I have a LWUIT Table that contains a DefaultTableModel which itself contains some values written on
it cells.
I just want to change my table's cells formatting. In other words I want to set the direction of values in cells from Right to Left instead of Left to Right direction.
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.table.*;
public class Format_Table_Cells extends MIDlet
Form f;
Table table1;
DefaultTableModel model1;
public void startApp()
f = new Form();
Object obj5 [][]= { { " "," ","row1"} , { " "," ","row2"} , { " "," ","row3"} };
model1 = new DefaultTableModel( new String[] { "column1" , "column2" ,"column3" } ,obj5);
for(int j=0;j<obj5.length;j++)
for(int col=0;col<obj5.length;col++)
model1.setValueAt(j, col, obj5[j++][col++] ) ;
catch(java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ee)
catch(java.lang.NullPointerException e3)
table1 =new Table(model1,true);
public void pauseApp()
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
I have solved the problem , just by made an space left the quotation sign
Object obj5 [][]= { { " "," "," row1"} , { " "," "," row2"} , { " "," "," row3"} };
I am having an arraylist fetching name and status of a person. Arraylist is storing the status and name. Its displaying one name at a time. How can I be able to display multiple names at once in alert dialog?
private ArrayList getunfiledRogspDoctorList() {
SqlDataStore sd = new SqlDataStore(this);
String gspQuery = " SELECT * FROM "+ TABLE_DOCTOR + " WHERE " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS + " == " + 0 + " AND " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_DATE_ID + " = '" + selectionID + "'";
Cursor gspCu = sd.getData(gspQuery);
do {
rogspname = gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_CONTACTNAME));
unfiledrogspDoctorList.add(gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS)) + rogspname);
}while (gspCu.moveToNext());
System.out.println("unfiledrogspDoctorList "+unfiledrogspDoctorList);
return unfiledrogspDoctorList;
From the code, you are having an ArrayList of your target display String in unfiledrogspDoctorList:
// Suggest to also define the type of your returning ArrayList
private ArrayList<String> getunfiledRogspDoctorList() {
// Define a local ArrayList
ArrayList<String> unfiledrogspDoctorList = new ArrayList<>();
SqlDataStore sd = new SqlDataStore(this);
String gspQuery = " SELECT * FROM "+ TABLE_DOCTOR + " WHERE " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS + " == " + 0 + " AND " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_DATE_ID + " = '" + selectionID + "'";
Cursor gspCu = sd.getData(gspQuery);
do {
rogspname = gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_CONTACTNAME));
unfiledrogspDoctorList.add(gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS)) + rogspname);
}while (gspCu.moveToNext());
System.out.println("unfiledrogspDoctorList "+unfiledrogspDoctorList);
return unfiledrogspDoctorList;
You can consider to convert your ArrayList of String into just a String.
private String concat(ArrayList<String> unfiledrogspDoctorList) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String item : unfiledrogspDoctorList) {
sb.append(","); // Or change into other separate you would like to display
sb.setLength(Math.max(0, sb.length() - 1)); // Remove the appending character
return sb.toString();
Then you can make use of an AlertDialog to display that concatenated String.
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
// Do anything upon pressing OK button
AlertDialog alert = builder.create();
You could use :-
SELECT group_concat(name) FROM ....
or to place each on a line you could change the default comma separator to a line feed using
SELECT group_concat(name,'\n') FROM ....
.... representing the rest of the SQL in the question
See https://www.sqlite.org/lang_aggfunc.html#group_concat
note that the GROUP as no GROUP BY clause is provided is a single group (and therefore output row) made up of ALL extracted rows.
Till now am able to parse a docx file using docx4j and find the bookmarks and all the tables in a docx file using below code:
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(new java.io.File(docxFile));
List<Object> paragraphs = getAllElementFromObject(template.getMainDocumentPart(), P.class);
for (Object p : paragraphs) {
RangeFinder rt = new RangeFinder("CTBookmark", "CTMarkupRange");
new TraversalUtil(p, rt);
for (CTBookmark content : rt.getStarts()) {
if (content.getName().equals("if_supdef")) {
List<Object> tbl = getAllElementFromObject(content, Tbl.class);
System.out.println("tbl==" + tbl.size());
TableFinder finder = new TableFinder();
new TraversalUtil(documentPart.getContent(), finder);
System.out.println("Found " + finder.tblList.size() + " tables");
I've got these lines of code from some blogs and answers from other questions.
