Error -2147352571 Type Mismatch: cannot coerce parameter value - forms

I am struggling with the above error when trying to write the Visual Basic code for a 2010 Access Form. I am trying to get ensure that the associate and the Team Lead get the same email. When I first wrote the code, it worked initially. I have since added an "issue date" to the form, but not to the email. I attempted to add the issue date to the Script, but that did not work. I have since removed both the issue date from the form and the script. Any help would appreciated:
Private Sub cmdEmail_Click()
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objMailItem As Object
Const olMailItem As Integer = 0
Dim objMailItem1 As Object
Const olMailItem1 As Integer = 0
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objMailItem = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set objMailItem1 = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem1)
Dim strPathAttach As String
On Error GoTo err_Error_handler
'set receipient, you can use a DLookup() to retrieve your associate Email address
objMailItem.To = DLookup("Email_ID", "dbo_Noble_Associates", "[Fullname]='" & Me.cboAssociate & "'")
objMailItem1.To = DLookup("Email_ID", "dbo_TeamLeads$", "[Fullname]='" & Me.txtTeamLead & "'")
'set subject with text and Form values
objMailItem.Subject = "Attendance Violation " & Me.cboAssociate
objMailItem1.Subject = "Attendance Violation " & Me.cboAssociate
'set body content with text and Form values etc.
objMailItem.htmlBody = "Date of Occurrence: " & Format(Me.Occurrence_Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "<br>" & "Attendance Points: " & Me.CboType & "<br>" & "Total Points: " & Me.txtTotalpoints & "<br>" & "Notes: " & Me.txtNotes
objMailItem1.htmlBody = "Date of Occurrence: " & Format(Me.Occurrence_Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "<br>" & "Attendance Points: " & Me.CboType & "<br>" & "Total Points: " & Me.txtTotalpoints & "<br>" & "Notes: " & Me.txtNotes
' display email
' objMailItem.Display
' sending mail automaticly
Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objMailItem = Nothing
Set objMailItem1 = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objMailItem = Nothing
Set objMailItem1 = Nothing
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
'trap error 287
Case 287
MsgBox "Canceled by user.", vbInformation
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Select
Resume exit_Error_handler
End Sub
Private Sub CheckEmail_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSaveandNew_Click()
If Me.txtOccurrence_Date & "" = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the date."
Exit Sub
ElseIf Me.cboAssociate & "" = "" Then
MsgBox "Please select the associate's name."
Exit Sub
ElseIf Me.txtPoints & "" = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the number of Points."
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.CheckEmail = True Then
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_Cancel_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub
Private Sub cboassociate_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtTeamLead.Value = Me.cboAssociate.Column(1)
End Sub
Private Sub cboFullname_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtCurrentpoints.Value = Me.cbofullname.Column(1)
End Sub
Private Sub CboType_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtPoints.Value = Me.CboType.Column(1)
End Sub
I am open to any suggestions.


