Line buffered reading in Perl - perl

I have a perl script, say "" which is used in the following context:
long_running_command | ""
The process_output script, needs to be like the unix "tee" command, which dumps output of "long_running_command" to the terminal as it gets generated, and in addition captures output to a text file, and at the end of "long_running_command", forks another process with the text file as an input.
The behavior I am currently seeing is that, the output of "long_running_command" gets dumped to the terminal, only when it gets completed instead of, dumping output as it gets generated. Do I need to do something special to fix this?
Based on my reading in a few other stackexchange posts, i tried the following in "", without much help:
select(STDOUT); $| =1;
select(STDIN); $| =1; # Not sure even if this is needed
use FileHandle; STDOUT->autoflush(1);
stdbuf -oL -eL long_running_command | ""
Any pointers on how to proceed further.

This is more likely an issue with the output of the first process being buffered, rather than the input of your script. The easiest solution would be to try using the unbuffer command (I believe it's part of the expect package), something like
unbuffer long_running_command | ""
The unbuffer command will disable the buffering that happens normally when output is directed to a non-interactive place.

This will be the output processing of long_running_processing. More than likely it is using stdio - which will look to see what the output file descriptor is connected to before it does outputing. If it is a terminal (tty), then it will generally output line based, but in the above case - it will notice it is writing to a pipe and will therefore buffer the output into larger chunks.
You can control the buffering in your own process by using, as you showed
select(STDOUT); $| =1;
This means that things that your process prints to STDIO, are not buffered - it makes no sense doing this for input, as you control how much buffering is done - if you use sysread() then you are reading unbuffered, if you use a construct like <$fh> then perl will await until it has a "whole line" (it actually reads up to the next input line separator (as defined in variable $/ which is newline by default)) before it returns data to you.
unbuffer can be used to "disable" the output buffering, what it actually does is make the outputing process think that it is talking to a tty (by using a pseudo tty) so the output process does not buffer.


Find data point generating Error in Perl code

I have a program in Perl that reads one line at a time from a data file and computes certain statistics for each line of data. Every now and then, while the program reads through my dataset, I get a warning about an ...uninitialized value... and I would like to know which line of data generates this warning.
Is there any way I can tell Perl to print (to screen or file) the data point that is generating the error?
If your script prints one line for each input line, it would be simpler to see when the error occurs by flushing the standard error along with the output (making the message appear at the "right" point):
$| = 1;
That is, turn on the perl autoflush feature, as discussed in How to flush output to the console?
What (auto)flushing does:
error messages are written to the predefined STDERR stream, normal printf's go to the (default) predefined STDOUT.
data written on these streams is saved up by the system (under Perl's control) to write out in chunks (called "buffers") to improve efficiency.
STDERR and STDOUT buffers are independent, and could be written line-by-line or by buffers (many characters, not necessarily lines).
using autoflush tells Perl to modify its scheme for writing buffers so that their content is written via the operating system at the end of a print/printf call.
normally STDERR is written line-by-line. The command tells Perl to enable this feature for the current/default stream, i.e., STDOUT.
doing that makes both of them write line-by-line, so that messages sent close in time via either appears close together in the output of your script.
Perl usually includes the file handle and line number in warnings by default; i.e.
>echo hello | perl -lnwe 'print $x'
Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
Use of uninitialized value $x in print at -e line 1, <> line 1.
So if you're doing the computation while reading, you get the appropriate warning.