Now I would like to find the table only inside a bookmark (here my bookmark name is if_supdef) rather than searching in entire document. Once I find the table, I would add rows based on number of data I receive from SQL table and MERGEFIELDS available.
Bookmark and its table look like something in below picture:
Once processed through docx4j it should look like:
In document.xml I see parent tag of w:tbl is body but not bookmark.
Is it possible to read the table inside bookmark? If so, how?
If not, what is the other alternative to uniquely identify a table and add contents to it?
Try something along the lines of the below.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.docx4j.TraversalUtil;
import org.docx4j.TraversalUtil.CallbackImpl;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.WordprocessingML.MainDocumentPart;
import org.docx4j.wml.CTBookmark;
import org.docx4j.wml.CTMarkupRange;
import org.docx4j.wml.Tbl;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
public class TableInBookmarkFinder {
public static JAXBContext context = org.docx4j.jaxb.Context.jc;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String inputfilepath = System.getProperty("user.dir")
+ "/tbl_bookmarks.docx";
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage
.load(new java.io.File(inputfilepath));
MainDocumentPart documentPart = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
// find
TableInBookmarkFinderCallback finder = new TableInBookmarkFinderCallback();
new TraversalUtil(documentPart.getContent(), finder);
List<TableInfo> tableInfos = finder.getTableInfos();
// result?
for (TableInfo ti : tableInfos) {
System.out.println("table contained in bookmarks:");
for (String s: ti.getBookmarkNames()) {
System.out.println("bookmark name: " + s);
public static class TableInfo {
TableInfo(Tbl tbl, List<String> bookmarkNames) {
this.tbl = tbl;
this.bookmarkNames = bookmarkNames;
private Tbl tbl;
public Tbl getTbl() {
return tbl;
private List<String> bookmarkNames;
public List<String> getBookmarkNames() {
return bookmarkNames;
public static class TableInBookmarkFinderCallback extends CallbackImpl {
public TableInBookmarkFinderCallback() {
* Keep this set to true unless you don't
* want to traverse a table (eg a nested table).
* NB: If traversing from body level, you'll need to set it to true!
private boolean traverseTables=true;
* Track bookmarks encountered
private Map<BigInteger, String> bookmarkInfos = new HashMap<BigInteger, String>();
* What bookmarks are we currently in?
private Set<BigInteger> currentBookmarks = new HashSet<BigInteger>();
* What tables did we encounter?
private List<TableInfo> tableInfos = new ArrayList<TableInfo>();
public List<TableInfo> getTableInfos() {
return tableInfos;
public List<Object> apply(Object o) {
if (o instanceof CTBookmark) {
CTBookmark bmStart = (CTBookmark)o;
bookmarkInfos.put(bmStart.getId(), bmStart.getName());
if (currentBookmarks.add(bmStart.getId()) ) {
// ok
System.out.println("added " + bmStart.getId());
} else {
System.out.println("ERROR: duplicate bookmarks with id " + bmStart.getId());
} else /* need this else because CTBookmark extends CTMarkupRange */
if (o instanceof CTMarkupRange) {
CTMarkupRange bmEnd = (CTMarkupRange)o;
if (currentBookmarks.remove(bmEnd.getId()) ) {
// ok
System.out.println("removed " + bmEnd.getId());
} else {
System.out.println("ERROR: no start element for bookmark with id " + bmEnd.getId());
if (o instanceof Tbl ) {
List<String> bookmarkNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (BigInteger bmId : currentBookmarks) {
tableInfos.add( new TableInfo( (Tbl)o, bookmarkNames));
return null;
public boolean shouldTraverse(Object o) {
if (traverseTables) {
return true;
} else {
// Yes, unless its a nested Tbl
return !(o instanceof Tbl);
I Have a word document with a repeating section, containing other content controls.
In java project, I have a function that gets all sdts (content controls) from a word document in apache POI, in a List List.
When I inspect my repeating section in that list, I can get the text inside all content controls (inside my repeating section) but is apears as a long paragraph instead of other sdt nodes.
