1 document with updates vs Many smaller and inserting - mongodb

I need to develop a data set for users which stores their favourite items - maybe 5% of users will have favourites, and for those perhaps 5-10 favourites on average, with a max of 50. Almost every user will have a "get favourites" call happen, regardless of if they have them, but will probably add infrequently
My assumption is: There will probably be 100x more "get favourites" than "add/post favourite".
Would it be better to have this structure in mongo, which may slow inserts (since it needs to update 1 document per user), but could be faster to retrieve all.
_id : 123456, (the user id)
favourites : [
{ item_id : 43563, created_date : ... },
{ item_id : 31232, created_date : ... },
{ item_id : 23472, created_date : ... }
Or 1 document per favourite
_id: ...,
user_id : 123456,
item_id : 43563,
_id: ...,
user_id : 123456,
item_id : 31232,
_id: ...,
user_id : 123456,
item_id : 23472,
The second structure is probably more flexible for future requirements change, but I assume the first structure would localise all the data in one area on a disk and may be much quicker for reads.
Then again, I'm not sure if changing the size of a collection document (by many updates) may have a detrimental affect? (i.e. low level would it have to move the document around on disk, or would it fragment the data anyway, since it may not preallocate enough space for it on storage on first insert)
The question is: Is one method recommended or significantly more highly performant than the other.

One way to design a Mongo collection is to think of the way in which the data is most likely to be used and design it for that purpose. In your case your user will query favourites much more frequently that add them. Therefore the collection should be design to optimise this query.
With this in mind the first option is the most optimal of the two. However you might want to consider a slight modification to that structure.
As you have said the getFavourites method will be called for all users but will only return a list of favourites for 5% of users. This call will have to retrieve the favourites array and determine if it has content. While this does not cost too much you could pre-calculate this call by adding an additional field that is true only if the user has favourites. Therefore it will only be necessary to query this field and then only query for favourites if the value returned is true.
I imagine a structure as follows:
_id : 123456, (the user id),
hasFavourites: 1,
favourites : [
{ item_id : 43563, created_date : ... },
{ item_id : 31232, created_date : ... },
{ item_id : 23472, created_date : ... }
This document has favourites so the field hasFavourites is 1, if it didn't it would be 0.


Next.js/MongoDB - Query Optimization

I am building a website using Next.js and MongoDB. On one of my website page, I have implemented filters to help search for products. To retrieve and update the filters (update item count each time a filter is changing), I have an api endpoint which query my MongoDB Collection. This specific collection contains ~200.000 items. Each item have several fields such as brand, model, place etc...
I have 9 fields which I use to filter and thus must fetch through my api each time there's a change. Therefore I have 9 queries running through my api, on for each field/filter and the query on MongoDB looks like :
var models = await db_collection
$match: {
$and: [filter],
$group: { _id: '$model', count: { $sum: 1 } },
{ $sort: { _id: 1 } },
The problem is that, as 9 queries are running, the update of the page (mainly due to the queries) takes ~4secs which is too long. I would like to reach <1sec. I would like to now if there is a good practice I am missing such as doing one query instead of one for each filter or maybe a database optimization on my database.
Thank you,
I have tried using a $project argument before $groupon aggregate pipeline for the query to reduce the number of field returned, using distinct and then sorting instead of aggregate but none of these solutions seem to improve efficiency.
As suggested by R2D2, I am posting the structure of a document on MongoDB in my collection :
_id : ObjectId('example_id')
source : string
date : date
brand : string
family : string
model : string
size : string
color : string
condition : string
contact : string
SKU : string
Depending on the pages, I query unique values of each field of interest (source, date, brand, family, model, size, color, condition, contact) and their count depending on filters (e.g. Number for each unique values of model for selected brands, I also query documents based on specific values of these fields.
As mentioned, you indexes are important and if you are querying by those field I recomand to create compound indexes, see here for indexes optimisation : https://learnmongodbthehardway.com/schema/indexes/
As far as the aggregation pipeline goes, nothing is out of the ordinary, but this specific aggregation just return the number of items per model matching the criteria, not the matching document. If it is all the data you need you might find it usefull to create a new collection when you perform pre-caculation for common search daily (how many items have the color black, ...) this way, when the page loads, you don't have to look in you 200k+ items, but just in your pre-calculated statistical collection. Schedule a cron task or use a lambda function to invoke a route on your api that will calculate all your stats once a day and upsert them in a new collection.
Also I believe the "and" is useless useless since you can use the implicit $and. You can look for an object like :
color : {$in : ['BLACK', 'BLUE']},
size : 3
rather than :
[{color : 'BLACK'}, {color : 'BLUE'}, {size : 3}]
Reserve the explicit $and for when you really need it.

