Camera::connect() brings AppOps Bad Call: on Android 4.4? - android-camera

I wrote an apk to test camera on Android 4.2.2 before. This apk works fine.
However, when I moved this apk to Android 4.4.
I got a problem with Camera::connect().
Fail to call Camera::connect() and it prints message:
W/AppOps ( 1546): Bad call: specified package TestCamera under uid 1000 but it is really -1
I think the reason may be USE_CALLING_UID, security or something that I can't figure out.
Please give me some suggestions, thanks!
My apk is very simple, only one activity. In onCreate(), I called a jni function.
The jni function just do the code belowed:
int cameraId = 0;
String16 clientPackageName("TestToGoService");
sp<Camera> camera = Camera::connect(cameraId, clientPackageName, Camera::USE_CALLING_UID);
if (camera == NULL) {
return -1;
If I put the code above to a executable (main()), then Camera::connect() works OK.
I have already add permissons on AndroidManifest.xml
Thanks again!

I'm not sure if it's still of any help. I had the same error in the past. The problem is clientPackageName, that has to be set to the exact package name of your application (which must have the proper camera permissions set on the manifest).


How to resolve the bundle info:error code:4 while running HMS Map Application?

When I am running HMS Map application getting the following error
Failed to get huawei_module_maps bundle info, error code:4
How to solve the issue?
Can you please confirm if the map bundles are added before loading the map in the code. Please check below code snippet regarding the same.
Bundle mapViewBundle = null;
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
mapViewBundle = savedInstanceState.getBundle("MapViewBundleKey");
Make sure MapViewBundlekey is been added.

Flutter Xcode build failure after adding 1st-party dependency

While building an app using Android Studio with the Flutter SDK I decided to get the shared_preferences plugin and play around with it. Soon after, I noticed that although the app was running fine on my Android device, it wouldn't build to run on Simulator. In an attempt to figure out a solution, I tried running it directly from Xcode but again, it's failing there too.
Following the errors, I opened the GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m file where the editor is just saying "shared_preferences/SharedPreferencesPlugin.h file not found"
Running flutter doctor in the terminal doesn't give any useful info and running pod install doesn't help.
I've also tried adding FlutterFire plugins and they all produce the same result.
Any help is appreciated!
I think this is a known issue
To apply the fix in #15437 to a Swift-based Flutter project created before the fix landed, add [these lines] to ios/Podfile.
Which I think means
# workaround for
target.headers_build_phase.files.each do |file|
file.settings = { 'ATTRIBUTES' => ['Public'] }
I also got this problem for many days in my Flutter app for iOS and have done almost everything explained here and in github.
My solution was (1) after "flutter upgrade" call "flutter run" (also you have to run simulator or attach device for a correct work of this command) and (2) after successful building of an app through the command line, mentioned above, close it and build in a regular way with Xcode via Product -> Build.
The concept of Shared Preference is android specific and not available in iOS. If you want to save something, I recommend you use Method Channel(Platform Channel) in Flutter to send it to the native layer and save it.
For iOS use userDefaults to save your data.
Additional info:
How to save data using Shared Preference?
SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("MyPref", 0); // 0 - for private mode
Editor editor = pref.edit();
editor.putBoolean("key_name", true); // Storing boolean - true/false
editor.putString("key_name", "string value"); // Storing string
editor.putInt("key_name", "int value"); // Storing integer
editor.putFloat("key_name", "float value"); // Storing float
editor.putLong("key_name", "long value"); // Storing long
editor.commit(); // Don't forget to commit when your changes are done.
To retrive data
// returns stored preference value
// If value is not present return second param value - In this case null
pref.getString("key_name", null); // getting String
pref.getInt("key_name", null); // getting Integer
pref.getFloat("key_name", null); // getting Float
pref.getLong("key_name", null); // getting Long
pref.getBoolean("key_name", null); // getting boolean
How to save data using userDefaults?
NSString *valueToSave = #"someValue";
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:valueToSave
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
To retrieve saved data
NSString *savedValue = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
There is a flutter plugin which does this for us.
Add this to your pubspec.yaml file
shared_preferences: "^0.4.0"
And run in command line in your project root directory.
$ flutter packages get
Now in your Dart code you can use,
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';

IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService returns mysterious error

