show multiple charts in a row in Crystal report - crystal-reports

I was wondering if there is a way to show multiple charts in one row in Crystal report based on the group you are in . I am putting my chart in a group footer,and the group is based on commodity like water, electricity, etc.
The normal operation is showing the multiple charts for different commodities vertically, is there a way to force the crystal report to show the charts for different commodities in one row horizontally? ( as you could do it in excel)
appreciate anyone's help

If you place in group it will show vertically it is the functionality of crystal report but there is one way but that is a bit complicated and not sugested
Place individual charts for commodites and check the option `Underlay following sections` in section expert for group footer

I don't know if this technique will do but i used it to display record horizontally
Right clicked details area
select section expert
on common tab, check Format with Multiple Columns
A layout tab will added, then click it
Set/change the value of the fields
Good Luck!


Crystal Report section details doesn't create columns

I want to print data with two columns in crystal report. For example:
enter image description here
But the problem is, I cannot create columns in crystal report. I followed the instructions like Right Click in Section Details then tick the Format Multiple Columns checkbox then adjust the Gap and detail size in Layout Tab. However, only 1 column has been created.
enter image description here
I am using the Crystal Report built in in Visual Basic.Net 2008. Thank you very much.
Probably due to page margins, page size, detail width and gap, the content can't fit as 2 columns.
Use File, Page Setup to adjust those aspects.
Another suspect is that you never actually previewed the report.
The multi-column layout is rendered during Preview.
So you must actually run the report.

How to insure there is no pagebreak between detail sections of a crystal report?

In my Crystal Report I have four detail sections. I want this section stay on one page together. For example if there is not enough space for all SECTIONS on one page, then all four sections should go to the next page.
You will need at least one level of grouping on your data for this to work, but begin in the design tab of your report and right click on the group name and select "Change Group" from the menu. Then go to the Options tab and check the check box for Keep Group Together.
This will keep all sections of the group and the details sections within together on a page. If they don't fit, the whole group will begin on a new page and will only push data into a second page if the entire group and all of its contained sections do not fit on one page together.
You can activate this functionality in the Section Expert you select on the left the Menu Details and then you have to check the option on the right keep together.

Dynamically sizing/stretching tables in JasperSoft Studio

I have just recently begun using JasperSoft studio for a project I am on with very tight deadlines. Due to these constraints I was not able to spend my time researching the "correct" way to lay out a jasper report. Now I am stuck with really large bands that contain tables which tend to overlap the other content in said band.
So my question is this, what is the best way to create/modify these tables so that when the dataset in them expands that they don't overflow ontop of the other data in the current band?
I have found that if I create a new band and put the table inside that band it seems to size dynamically, however I cannot seem to find a nice way to create new bands either. My report currently has over 100 bands and whenever I create a new one I have to click the "move up" button ~100 to put the band in place and the re-arrange the other parts around it.
I have tried modifying the band's layout to "Vertical layout" instead of "Free Layout", but that was less than successful hosing the band's formatting and the data elements wouldn't display properly.
So my question is this, what is the best way to create/modify these
tables so that when the dataset in them expands that they don't
overflow ontop of the other data in the current band?
I'd say the best way would be to avoid using tables, and using the bands themselves instead. You could use groups to create "sub" headers and footers, and you can also manage to duplicate these headers and footers so that you can improve your layout. If create a new report based on a template or look at the examples provided in the Jasper Reports library pack, you may notice that the bands are used either as "row" or as "header"/"footer".
My report currently has over 100 bands and whenever I create a new one I have to click the "move up" button ~100 to put the band in place and the re-arrange the other parts around it.
And remember, a subreport is your friend in times like this. Again it can help you to organize your report and even provide more flexibility to your layout.
Finally, I believe that grouping so many bands with so many tables in the same report may cause you a big trouble (well, you have already noticed some issues). So maybe taking a bit of time to study more the "bands" system and the "subreport" component may help you. The Jaspersoft Studio documentation on the report structure is a good start.
I believe that dealing with Jasper Reports is basically dealing with these two components (bands and subreports).

Crystal report (or SSRS) flowing text around image

I want to have this layout in Crystal Reports:
How can I do this? If it cant be done in CR or SSRS, is there any other alternatives?
I don't believe this can be done with Crystal Reports. I'm not as familiar with SSRS, but after looking through the field options I don't believe it can be done with it either. In general field locations are set static in reporting solutions.
I think this would be best done with html/css or even XSL. I don't know the scope of the issue, but I'd assume that you should be able to output an html or xml file from your application which could be opened with a web browser. For html you should be able to use the align or even float attributes or text-align in css to accomplish this.
I hope this helps.
If you want to have multiple columns of static text in Crystal Reports, then you'd just have to get creative with multiple text boxes, i.e. create 2 text boxes side-by-side and add text to each one until it looks right.
If you want to have 2 columns of data, here's how:
Keep it simple and start with a blank report.
Add your fields of interest to the details section. Resize them so that they only use the first 4 inches of space.
Go into your Section Expert->Details and turn on the Format with Multiple Columns option.
A new tab will appear called Layout. For this example, let's set the Width to 4 inches and leave the Gaps at 0.
Preview your report. If you have enough data in your dataset, it will automatically flood over to the right side of your screen.
It'll take a few minutes of fidgeting with the measurements to get everything looking the way you want. You can even have more than 2 columns if you set the Detail Width small enough.
Also, there is also an option in the Layout menu called "Format Groups with multiple column". It's hard to describe in text, but play with this if you have any grouping levels.

SSRS How to add a tablix footer group

SSRS Newbie and feeling a bit silly.
Im working on my first report(in VS 2008) and cant seem to work out the group footer for my tablix. This must sound really simple but how do I add it and configure it to show on every page of my report? I have the group header working fine but I want the overall totals to display at the bottom of each page in my report. Every tutorial/website I check doesnt really seem to explain it very well
Any ideas?
If you add a footer, it will appear on every page by default. There are two properties that can remove the footer from the First and/or Last page of the report. However, by default, the footer is active on all pages of a report.
So basically, if you add data to the footer, it should work.