Is there a way to inspect content of repeating section sdt with Apache POI ? I can't find anything about it in the doc
function that gets all sdts
private static List
extractSDTsFromBodyElements(List<IBodyElement> elements) {
List<AbstractXWPFSDT> sdts = new ArrayList<AbstractXWPFSDT>();
for (IBodyElement e : elements) {
if (e instanceof XWPFSDT) {
} else if (e instanceof XWPFParagraph) {
XWPFParagraph p = (XWPFParagraph) e;
for (IRunElement e2 : p.getIRuns()) {
if (e2 instanceof XWPFSDT) {
return sdts;
The XWPF part of apache poi is rudimentary until now and highly in development. In XWPFSDT is this mentioned also: "Experimental class to offer rudimentary read-only processing of of StructuredDocumentTags/ContentControl". So until now your code only gets the surrounding XWPFSDT of the repeating content control but not the inner controls. One could have seen that by having some debugging outputs in the code. See my System.out.println(...).
So to really get all XWPFSDTs we must go other ways using the underlaying XMLdirectly.
Lets have a complete example.
Look at this Worddocument:
As you see there is a single control to input the group name, then a repeating content control around three controls to input name, amount and date and then a single control to input the employee. All controls which shall be read have titles set. So whether the title is set, is the criterion whether a control is important for reading or not.
The following code now can read all controls and their content:
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
public class ReadWordForm {
private static List<AbstractXWPFSDT> extractSDTsFromBodyElements(List<IBodyElement> elements) {
List<AbstractXWPFSDT> sdts = new ArrayList<AbstractXWPFSDT>();
for (IBodyElement e : elements) {
if (e instanceof XWPFSDT) {
System.out.println("block: " + sdt);
} else if (e instanceof XWPFParagraph) {
XWPFParagraph p = (XWPFParagraph) e;
for (IRunElement e2 : p.getIRuns()) {
if (e2 instanceof XWPFSDT) {
System.out.println("inline: " + sdt);
return sdts;
private static List<XWPFSDT> extractSDTsFromBody(XWPFDocument document) {
XmlCursor xmlcursor = document.getDocument().getBody().newCursor();
QName qnameSdt = new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main", "sdt", "w");
List<XWPFSDT> allsdts = new ArrayList<XWPFSDT>();
while (xmlcursor.hasNextToken()) {
XmlCursor.TokenType tokentype = xmlcursor.toNextToken();
if (tokentype.isStart()) {
if (qnameSdt.equals(xmlcursor.getName())) {
if (xmlcursor.getObject() instanceof CTSdtRun) {
sdt = new XWPFSDT((CTSdtRun)xmlcursor.getObject(), document);
//System.out.println("inline: " + sdt);
} else if (xmlcursor.getObject() instanceof CTSdtBlock) {
sdt = new XWPFSDT((CTSdtBlock)xmlcursor.getObject(), document);
//System.out.println("block: " + sdt);
return allsdts;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
XWPFDocument document = new XWPFDocument(new FileInputStream("WordDataCollectingForm.docx"));
List<IBodyElement> bodyelements = document.getBodyElements();
List<AbstractXWPFSDT> sdts = extractSDTsFromBodyElements(bodyelements);
List<XWPFSDT> allsdts = extractSDTsFromBody(document);
for (XWPFSDT sdt : allsdts) {
String title = sdt.getTitle();
String content = sdt.getContent().getText();
if (!(title == null) && !(title.isEmpty())) {
System.out.println(title + ": " + content);
} else {
System.out.println("====sdt without title====");
As mentioned here Entity Framework Code First - Firebird migration: No MigrationSqlGenerator? I'm trying to enable Migrations on my Firebird-Database.
