Porting UiBinder file in GWT for mobile - gwt

I developed GWT desktop browser application , before working on porting the Application for webkit browsers I need to have following doubts clarified:
Is it possible to map mulitple UiBinder template with the same View class?
Are the widgets consistent in look and feel for Desktop as well as webkit(mobile) browsers?
Thanking in advance.

Take a look at the mobilewebapp example which comes with the GWT SDK. There you can see, how an app can serve different views depending on the device by using deferred binding.
Using the first approach, you have different views for each device. So, you are free to choose different widgets for different platforms.

I want to share one the method that I tried, First of all instead of mapping view to viewimpl you can bind it to viewprovider, and then based on user-agent values you can return the appropriate instance to bind to.I implemented this in sample application and its working fine as of now.


set WebViewClient without using a Webview

Is there a functionality of .setWebviewClient without using webviews? Possibly through a view instead. I am trying to mimic a webview without using the functions. I have to use Chrome Custom Tabs and it seems to not have the same types of built in functions.
Thank you in advance.
Chrome Custom Tabs do not have the exact same functionality or API as webviews. They're better suited for serving third-party content whilst webviews are better suited for first-party content.
All of this means you can't achieve your goal using CCT.

GWT Multipage App

I am confused about how to make a multipage app in one GWT project. I have one page with my app and would like to provide an options page.
I don't think you can use 2 onModuleLoads() or something.
So how can you achieve a multipage app in 1 module?
Take a look at the MVP architecture -
Even though you don't actually need an MVP paradigm to create a 'Multi-page' gwt application, you will be better off following it in creating your apps.
Basic idea is, you create different view-presenters that will act like different 'pages', and the app controller activates the correct one based on the logic you provide.
EDIT - you can even create multiple html-pages with their own onModuleLoad(), You should prefer that only if - there are logically 2 different applications or you are modifying an existing webpage and cant do without it. I believe you don't have those issues based on your question. Let me know if its otherwise.

how to integrate or call or interface with a 3rd party widget within a GWT app?

I am making an app in GWT. It is like a dashboard and will have out of the widgets.
Now when we ship this out, there is a use case that the customer might want to create their own GWT widget and use this in the dashboard app.
As I understand it, they will not be able to do this since we cannot ship our source code which is needed to compile the whole app again once tag of their widget/module gets into the gwt.xml file of my app.
I cannot use anything other that GWT to make this dashboard. And their widget could be say a flash heapmap, a jquery widget/plugin, another GWT module, a jsp page that renders a visualization from back end.
So far my thoughts have been to provide a widget in my app which is a wrapper in the form of an Iframe and call their main page (they will provide url), and have an api to let my app and their widget talk.
But I would like to know if there are other / better approaches?
This is exactly the problem solved by google's OpenSocial widgets. There are a few opensource implementations: http://shindig.apache.org/ is one. You can look into integrating that in to your app. An added bonus is that you can then display widgets from other applications (such as atlassian jira) that also serve opensocial widgets.
Depending on how closed source your application is (can custom JS/HTML be added to pages?), you could always provide a native Javascript (JSNI) API for some custom dashboard widgets. The simplest solution I'm thinking of would be a JSNI method which your customers could call to set the HTML content of said widget. This method would allow them to use a variety of options such as JQuery widgets, their own GWT widget generated HTML or even an IFrame pointing to their JSP pages etc... You could then provide additional JSNI API methods which would allow them to interact with your app/widget in other ways as well. This would be better than the IFrame method because you wouldn't have to deal with cross domain scripting security issues.

Can we connect 'phonegap api ' application with pure native application(obj-C) code

I am doing a project.
The first page should be the web page r 'phonegap api' html page.
when a perticular link r button is tapped , it should be taken to the native Application,purely obj C,Pure native App(with view controllers, table views etc).
Can we connect the html page with the pure native code? If yes, Then Plz tell me how?
Thanks in advance,
Bharath gangpalli
You could create a PhoneGap plug-in, which is a custom extension to the PhoneGap API. It includes a bit of native code that does some native-specific functionality, as well as a JavaScript interface that then exposes this functionality to you, the PhoneGap developer. By definition, a plug-in is platform-specific!
In your case, you could create a plug-in that then pushes a new View to the top of the app (overlays over the HTML page, for example).
A good place to start would be Jesse's blog post about them; note that these are specifically for iPhone:
Here are some examples of existing PhoneGap plugins, how to use them, and links within to the source code to see how they were built:
i think you can do that by using the phonegap exec function

GWT/java and javascript

can i design my web pages in html and css instead of java methods and use gwt only in parts of page that i need ajax? and which one is better gwt, extgwt, vaadin(it run apps in server-side.can i also use it in client-side?), etc...? do i also need to know javascript for using gwt?
can i design my web pages in html and
css instead of java methods and use
gwt only in parts of page that i need
Yes, you can. You can create a div on your HTML page and insert your GWT widget there.
which one is better gwt, extgwt,
vaadin(it run apps in server-side.can
i also use it in client-side?)
I don't know about vaadin but Ext-GWT is a set of ready made components to use with GWT which make your life easier especially if you want to build an web app that looks and feels like a desktop application.
do i also need to know javascript for
using gwt?
No, it can be useful sometimes but is not necessary.