I am getting this error - http://help.testflightapp.com/customer/portal/articles/829652
I tried this (but did not fix the problem) - http://help.testflightapp.com/customer/portal/articles/867631
I tried installing the adhoc build via iTunes (still no luck) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF7bstiw_9o
I am using the AdHoc provisioning profile(with my phone listed in it) and distribution certificate. I also went ahead and deleted/created a new adhoc distribution profile, just to see if that fixes the problem.
Also if it counts, I am building for iOS 7.0. I can see the adhoc provisioning profile installed on my iphone via the iPhone Configuration Utility.
Anyone know where I could be going wrong?
One of the potential causes listed in the link you posted is 'Architecture settings of the build and the device are incompatible ( can sometimes happen when "Build Active Architecture Only" is on when building).'
One possible reason for this is that you had the device connected to the computer when you did the build. The build may have been optimised for the architecture of the attached device and the device you are trying to install to may have a different architecture
Recently I've been sent sources of the app I need to build and deploy to TestFlight. Unfortunatly whenever I try to run the app on my test device in debug mode or the one installed from TestFlight, it fails to start throwing the following error message:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F81-25F5-4670-ACF1-F814543B9A0E/MyApp.app/MyApp
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F81-25F5-4670-ACF1-F814543B9A0E/MyApp.app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: code signing blocked mmap() of '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F81-25F5-4670-ACF1-F814543B9A0E/MyApp.app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F81-25F5-4670-ACF1-F814543B9A0E/MyApp.app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: code signing blocked mmap() of '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F81-25F5-4670-ACF1-F814543B9A0E/MyApp.app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F81-25F5-4670-ACF1-F814543B9A0E/MyApp.app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: code signing blocked mmap() of '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F81-25F5-4670-ACF1-F814543B9A0E/MyApp.app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire'
The app uses COCOAPODS as a dependency manager. In the Podfile there's TRON pod which depends on Alamofire framework we have problem with.
The app built, signed and validated successfully during submission and debug builds. So it doesn't seem to be related to certificates or provision profiles. But I've anyway recreated certificates and provision profiles. (although I believe this is not the case as the app is submitted to app store successfully). Developer of the app builds and runs the app with no problem. We checked the versions of used tools and libraries and they seem to be indentical. (xcode version, cocoapods version, pods dependencies).
I even tried to build the sources with all dependencies installed (pod install), that he builds.
There're similar questions on SO, but they don't seem to deal with COCOAPODS when they face this problem. The solution is usually involves manually Embedding frameworks. But this is not the approriate solution for us, as all demendencies integrated through COCOAPOD scripts.
What else can cause the problem?
This is an issue with iOS 13.3.1. All dynamic frameworks being compiled to the newest release of iOS 13.3.1 are experiencing this issue when running on a personal provisioning profile/developer account.
You can:
Use a non-Personal Team provisioning profile (paid developer account).
Run on the 13.3.1 simulator.
Test on a real iOS device running 13.3 or lower.
This issue will be fixed in 13.4 Beta version though.
The problem was not related to specific app. Building any app even the most simple one produced the same error.
Solved by reinstalling Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority, even though it wasn't expired.
Open Keychain Access
Remove the certificate from Login and System Keychains
Download certificate from https://developer.apple.com/certificationauthority/AppleWWDRCA.cer and install it to both keychains. (double click it)
JIC: Remove provision profiles, clean project, restart xcode/Mac :-)
in my case, the problem was related to Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority and i solve it by change trust from always to use system defaults.
open keychain access
right click on Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority and select Get Info
Expand trust
change when using this certificate to use system defaults
Remove or comment # use_frameworks from pod file and clean build folder. Its worked on my end.
I have developed an IOS app in version 5.1 and xcode 4.5.1. After completing the app when I try to run it in the device using ad hoc distribution, the app is unable to install on device.
It shows popup "Unable to download application. ' could not be downloaded at this time'".
I have added distribution and developer certificate and it does not give any such alert when installing directly from the xcode but the problem occurs only when installing app from the testflight.
Could someone tell me where I m making a mistake.
You must Archive the application using your AdHoc Distribution Cert, then from the Archives tab of the Organizer click Distribute and again select your AdHoc cert. The .ipa that this produces is what must be uploaded to TestFlight and you must authorize your device through TestFlight. Here's some tutorials that will help:
Create and Upload an IPA to TestFlight
Setting up Permissions for Distribution on TestFlight
If your IPA and permissions are all correct then according to this article the error could be related to one of many other factors:
Device storage is full
The provisioning profile is a developer provisioning profile
The ad hoc distribution provisioning profile is corrupted and the device is having an issue with it.
The device was restored from a backup and is causing a conflict for over-the-air distribution
There was a network timeout
See the referenced article for details on how to get a console log on the device. If you still are unable to resolve the issue then edit your question and include the relevant parts of the console log from the device.
Go to Product -> Edit Schema -> Build Configuration
Change Debug to Release and try it.
I have finished developing a big and heavy app. It is universal (for iPhone and iPad), and now I am trying to publish it in App Store. I have done this other times, so I know how annoying it is.