Execution time of a query - MongoDB

I have two collections: coach and team.
Coach collection contains information about coaches like name, surname, age and an array coached_Team that contains the _id of the team that a coach coached.
The team collection contains data about teams like _id, common name, official name, country, championship....
If I want to find, for example, the official name of all teams coached by Allegri, I have to do two queries, the first on coach collection:
>var x = db.coach.find({surname:"Allegri"},{_id:0, "coached_Team.team_id":1})
>var AllegriTeams
>while(x.hasNext()) AllegriTeams=x.next()
"coached_Team" : [
"team_id" : "Juv.26
"team_id" : "Mil.74
"team_id" : "Cag.00
"team_id" : "Juv.26"
"team_id" : "Mil.74"
"team_id" : "Cag.00"
And then I have to execute three queries on team collection:
> db.team.find({ _id:AllegriTeams[0].team_id}, {official_name:1,_id:0})
{official_name : "Juventus Football Club S.p.A."}
> db.team.find({ _id:AllegriTeams[1].team_id}, {official_name:1,_id:0})
{official_name : "Associazione Calcio Milan S.p.A"}
> db.team.find({ _id:AllegriTeams[2].team_id}, {official_name:1,_id:0})
{official_name:"Cagliari Calcio S.p.A"}
Now consider I have about 100k documents on collection team and collection coach. The first query, on coach collection, needs about 71 ms plus the time of while cycle. The three queries on team collection, using cursor.explain("executionStats") needs 0 ms. I don't understand why this query takes 0.
I need executionTimeMillis of these three queries to have the execution time of the query "find official names of all teams coached by Allegri". I want to add the execution time of the query on coach collection(71ms) with the execution time of these three. If the time of these three queries is 0 what can I say about the execution time of the query mainly?
I think the more important observation here is that 71ms is a long time for a simple fetch of one item. Looks like your "surname" field needs an index. The other "three" queries are simple lookups of a primary key, which is why they are relatively fast.
db.coach.createIndex({ "surname": 1 })
If that surname is actually "unique" then add that too:
db.coach.createIndex({ "surname": 1 },{ "unique": true })
You can also simplify your "three" queries as as one by simply mapping the array, and applying the $in operator:
var teamIds = [];
{ "surname": "Allegri" },
{ "_id":0, "coached_Team.team_id":1 }
).forEach(function(coach) {
teamIds = coach.coached_Team.map(function(team) {
return team.team_id }).concat(teamIds);
{ "_id": { "$in": teamIds" }},
{ "official_name": 1, "_id": 0 }
).forEach(function(team) {
And then certainly the overall execution time is way down, as well as removing the overhead of multiple operations down to just the two queries requried.
Also remembering here that despite what is in the execution plan stats, the more queries to make to and from the server then the longer the overal real time execution will be for making each request and retriving the data. So it is best to keep things as minimal as possible.
Therefore even more logical would be that where to "need" this information regularly, storing the "coach name" on the "team itself" ( and indexing that data ) leads to the fastest possible response and only a single query operation.
It's easy to get caught up in observing execution stats. But really, think of what is "best" and "fastest" as a pattern for the sort of queries you want to do.