for that purpose I'm writing the following implementation of the "MigrationSqlGenerator" (not finished!):
public class FirebirdMigrationSQLGenerator : SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator
protected override DbConnection CreateConnection()
return DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient").CreateConnection();
protected override void Generate(CreateTableOperation createTableOperation)
using (var writer = Writer())
WriteCreateTable(createTableOperation, writer);
Statement(writer.InnerWriter.ToString(), true);
private void WriteCreateTable(CreateTableOperation createTableOperation, IndentedTextWriter writer)
writer.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE " + Name(createTableOperation.Name) + " (");
var columnCount = createTableOperation.Columns.Count();
(c, i) =>
Generate(c, writer);
if (i < columnCount - 1)
if (createTableOperation.PrimaryKey != null)
writer.Write(", PRIMARY KEY ");
private void Generate(ColumnModel column, IndentedTextWriter writer)
writer.Write(" ");
if ((column.IsNullable != null)
&& !column.IsNullable.Value)
writer.Write(" NOT NULL");
if (column.DefaultValue != null)
writer.Write(" DEFAULT ");
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column.DefaultValueSql))
writer.Write(" DEFAULT ");
protected override void Generate(InsertHistoryOperation op)
using (var writer = Writer())
WriteinsertHistory(op, writer);
Statement(writer.InnerWriter.ToString(), true);
private void WriteinsertHistory(InsertHistoryOperation insertHistoryOperation, IndentedTextWriter writer)
StringBuilder model = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte item in insertHistoryOperation.Model)
writer.Write("INSERT INTO \"" + insertHistoryOperation.Table.ToUpper() + "\" (migrationId, model, productVersion) ");
writer.Write(" values ( '{0}', '{1}', '{2}') ",
"0x" + model.ToString(),
protected override string Quote(string identifier)
return identifier.Replace("PK_dbo.", "").ToUpper();
protected override string Name(string inString)
return "\"" + inString.Replace("dbo.", "").ToUpper() + "\"";
protected override string BuildColumnType(ColumnModel column)
String colType = base.BuildColumnType(column);
if (colType == "INT")
colType = "INTEGER";
return colType;
My problem is that the __MigrationHistory table is created uppercase. But since the "HistoryContext" is not, the first SELECT-Statement is throwing an Exception:
"A"."A1" AS "C1"
COUNT("B"."A1") AS "A1"
1 AS "A1"
FROM "__MigrationHistory" AS "B"
) AS "B"
) AS "A"
Normaly I would insert "modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove()"
into the Context, but the HistroyContext is part of the framework and can't be changed...
Any ideas?
My Environment: EntityFramework 5.0.0 .NET 4.5 FirebirdClient
In Firebird tablenames are only case sensitive when quoted, so you either need to stop quoting tablenames (both on creation and in queries), or you need to stop upper casing tablenames and use them as is.
For example issueing a CREATE TABLE xyz ( ... ) will create a table XYZ that can be accessed using SELECT * FROM xyz, but also with XyZ,XYZ and "XYZ". It cannot be accessed using "xyz".
Creating a table as CREATE TABLE "xyz" ( ... ) wil create a table xyz, which can only be accessed using SELECT * FROM "xyz", but not with xyz (no quotes) or any other combination of casing and with or without quotes. On the other hand CREATE TABLE "XYZ" ( ... ) can be accessed using SELECT * FROM xyz and "XYZ", and any other case without quoting, but not with SELECT * FROM "xyz".
As far as I can tell from your code, you are creating tables unquoted in WriteCreateTable, therefor the name is stored uppercase, but you are inserting into them quoted. You may also want to look into the contract/expectations of the Quote and Name methods, as it looks to me like you got their implementation reversed (Quote does what Name should do and vice versa).
Im new to XAML, i am trying to bind ObservableCollection to datagrid in MVVM.
I want to get notified when CollectionChanged. But its throwing null exception.
Please let me know when im going wrong. Thanks in advance.
The following is Code behind for viewModel:
public class MainwindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
MyObject myObj;
ObservableCollection<MyObject> _ocObj;
public MainwindowViewModel()
_ocObj = new ObservableCollection<MyObject>();
myObj = new MyObject();
myObj.ID = 0;
myObj.Name = "Name";
_ocObj.CollectionChanged += new System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(_ocMyobj_CollectionChanged);
void _ocMyobj_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("propeties changed # " + e.NewStartingIndex.ToString()
+ " old items starting # " + e.OldStartingIndex + " olditems count " + e.OldItems.Count.ToString()
+ " action " + e.Action.ToString());
public ObservableCollection<MyObject> ocObj
get { return _ocObj; }
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("ocMyobj"));
public string Name
get { return myObj.Name; }
if (value !=null)
myObj.Name = value;
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Name"));
public int ID
get { return myObj.ID; }
if (myObj.ID != value)
myObj.ID = value;
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("ID"));
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public class MyObject
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ID { get; set; }
Below is XAML:
<vm:MainwindowViewModel x:Key="someObj"/>
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding ocObj}" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource someObj}}" AutoGenerateColumns="True" />
Take a look at the documentation on the NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs class. Note that the OldItems object only "Gets the list of items affected by a Replace, Remove, or Move action." What this means is that for other actions, OldItems will be null.
Therefore, if an Add action is performed against your ObservableCollection, OldItems is null (and valid). Just perform a check for it in your code, such as:
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("propeties changed # " + e.NewStartingIndex.ToString()
+ " old items starting # " + e.OldStartingIndex + " olditems count " +
(e.OldItems == null ? "0" : e.OldItems.Count.ToString())
+ " action " + e.Action.ToString());