Crystal Reports: How to lock the order of an area chart legend and chart itself - charts

So I have created a chart that shows the amount of different priority calls that my team has taken over the past 3 months for each subtype.
The X axis shows dates, and the Y axis shows amount of calls taken. There are four priorities (p1,p2,p3,p4), and these are represented by the areas on the graph. I want the priorities to show in the order p1,p2,p3,p4 but instead they are showing in varying order over the the different subtypes.
How do I lock the priorities in the order that I want?

Right click on the chart → open Chart Expert → go to the Data tab
Your call priorities should be listed in the upper-right hand corner in the "On change of" box. Click on the "TopN..." button and verify that "No Sort" is selected. Now go back to the previous screen and now choose the "Order..." button.
By default, your priorities should be sorted in ascending order. If that is not working, you may want to consider putting it in specified order which will allow you to explicitly "lock in" the order that you want these to appear. Keep in mind that in a Stacked Area Chart, the specified order is actually bottom to top which is somewhat counter-intuitive.


Merging Percentage Lines with The Bars in Tableau Desktop

I have a graph that shows the ratio (count) of payable vs. processed words among the total words on stacked bars. I would also like to display the same ratio in percentages in lines overlapping the bars.
At the moment I have them in two separate graphs, but I want to merge them so that it takes less space in my dashboard view. I am unable to select the dual combination view as it requires two measures and even though I keep trying to cmd+click+drag the percentage measure pill to my marks, it's only changing the calculations in the bars but not allowing me to select the dual combination view.
Since the percentages are basically the ratio of the green/total in the bars, I don't think I need any complicated configurations for displaying it, however, I am also failing to achieve what I want.
Could you please tell me how to do this visualization?
Edit: I noticed that the reason I couldn't generate the dual combination view was that I had three date pills (year, quarter, month), and by removing two of them, I'm able to generate the dual combination view, but it's far from what I'm looking for as it's only splitting the stacked bar into bar+line.
Neeku, I certainly understand the desire to minimize "real estate" in your dashboard. If I understand your needs correctly, I believe that overlaying a transparent-background chart over the first chart might meet your needs, if a dual-axis chart doesn't work for you (for example, if you wanted to overlay a line chart on a column chart that is itself already dual axis).
By way of example, here is a simple Sample Superstore dashboard with a line chart on top and a stacked column at the bottom.
simple dashboard
Change the line chart to "Floating"
Size it to fit over your column chart and change the background to transparent by clicking anywhere in the line chart and select "Format"
...Format Shading
...and "None" for the color selection
Your line chart is now an overlay, but it's pretty messy.
Click on the line chart and hide field labels,
...turn off "Show Header" for each pill in the line chart
Clean things up and it should look better:
Note: one big issue with this approach is that you will not be able to click to select chart elements of the underlying chart.

Tableau: stacked column with line

I'm trying to graph workload (by day) stacking hours from tasks. I'd like to add a line indicating daily capacity of the relevant resource. I have a table for tasks and table for daily resource capacity.
When adding capacity as an independent data source, I get an error indicating I need a relationship to the primary data source.
If I join the data (on date and resource), I can get a capacity line to show, but only by adding it to the secondary axis, which leads to mismatching of scales (unless I lock in the same maximum scale for both primary and secondary axes). This works, but it's less than ideal :
a) it requires foreknowledge of maximum load,
b) lower usage resources barely move off the horizontal axis,
c) it seems to force the capacity line to use the same color palette as the column chart, plotting each time period with a different color.
Does anyone have any better suggestions?
So both axes are hours? You can synchronise the two axes to make it dynamic. Just right click on the axis on the right and there should be a check box titled "synchronize dual axes". Check that and it will sync both of them and will responded to changes dynamically.
You can also then hide the axis marks for hours on the right to make it look better. Again right click the axis and deselect the "Show Header" option.

Choosing one measurement in a chart in QlikSense

I have created a chart where the x-axis (dimensions) is months, and for the y-axis (expressions) I have a few different data bars, which are compared to the first bar (which is the total).
It is possible to add a slicer or something like that so that I can choose which measurements I want to see? For example, sometimes I need to hide some of them.
In the example bellow: main bar is dark blue one and the other bars for each month is a comparison vs the first one. How can I select for example, to see only the green bars vs the main blue bar and not see all the other bars in that month?
Use filter pane, add filter for each bar, you can select which bar you want to see by these filter.

Custom Colors in Pie Charts (Crystal Reports 2008)