Extract text content from PPT and output file as a word doc

Taken dis codes from random sites using for extract the text content in Slide and Notes section from PPT slides. But the output file given as a NOTEPAD. I want the o/p file as a word document. Can anyone to help on this? Thanks to you in advance
P.S. I express my gratitude those who created these codes and simplify my work.
Option Explicit
Sub ExportNotesText()
Dim oSlides As Slides
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim strNotesText As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim intFileNum As Integer
Dim lngReturn As Long
' Get a filename to store the collected text
strFileName = InputBox("Enter the full path and name of file to extract notes text to", "Output file?")
' did user cancel?
If strFileName = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' is the path valid? crude but effective test: try to create the file.
intFileNum = FreeFile()
On Error Resume Next
Open strFileName For Output As intFileNum
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' we have a problem
MsgBox "Couldn't create the file: " & strFileName & vbCrLf _ & "Please try again."
Exit Sub
End If
Close #intFileNum ' temporarily
' Get the notes text
Set oSlides = ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each oSl In oSlides
strNotesText = strNotesText & "======================================" & vbCrLf
strNotesText = strNotesText & "Slide" & oSl.SlideIndex & vbCrLf
strNotesText = strNotesText & SlideText(oSl) & vbCrLf
strNotesText = strNotesText & NotesText(oSl) & vbCrLf
Next oSl
' now write the text to file
Open strFileName For Output As intFileNum
Print #intFileNum, strNotesText
Close #intFileNum
' show what we've done
lngReturn = Shell("NOTEPAD.EXE " & strFileName, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
Function SlideText(oSl As Slide) As String
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim osld As Slide
Dim strNotesText As String
For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes
If oSh.HasTextFrame Then
If oSh.TextFrame.HasText Then
SlideText = SlideText & oSh.Name & ":" & " " & oSh.TextFrame.TextRange & vbCrLf
End If
End If
Next oSh
End Function
Function NotesText(oSl As Slide) As String
Dim oSh As Shape
For Each oSh In oSl.NotesPage.Shapes
If oSh.PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderBody Then
If oSh.HasTextFrame Then
If oSh.TextFrame.HasText Then
NotesText = oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
End If
End If
End If
Next oSh
End Function
For Example:
Sub Demo()
'Note: A VBA Reference to Word is required.
'See under Tools|References
Dim WdApp As New Word.Application, wdDoc As Word.Document
Dim Sld As Slide, Shp As Shape
Set wdDoc = WdApp.Documents.Add
For Each Sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
With Sld
For Each Shp In .NotesPage.Shapes
With Shp
If .PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderBody Then
If .HasTextFrame Then
If .TextFrame.HasText Then
wdDoc.Range.InsertAfter vbCr & Sld.SlideIndex & ": " & .TextFrame.TextRange.Text
End If
End If
End If
End With
For Each Shp In .Shapes
With Shp
If .HasTextFrame Then
If .TextFrame.HasText Then
wdDoc.Range.InsertAfter vbCr & .Name & ": " & .TextFrame.TextRange.Text
End If
End If
End With
End With
WdApp.Visible = True: wdDoc.Activate
Set wdDoc = Nothing: Set WdApp = Nothing
End Sub

