JSR 303 Bean validation contraints without Annotations - rest

We are developing REST services and want to use JSR 303 for input data validation, but problem here is all model objects are generated from groovy DSL and will be imported as jars. So there is no flexibility of writing JSR-303 annotations on top of object fields.
So is there any other alternative to use JSR-303 without annotations,is it possible by XML configuaration? or any suggestion for validation in this scenario please.

JSR-303 allows you to override your annotations by using XML validation descriptors. (use a validation.xml)

Either use the XML configuration as defined by the Bean Validation spec or - if you're working with Hibernate Validator - the API for programmatic constraint declaration.


It possible in Resteasy to extract the URI mapping to an external, dedicated file?

It possible in Resteasy to extract the URI mapping to an external, dedicated file?
Annotating classes and methods is quick and easy but I would like to have a file that maps the URIs to functions. Something like:
/teams/{team}/player/{player-id} TeamResource.fetchPlayer
As far as I know this is not currently supported as part of the JAX-RS specification, but I could see you being able to do this with byte code insertion at runtime using something like javassist.
Basically you would add the #Path annotations to the your resource classes at runtime with the values loaded from your uri mapping file. Once the annotations were added to the resource you would then inject them into Resteasy.

org.dozer.MappingException: No read or write method found for field

org.dozer.MappingException: No read or write method found for field
(tarShipMethodCode.lmCourier.courierName) in class (class
I am getting this error when i build my war file and try to run Tomcat.
I am using JPA and dozer mapping.
Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
Check your Beans and your Dozer-Mapping-File.
There are multiple (more or less common) errors possible:
Typo in the mappingfile. Check the package and field names in your POLocationEntity, does it have a field named tarShipMethodCode, and does this have an ImCourier field, and this a courierName field?
Lack of getters / setters. Again check the beans, Dozer usually expects getFieldName and setFieldName methods, unless you specified others (which I do not assume, maybe post your mapping file).
Narrow the problem down: Is this the only field that is not working? Or is this field not specified at all? Dozer tends to try to map-by-name fields that do not have corresponding entries in the mapping file, which could lead to unexpected errors.
With some more information (mapping xml, bean code) this would be easier to analize, but the above pointers are the ones that solve these kinds of problems in my experience.

Struts2 + REST plugin XML output

I'm creating a Web Service with the Struts2 REST Plugin, which works great. I just have a problem with the entity names of the XML output.
I have a model class named "ModelClass" in the package "com.mycompany.implementation" with a few properties and a nested class "NestedModelClass", and the XML output looks like:
How can I change the XML Entity name to be displayed without package name - or even a different name?
The struts rest plugin uses XStream to serialize your model class to XML. Current versions of XStream support annotating classes and fields to customize the serialization. Unfortunately, the struts rest plugin uses a rather old version of XStream, ignoring those annotations.
The easiest way to get what you want is to write your own ContentTypeHandler and use that instead of the default one provided by the rest plugin. This blog describes how to do that.

Doctrine 2.1 abstract entity, validation using annotations

My name is Denis and I really need your help or advice or anything :)
I am developing my project in Zend Framework 1.11 and am using Doctrine 2.1.
I have successfully integrated Doctrine in my ZF project and everything works. I also integrated Gedmo extensions and some my custom extensions.
The problem is with validation. I want to have validation of doctrine entities by using annotations. Because I sometimes need to validate my entities sometimes don't, I want that sort of validation, for example:
$user = new Entity\User; $user->setName('user'); $user->validate();
I don't want to change doctrine generated entities at all, so I won't change setters or use doctrine events for this.#HasLifecycleCallbacks.
I run into example at http://www.spiffyjr.me/2011/07/15/more-doctrine-2-and-zend-framework-integration-goodies/.
I downloaded code but didn't managed to put it in work. I followed instructions from that page, made my entities extend AbstractEntity, but when try to use for example isValid() i recieve following error:
[Semantical Error] The annotation "#Column" in property Bild\Entity\TestTest::$id was never imported. Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?
I use doctrine annotations without #ORM\, just #, (for example #Column, not #ORM\Column). I even tried to add ORM but no luck it continues to throw errors.
I can recieve metadata for my entity, get field mappings and associating mappings, but when I try to getPropertyAnnotation
// validator annotations
$vAnnotations = self::_getPropertyAnnotation($property, self::ZENDVALIDATION);
I recieve mentioned semantic error.
I tracked the errors down to Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader::getPropertyAnnotations($property); not returning annotations but throwing errors.
What do you think it can be?
It seems like I am not doing something properly but can't figure out what.
So, I need to make abstract entity, make my entities extend it, and make functions to validate my entities by using annotations.
So please, help me with this, if you can. I really need for my project but couldn't find a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
The problem is caused by the configuration of the annotation reader. I went through the same problems while integrating the Symfony2 validator service for my Doctrine2 models in ZF1, more on the blog post here http://ssmusoke.wordpress.com/2012/03/04/doctrine-2-day-2-model-validation-using-symfony-validator-service-in-zend-framework/

How to define javax.validation.constraints.Size.List in my binding file using jaxb annotate and annox plugins?

I want to use JSR 303 Bean validation on my classes. My problem is that these classes are generated from schema. I am using the jaxb annotate plugin on my bindings file and was able to define simple validation annotations like #NotNull. My problem comes when I have to define multiple annotations of same type for different groups. javax.validation offers a solution for this using annotations like #Size.List{#Size...). How can I use jaxb-annotate and annox plugin to define annotations like those.
You can define nested annotations with Annox, it's no problem. In your case it will be something like:
In *.xjb file:
<annox:annotate annox:class="javax.validation.constraints.Size$List">
<annox:annotate annox:field="value">
<annox:annotate annox:class="javax.validation.constraints.Size" .../>
In schema:
<c:Size$List xmlns:c="http://annox.dev.java.net/javax.validation.constraints">
<c:Size ... />
I haven't tested it, so the syntax may be a bit different.
See the Annox user guide an the Annotate plugin docs.