How can I get the distance from point a to point b on a custom (relative) axis? - unity3d

Trying to find the distance from point a to point b given a custom axis. I have some pictures to help me better explain:
I'm trying to find the distance from red to pink (or gray) on two custom axes. The axis from red to green (axis RG) and the axis from red to blue (axis RB).

You're asking about vector projection.
Given two vectors A and B, what is A projected onto B?
In your case, A seems to be the difference between red and pink, where B is what you're calling a custom axis.
Calculating this projection usually involves a dot product. Lucky for you, Unity provides Vector3.Dot to make this easy.
We can calculate the projection as a scalar. A is "this much" in the direction of B:
float projScalar = Vector3.Dot(A, B.normalized);
This gives us the length you're asking about.
If needed, we can convert that result into a vector, by casting that length in the direction of B:
Vector3 projVector = B.normalized * projScalar;


Optimizing computation of distance to triangle using barycentric coordinates

Building on the discussions here and here. I'm trying to compute the shortest distance between a 3D line and a 3D triangle.
I'm using barycentric coordinates to determine whether or not the point is inside the triangle. So given a triangle defined by vertices UVW and a line defined by point AB, I first compute the intersection of line AB with the plane defined by UVW. Let's call this intersection P and assume I've already done the checks to verify whether or not the point actually intersects the plane at all.
I then compute barycentric coordinates (S,T) such that S is defined along the edge UV and T is defined along the edge UW. Naturally, if 0≤S and 0≤T and S+T≤1 then P is on the triangle (or its edge) and my distance to the triangle is obviously zero.
If that's not true then P is outside the triangle and I need to compute the distance. The guidance of from the first link says to project point P onto all three edges to get three candidate points. Adding those points to the three triangle's vertices, you then have six points to test against.
Isn't it easier than that, though? If T<0, then don't you already know that UV is the closest edge and you only have to test against the projection of P onto that line? Similarly, if S<0 then UW would be the closest edge. If T>0 and S>0 then VW is the closest edge.
Thus based on the signs of S and T you already know the closest edge and only have to compute the distance from P to its projection onto that edge. If the projection isn't inside the triangle, then the closest point is either vertex. Thus your computations are about 1/3 of the proposed methods.
Am I missing something here, or is this a valid optimization? I'm fairly new to barycentric coordinates and their attributes.
It turns out that the problem of closest distance from a point and from a line are very similar and can both be reduced to a pure 2D problem.
Distance from a point
By Pythagoras, the squared distance from a point to a point of the triangle is the sum of the squared distance to the plane of support of the triangle and the squared distance of the projection of the point to that plane.
The latter distance is precisely the distance from the normal line to the triangle.
Distance from a line
Looking in the direction of the line, you see the projected triangle and the line is reduced to a single point. The requested 3D distance is equal to the 2D distance seen on the projection.
To obtain the desired coordinates, you use an auxiliary coordinate frame such that Z is in the direction of the line (and XY is a perpendicular plane); for convenience, choose the origin of the new frame to be on the line. Then by just ignoring Z, you get a planar problem in XY. The change of coordinates is an affine tranformation.
Point vs. triangle
Consider the three triangles formed by the origin (projection of the point/line) and a pair of triangle vertices (taken in cyclic order). The signed area of these triangles is a mere 2x2 determinant.
If the three areas have the same sign, the point is inside. Otherwise, the signs tell you where you are among the six surrounding regions, either past an edge or past a vertex.
On the upper figure, the point is inside (three positive areas). On the other figure, it is outside of the top-right edge (one negative area). Also note that dividing an area by the length of the corresponding side, you get the distance to the side. (Factor 2 omitted.)
The total work is
compute the affine frame;
convert the coordinates of the 3 or 4 points;
compute the three signed areas;
if inside, you are done;
otherwise, if in an edge region, compute a distance to a line and two distances to points;
otherwise you are in a vertex region, compute two distances to lines and one distance to vertex.

How do I interpret the orientation of the gradient when using imgradient in MATLAB?

