Possible to set a maximum of memory consumption on a powershell script in % or megabyte? - powershell

I sometimes have scripts which are eating up all the memory. Since I don't want to monitor them all the time or set cpu priority to low manually I am wondering if there is an option to give that specific script a value (maybe in mb) of memory.
Does this option exist?

PowerShell doesn't provide any built-in way to control system resources like the memory used by a script.
Windows does provide a way to limit system resources to groups of processes, you can learn more about that here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684161(v=vs.85).aspx
If your scripts are consuming too much memory, I'd suggest investigating the memory leak. There are many tools that help track memory leaks. Some are low level (e.g. using !dumpheap from SOS in windbg - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb190764(v=vs.110).aspx). Others are pretty smart, letting you take multiple snapshots and show you just the newly allocated objects between the snapshots. You can search for ".Net memory profiler" to get an idea of what's available.


Specman: debugging un-accessible memory

We have a huge environment, built from sub environments which are maintained by many users.
When we run a test, we see that we have a GC every 10us, when we use "show mem" we see that we have about 3GB as un-accessible memory, after the GC it's removed.
How can we determine what causes this huge consumption in our memory?
Using iprof mem, didn't give any "big" memory consumer.
Are you using Specman auto GC? you can check that by doing "config mem" at specman prompt and check that the -automatic_gc_settings=STANDARD. if not, try using the auto gc and see if it makes any change. if yes, you may need to increase the process size. are you running in 32 or 64bit mode?
to better understand the problem and assist you, it will be best if you run with SPECMAN_MEMORY_FULL_DEBUG env variable and send Cadence support the resulting log.
If you open a case for cadence support and send me the number, I can assist you further.
Customer Support Manager #Cadence

Everyday GC is running on same time

In my server everyday 3:00AM GC is running and Heapspace is filling in a flash.
This causing site outage. ANY inputs?
following are my JVM settings.I am using JBOSS server.
-Dprogram.name=run.sh -server -Xms1524m -Xmx1524m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -XX:NewSize=512m -XX:MaxNewSize=512m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8888 -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
Any suggestions really helpful..
(This turned out somewhat long; there is an actual suggestion for a fix at the end.)
Very very briefly, garbage collection when you use -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC works like this:
All objects are allocated in the so-called young generation. This is typically a couple of hundred megs up to a gig in size, depending om VM settings, number of CPU:s and total heap size. The young generation is collected in a stop-the-world pause, followed by a parallel (multiple CPU) compacting (moving objects) collection. The young generation is sized so as to make this pause reasonably large.
When objects have survived (are still reachable) young gen they get promoted to "old-gen" (old generation).
The old generation is where -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC kicks in. In the default mode (without -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC) when the old generation becomes full the entire heap is collected and compacted (moving around, eliminating fragmentation) at once in a stop-the-world copy. That pause will typically be longer than young-gen pauses because the entire heap is involved, which is bigger.
With CMS (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC) the work to compact the old generation is mostly concurrent (meaning, running in the background with the application not paused). This work is also not compacting; it works more like malloc()/free() and you are subject to fragmentation.
The main upside of CMS is that when things work well, you avoid long pause times that are linear in the size of the heap, because the main work is cone concurrently (there are some stop-the-world steps involved but they are supposed to usually be short).
The two primary downsides are that:
You are subject to fragmentation because old-gen is not compacted.
If you don't finish a concurrent collection cycle before old-gen fills up, or if fragmentation prevents allocation, the resulting full collection of the entire heap is not parallel as it is with the default collector. I..e, only one CPU is used. That means that when/if you do hit a full garbage collection, the pause will be longer than it would have been with the default collector.
Now... your logs. "Concurrent mode failure" is intended to convey that the concurrent mark/sweep work did not complete in time for another young-gen GC that needs to promote surviving objects into the old generation. The "promotion failed" is rather that during promotion from young-gen to old-gen, an object was unable to be allocated in old-gen due to fragmentation.
Unless you are hitting a true bug in the JVM, the sudden increase in heap usage is almost certainly from your application, JBoss, or some external entity acting on your application. So I can't really help with that. However, what is likely happening is a combination of two things:
The spike in activity is causing an increase in heap usage too quick for the concurrent collection to complete in time.
Old-gen is too fragmented, causing problems especially when the old-gen is almost full.
I should also point out now that the default behavior of CMS is to try to postpone concurrent collections as long as possible (yet not too long) for performance reasons. The later it happens, the more efficient (in terms of CPU usage) the collection is. However, a trade-off is that you're increasing the risk of not finishing in time (which again, will trigger a full GC and a long pause). It should also (I have not made empirical tests here, but it stands to reason) result in fragmentation being a greater concern; basically the more full old-gen is when an object is promoted, the greater is the likelyhood that the object's promotion will worsen fragmentation concerns (too long to go into details here).
In your case, I would do two things:
Keep figuring out what is causing the activity. I would say it's fairly unlikely that it is a GC/JVM bug.
Re-configure the JVM to trigger concurrent collection cycles earlier in order to avoid the heap every becoming so full that fragmentation becomes a particularly huge concern, and giving it more time to complete in time even during your sudden spikes of activity.
You can accomplish (2) most easily be using the JVM options
in order to explicitly force the JVM to kick start a CMS cycle at a certain level of heap usage (in this example 75% - you may need to change that; the lower the percentage, the earlier it will kick in).
Note that depending on what your live size is (the number of bytes that are in fact live and reachable) in your application, forcing an earlier CMS cycle may also require that you increase your heap size to avoid CMS running constantly (not a good use of CPU).