The correct way of storing document reference in one-to-one relationship in MongoDB

I have two MongoDB collections user and customer which are in one-to-one relationship. I'm new to MongoDB and I'm trying to insert documents manually although I have Mongoose installed. I'm not sure which is the correct way of storing document reference in MongoDB.
I'm using normalized data model and here is my Mongoose schema snapshot for customer:
/** Parent user object */
user: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "User",
required: true
"_id" : ObjectId("547d5c1b1e42bd0423a75781"),
"name" : "john",
"email" : "test#localhost.com",
"phone" : "01022223333",
I want to make a reference to this user document from the customer document. Which of the following is correct - (A) or (B)?
customer (A)
"_id" : ObjectId("547d916a660729dd531f145d"),
"birthday" : "1983-06-28",
"zipcode" : "12345",
"address" : "1, Main Street",
"user" : ObjectId("547d5c1b1e42bd0423a75781")
customer (B)
"_id" : ObjectId("547d916a660729dd531f145d"),
"birthday" : "1983-06-28",
"zipcode" : "12345",
"address" : "1, Main Street",
"user" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("547d5c1b1e42bd0423a75781")
Remember these things
Embedding is better for...
Small subdocuments
Data that does not change regularly
When eventual consistency is acceptable
Documents that grow by a small amount
Data that you’ll often need to perform a second query to fetch Fast reads
References are better for...
Large subdocuments
Volatile data
When immediate consistency is necessary
Documents that grow a large amount
Data that you’ll often exclude from the results
Fast writes
Variant A is Better.
you can use also populate with Mongoose
Use variant A. As long as you don't want to denormalize any other data (like the user's name), there's no need to create a child object.
This also avoids unexpected complexities with the index, because indexing an object might not behave like you expect.
Even if you were to embed an object, _id would be a weird name - _id is only a reserved name for a first-class database document.
One to one relations
1 to 1 relations are relations where each item corresponds to exactly one other item. e.g.:
an employee have a resume and vice versa
a building have and floor plan and vice versa
a patient have a medical history and vice versa
_id : '25',
name: 'john doe',
resume: 30
_id : '30',
jobs: [....],
education: [...],
employee: 25
We can model the employee-resume relation by having a collection of employees and a collection of resumes and having the employee point to the resume through linking, where we have an ID that corresponds to an ID in th resume collection. Or if we prefer, we can link in another direction, where we have an employee key inside the resume collection, and it may point to the employee itself. Or if we want, we can embed. So we could take this entire resume document and we could embed it right inside the employee collection or vice versa.
This embedding depends upon how the data is being accessed by the application and how frequently the data is being accessed. We need to consider:
frequency of access
the size of the items - what is growing all the time and what is not growing. So every time we add something to the document, there is a point beyond which the document need to be moved in the collection. If the document size goes beyond 16MB, which is mostly unlikely.
atomicity of data - there're no transactions in MongoDB, there're atomic operations on individual documents. So if we knew that we couldn't withstand any inconsistency and that we wanted to be able to update the entire employee plus the resume all the time, we may decide to put them into the same document and embed them one way or the other so that we can update it all at once.
In mongodb its very recommended to embedding document as possible as you can, especially in your case that you have 1-to-1 relations.
Why? you cant use atomic-join-operations (even it is not your main concern) in your queries (not the main reason). But the best reason is each join-op (theoretically) need a hard-seek that take about 20-ms. embedding your sub-document just need 1 hard-seek.
I believe the best db-schema for you is using just an id for all of your entities
_id : ObjectId("547d5c1b1e42bd0423a75781"),
userInfo :
"name" : "john",
"email" : "test#localhost.com",
"phone" : "01022223333",
customerInfo :
"birthday" : "1983-06-28",
"zipcode" : "12345",
"address" : "1, Main Street",
staffInfo :
Now if you just want the userinfo you can use
db.users.findOne({_id : ObjectId("547d5c1b1e42bd0423a75781")},{userInfo : 1}).userInfo;
it will give you just the userInfo:
/* 0 */
"name" : "john",
"email" : "test#localhost.com",
"phone" : "01022223333"
And if you just want the **customerInfo ** you can use
db.users.findOne({_id : ObjectId("547d5c1b1e42bd0423a75781")},{customerInfo : 1}).customerInfo;
it will give you just the customerInfo :
/* 0 */
"birthday" : "1983-06-28",
"zipcode" : "12345",
"address" : "1, Main Street"
and so on.
This schema has the minimum hard round-trip and actually you are using mongodb document-based feature with best performance you can achive.