Perl STDIN without buffering or line buffering

I have a Perl script that received input piped from another program. It's buffering with an 8k (Ubuntu default) input buffer, which is causing problems. I'd like to use line buffering or disable buffering completely. It doesn't look like there's a good way to do this. Any suggestions?
use IO::Handle;
use Text::CSV;
my $stdin = new IO::Handle;
$stdin->fdopen(fileno(STDIN), 'r');
my $poll = IO::Poll->new() or die "cannot create IO::Poll object";
$poll->mask($stdin => POLLIN);
my $halt = 0;
for(;;) {
for my $handle ($poll->handles(POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR)) {
next unless($handle eq $stdin);
if(eof) {
$halt = 1;
my #row = $csv->getline($stdin);
# Do more stuff here
last if($halt);
Polling STDIN kind of throws a wrench into things since IO::Poll uses buffering and direct calls like sysread do not (and they can't mix). I don't want to infinitely call sysread without no blocking. I require the use of select or poll since I don't want to hammer the CPU.
PLEASE NOTE: I'm talking about STDIN, NOT STDOUT. $|++ is not the solution.
Updating my question to clarify based on the comments and other answers.
The program that is writing to STDOUT (on the other side of the pipe) is line buffered and flushed after every write. Every write contains a newline, so in effect, buffering is not an issue for STDOUT of the first program.
To verify this is true, I wrote a small C program that reads piped input from the same program with STDIN buffering disabled (setvbuf with _IONBF). The input appears in STDIN of the test program immediately. Sadly, it does not appear to be an issue with the output from the first program.
Thanks for any insight!
PS. I have done a fair amount of Googling. This link is the closest I've found to an answer, but it certainly doesn't satisfy all my needs.
Say there are two short lines in the pipe's buffer.
IO::Poll notifies you there's data to read, which you proceed to read (indirectly) using readline.
Reading one character at a time from a file handle is very inefficient. As such, readline (aka <>) reads a block of data from the file handle at a time. The two lines ends up in a buffer and the first of the two lines is returned.
Then you wait for IO::Poll to notify you that there is more data. It doesn't know about Perl's buffer; it just knows the pipe is empty. As such, it blocks.
This post demonstrates the problem. It uses IO::Select, but the principle (and solution) is the same.
You're actually talking about the other program's STDOUT. The solution is $|=1; (or equivalent) in the other program.
If you can't, you might be able to convince the other program use line-buffering instead of block buffering by connecting its STDOUT to a pseudo-tty instead of a pipe (like does, for example).
The unix program expect has a tool called unbuffer which does that exactly that. (It's part of the expect-dev package on Ubuntu.) Just prefix the command name with unbuffer.

Perl, what does $|++ do?

I'm re-factoring some perl code, and as seems to be the case, Perl has some weird constructs that are a pain to look up.
In this case I encountered the following...
This is on a line by itself just after the "use" statements.
What does this command do?
From perldoc perlvar:
If set to nonzero, forces a flush right away and after every write or print on the currently selected output channel. Default is 0 (regardless of whether the channel is really buffered by the system or not; $| tells you only whether you've asked Perl explicitly to flush after each write). STDOUT will typically be line buffered if output is to the terminal and block buffered otherwise. Setting this variable is useful primarily when you are outputting to a pipe or socket, such as when you are running a Perl program under rsh and want to see the output as it's happening. This has no effect on input buffering. See getc for that. See select on how to select the output channel. See also IO::Handle.
Therefore, as it always starts as 0, this increments it to 1, forcing a flush after every write/print.
You can replace it with the following to be much clearer.
use English '-no_match_vars';
Looking up variables is best done with perlvar (perldoc perlvar, or
From that:
HANDLE->autoflush( EXPR )
If set to nonzero,
forces a flush right away and after every write or print on the
currently selected output channel. Default is 0 (regardless of whether
the channel is really buffered by the system or not; $| tells you only
whether you've asked Perl explicitly to flush after each write).
STDOUT will typically be line buffered if output is to the terminal
and block buffered otherwise. Setting this variable is useful
primarily when you are outputting to a pipe or socket, such as when
you are running a Perl program under rsh and want to see the output as
it's happening. This has no effect on input buffering. See getc for
that. See select on how to select the output channel. See also
++ is the increment operator, which adds one to the variable.
So $|++ sets autoflush true (default 0 + 1 = 1, which boolean evals as true), which forces writes to stdout to not be buffered.
$| is one of Perl's special variables.
According to perlvar:
If set to nonzero, forces a flush right away and after every write or print on the currently selected output channel.
If Google is your only source of information, I can understand how looking up special variables in Perl could cause consternation. Fortunately there is perldoc! Every machine with perl on it should also have perldoc. Use it without command line parameters to get a list of all the Core documentation that comes with your version of Perl.
To look up all special variables: perldoc perlvar
To look up a specific special variable:perldoc -v '$|' ( on *nix,
use double quotes on Windows)
To look up perl's list of functions: perldoc perlfunc
To look up a specific function: perldoc -f sprintf
To look up the operators (including precedence): perldoc perlop
Armed with that information, you'll know what happens when you post-increment the Output Autoflush variable.
As a special bonus, can manage all of these jobs with the exception of the -v search...
As others have pointed out, it enables autoflush on the selected output filehandle (which is likely STDOUT). What nobody else has said, though, is that while you're generally refactoring and neatening up code, you really ought to replace it with the equivalent but much more obvious