Does it make sense to cache data obtained from a memory mapped file?

Or it would be faster to re-read that data from mapped memory once again, since the OS might implement its own cache?
The nature of data is not known in advance, it is assumed that file reads are random.
i wanted to mention a few things i've read on the subject. The answer is no, you don't want to second guess the operating system's memory manager.
The first comes from the idea that you want your program (e.g. MongoDB, SQL Server) to try to limit your memory based on a percentage of free RAM:
Don't try to allocate memory until there is only x% free
Occasionally, a customer will ask for a way to design their program so it continues consuming RAM until there is only x% free. The idea is that their program should use RAM aggressively, while still leaving enough RAM available (x%) for other use. Unless you are designing a system where you are the only program running on the computer, this is a bad idea.
(read the article for the explanation of why it's bad, including pictures)
Next comes from some notes from the author of Varnish, and reverse proxy:
Varnish Cache - Notes from the architect
So what happens with squids elaborate memory management is that it gets into fights with the kernels elaborate memory management, and like any civil war, that never gets anything done.
What happens is this: Squid creates a HTTP object in "RAM" and it gets used some times rapidly after creation. Then after some time it get no more hits and the kernel notices this. Then somebody tries to get memory from the kernel for something and the kernel decides to push those unused pages of memory out to swap space and use the (cache-RAM) more sensibly for some data which is actually used by a program. This however, is done without squid knowing about it. Squid still thinks that these http objects are in RAM, and they will be, the very second it tries to access them, but until then, the RAM is used for something productive.
Imagine you do cache something from a memory-mapped file. At some point in the future that memory holding that "cache" will be swapped out to disk.
the OS has written to the hard-drive something which already exists on the hard drive
Next comes a time when you want to perform a lookup from your "cache" memory, rather than the "real" memory. You attempt to access the "cache", and since it has been swapped out of RAM the hardware raises a PAGE FAULT, and cache is swapped back into RAM.
your cache memory is just as slow as the "real" memory, since both are no longer in RAM
Finally, you want to free your cache (perhaps your program is shutting down). If the "cache" has been swapped out, the OS must first swap it back in so that it can be freed. If instead you just unmapped your memory-mapped file, everything is gone (nothing needs to be swapped in).
in this case your cache makes things slower
Again from Raymon Chen: If your application is closing - close already:
When DLL_PROCESS_DETACH tells you that the process is exiting, your best bet is just to return without doing anything
I regularly use a program that doesn't follow this rule. The program
allocates a lot of memory during the course of its life, and when I
exit the program, it just sits there for several minutes, sometimes
spinning at 100% CPU, sometimes churning the hard drive (sometimes
both). When I break in with the debugger to see what's going on, I
discover that the program isn't doing anything productive. It's just
methodically freeing every last byte of memory it had allocated during
its lifetime.
If my computer wasn't under a lot of memory pressure, then most of the
memory the program had allocated during its lifetime hasn't yet been
paged out, so freeing every last drop of memory is a CPU-bound
operation. On the other hand, if I had kicked off a build or done
something else memory-intensive, then most of the memory the program
had allocated during its lifetime has been paged out, which means that
the program pages all that memory back in from the hard drive, just so
it could call free on it. Sounds kind of spiteful, actually. "Come
here so I can tell you to go away."
All this anal-rententive memory management is pointless. The process
is exiting. All that memory will be freed when the address space is
destroyed. Stop wasting time and just exit already.
The reality is that programs no longer run in "RAM", they run in memory - virtual memory.
You can make use of a cache, but you have to work with the operating system's virtual memory manager:
you want to keep your cache within as few pages as possible
you want to ensure they stay in RAM, by the virtue of them being accessed a lot (i.e. actually being a useful cache)
a thousand 1-byte locations around a 400GB file
is much more expensive than accessing
a single 1000-byte location in a 400GB file
In other words: you don't really need to cache data, you need a more localized data structure.
If you keep your important data confined to a single 4k page, you will play much nicer with the VMM; Windows is your cache.
When you add 64-byte quad-word aligned cache-lines, there's even more incentive to adjust your data structure layout. But then you don't want it too compact, or you'll start suffering performance penalties of cache flushes from False Sharing.
The answer is highly OS-specific. Generally speaking, there will be no sense in caching this data. Both the "cached" data as well as the memory-mapped can be paged away at any time.
If there will be any difference it will be specific to an OS - unless you need that granularity, there is no sense in caching the data.

What is the fastest way to read 10 GB file from the disk?