How to store an ordered set of documents in MongoDB without using a capped collection

What's a good way to store a set of documents in MongoDB where order is important? I need to easily insert documents at an arbitrary position and possibly reorder them later.
I could assign each item an increasing number and sort by that, or I could sort by _id, but I don't know how I could then insert another document in between other documents. Say I want to insert something between an element with a sequence of 5 and an element with a sequence of 6?
My first guess would be to increment the sequence of all of the following elements so that there would be space for the new element using a query something like db.items.update({"sequence":{$gte:6}}, {$inc:{"sequence":1}}). My limited understanding of Database Administration tells me that a query like that would be slow and generally a bad idea, but I'm happy to be corrected.
I guess I could set the new element's sequence to 5.5, but I think that would get messy rather quickly. (Again, correct me if I'm wrong.)
I could use a capped collection, which has a guaranteed order, but then I'd run into issues if I needed to grow the collection. (Yet again, I might be wrong about that one too.)
I could have each document contain a reference to the next document, but that would require a query for each item in the list. (You'd get an item, push it onto the results array, and get another item based on the next field of the current item.) Aside from the obvious performance issues, I would also not be able to pass a sorted mongo cursor to my {#each} spacebars block expression and let it live update as the database changed. (I'm using the Meteor full-stack javascript framework.)
I know that everything has it's advantages and disadvantages, and I might just have to use one of the options listed above, but I'd like to know if there is a better way to do things.
Based on your requirement, one of the approaches could be to design your schema, in such a way that each document has the capability to hold more than one document and in itself act as a capped container.
Each document in the collection will act as a capped container, and the documents will be stored as array in the doc field. The doc field being an array, will maintain the order of insertion.
You can limit the number of documents to n. So the _id field of each container document will be incremental by n, indicating the number of documents a container document can hold.
By doing these you avoid adding extra fields to the document, extra indices, unnecessary sorts.
Inserting the very first record
i.e when the collection is empty.
var record = {"name" : "first"};
Inserting subsequent records
Identify the last container document's _id, and the number of
documents it holds.
If the number of documents it holds is less than n, then update the
container document with the new document, else create a new container
Say, that each container document can hold 5 documents at most,and we want to insert a new document.
var record = {"name" : "newlyAdded"};
// using aggregation, get the _id of the last inserted container, and the
// number of record it currently holds.
db.col.aggregate( [ {
$group : {
"_id" : null,
"max" : {
$max : "$_id"
"lastDocSize" : {
$last : "$doc"
}, {
$project : {
"currentMaxId" : "$max",
"capSize" : {
$size : "$lastDocSize"
"_id" : 0
// once obtained, check if you need to update the last container or
// create a new container and insert the document in it.
} ]).forEach( function(check) {
if (check.capSize < 5) {
db.col.update( {
"_id" : check.currentMaxId
}, {
$push : {
"doc" : record
} else {
db.col.insert( {
"_id" : check.currentMaxId + 5,
"doc" : [ record ]
Note that the aggregation, runs on the server side and is very efficient, also note that the aggregation would return you a document rather than a cursor in versions previous to 2.6. So you would need to modify the above code to just select from a single document rather than iterating a cursor.
Inserting a new document in between documents
Now, if you would like to insert a new document between documents 1 and 2, we know that the document should fall inside the container with _id=0 and should be placed in the second position in the doc array of that container.
so, we make use of the $each and $position operators for inserting into specific positions.
var record = {"name" : "insertInMiddle"};
"_id" : 0
}, {
$push : {
"doc" : {
$each : [record],
$position : 1
Handling Over Flow