Tracking Chnages in Enterprise Architect

I encounter a real difficulty in tracking changes and updates in the company models.
I research the tool abilities a lot, but still didn't find the golden way that match my requirements of:
Provide indication where was a change
What was the change
Keep the original model state, aside to the up-to-date state
EA offers the following ways:
Version Control
Change Elements
None of them provides indication on what exactly was the change and where.
What is the easiest way to manage the changes effectively?
You forgot the last resort: audit. Turn on auditing and you can get a lot more information. Of course this also has its drawbacks
it uses a lot of space
there are still changes that are not tracked in the detail you might need it.
Turn it on at Project/Auditing. More information here.
Additionally you could think of writing triggers, but I would not recommend that since it makes your repository almost unmaintainable.
Auditing is of course also no silver bullet. Tracking changes is tedious. And personally I would not spend too much effort in this "accusation mode". Better spend your energy in driving the model towards the company goals. Nobody needs yesterday's model.
I wrote some scripts to handle change management in EA.
The idea is that the user links the changed items to a change request element that represents a workitem, project, change request, bug,...
Each link contains the date, user and a comment for the change to that item.
The scripts are part of the open source EA VBScript library:
The main script is the following
'[path=\Projects\Project A\A Scripts]
'[group=Atrias Scripts]
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-VBScript
!INC Atrias Scripts.Util
' Script Name: LinkToCRMain
' Author: Geert Bellekens
' Purpose: Link Elemnents to a change
' Date: 2015-10-30
function linkItemToCR(selectedItem, selectedItems)
dim groupProcessing
groupProcessing = false
'if the collection is given then we initialize the first item.
if selectedItem is nothing then
if not selectedItems is nothing then
if selectedItems.Count > 0 then
set selectedItem = selectedItems(0)
if selectedItems.Count > 1 then
groupProcessing = true
end if
end if
end if
end if
if selectedItem is nothing then
set selectedItem = Repository.GetContextObject()
end if
'get the select context item type
dim selectedItemType
selectedItemType = selectedItem.ObjectType
select case selectedItemType
case otElement, otPackage, otAttribute, otMethod, otConnector :
'if the selectedItem is a package then we use the Element part of the package
if selectedItemType = otPackage then
set selectedItem = selectedItem.Element
end if
'get the logged in user
Dim userLogin
userLogin = getUserLogin
dim lastCR as EA.Element
set lastCR = nothing
dim CRtoUse as EA.Element
set CRtoUse = nothing
set lastCR = getLastUsedCR(userLogin)
'get most recent used CR by this user
if not selectedItem is nothing then
dim lastComments
lastComments = vbNullString
'if there is a last CR then we ask the user if we need to use that one
if not lastCR is nothing then
dim response
if groupProcessing then
response = Msgbox("Link all " & selectedItems.Count & " elements to change: """ & lastCR.Name & """?", vbYesNoCancel+vbQuestion, "Link to CR")
elseif not isCRLinked(selectedItem,lastCR) then
response = Msgbox("Link element """ & selectedItem.Name & """ to change: """ & lastCR.Name & """?", vbYesNoCancel+vbQuestion, "Link to CR")
end if
'check the response
select case response
case vbYes
set CRToUse = lastCR
case vbCancel
'user cancelled, stop altogether
Exit function
end select
end if
'If there was no last CR, or the user didn't want to link that one we let the user choose one
if CRToUse is nothing then
dim CR_id
CR_ID = Repository.InvokeConstructPicker("IncludedTypes=Change")
if CR_ID > 0 then
set CRToUse = Repository.GetElementByID(CR_ID)
end if
'user selected same change as last time. So he might want to reuse his comments as well
lastComments = getLastUsedComment(userLogin)
end if
'if the CRtoUse is now selected then we link it to the selected element
if not CRToUse is nothing then
dim linkCounter
linkCounter = 0
'first check if this CR is not already linked
if isCRLinked(selectedItem,CRToUse) and not groupProcessing then
MsgBox "The CR was already linked to this item", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation ,"Already Linked"
'get the comments to use
dim comments
comments = InputBox("Please enter comments for this change", "Change Comments",lastComments)
if len(comments) > 2 then
if groupProcessing then
for each selectedItem in selectedItems
'check the object type
selectedItemType = selectedItem.ObjectType
select case selectedItemType
case otElement, otPackage, otAttribute, otMethod, otConnector :
if not isCRLinked(selectedItem,CRToUse) then
linkToCR selectedItem, selectedItemType, CRToUse, userLogin, comments
linkCounter = linkCounter + 1
end if
end select
if linkCounter > 0 then
MsgBox "Successfully linked " & selectedItems.Count & " elements to change """ & CRToUse.Name& """" , vbOKOnly + vbInformation ,"Elements linked"
MsgBox "No links created to change " & CRToUse.Name & "." & vbNewLine & "They are probably already linked" , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation ,"Already Linked"
end if
linkToCR selectedItem, selectedItemType, CRToUse, userLogin, comments
end if
MsgBox "The CR has not been linked because no comment was provided", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation ,"No CR link"
end if
end if
end if
end if
case else
MsgBox "Cannot link this type of element to a CR" & vbNewline & "Supported element types are: Element, Package, Attribute, Operation and Relation"
end select
end function
function isCRLinked(item, CR)
dim taggedValue as EA.TaggedValue
isCRLinked = false
for each taggedValue in item.TaggedValues
if taggedValue.Value = CR.ElementGUID then
isCRLinked = true
exit for
end if
end function
function linkToCR(selectedItem, selectedItemType, CRToUse, userLogin, comments)
Session.Output "CRToUse: " & CRToUse.Name & " userLogin: " & userLogin & " comments: " & comments
dim crTag
set crTag = nothing
set crTag = selectedItem.TaggedValues.AddNew("CR","")
if not crTag is nothing then
crTag.Value = CRToUse.ElementGUID
crTag.Notes = "user=" & userLogin & ";" & _
"date=" & Year(Date) & "-" & Right("0" & Month(Date),2) & "-" & Right("0" & Day(Date),2) & ";" & _
"comments=" & comments
end if
end function
function getLastUsedCR(userLogin)
dim wildcard
dim sqlDateString
if Repository.RepositoryType = "JET" then
wildcard = "*"
sqlDateString = " mid(tv.Notes, instr(tv.[Notes],'date=') + len('date='),10) "
wildcard = "%"
sqlDateString = " substring(tv.Notes, charindex('date=',tv.[Notes]) + len('date='),10) "
end if
dim sqlGetString
sqlGetString = "select top 1 o.Object_id " & _
" from (t_objectproperties tv " & _
" inner join t_object o on o.ea_guid = tv.VALUE) " & _
" where tv.[Notes] like 'user=" & userLogin & ";" & wildcard & "' " & _
" order by " & sqlDateString & " desc, tv.PropertyID desc "
dim CRs
dim CR as EA.Element
set CR = nothing
'get the last CR
set CRs = getElementsFromQuery(sqlGetString)
if CRs.Count > 0 then
set CR = CRs(0)
end if
set getLastUsedCR = CR
end function
function getLastUsedComment(userLogin)
dim wildcard
dim sqlDateString
dim sqlCommentsString
if Repository.RepositoryType = "JET" then
wildcard = "*"
sqlDateString = " mid(tv.Notes, instr(tv.[Notes],'date=') + len('date='),10) "
sqlCommentsString = " mid(tv.Notes, instr(tv.[Notes],'comments=') + len('comments=')) "
wildcard = "%"
sqlDateString = " substring(tv.Notes, charindex('date=',tv.[Notes]) + len('date='),10) "
sqlCommentsString = " substring(tv.Notes, charindex('comments=',tv.[Notes]) + len('comments='), datalength(tv.Notes)) "
end if
dim sqlGetString
sqlGetString = "select top 1 " & sqlCommentsString & " as comments " & _
" from (t_objectproperties tv " & _
" inner join t_object o on o.ea_guid = tv.VALUE) " & _
" where tv.[Notes] like 'user=" & userLogin & ";" & wildcard & "' " & _
" order by " & sqlDateString & " desc, tv.PropertyID desc "
dim queryResult
queryResult = Repository.SQLQuery(sqlGetString)
Session.Output queryResult
dim results
results = convertQueryResultToArray(queryResult)
if Ubound(results) > 0 then
getLastUsedComment = results(0,0)
getLastUsedComment = vbNullString
end if
end function

