecting this line
local $/ = "";
to change the behaviour of
to keep reading until the end of the data.
But in fact it takes something like this
local $/; # $/ becomes undef in this block
to enable slurp mode (and to contain that mode to the scope inside the {curlys}).
In effect it's saying "forget about thinking of newlines as the end-of-record marker",
Besides that... there's a tie fighter in your code!
while( <DATA> ) {
print "\n-------------------------\n\n";
<>; # <-- Feel the power of the DARK SIDE!!!
This little guy will read from STDIN, not from DATA - is that really what you want?
Using <> that way (interactively) in paragraph mode is going to be confusing. It won't return when you hit "return"; instead, it will read until it gets a non empty line (the start of a paragraph), then read until it gets an empty line (the end of that paragraph), then continue reading until it gets a non-empty line (the start of the following paragraph - which will be buffered, not returned) so it knows that it's discarded any extra empty lines.
Perhaps you should be using:
local $/ = "\n"; <>
at the end of your loop instead. Or maybe POSIX::getchar().