We need to read and count different types of messages/run
some statistics on a 10 GB text file, e.g a FIX engine
log. We use Linux, 32-bit, 4 CPUs, Intel, coding in Perl but
the language doesn't really matter.
I have found some interesting tips in Tim Bray's
WideFinder project. However, we've found that using memory mapping
is inherently limited by the 32 bit architecture.
We tried using multiple processes, which seems to work
faster if we process the file in parallel using 4 processes
on 4 CPUs. Adding multi-threading slows it down, maybe
because of the cost of context switching. We tried changing
the size of thread pool, but that is still slower than
simple multi-process version.
The memory mapping part is not very stable, sometimes it
takes 80 sec and sometimes 7 sec on a 2 GB file, maybe from
page faults or something related to virtual memory usage.
Anyway, Mmap cannot scale beyond 4 GB on a 32 bit
We tried Perl's IPC::Mmap and Sys::Mmap. Looked
into Map-Reduce as well, but the problem is really I/O
bound, the processing itself is sufficiently fast.
So we decided to try optimize the basic I/O by tuning
buffering size, type, etc.
Can anyone who is aware of an existing project where this
problem was efficiently solved in any language/platform
point to a useful link or suggest a direction?
Most of the time you will be I/O bound not CPU bound, thus just read this file through normal Perl I/O and process it in single thread. Unless you prove that you can do more I/O than your single CPU work, don't waste your time with anything more. Anyway, you should ask: Why on Earth is this in one huge file? Why on Earth don't they split it in a reasonable way when they generate it? It would be magnitude more worth work. Then you can put it in separate I/O channels and use more CPU's (if you don't use some sort of RAID 0 or NAS or ...).
Measure, don't assume. Don't forget to flush caches before each test. Remember that serialized I/O is a magnitude faster than random.
This all depends on what kind of preprocessing you can do and and when.
On some of systems we have, we gzip such large text files, reducing them to 1/5 to 1/7 of their original size. Part of what makes this possible is we don't need to process these files
until hours after they're created, and at creation time we don't really have any other load on the machines.
Processing them is done more or less in the fashion of zcat thosefiles | ourprocessing.(well it's done over unix sockets though with a custom made zcat). It trades cpu time for disk i/o time, and for our system that has been well worth it. There's ofcourse a lot of variables that can make this a very poor design for a particular system.
Perhaps you've already read this forum thread, but if not:
It describes using Perl to do it line-by-line, and the users seem to think Perl is quite capable of it.
Oh, is it possible to process the file from a RAID array? If you have several mirrored disks, then the read speed can be improved. Competition for disk resources may be what makes your multiple-threads attempt not work.
Best of luck.
I wish I knew more about the content of your file, but not knowing other than that it is text, this sounds like an excellent MapReduce kind of problem.
PS, the fastest read of any file is a linear read. cat file > /dev/null should be the speed that the file can be read.
Have you thought of streaming the file and filtering out to a secondary file any interesting results? (Repeat until you have a manageble size file).
Basically need to "Divide and conquer", if you have a network of computers, then copy the 10G file to as many client PCs as possible, get each client PC to read an offset of the file. For added bonus, get EACH pc to implement multi threading in addition to distributed reading.
Parse the file once, reading line by line. Put the results in a table in a decent database. Run as many queries as you wish. Feed the beast regularly with new incoming data.
Realize that manipulating a 10 Gb file, transferring it across the (even if local) network, exploring complicated solutions etc all take time.
I have a co-worker who sped up his FIX reading by going to 64-bit Linux. If it's something worthwhile, drop a little cash to get some fancier hardware.