I'm using Xcode 4.2 and devices with many iOS versions (4.2.1, 5.0, 5.1). My app is enabled to send Push Notifications, and it doesn't use iCloud.
I have tested it with development certificate, and it works OK. Now I've generated and downloaded Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile in order to test it in my iPhone and iPad. It seem like all is OK, but when I'm going to install the app (with the Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning profile) with Xcode in any device, Xcode shows an error: "Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process".
I've read this link it suggests two causes:
I am using Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning profile when debugging the app in my device. This is not the problem, because I'm not debugging the app.
I specify a code signing entitlements property list in my build settings which does not include a "get-task-allow" or "Can be debugged" property. This is not the problem, because I'm not specifying any entitlements property list because I don't need it (or I think so).
Some people that have the same problem solve it adding the "get-task-allow" property to the entitlements property list. But I haven't that file. So the question is, Do I need to create it just for add the "get-task-allow" property?
If I don't , which is the problem? I'm not trying to debugging and I haven't entitlements p-list in my app.
Although my app doesn't need entitlements p-list, I tried to create it and add the "get-task-allow" property in OFF following this, but it didn't solve the problem.
I have also to say that althought Xcode shows the error during the installation in the device and the app shut off, when I start again the app, the installation is done and the app runs without problem.
I read the following similar thread, but they didn't solve my problem:
iPhone Debugging: How to resolve 'failed to get the task for process'?
Profile bug (Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process XXX.)
iPhone Debugging Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 907
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 699
Thank you so much.
I am using Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning profile when debugging the app in my device. This is not the problem, because I'm not debugging the app.
This is exactly the problem.
You are trying to run an ad-hoc application from the XCode - it means to debug it.
You should archive your app and install it (an ipa file) together with the correct provisioning profile.
There are few ways to install the app:
Using iTunes - not trivial
Using an iPhone Configuration Utility - easier
Using some OTA (over the air) installation service (e.g. TestFlight site) - I use this all the time, after a couple of times it gets really easy and you can distribute your Beta version to remote devices (e.g. clients, friends etc.)
The problem look like you are running App from Xcode with Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning profile.
After Archiving (Product menu > Archive ) the App from Xcode, you can get ipa.
You can install ipa via iTunes if you device already sync with your iTunes app.
https://testflightapp.com/ , I am using testflightapp for testing the app. It's easy to use and we can distribute to for test user.
I have a question on how exactly to do the final distribution build for my app. I have actually successfully built this app already but now I am trying to make an updated version and to remember what I did right the first time. It all seemed to go wrong when my provisioning profile expired....
Anyway, I have my distribution certificate and distribution provisioning profile. I have followed the instructions from Apple, an iPhone programming book and several online sources to create a build that checks against the right certificate etc. But the build always fails unless I connect a device, which is strange as the distribution provisioning profiles do not allow the inclusion of a device (which makes perfect sense in itself). However when I build with a device connected I am asked
'Can’t run XXX on the iPod “iPod
The iPod “iPod touch” doesn’t have the
provisioning profile with which the
application was signed.
Click “Install and Run” to install the
provisioning profile XXX on “iPod
touch” and continue running XXX.'
When I click install and run it fails with the message that
A valid provisioning profile for this
executable was not found.
So my basic question is how exactly should the final distribution build be done? An new executable appears, but it has a forbidden symbol on top of the application icon suggesting the build was unsuccessful.
Any help massively appreciated.
Don't click "Build and Go".
Either just build, and then locate the app and upload it, or use Xcode's "Build and Archive" option.
It is best to use "Build and Archive" as Xcode will look after the app bundle, and the important .dSYM file which is used to symbolicate crash reports for your app.
And you cannot upload and execute app that signed with 'Distribution' certificate on your device. Such app can only be uploaded to AppStore.
I've sent my iphone application to my testers and all but one complain that the get error OxE8003FFE when they sync their devices. They are not able to install and run the application.
I'm using an ad hoc distribution provisioning profile and all of the testers devices are included in the profile.
I'm not sure how to proceed and would really appreciate any help you might be to give.
One more interesting bit of information: The program is a universal iPad/iPhone application. My testers are able to install it on their iPads but not their iPhones.
Did you properly add entitlements.plist, and uncheck the box therein?
I would recommend having one device locally that you deploy to through iTunes (not building through XCode), to test that the IPA file will work for other testers. That may mean buying an iPod touch, even the very oldest one will do (if you are targeting 3.x users).
I'd suggest you to right click your package, find a file embedded provisioning profile and open it with TextEdit. See that the name of the profile you've signed your application is indeed of that of ad-hoc.
After that be sure you sent this file (embedded provisioning profile) along with your ad-hoc build to your testers, because they have to install it on their devices, it's not being done automatically and w/o that profile your ad-hoc build will not sync to the device.
After some back and forth with DTS I managed to fix this issue.
The problem was that I was compiling for armv7 only which caused the installation to fail on armv6 machines.
Another interesting bit, the default universal project template and iphone projects converted to universal will compile for both architectures by default, this didn't happen for me bacause my project was initially an iPad only project which I converted manually (since there are no automatic tools for this) to be iPhone/iPad universal, this is the probable reason for this setting being incorrect in my project.