REST complex web request with GET - rest

I am working on a REST service and so far all the queries are retrieved using a GET request.
Right now we are using a sort of routing rule like this one:
API/Person/{id} GET
Now, what if I want to ask to the REST API "Give me a Person with FisrtName = 'Pippo'"
I have a complex DTO that I called PersonQueryDTO that can be sent to the REST method to interview the database using the query criterias.
Is this a good way to do it or should I build complex queries in a different way?
For me it's important to keep the REST principles.

If you want to stick with REST principles, then the way to do something like that is to supply additional parameters in the URL e.g.
GET API/Person?FirstName=SomeName
REST is all about identifying resources, API/Person identifies your collection of Person and the additional parameters are nothing but meta data which the service can use internally to determine what sort of result to return.


Why we need GraphQL when we can query for a specific field in REST?

GraphQL's principle aim is to solve overfetching problem as faced by many REST APIs and it does that by querying for only specific fields as mentioned in the query.
But in REST APIs, if we use the fields parameter, it also does the same thing. So why need GraphQL if REST can solve overfetching like this?
The option to fetch partial fields is only one of the key features of GraphQL, but not the only one.
One other important advantage is the 'graphic' nature of the model. By treating your schema as a graph (that is, several resources tied together by fields), it allows you to fetch a complex response, constructed of several data types in a single API call. This is a flexibility that you don't have in a standard REST API
Both these features can obviously be done by rest as well, but GraphQL gives it in a much simpler and more intuitive way.
Take a look at this post, there's a fairly good explanation there of the advantages (and disadvantages) of GraphQL.
When you have a REST setup, you're typically returning a whole JSON representation for each endpoint. This includes all fields that you may or may not need which leads to more data usage or more HTTP calls (if you divide your RESTful API up, that is).
GraphQL on the other hand gives you exactly what you're asking for when you query with a single POST/GET request.

Proxy for MSGraph APIs

I am trying to create an adapter (WEB API that will act as a pass through)
for invoking the MS Graph APIs for managing my Active Directory.
AD objects like application and users will be customized to meet our application needs (removing some attributes, adding some extension attributes etc.) and a transformation from our application specific object to AD object would happen in our adapter layer before and after calling MS Graph APIs.
MS Graph APIs currently supports OData queries.
Applications and users would be read as page-wise.
If I have to provide the same OData options in my pass thru Web API layer, how can I do that?
API A supports OData queries.
API B calls the methods that support OData queries in API A.
API B is exposed to the client. When the client calls the method from API B
with OData $Filter, the result has to be returned.
How can I support the OData options in API B?
Thanks in advance.
Well, I'm not sure I get your question correctly but, from what I understand, you just want to proxy the API calls to MS Graph and make some changes on the fly to the response.
OData queries are just simple query parameters (see the OData tutorial). So, basically, you just have to get those query parameters in your proxy and forward them to the MS Graph. The response you'll get will then be compliant with the original query.
However, depending on how you mangle the data, you may end up not being compliant with the user query. For example:
The user made a $select(Id) query, but your logic add a custom property Foo. The user just wanted Id but you added Foo anyway.
The user made an $orderby Name asc query, but your logic modify the property Name. It may not be ordered after your logic.
The user wants to make $filter query on the Foo property. MS Graph will complain because it doesn't know the Foo property.
If you want to handle that cases, well, you'll have to parse the different OData queries and adapt your logic accordingly. $orderby, $top/$skip, $count, $expand and $select should be pretty straight-forward ; $filter and $search would require a bit more work.
Thanks. I was looking for a solution to this.
Instead of parsing the URL to get the OData query parameters, i wanted to understand the standard method to process the OData requests.
Now I am doing the below to extract the OData query parameters and passing them to MSGraph API.
string strODataQuery = String.Join("&", HttpContext.Request.Query.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.StartsWith("$")) .Select(kvp => String.Format("{0}={1}", kvp.Key, Uri.EscapeDataString(kvp.Value))));
And I am performing the conversions after retrieving the results.

Design a REST API in which a search request can take parameters for multiple Queries