Now, we need to take care of documents overflowing in each container, say we insert a new document in between, in container with _id=0. If the container already has 5 documents, we need to move the last document to the next container and do so till all the containers hold documents within their capacity, if required at last we need to create a container to hold the overflowing documents.
This complex operation should be done on the server side. To handle this, we can create a script such as the one below and register it with mongodb.
db.system.js.save( {
"_id" : "handleOverFlow",
"value" : function handleOverFlow(id) {
var currDocArr = db.col.find( {
"_id" : id
var count = currDocArr.length;
var nextColId = id + 5;
// check if the collection size has exceeded
if (count <= 5)
else {
// need to take the last doc and push it to the next capped
// container's array
print("updating collection: " + id);
var record = currDocArr.splice(currDocArr.length - 1, 1);
// update the next collection
db.col.update( {
"_id" : nextColId
}, {
$push : {
"doc" : {
$each : record,
$position : 0
// remove from original collection
db.col.update( {
"_id" : id
}, {
"doc" : currDocArr
// check overflow for the subsequent containers, recursively.
So that after every insertion in between , we can invoke this function by passing the container id, handleOverFlow(containerId).
Fetching all the records in order
Just use the $unwind operator in the aggregate pipeline.
Re-Ordering Documents
You can store each document in a capped container with an "_id" field:
Get hold of the "doc" array of the capped container of which you want
to reorder items.
var docArray = db.col.find({"_id":0})[0];
Update their ids so that after sorting the order of the item will change.
Sort the array based on their _ids.
docArray.sort( function(a, b) {
return a._id - b._id;
update the capped container back, with the new doc array.
But then again, everything boils down to which approach is feasible and suits your requirement best.
Coming to your questions:
What's a good way to store a set of documents in MongoDB where order is important?I need to easily insert documents at an arbitrary
position and possibly reorder them later.
Documents as Arrays.
Say I want to insert something between an element with a sequence of 5 and an element with a sequence of 6?
use the $each and $position operators in the db.collection.update() function as depicted in my answer.
My limited understanding of Database Administration tells me that a
query like that would be slow and generally a bad idea, but I'm happy
to be corrected.
Yes. It would impact the performance, unless the collection has very less data.
I could use a capped collection, which has a guaranteed order, but then I'd run into issues if I needed to grow the collection. (Yet
again, I might be wrong about that one too.)
Yes. With Capped Collections, you may lose data.
An _id field in MongoDB is a unique, indexed key similar to a primary key in relational databases. If there is an inherent order in your documents, ideally you should be able to associate a unique key to each document, with the key value reflecting the order. So while preparing your document for insertion, explicitly add an _id field as this key (if you do not, mongo creates it automatically with a BSON objectid).
As far as retrieving the results are concerned, MongoDB does not guarantee the order of return documents unless you explicitly use .sort() . If you do not use .sort(), the results are usually returned in natural order (order of insertion).Again, there is no guarantee on this behavior.
I'd advise you to override _id with your order while inserting, and use a sort while retrieving. Since _id is a necessary and auto-indexed entity, you will not be wasting any space defining a sort key, and storing the index for it.
For abitrary sorting of any collection, you'll need a field to sort it on. I call mine "sequence".
_id: ObjectID,
sequence: Number,
Here is a link to some general sorting database answers that may be relevant:
I suggest going with Floating point solution - adding a position column:
Use a floating-point number for the position column.
You can then reorder the list changing only the position column in the "moved" row.
If your user wants to position "red" after "blue" but before "yellow" Then you just need to calculate
red.position = ((yellow.position - blue.position) / 2) + blue.position
After a few re-positions in the same place (Cuttin in half every time) - you might reach a wall - it's better that if you reach a certain threshold - to resort the list.
When retrieving it you can simply say col.sort() to get it sorted and no need for any client-side code (Like in the case of a Linked list solution)

how do I do 'not-in' operation in mongodb?