What can be the possible situations where one should prefer the unbuffered output?

By the discussion in my previous question I came to know that Perl gives line buffer output by default.
$| = 0; # for buffered output (by default)
If you want to get unbuffered output then set the special variable $| to 1 i.e.
$| = 1; # for unbuffered output
Now I want to know that what can be the possible situations where one should prefer the unbuffered output?
You want unbuffered output for interactive tasks. By that, I mean you don't want output stuck in some buffer when you expect someone or something else to respond to the output.
For example, you wouldn't want user prompts sent to STDOUT to be buffered. (That's why STDOUT is never fully buffered when attached to a terminal. It is only line buffered, and the buffer is flushed by attempts to read from STDIN.)
For example, you'd want requests sent over pipes and sockets to not get stuck in some buffer, as the other end of the connection would never see it.
The only other reason I can think of is when you don't want important data to be stuck in a buffer in the event of a unrecoverable error such as a panic or death by signal.
For example, you might want to keep a log file unbuffered in order to be able to diagnose serious problems. (This is why STDERR isn't buffered by default.)
Here's a small sample of Perl users from StackOverflow who have benefited from learning to set $| = 1:
STDOUT redirected externally and no output seen at the console
Perl Print function does not work properly when Sleep() is used
can't write to file using print
perl appending issues
Unclear perl script execution
Perl: Running a "Daemon" and printing
Redirecting STDOUT of a pipe in Perl
Why doesn't my parent process see the child's output until it exits?
Why does adding or removing a newline change the way this perl for loop functions?
Perl not printing properly
In Perl, how do I process input as soon as it arrives, instead of waiting for newline?
What is the simple way to keep the output stream exactly as it shown out on the screen (while interactive data used)?
Is it possible to print from a perl CGI before the process exits?
Why doesn't print output anything on each iteration of a loop when I use sleep?
Perl Daemon Not Working with Sleep()
It can be useful when writing to another program over a socket or pipe. It can also be useful when you are writing debugging information to STDOUT to watch the state of your program live.

What does the '`' character do in Perl?