I have to design a REST API in which a search request can take parameters for multiple Queries ( i.e. when the client make a call using this API, he should be able to send parameters to form multiple queries).
We have an existing API where we are using GET and it takes multiple parameters which together forms a single Query and then this API call returns the response for this query.
e.g. currently I can pass firstName, lastName, age etc in the request and then get back the person.
But now I have to enhance this service(or have a separate service) where I should be able to send parameters like firstName1, lastName1, age1 to search person1 ; firstName2, lastName2, age2 to search person2 and so on.
Should I use POST for the new API and then send list of parameters(params for query1, params for query2 and so on)?
Or is there a better approach.
We are using Spring Boot for REST implementation.
Its better to use POST because GET is good for 2,3 parameter but when you have a set of parameter or object then POST is Good.
The best thing to do here will be do POST and then return a JSON object with all the details of the Person in an array.
That way it will be faster and you would not have to deal with long urls for GET.
Also GET has limitations regarding the length of the request whereas there is no such limitation in case of POST.
It is really hard to give a right answer here. In general sending a GET request does have the advantage that you can leverage caching easily on a HTTP level, e.g. by using products like varnish, nginx, etc. But if you already can forsee that your URL including all params you'll have to send a POST request to make it work in all Browsers.
RESTfull architecture should respect the principle of addressability.
Since multiple users can be accessed through a unique request, then ideally this group of user should get an address, which would identify it as a resource.
However I understand that in the real world, URIs have a limited length (maximum length of HTTP GET request?). A POST request would indeed work well, but we lose the benefit of addressability.
Another way would be to expose a new resource : group,.
Lets suppose that your current model is something like this :
You could eventually do something like :
(explanation below)
then you could split your research in two :
first a POST on .../users/groups/ with, as proposed by other response, a JSON description of the search parameters. This request could scan the .../users/groups/ directory, and if this set of parameters exists, return the corresponding address .../users/groups/{id}. (for performance issues you could for instance define {id} with a first part which would give the number of users requested).
Then you could make a request for this group with a GET with something like this : .../users/search?group={id}.
This approach would be a bit more complex to implement, but is more consistent with the resource oriented paradigm.

RESTful API subresource pattern

In designing a RESTful API, the following call gives us basic information on user 123 (first name, last name, etc):
We have a lot of information on users so we make additional calls to get subresources on a user like their cart:
For an admin page we would like to see all the cart information for all the users. A big table listing each user and some details about their cart. Obviously we don't want to make a separate API call for each user (tons of requests). How would this be done using RESTful API patterns?
/api/carts/users came to mind but then you'd in theory have 2 ways to get a specific user's cart by going /api/carts/users/123.
This is generally solved by adding a deref capability to your REST server. Assuming the response from your user looks like:
cartId: "12345",
you could add a simple dereference by passing in the query string "&deref=cart" (or however you setup your syntax.)
This still leaves the problem of making a request per user. I'd posit there are two ways to generally do this. The first would be with a multiget type of resource (see [1] for an example). The problem with this approach is you must know all of the IDs and handle paging yourself. The second (which I believe is better) is to implement an index endpoint to your user resource. Indexing allows you to query a resource (generally via a query string such as firstName=X or whatever else you want to sort on.) Then you should implement basic paging so you're not passing around massive amounts of data. There are tons of examples of paging, but the simplest would be to specify a number (count=20) a start token (since=X) and a sort order (sort=-createdAt).
These implementations allow you to then ask for all users and their carts by iterating on the index endpoint. You might find this helpful as a starting point for paging [2].
[1] - How to construct a REST API that takes an array of id's for the resources
[2] - Pagination in a REST web application
For some reason I was under the assumption that having 2 URIs to the same resource was a bad thing. In my situation /api/users/123/cart and /api/carts/users/123 would return the same data. Through more research I've learned from countless sources that it's acceptable to have multiple URIs to the same resource if it makes sense to the end user.
In my case I probably wont expose /api/carts/users/123, but I'm planning on using /api/carts/users with some query parameters to return a subset of carts in the system. Similarly, I'm going to have /api/carts/orgs to search org carts.
A really good site I found with examples and clear explanations was the REST API Tutorial. I hope this helps others with planning their API URIs.

Exposing database query parameters via REST interface

I have the basics of a REST service done, with "standard" list and GET/POST/PUT/DELETE verbs implemented around my nouns.
However, the client base I'm working with also wants to have more powerful operations. I'm using Mongo DB on the back-end, and it'd be easy to expose an "update" operation. This page describes how Mongo can do updates.
It'd be easy to write a page that takes a couple of JSON/XML/whatever arguments for the "criteria" and the "objNew" parts of the Mongo update function. Maybe I make a page like that takes a POST (or PUT?) request, with a request body that contains that data. Scrub the input for malicious querying and to enforce security, and we're done. Piece of cake.
My question is: what's the "best" way to expose this in a RESTful manner? Obviously, the approach I described above isn't kosher because "update" isn't a noun. This sort of thing seems much more suitable for a SOAP/RPC method, but the rest of the service is already using REST over HTTP, and I don't want users to have to make two different types of calls.
Typically, I would handle this as:
GET collection: Returns a representation of the collection resource
GET collection/item: Returns a representation of the item resource
(optional URI params for content-types: json, xml, txt, etc)
POST collection/: Creates a new item (if via XML, I use XSD to validate)
PUT collection/item: Update an existing item
DELETE collection/item: Delete an existing item
Does that help?
Since as you're aware it isn't a good fit for REST, you're just going to have to do your best and invent a standard to make it work. Mongo's update functionality is so far removed from REST, I'd actually allow PUTs on the collection. Ignore the parameters in my examples, I haven't thought too hard about them.
PUT collection?set={field:value}
PUT collection?pop={field:1}
PUT collection/pop?field=1