I have two collections - shoppers (everyone in shop on a given day) and beach-goers (everyone on beach on a given day). There are entries for each day, and person can be on a beach, or shopping or doing both, or doing neither on any day. I want to now do query - all shoppers in last 7 days who did not go to beach.
I am new to Mongo, so it might be that my schema design is not appropriate for nosql DBs. I saw similar questions around join and in most cases it was suggested to denormalize. So one solution, I could think of is to create collection - activity, index on date, embed actions of user. So something like
actions {
[action_type, ..]
Insertion now becomes costly, as now I will have to query before insert.
A few of suggestions.
Figure out all the queries you'll be running, and all the types of data you will need to store. For example, do you expect to add activities in the future or will beach and shop be all?
Consider how many writes vs. reads you will have and which has to be faster.
Determine how your documents will grow over time to make sure your schema is scalable in the long term.
Here is one possible approach, if you will only have these two activities ever. One record per user per day.
{ user: "user1",
date: "2012-12-01",
shopped: 0,
beached: 1
Now your query becomes even simpler, whether you have two or ten activities.
When new activity comes in you always have to update the correct record based on it.
If you were thinking you could just append a record to your collection indicating user, date, activity then your inserts are much faster but your queries now have to do a LOT of work querying for both users, dates and activities.
With proposed schema, here is the insert/update statement:
db.coll.update({"user":"username", "date": "somedate"}, {"shopped":{$inc:1}}, true)
What that's saying is: "for username on somedate increment their shopped attribute by 1 and create it if it doesn't exist aka "upsert" (that's the last 'true' argument).
Here is the query for all users on a particular day who did activity1 more than once but didn't do any of activity2.
Be wary of picking a schema where a single document can have continuous and unbounded growth.
For example, storing everything in a users collection where the array of dates and activities keeps growing will run into this problem. See the highlighted section here for explanation of this - and keep in mind that large documents will keep getting into your working data set and if they are huge and have a lot of useless (old) data in them, that will hurt the performance of your application, as will fragmentation of data on disk.
Remember, you don't have to put all the data into a single collection. It may be best to have a users collection with a fixed set of attributes of that user where you track how many friends they have or other semi-stable information about them and also have a user_activity collection where you add records for each day per user what activities they did. The amount or normalizing or denormalizing of your data is very tightly coupled to the types of queries you will be running on it, which is why figure out what those are is the first suggestion I made.
Insertion now becomes costly, as now I will have to query before insert.
Keep in mind that even with RDBMS, insertion can be (relatively) costly when there are indices in place on the table (ie, usually). I don't think using embedded documents in Mongo is much different in this respect.
For the query, as Asya Kamsky suggest you can use the $nin operator to find everyone who didn't go to the beach. Eg:
actions: { $nin: ["beach"] }
Using embedded documents probably isn't the best approach in this case though. I think the best would be to have a "flat" activities collection with documents like this:
Then you could run a query like this:
var start = new Date(2012, 6, 3);
var end = new Date(2012, 5, 27);
date: {$gte: start, $lt: end },
action: { $in: ["beach", "shopping" ] }
The last step would be on your client driver, to find user ids where records exist for "shopping", but not for "beach" activities.
One possible structure is to use an embedded array of documents (a users collection):
user_id: 1234,
actions: [
{ action_type: "beach", date: "6/1/2012" },
{ action_type: "shopping", date: "6/2/2012" }
{ another user }
Then you can do a query like this, using $elemMatch to find users matching certain criteria (in this case, people who went shopping in the last three days:
var start = new Date(2012, 6, 1);
db.people.find( {
actions : {
$elemMatch : {
action_type : { $in: ["shopping"] },
date : { $gt : start }
Expanding on this, you can use the $and operator to find all people went shopping, but did not go to the beach in the past three days:
var start = new Date(2012, 6, 1);
db.people.find( {
$and: [
actions : {
$elemMatch : {
action_type : { $in: ["shopping"] },
date : { $gt : start }
actions : {
$not: {
$elemMatch : {
action_type : { $in: ["beach"] },
date : { $gt : start }