Stop search dialog from coming up in MS Access form

The "Find and Replace" dialog keeps coming up after my button event runs. Why and what can I do to stop it?
Private Sub btn_Find_Click()
Dim query_string As String
'MsgBox (Me.InventoryDetailsID)
query_string = "SELECT " & _
"tbl_Inventory_Header.InventoryHeaderID, " & _
"tbl_Inventory_Header.InventoryTitle, " & _
"tbl_Inventory_Header.Author, " & _
"tbl_Lookup_MediaTypes.MediaTypeDescription, " & _
"tbl_Inventory_Details.ShelfNumber, " & _
"tbl_Lookup_Vendors.VendorName, " & _
"tbl_Inventory_Header.Year_Publish_Produced, " & _
"tbl_Inventory_Header.InventoryDescription " & _
"FROM (((tbl_Inventory_Header " & _
"INNER JOIN tbl_Inventory_Details ON tbl_Inventory_Details.InventoryHeaderID = tbl_Inventory_Header.InventoryHeaderID) " & _
"INNER JOIN tbl_Lookup_Vendors ON tbl_Lookup_Vendors.VendorID = tbl_Inventory_Header.VendorID) " & _
"INNER JOIN tbl_Lookup_MediaTypes ON tbl_Lookup_MediaTypes.MediaTypeID = tbl_Inventory_Header.MediaTypeID) " & _
"WHERE tbl_Inventory_Details.InventoryDetailsID LIKE '" & Me.InventoryDetailsID & "';"
Me.Controls!test.Value = query_string
'MsgBox ("Querying for record data")
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qry_Inventory_Header_ISBN").SQL = query_string
Dim recordSet As DAO.recordSet
Set recordSet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qry_Inventory_Header_ISBN")
If Not recordSet.RecordCount > 0 Then
MsgBox ("No record found for barcode " & Me.Controls!InventoryDetailsID)
GoTo Exit_btn_SearchByHeaderId_Click
'MsgBox ("record found")
End If
'MsgBox (recordSet!InventoryTitle)
'MsgBox ("filling controls")
Me.Controls!InventoryTitle.Value = recordSet!InventoryTitle
Me.Controls!Author = recordSet!Author
Me.Controls!MediaTypeDescription = recordSet!MediaTypeDescription
Me.Controls!VendorName = recordSet!VendorName
Me.Controls!Year_Publish_Produced = recordSet!Year_Publish_Produced
Me.Controls!InventoryDescription = recordSet!InventoryDescription
Me.Controls!ShelfNumber = recordSet!ShelfNumber
On Error GoTo Err_btn_SearchByHeaderId_Click
'MsgBox ("got error")
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFind
'MsgBox ("exit")
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btn_SearchByHeaderId_Click
End Sub
The Find dialog derives at this command DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFind towards the bottom just before the error handlers.
And according to the code, this Find command will always run since no If Then, Do While Loop, For Next, or Goto is wrapped around it.
Consider removing it, re-positioning it, or placing an Exit Sub before it if this Find command should be part of an error handle.