I am finding the gradient of an image. For now I am simply using a 5 x 5 image. I am more interested in finding the direction of the gradient but I am not getting the results manually on paper as I get them using MATLAB function imgradient. Please refer to the following images to know more about the input images and the Sobel filter that is used here to find the gradient of an image. One of the 3 x 3 sobel operator used here is the one that I get using the function
f1 = fspecial('sobel');
and the other one is obtained by just transposing the f1.
Please note that I am trying to find the direction of only one pixel here that is rounded by red color. Here in the first two cases my result matches with that i obtain using imgradient function but in the third case imgradient gives -135 degree whereas I am getting it to be -45. Please help me find the error.
Also please explain how to interpret the following gradient directions as shown in the follwing image.
Your calculations are correct but it is highly recommended that you don't use the atan(y/x) definition because this calculation is not cognizant of the quadrant that the angle of the gradient resides in. Doing atan(y/x) with your components would falsely report the angle to be -45 degrees when that isn't correct. You should use atan2 instead.
Now the internals of imgradient are quite straight forward. I'd like to point out that the angle reported by imgradient is assuming that the y coordinate is increasing from bottom to top. In addition, imgradient should report the angle of orientation that is pointing to the greatest rate of change. In the case of images, this points in the direction where we progress from dark pixels to light pixels.
First a call to imgradientxy is called and a call to fspecial('sobel') is made if you provide the sobel flag to imgradient. In fact, this portion of imgradientxy is what is important to remember (starting at line 75: MATLAB R2015a):
case 'sobel'
h = -fspecial('sobel'); %// Align mask correctly along the x- and y- axes
Gx = imfilter(I,h','replicate'); %'
if nargout > 1
Gy = imfilter(I,h,'replicate');
Notice that the negative of the output of fspecial is performed as well as the comment provided at that line. This is to ensure that the mask to detect horizontal edges (i.e. Gy) is y-down (as it is commonly known in computer graphics). Specifically, the origin of the image is at the top-left corner and not the bottom left.
This is a pictorial representation of how the coordinate system is laid out in y-down:
Source: Wikipedia - Rotation Matrix
As such, when finding the orientation there is an additional requirement to ensure that the angle of the orientation of the gradient is with respect to the y-up coordinate system which is what we're used to. Therefore when you are finding the angle of orientation of the gradient, you need to negate the y coordinate before calculating the angle so that the angle is with respect to the standard convention instead.
Pursuing the definition of the gradient that you seek is the conventional system of the y coordinate increasing from bottom to top. The negation is required and in fact if you examine the source code for imgradient, this is precisely what is being done at line 127 of the code (version R2015a):
Gdir = atan2(-Gy,Gx)*180/pi; %// Radians to degrees
You may be asking yourself why there is a need to negate the mask and again negate the y coordinate after to find the orientation. The reason why is because the modified mask is required to properly capture the magnitude of the gradient and so we negate the mask once and find the gradient magnitude and then we negate the y coordinate so that we can find the angle with respect to the conventional coordinate system.
In your case, given that Gx = 765 and Gy = -765, substituting these quantities into the above equation yields:
>> Gy = 765;
>> Gx = -765;
>> Gdir = atan2(-Gy,Gx)*180/pi
Gdir =
This makes sense because the gradient direction corresponds to the direction towards the greatest rate of change. -135 degrees means that we're pointing to the south west which does make sense as we are progressing from dark pixels to light pixels.
Now if you consult your third example image, the angles reported by imgradient are indeed correct. Simply draw a line from the dark area to the light area and see what angle it makes with the x axis where it is aligned with the columns increasing towards the right. The first angle of +90 degrees makes sense as we are moving from bottom to top to follow the dark area and light. This is a similar situation with the situation where the image is reversed. The third situation is what we have seen before and the fourth situation is simply the third situation rotated by 180 degrees and so naturally the angle of orientation from dark to light is now +45 degrees as opposed to -135 degrees previously.