hmmm, but what's wrong with the read() command in C? Usually has a 2GB limit,
so just call it 5 times in sequence. That should be fairly fast.
If you are I/O bound and your file is on a single disk, then there isn't much to do. A straightforward single-threaded linear scan across the whole file is the fastest way to get the data off of the disk. Using large buffer sizes might help a bit.
If you can convince the writer of the file to stripe it across multiple disks / machines, then you could think about multithreading the reader (one thread per read head, each thread reading the data from a single stripe).
Since you said platform and language doesn't matter...
If you want a stable performance that is as fast as the source medium allows for, the only way I am aware that this can be done on Windows is by overlapped non-OS-buffered aligned sequential reads. You can probably get to some GB/s with two or three buffers, beyond that, at some point you need a ring buffer (one writer, 1+ readers) to avoid any copying. The exact implementation depends on the driver/APIs. If there's any memory copying going on the thread (both in kernel and usermode) dealing with the IO, obviously the larger buffer is to copy, the more time is wasted on that rather than doing the IO. So the optimal buffer size depends on the firmware and driver. On windows good values to try are multiples of 32 KB for disk IO. Windows file buffering, memory mapping and all that stuff adds overhead. Only good if doing either (or both) multiple reads of same data in random access manner. So for reading a large file sequentially a single time, you don't want the OS to buffer anything or do any memcpy's. If using C# there's also penalties for calling into the OS due to marshaling, so the interop code may need bit of optimization unless you use C++/CLI.
Some people prefer throwing hardware at problems but if you have more time than money, in some scenarios it's possible to optimize things to perform 100-1000x better on a single consumer level computer than a 1000 enterprise priced computers. The reason is that if the processing is also latency sensitive, going beyond using two cores is probably adding latency. This is why drivers can push gigabytes/s while enterprise software is ends stuck at megabytes/s by the time it's all done. Whatever reporting, business logic and such the enterprise software do can probably also be done at gigabytes/s on two core consumer CPU, if written like you were back in the 80's writing a game. The most famous example I've heard of approaching their entire business logic in this manner is the LMAX forex exchange, which published some of their ring buffer based code, which was said to be inspired by network card drivers.
Forgetting all the theory, if you are happy with < 1 GB/s, one possible starting point on Windows I've found is looking at readfile source from winimage, unless you want to dig into sdk/driver samples. It may need some source code fixes to calculate perf correctly at SSD speeds. Experiment with buffer sizes also.
The switches /h multi-threaded and /o overlapped (completion port) IO with optimal buffer size (try 32,64,128 KB etc) using no windows file buffering in my experience give best perf when reading from SSD (cold data) while simultaneously processing (use the /a for Adler processing as otherwise it's too CPU-bound).
I seem to recall a project in which we were reading big files, Our implementation used multithreading - basically n * worker_threads were starting at incrementing offsets of the file (0, chunk_size, 2xchunk_size, 3x chunk_size ... n-1x chunk_size) and was reading smaller chunks of information. I can't exactly recall our reasoning for this as someone else was desining the whole thing - the workers weren't the only thing to it, but that's roughly how we did it.
Hope it helps
Its not stated in the problem that sequence matters really or not. So,
divide the file into equal parts say 1GB each, and since you are using multiple CPUs, then multiple threads wont be a problem, so read each file using separate thread, and use RAM of capacity > 10 GB, then all your contents would be stored in RAM read by multiple threads.