time variable in vb script

I m trying to use a variable in the VB script at multiple places. This variable is is being calculated everytime i call the variable.
is there a way the script can use the initial value of the variable?
For Example -
In Sub StartServers, the DatenTime variable has a certain time value (eg: 2014-01-16-16-10-01.50) and after 120 Seconds sleep time, the DatenTime value in the Sub routine SendMail has 120 seconds added to the value (eg: 2014-01-16-16-12-01.50) causing a different time stamp, and attachment to is not sent as it cannot find the file name.
Thanks in advance for any answers. Please let me know if need more details.
DatenTime = "%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,5%"
Sub StartServers
wshShell.Run "E:\Automation\bin\queryhpe.cmd > E:\Automation\log\query_hpe_"&DatenTime&".log"
WScript.Sleep 120000
End Sub
Sub SendMail
On Error Resume Next
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = sEmailList.ReadLine
.From = "<>"
.Subject = "STAGE: Querying Windows Services at " & Time & " on " & Date
.Textbody = "STAGE: Querying Windows executed at " & Time & " on " & Date & " by " & sWho & "." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Pls find the info on following location " & "Pls Review attached logs for detailed information"
.AddAttachment "E:\Automation\log\query_hpe_"&DatenTime&".log"
End With
End Sub
Don't use environment variables for constructing a timestamp string in VBScript. Use the appropriate VBScript functions instead:
Function LPad(v) : LPad = Right("00" & v, 2) : End Function
t = Now
DatenTime = Year(t) & "-" & LPad(Month(t)) & "-" & LPad(Day(t)) _
& "_" & LPad(Hour(t)) & "_" & LPad(Minute(t)) & "_" & LPad(Second(t)) _
& "." & LPad(Left(Timer * 1000 Mod 1000, 2))
The expression Timer * 1000 Mod 1000 determines the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the last full second.
You just need to create a variable above the Sub and store the Date/Time to it. Then refer to this variables in the Sub.
DatenTime = "%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,5%"
Dim StartDate, StartTime
StartDate = Date
StartTime = Time
Sub StartServers
wshShell.Run "E:\Automation\bin\queryhpe.cmd > E:\Automation\log\query_hpe_"&DatenTime&".log"
WScript.Sleep 120000
End Sub
Sub SendMail
On Error Resume Next
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = sEmailList.ReadLine
.From = "<>"
.Subject = "STAGE: Querying Windows Services at " & StartTime & " on " & StartDate
.Textbody = "STAGE: Querying Windows executed at " & StartTime & " on " & StartDate & " by " & sWho & "." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Pls find the info on following location " & "Pls Review attached logs for detailed information"
.AddAttachment "E:\Automation\log\query_hpe_"&DatenTime&".log"
End With
End Sub

Convert Mail merge fields to fillable form fields in Word

I have a word template ready with mail merge fields.
Is there a easy way to convert them into fillable form fields?
In the end I want to create a fillable pdf form.
If it's a simple legacy field:
Public Sub ReplaceMergeFields()
On Error GoTo MyErrorHandler
Dim sourceDocument As Document
Set sourceDocument = ActiveDocument
Dim myMergeField As Field
Dim i As Long
For i = sourceDocument.Fields.Count To 1 Step -1
Set myMergeField = sourceDocument.Fields(i)
If myMergeField.Type = wdFieldMergeField Then
Selection.FormFields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldFormTextInput
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "ReplaceMergeFields" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Err = " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Description: " & Err.Description
End Sub