Arrange the vertices of a 3D convex polygonal plane in counter clockwise direction in MATLAB

I have a convex polygon in 3D. For simplicity, let it be a square with vertices, (0,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1),(0,0,1).. I need to arrange these vertices in counter clockwise order. I found a solution here. It is suggested to determine the angle at the center of the polygon and sort them. I am not clear how is that going to work. Does anyone have a solution? I need a solution which is robust and even works when the vertices get very close.
A sample MATLAB code would be much appreciated!
This is actually quite a tedious problem so instead of actually doing it I am just going to explain how I would do it. First find the equation of the plane (you only need to use 3 points for this) and then find your rotation matrix. Then find your vectors in your new rotated space. After that is all said and done find which quadrant your point is in and if n > 1 in a particular quadrant then you must find the angle of each point (theta = arctan(y/x)). Then simply sort each quadrant by their angle (arguably you can just do separation by pi instead of quadrants (sort the points into when the y-component (post-rotation) is greater than zero).
Sorry I don't have time to actually test this but give it a go and feel free to post your code and I can help debug it if you like.
Luckily you have a convex polygon, so you can use the angle trick: find a point in the interior (e.g., find the midpoint of two non-adjacent points), and draw vectors to all the vertices. Choose one vector as a base, calculate the angles to the other vectors and order them. You can calculate the angles using the dot product: A · B = A B cos θ = |A||B| cos θ.
Below are the steps I followed.
The 3D planar polygon can be rotated to 2D plane using the known formulas. Use the one under the section Rotation matrix from axis and angle.
Then as indicated by #Glenn, an internal points needs to be calculated to find the angles. I take that internal point as the mean of the vertex locations.
Using the x-axis as the reference axis, the angle, on a 0 to 2pi scale, for each vertex can be calculated using atan2 function as explained here.
The non-negative angle measured counterclockwise from vector a to vector b, in the range [0,2pi], if a = [x1,y1] and b = [x2,y2], is given by:
angle = mod(atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1),2*pi);
Finally, sort the angles, [~,XI] = sort(angle);.
It's a long time since I used this, so I might be wrong, but I believe the command convhull does what you need - it returns the convex hull of a set of points (which, since you say your points are a convex set, should be the set of points themselves), arranged in counter-clockwise order.
Note that MathWorks recently delivered a new class DelaunayTri which is intended to superseded the functionality of convhull and other older computational geometry stuff. I believe it's more accurate, especially when the points get very close together. However I haven't tried it.
Hope that helps!
So here's another answer if you want to use convhull. Easily project your polygon into an axes plane by setting one coordinate zero. For example, in (0,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1),(0,0,1) set y=0 to get (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1). Now your problem is 2D.
You might have to do some work to pick the right coordinate if your polygon's plane is orthogonal to some axis, if it is, pick that axis. The criterion is to make sure that your projected points don't end up on a line.

matlab: area under overlapping circles

I have a question to you...
Imagine square with size A x A. Now lets simulate circles with diameter of d, randomly distributed within this square, something like on the image below (in this case d's are the same, but its not the rule, they might be also randomly distributed within some range like d1 to d2).
Lets say that circles are described in matrix as:
circles(1, :) = [x, y, d];
circles(2, :) = [x, y, d];
...and so on
where x, y are coordinates, d is diameter. Now the question is, how to simulate this circles, until given crowding parameter c is reached? c is simply defined as: c = yellow area / square area (in this case A^2).
And the second thing - lets say that everything is simulated and I want to check if some coordinate (x,y) is within or outside yellow area... How to do it? I was doing it by checking if my (x,y) is within area of each circle (but its getting more difficult when instead of circles I use i.e. round shape rectangles), one by one, but there must be some better way of doing it.
Thanks for help : )
Here is an approach that should do the trick:
Start with a large empty matrix (big enough to guarantee that every shape generated is fully inside the matrix). Suppose we do it like this color = zeros(100)
while we have not yet reached the cowding ratio: the midpoint and diameter of one circle, I assume you can manage this
change the color of all points in the circle, for example by setting it to one.
Calculate the crowding ratio (something like c = mean(mean(color))
Note, if you only want to use part of the matrix (enable shapes to fall partially out of the picture) this can for example be achieved by using mean(mean(color(11:end-11)) in step 4, ignoring the 10 pixels near the edge.
Now if you want to know whether point (x,y) is yellow, simply check the value of color(x,y). Or if you want to ignore the edges check color(x+10,y+10)