Total memory consumption of the system

Is it correct to assume that the total memory consumption (virtual + physical) of a system is sum of "Memory Usage" and "VM Size" columns shown by the task manager in windows?
Read these posts by Mark Russinovich:
In modern Windows there really is no single truth about "Total Memory Consumption". It depends of course on the definition, but the real question is what you want to do with the answer.
Some processes like SQL-Server tend to use every byte of memory they can get their hands on, if you let them. The .NET CLR garbage collector monitors memory use and acts accordingly, trying to free more memory when it gets scarce.
So for instance you can have a system with 8 GB of physical memory, of which 90% is "used". How much of that memory is actually needed, is very hard to say. The same system may run on a 4 GB machine with no noticeable performance loss or any other issues.
If you want to explore some of the complexities of memory management under Windows, download "VMMap v2.0" from the former sysinternals site. It shows very detailed memory usage per process and may aid you in your quest.
To quote from VMMaps Help:
VMMap categorizes memory into one of several types:
The memory represents an executable file such as a .exe or .dll. The Details column shows the file's path.
Private memory cannot be shared with other processes, is charged against the system commit limit, and typically contains application data.
Shareable memory can be shared with other processes, is charged against the system commit limit and typically contains data shared between DLLs in different processes or inter-process communication messages. The Windows APIs refer to this type of memory as pagefile-backed sections.
Mapped File
The memory represents a file on disk and the Details column shows the file's path. Mapped files typically contain application data.
Heaps represent memory managed by the user-mode heap manager and, like Private memory, is charged against the system commit limit and contains application data.
Managed Heap
Managed heap represents memory that's allocated and used by the .NET garbage collector.
Stacks are memory used to store function parameters, local function variables and function invocation records for individual threads. Stacks are charged agains the commit limit and typically grow on demand.
System memory is kernel-mode physical memory associated with the process. The vast majority of System memory consists of the process page tables.
Free memory regions are spaces in the process address space that are not allocated.
Now you just need to define what types of memory you consider as "used", add these up for all processes, remove multiple duplicates and look at the number... There is a reason why in task manager or other tools, there is no single number labeled "Total Memory Consumption" :-)
No, physical memory and virtual memory may overlap. If a page of memory is in virtual memory and then paged in to physical memory the virtual memory is not necessarily freed, it may be reserved for when the page gets paged out again.