I was using Perl to read through each line of a file. I used a command line tool to call a service, and I noticed some interesting functionality that I can't figure out how to search for. To the variable $cmd I assigned the command that invokes the service. If I refer to $cmd later in the code it prints out the command line argument, but if I refer to it as `$cmd`, however, it gives the output from running the service.
What is the explanation for this?
It works just like backquotes in the shell, which is why it is called that. See sh(1) for details. It captures the standard output alone, and nothing else. It sets the $? variable to the 16-bit wait status word.
This is all explained in the perlop(1) manpage:
A string which is (possibly) interpolated and then
executed as a system command with /bin/sh or its
equivalent. Shell wildcards, pipes, and redirections
will be honored. The collected standard output of the
command is returned; standard error is unaffected. In
scalar context, it comes back as a single (potentially
multi-line) string, or undef if the command failed.
In list context, returns a list of lines (however
you’ve defined lines with $/ or
$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR), or the empty list if the
command failed.
Because backticks do not affect standard error: use
shell file descriptor syntax (assuming the shell
supports this) if you care to address this. To
capture a command’s STDERR and STDOUT merged together:
$output = `cmd 2>&1`;
To capture a command’s STDOUT but discard its STDERR:
$output = `cmd 2>/dev/null`;
To capture a command’s STDERR but discard its STDOUT
(ordering is important here):
$output = `cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null`;
To exchange a command’s STDOUT and STDERR in order to
capture the STDERR but leave its STDOUT to come out
the old STDERR:
$output = `cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-`;
To read both a command’s STDOUT and its STDERR
separately, it’s easiest to redirect them separately
to files, and then read from those files when the
program is done:
system("program args 1>program.stdout 2>program.stderr");
The STDIN filehandle used by the command is inherited
from Perl’s STDIN. For example:
open(BLAM, "blam") || die "$0: can't open blam: $!";
open (STDIN, "<&BLAM") || die "$0: can't dup BLAM: $!";
print `sort`;
will print the sorted contents of the file blam.
Using single-quote as the delimiter protects the command
from Perl’s double-quote interpolation, passing the contents on
to the shell instead:
$perl_info = qx(ps $$); # that's Perl's $$
$shell_info = qx'ps $$'; # that's the new shell's $$
How that string gets evaluated is entirely subject to
the command interpreter on your system. On most
platforms, you will have to protect shell
metacharacters if you want them treated literally.
This is in practice difficult to do, as it’s unclear
which characters need escaping, or how. See perlsec for a
clean and safe example of a manual fork and exec
to emulate backticks safely.
On some platforms (notably DOS-like ones), the shell
may not be capable of dealing with multiline commands,
so putting newlines in the string may not get you what
you want. You may be able to evaluate multiple
commands in a single line by separating them with the
command separator character, if your shell supports
that (e.g. ; on many Unix shells; & on the Windows
NT CMD.COM shell).
Beginning with v5.6.0, Perl attempts to flush all
files opened for output before starting the child
process, but this may not be supported on some
platforms (see perlport(1)). To be safe, you may need to
set $| ($AUTOFLUSH in English) or call the
autoflush method of IO::Handle on any open
Beware that some command shells may place restrictions
on the length of the command line. You must ensure
your strings don’t exceed this limit after any
necessary interpolations. See the platform-specific
release notes for more details about your particular
Using this operator can lead to programs that are
difficult to port, because the shell commands called
vary between systems, and may in fact not be present
at all. As one example, the type command under the
POSIX shell is very different from the type command
under DOS. That doesn't mean you should go out of
your way to avoid backticks when they’re the right way
to get something done. Perl was made to be a glue
language, and one of the things it glues together is
commands. Just understand what you’re getting
yourself into.
See I/O Operators for more discussion.
Here’s a simple example of using backticks to get the exit status of the first element in a pipeline:
$device = q(/dev/rmt8);
$dd_noise = q(^[0-9]+\+[0-9]+ records (in|out)$);
$status = `exec 3>&1; ((dd if=$device ibs=64k 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- 4>&-; echo $? >&4) | egrep -v "$dd_noise" 1>&2 3>&- 4>&-) 4>&1`;
Well ok then, so maybe that wasn’t that simple an example. :) But this one is.
I’d like to recommend the Capture::Tiny CPAN module as a simpler way to manage the output from external commands that you would normally run using backquotes. It has advantages and disadvantages, but I feel that for many people, the advantages outweigh any arguable disadvantageL
The advantage is that you get to do all this without requiring deep knowledge of arcane mysteries of file-descriptor redirection the way the previous example did.
The disadvantage is it’s yet another non-core dependency — something else you have to install from CPAN.
That’s really not bad for what you get.
Here’s an example of how easy it is:
Capture::Tiny - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS, or external programs
use Capture::Tiny qw/capture tee capture_merged tee_merged/;
($stdout, $stderr) = capture {
# your code here
($stdout, $stderr) = tee {
# your code here
$merged = capture_merged {
# your code here
$merged = tee_merged {
# your code here
Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture anything sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code
or from an external program. Optionally, output can be teed so that it is captured while being passed through to the original handles. Yes, it
even works on Windows. Stop guessing which of a dozen capturing modules to use in any particular situation and just use this one.
There, isn’t that a whole lot easier?
The back-quote in Perl does much the same as the back-quote in shell - it runs a command and captures the standard output.
See also qx//.
I think the backtick lets you run commands and store their output in a variable:
$listing=`ls -1 /tmp/`;