Find closest point in matlab grid

I'm trying to program a smart way to find the closest grid points to the points along a contour.
The grid is a 2-dimensional grid, stored in x and y (which contain the x and y kilometre positions of the grid cells).
The contour is a line, made up of x and y locations, not necessarily regularly spaced.
This is shown below - the red dots are the grid, and the blue dots are the points on the contour. How do I find the indices of the red dot closest to each blue dot?
Edit - I should mention that the grid is a latitude/longitude grid, of an area fairly close to the south pole. So, the points (the red dots) are the position in metres from the south pole (using a polar stereographic representation). Since the grid is a geographic grid there is unequal grid spacing - with slightly different shaped cells (where the red dots define the vertices of the cells) due to the distortion at high latitudes.
The result is that I can't just find which row/column of the x and y matrix corresponds closest to the input point coordinates - unlike a regular grid from meshgrid, the values in the rows and columns vary...
The usual method is to go:
for every blue point {
for every red point {
is this the closest so far
But a better way is to put the red data into a kd tree. This is a tree that splits the data along its mean, then splits the two data sets along their means etc until you have them separated into a tree structure.
This will change your searching effeciancy from O(n*m) to O(log(n)*m)
Here is a library:
This library will provide you the means to easily make a kd tree out of the data and to search for the closest point in it.
Alternatively you can use a quadtree, not as simple but the same idea. (you may have to write your own library for that)
Make sure the largest data set (in this case your red points) go into the tree as this will provide the greatest time reduction.
I think I've found a way to do it using the nearest flag of griddata.
I make a matrix that is the same size as the grid x and y matrices, but is filled with the linear indices of the corresponding matrix element. This is formed by reshaping a vector (which is 1:size(x,1)*size(x,2)) to the same dimensions as x.
I then use griddata and the nearest flag to find the linear index of the point closest to each point on my contour (blue dots). Then, simply converting back to subscript notation with ind2sub leaves me with a 2 row vectors describing the matrix subscripts for the points closest to each point on the blue-dotted contour.
This plot below shows the contour (blue dots), the grid (red dots) and the closest grid points (green dots).
This is the code snippet I used:
index_matrix1 = 1:size(x,1)*size(x,2);
index_matrix1 = reshape(index_matrix1,size(x));
lin_ind = griddata(x,y,index_matrix1,CX,CY,'nearest'); % where CX and CY are the coords of the contour
[sub_ind(1,:),sub_ind(2,:)] = ind2sub(size(x),lin_ind);
I suppose that in the stereographic representation, your points form a neat grid in r-theta coordinates. (I'm not too familiar with this, so correct me if I'm wrong. My suggestion may still apply).
For plotting you convert from the stereographic to latitude-longitude, which distorts the grid. However, for finding the nearest point, consider converting the latitude-longitude of the blue contour points into stereographic coordinates, where it is easy to determine the cell for each point using its r and theta values.
If you can index the cell in the stereographic representation, the index will be the same when you transform to another representation.
The main requirement is that under some transformation, the grid points are defined by two vectors, X and Y, so that for any x in X and y in Y, (x, y) is a grid point. Next transform both the grid and the contour points by that transformation. Then given an arbitrary point (x1, y1), we can find the appropriate grid cell by finding the closest x to x1 and the closest y to y1. Transform back to get the points in the desired coordinate system.
dsearchn: N-D nearest point search.
[k, d] = dsearchn(A,B) : returns the distances, d, to the closest points. d is a column vector of length p.