copy eclipse keyboard shortcuts to another eclipse? - eclipse

How can I copy eclipse shortcuts from one eclipse to another??
I am trying to move from eclipse indigo to eclipse kepler, how can I copy all my custom keyboard shortcuts to my eclipse kepler. . . .??

Export your Eclipse settings:
From the Eclipse page:
To import a preference file:
Select command link File > Import.
In the Import wizard select General > Preferences and click Next.
Click Browse... and locate the Preferences file on the file system.
Click Import all to accept all of the preferences defined in the
If you want to import only few preferences, choose them from the
Click Finish.
The Export wizard can be used to export preferences from the Workbench to the file system.
To export a preference file:
Select command link File > Export.
In the Export wizard select General > Preferences and click Next.
Click Export all to add all of the preferences to the file.
If you want to export only few preferences, choose them from the
Click Browse... and locate the preferences file on the file system.
Click Finish

There is a possibility to export different preferences:


Config eclipse preferences in project explorer

Can I config somewhere which options there are when I make a right click in the project explorer and there is the extended menu of "new" and change for example "new php project" to "new php file"? Thanks for yout answers
You can configure the top level of the 'File > New' menu using 'Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective' dialog (or just 'Window > Customize Perspective' before Eclipse Mars).
Choose the 'Shortcuts' tab and configure the items you want to appear.
The items that are available in that submenu is based on the context, on whatever you have selected when you right-click. For example, if you right-click on an existing PHP project, then you should see an option to create a new PHP file in that project.
Keep in mind that Eclipse is fundamentally project-based; you can't really create files outside of a project.

I wants to import eclipse theme file to zend studio how can i do it?

hi there i wants to import theme.xml file from eclipse to Zend studion, can any guys suggest me how can i do it?
To install the colour preferences:
Download one of the below packages
and extract the contents to a temporary directory
Backup your current preferences by going to
File -> Export -> General -> Preferences.
Follow the instructions from there to create a preferences file. Make sure you choose “Export all”.
To install the colour preferences Go to
File -> Import -> General -> Preferences and select the Obsidian/eclipse.epf file. Click “Finish”

Eclipse: setting default action for double-clicking files of a certain type

I have .py and .js files in my Eclipse project for various reasons, but I don't ever want to execute them by double-clicking on them in Eclipse -- which is the default Eclipse behavior.
Is there a way I can change this default behavior so it just opens files in the Eclipse text editor, rather than executes the system "Open" command?
Open the main Preferences window and go to
General->Editors->File Associations
In Eclipse, On the menu bar at the top, go to
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations
Set the Open unassociated files with to Text Editor
This opens your files with the Eclipse text editor on double click.

Setting preferences for all Eclipse workspaces

How can I apply Eclipse preferences to all Eclipse workspaces?
For example if I go:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys -> Add a Shortcut
I would like to use that shortcut in all of my Eclipse workspaces (different projects). Is there a way to apply preferences to all workspaces?
I would also like to configure what perspectives come up by default when I start a new workspace.
If you want preserve all your settings, simply copy the
directory into your desired workspace directory
You can also export the preferences you set in the template workspace and then import them into other workspaces. This is the preferred method supported by Eclipse.
Go to
File->Export then choose General->Preferences
click Next then select the “Export all” radio button and fill in or browse to a file path where you want to save the preferences . Click Finish and your preferences are exported to that file.
File->Switch Workspace,>… to switch to a different workspace.
When Eclipse restarts in the new workspace select File->Import then General->Preferences click Next and browse to your saved preferences file and click Finish to import your preferences into the current workspace.

How to open a .launch file in Eclipse

I have a deploy.launch file that I checked out with a project that does not include the Eclipse project in source control, it only includes the .launch files.
How can I add the existing .launch files to my Eclipse project without having to click "new external tools configuration" and then cut and paste the fields from the .launch file into the wizard to effectivly recreate the .launch file? I would much rather just, well, launch it.
File > Import... > Run/Debug > Launch Configurations
Just right click on the .launch file, select "Run As", and it's right there.
.launch files seem to get incorporated into the "External Tools" menu just by virtue of being present, although sometimes it decides it just won't bother.
You should be able to right-click > Run As on the .launch file.
How about:
Run-Icon-dropdown -> Organize Favorites -> Add
..opens a list with all .launch files associated with your project.
after adding, the files are available in the Run and Debug dropdowns.