Win 8, Fiddler, Chrome and Visual Studio 2013 - fiddler

Running Win 8 64 bit + all updates,
Chrome + all updates,
Visual Studio 2013 + all recent updates.
I can access both URLS http://ipv4.fiddler:8888/ and http://www.localhostisBlocked:8888/ (Response 200)
I make a Web Request to a site and i get an error (502 Bad Gateway). In fiddler i inspect the traffic and notice in XML under Inspector i can see my Web Request sent but the window below looking at XML the response is not listed.
Tried the same on a Win 7, Fiddler (but VS2010) and although i got the same error it was recording traffic in the XML window which is empty on a Win 8.
Searched around but as far as i can tell i have made all necessary changes. Any idea on getting the XML response listed?


How to use Fiddler and imacros with multi-threading

I want to debug a site using imacros and Fiddler (I am open to another solutions that can log a traffic and autosave a log). Never done it before.
It is a 1 site that I will run using 5-10 simultaneous firefox profiles.
What I cannot understand is how will I differentiate which log correspond to which firefox profile since they run simultaneously.
VERSION BUILD=11.5.498.2403; Windows 10; iMacros Browser + Firefox
iMacros 8.9.7; Firefox 49.0.2

Error while creating CAR, 302 Error Found, WSO2 ESB Tooling

Struggling to get passed this issue, it happens when I add my CApp to the server.
I get the error dialog, with the transport error 302 - which I'm guessing some redirect is being generated by the out of the box WSO2 ESB server....
I've dug around as much as I can - but being new to WSO2 I'm not having much luck.
The app appears in the Eclipse Servers Tab, but with a red box next to it. And all of the right click menu is greyed out except remove...
There is no .CAR in the repository. I can manually move the file there, and it appears in the admin web app.
So it seem to be a as the dialog says a transport issue....
In case someone else is also having this issue:
I was able to solve this by stopping the server, restarting Eclipse / Developer Studio, removing the server from the Servers tab and adding it again. I also started running Eclipse / Developer Studio as Administrator, which may or may not be part of the solution.

Console does not show event source from source map

In FireFox I load my web application which has a Source Map. The Source Map seems to be loaded correctly, as the Debugger tab shows the original source files.
However, the Console tab contains only links to the compiled code, instead of the Source Map code.
Is a Source mapping done in FireFox Console?
Do I have to enable anything?
Update: I also tried it in chrome and there the console shows the original location of the event, BUT: only the first time after starting chrome AND only, if I first load the page and then open the developer tools. Exactly same behaviour in opera (same engine...)
Update 2:
As of Firefox bug 670002 Web console does still not support source mapping.
In chrome the source mapping works more than once if I directly embed the source mapping instead of using an URL.
For chrome developer tools, the answer was covered in this issue:
In some cases, developer tools requested the source map file when no connection was alive anymore. It tried to open a new connection, which failed silently because of an invalid ssl certificate.
You may run into this, when:
You serve using https
You do not have a valid ssl certificate (which may happen often when you just run a quick local node.js https server)
Your https server closes the connection fast or immediately
Especially when your https server sends connection:close in the response headers you may run into this.
The biggest issue is, that this request is not shown in the network tap nor in the console, it is just silent.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I'm using worklight studio within eclipse. I created a new workspace and created a new worklight project without changing anything in the basic project.
When I run the app in the preview mode in Chrome i can see this error in the console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
wlclient init started
before: initOptions.onSuccess
after: initOptions.onSuccess
wlclient init success
How do i solve it?
Try this:
In Eclipse, go to Help > Check for updates
This should update Worklight Studio to a build from August 1st 2014, containing several fixes including one related to previewing applications.
Use a fresh workspace
BTW, do let me know if there is anything language-specific in your application or Chrome installation... the error message is strange, but does mention it-/messages.json... not sure where it is coming from, but it may be due to some language related issue, so, let me know.

IIS server help

I'm trying to automate access to a website that get reports from a Microsoft-IIS/6.0 server, or at least I assume that because that is what is appearing in the HTTP Headers. So if the website connects this server, does it download the file via FTP? Is there any way that I can find out the commands being sent form my browser?
The weird thing about the website is that it uses Crystal Report ActiveX viewer, is that client side, is there any way that I can control the viewer through PERL?
Also, this might be a really dumb question, but does IIS use SQL/MySQL?
Any help is appreciated!
There are a lot of ways to watch the traffic being sent between your browser and the server.
Firebug for firefox
Chrome has it built in by hitting ctrl+shift+i for IE
F12 in IE will show developer tools (look under network tab) for watching any network traffic from any application