I am using Crystal Reports 2008 (, and can't seem to force specific colors in a pie chart.
We are analyzing selected measurement topic (MT) scores of elementary and middle school students. The report has five groups, and the chart is going into the Group 3C Footer (where a parameter can cause it to be suppressed if desired). I have a database column Score that can have values from 0.000 to 4.000. To enjoy some sanity for the resulting charts I impose granularity with the #LetterGrade formula:
SELECT {Reporting_CFSD_MT_Scores_A;1.Score}
CASE IS >= 3.5 : "ADV" // Advanced
CASE IS >= 3.1 : "PRO+" // Proficient Plus
CASE IS >= 3.0 : "PRO" // Proficient
CASE IS >= 2.5 : "APP" // Approaching Proficiency
CASE IS >= 2.0 : "BASI" // Basic
DEFAULT : "BLB" // Below Basic
In the Chart Expert >> Data tab, I've got On Change Of #LetterGrade with specified order based on the order in the formula above, and my Show Value is Count of #LetterGrade. The resulting pie chart gives me the break down of grades that I need.
The problem is that I want each of the six pie slices to have a specific color -- from bottom to top: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, (Dark) Violet -- rather than accept the default colors. I thought I could go to the Color Highlight tab in the Chart Expert and have six entries (e.g., #LetterGrade = "ADV" sets a custom color of dark violet (and I've tried it with and without the quotes around the string)), but the first pie slice is always blue, the second is always tan, the third is always green, etc., regardless of what value it represents.
Am I misunderstanding the purpose of the Color Highlight tab? Is it not possible to set custom pie slice colors in this version of Crystal Reports (after more hoops than I care to think about I'm finally downloading SP5, but at the rate its coming in I may not have it fully downloaded until tomorrow; God help me if the solution is in one of the six 5.X or 6.X Fix Packs)? Or am I just missing a trick somewhere?
For giggles I changed the sort order on the Data tab from a specified order to ascending order and now the pie slices are exactly the colors I wanted. So it appears that I can either specify the display order of the slices and have to accept the default colors, or I can let it display in an undesirable order and get the colors I want. Sounds like a bug to me, unless someone knows a trick for getting around this.
If I'm not mistaken, in the report editor, preview the report and then click on a pie slice so it is selected. Then right click on that slice and select "Format Pie Sclice". Then you can change the color, pattern, gradient, etc.
Let me know if that works.
EDIT: If you want to do it conditionally, I think you may need to specify
#LetterGrade => 2.0
which in the editor should be #LetterGrade is greater or equal to 2.0
instead of
#LetterGrade = "BASI"
But you should be getting a choice of values when you create your conditions. I did a quick sample report with a chart that shows me the onhand value of certain items and I was able to "hardcode" the colors using the steps outlined in my original answer and also conditionally by using the Color Highlight wizard and the predefined values.
It turns out that editing the chart in design view doesn't work correctly. In the design view, when I use the Chart Expert I can either specify the order in which the slices are displayed, or I can designate the color for individual slices, but I cannot do both (also, in the Highlight Color tab, the last box in the Item Editor section -- where you choose the value to match -- does not give me a drop-down menu from which to choose, but instead will only let me type in the value to match: thank you #campagnolo_1 for bringing this lack to my attention, which pointed me toward the solution).
If I instead work in the preview view, click on the chart, and pull up the Chart Expert there (and choose Applied to group template), I can both set the sort order and the highlight color.
I'm guessing this is a bug, but since CR2008 isn't supported any more, I'll just have to live with it.

SSRS chart does not show all labels on Horizontal axis

My SSRS report does not show all the labels on the horizontal axis. Please see below.
Note how the red arrows point to the few that do show. So my question is, where are the rest of the labels? Each bar should have one.
For the chart I'm adding number data for the bars, and another field for the Category Groups. That field in Category Group is for the labels.
Does anyone know why some are missing?
Also, a second but less important question, why is the order of the bars not the same order as the dataset?
The problem here is that if there are too many data bars the labels will not show.
To fix this, under the "Chart Axis" properties set the Interval value to "=1". Then all the labels will be shown.
Go to Horizontal axis properties,choose 'Category' in AXIS type,choose "Disabled" in SIDE Margin option
It looks as though the horizontal axis (Category Group) labels have very long values - there may not be room to display them all. I suggest changing the labels to have shorter values.
You can set the sort order for the Category Groups in the Category Group Properties - Sorting section - this may have been previously set; if not, I suggest using this to sort as desired.
(Three years late...) but I believe the answer to your second question is that SSRS essentially treats data from your datasets as unsorted; I'm not sure if it ignores any ORDER BY in the sql, or if it just assumes the data is unsorted.
To sort your groups in a particular order, you need to specify it in the report:
Select the chart,
In the Chart Data popup window (where you specify the Category Groups), right-click your Group and click Category Group Properties,
Click on the Sorting option to see a control to set the Sort order
For the report I just created, the default sort order on the category was alphabetic on the category group which was basically a string code. But sometimes it can be useful to sort by some other characteristic of the data; for example, my report is of Average and Maximum processing times for messages identified by some code (the category). By setting the sort order of the group to be on [MaxElapsedMs], Z->A it draws my attention to the worst-performing message-types.
This sort of presentation won't be useful for every report but it can be an excellent tool to guide readers to have a better understanding of the data; though on other occasions you might prefer a report to have the same ordering every time it runs, in which case sorting on the category label itself may be best... and I guess there are circumstances where changing the sort order could harm understanding, such as if the categories implied some sort of ordering (such as date values?)
Really late reply for me, but I just suffered the pain of this problem as well.
What fixed it for me (after trying the Axis label settings and intervals from those screens, none of which worked!) was select the Horizontal Axis, then when you can see all the properties find Labels, and change LabelInterval to 1.
For some reason when I set this from the pop up properties screens it either never 'stuck' or it changes a slightly different value that didn't fix my issue.
image: reporting services line chart horizontal axis properties
To see all dates on the report;
Set Axis Type to Scalar,
Set Interval to 1
-Jump Labels section
Set disable auto-fit
set label rotation angle as you desire.
These would help.