I am trying to use some old IOKit functionality in a new Swift 4.0 Mac app (not iOS). I have created a bridging header to use an existing Objective C third party framework, DDHidLib, and I am current working in Xcode 9.
The code that attempts to create a plug in interface for a usb gamepad falls over on IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService, returning a non-zero error.
The truly bizarre thing is I have an older app created in a previous version of Xcode that uses the same framework and works correctly after opening in the new Xcode 9. This previous project is still Swift using a bridging header for the same Obj-C framework. I have checked the build settings and tried to make everything match, but I get the same result; the old app works but any new apps do not.
Is there a way to either: find out the exact differences in build settings/compilers to see what the elusive difference may be, OR to step into the IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService IOKit method to see what may be causing the error to be returned in one project but not another?
EDIT: Here is the method that is failing:
- (BOOL) createDeviceInterfaceWithError: (NSError **) error_; {
io_name_t className;
IOCFPlugInInterface ** plugInInterface = NULL;
SInt32 score = 0;
NSError * error = nil;
BOOL result = NO;
mDeviceInterface = NULL;
NSXReturnError(IOObjectGetClass(mHidDevice, className));
if (error)
goto done;
NSXReturnError(IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(mHidDevice, kIOHIDDeviceUserClientTypeID,kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID,&plugInInterface,&score));
if (error)
goto done;
//Call a method of the intermediate plug-in to create the device interface
NSXReturnError((*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface(plugInInterface, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOHIDDeviceInterfaceID), (LPVOID) &mDeviceInterface));
if (error)
goto done;
result = YES;
if (plugInInterface != NULL)
if (error_)
*error_ = error;
return result;
In the old version that works, IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService always returns a value of 0. In all the versions that don't work, the return value appears to always be -536870210. The mHidDevice in this function is the io_object_t handle for the device.
EDIT2: Here is the IORegistryExplorer page for the device
Finally managed to resolve this after weeks of head scratching. The new Xcode 9 uses app sandboxing to basically prevent access to USB, bluetooth, camera and microphone etc. by default in a new app. Once I switched this off it reverted to it's expected behaviour.
Glad it was such a simple answer in the end but disappointed Xcode does not provide more descriptive error messages or responses to let a user know they are essentially preventing themselves from accessing the parts of the system they need.
Looks like kIOReturnNoResources is returned if the loop at the end of IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService completes with haveOne == false for whatever reason. Perhaps Start() is returning false because another process or driver already has exclusive access? I'd check what clients the device has in IORegistryExplorer.
This error also happens when an application is trying to access the camera or bluetooth on MacOS 10.14 and higher. Permission shall be granted either explicitly by user (pop-up window), or through the Security & Privacy. The application should check for permission as shown here.

Recent gyroscope support from Corona SDK seems to be non-responsive

I'm using a recent daily build of the Corona SDK (version 2001.562) to add gyroscope support to an existing application. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the event-handling function for the gyroscope to fire. The application is running on an iPod touch, version 4.3.3.
I attach the gyroscope to an event handler like so:
if system.hasEventSource("gyroscope") then
feedbackFile ="log.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory), "a");
feedbackFile:write((os.clock()-startupTime).."\tgyroscope on\n");
Runtime:addEventListener( "gyroscope", onGyroscopeDataReceived )
feedbackFile ="log.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory), "a");
feedbackFile:write((os.clock()-startupTime).."\tgyroscope off\n");
When I launch the application on the device, then close it and download the resource files, I find that log.txt contains the line with a timestamp and "gyroscope on". Good so far!
On to the event-handling function:
local function onGyroscopeDataReceived(event)
feedbackFile ="log.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory), "a");
feedbackFile:write((os.clock()-startupTime).."\tgyroscope reading delta="..event.deltaRotation..",x="..event.xRotation..",y="..event.yRotation..",z="..event.zRotation.."\n");
This line of information never appears in the log.txt file!
Please advise. Thanks in advance!
The problem is event.deltaRotation doesn't exist. You might mean event.deltaTime.
Then when you concatenate a nil value, Lua throws an error and your write code never gets completed. (The latest daily build will now print out a message when you encounter a Lua error on a device.)
The documentation shows how to compute your own deltaDegrees or deltaRadians:
Just a wild guess but it may be your listener is never called --- I noticed your onGyroscopeDataReceived function is local. If that's the case, then you need to make sure the variable is declared prior to the addEventListener call.

Lua: require() not working on iPhone

I am working on a shooting game on iPhone and I need lua for scripting levels, enemies, and etc.
So I wrote a bullet script like this:
-- circular_bullet.lua
local time_between_bullets = 0.2;
function InitializeCircularBullet(objectName)
and an enemy script:
-- level1_D2.lua
But it turned out that the enemy script can't "require" the bullet script.
I tried to look into lua library, and found out that in loadlib.c :
static int ll_require (lua_State *L) {
if (lua_isfunction(L, -1)) /* did it find module? */
break; /* module loaded sucessfully */
else if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) /* loader returned error message? */
lua_concat(L, 2); /* accumulate it */
lua_pop(L, 1);
It would enter the "else if" branch, which means some error happened, but I have no idea how to read that error message.
If I comment out the "require" line, the enemy "level1_D2" would work as intend without shooting bullet. I also did try copy the whole circular_bullet.lua into level1_D2.lua, and it worked, so the problem must be the require statement.
Those two files are under root directory of the package. (I don't know how to make them in different directory, thus I had found out that Diner Dash kept its scripts in different directory.)
However the two files are not in the same group in my Xcode project. I tried putting them in same group but nothing happened.
Anyone knows what the problem is? Thanks a lot!
Finally I got the answer!!!
the lua require function searches "./scrips" directory for require files, so I got to put those script in the directory!
Yet I still don't know how to change that searching path, but it did work.
I've got a snippet here which might help you to change that path:
// Initialize library path
lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
string path = string(Globals::GetPathPrefix())+"?.lua";
lua_pushstring(L, "path");
lua_pushstring(L, path.c_str());
lua_settable(L, -3);
I also had this when I was new to Lua. I don't know this also appears on iPhone, but on Windows I had to remove the '.lua' So just remove the extension.