This is a follow-up of one of my previous questions:
In scala shapeless, is it possible to use literal type as a generic type parameter?
I'm trying to write scala code for vector multiplication, while using shapeless to make the compiler aware of the dimension of each vector:
trait IntTypeMagnet[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]] extends Serializable {
def witness: W
object IntTypeMagnet {
case class Impl[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](witness: W) extends IntTypeMagnet[W] {}
implicit def fromInt[W <: Int](v: W): Impl[Lt[W]] = Impl(Witness(v))
implicit def fromWitness[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](witness: W): Impl[W] = Impl(witness)
trait Axis extends Serializable
case object UnknownAxis extends Axis
trait KnownAxis[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]] extends Axis {
def n: Int
def ++(that: KnownAxis[W]): Unit = {}
Ideally the implicit fromInt can deduce v.narrow (Witness can only work on final, singleton type), yet it doesn't behave as so:
object Attempt1 {
case class KN[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](magnet: IntTypeMagnet[W]) extends KnownAxis[W] {
val n = magnet.witness.value
// looking good, works as intended
KN(1) ++ KN(1)
KN(Witness(1)) ++ KN(2)
KN(Witness(1)) ++ KN(Witness(2))
val v1_simple: KN[Lt[Int]] = KN(1)
KN(1) ++ KN(2) // should break
KN(1) ++ KN(Witness(2)) // should break
The last 2 lines doesn't cause any compilation error, which contradicts my hypothesis. Is there a way to change this behaviour such that KN created using fromInt can find the correct type? I'm using scala-2.12 so the singleton type of shapeless seems to be the only option.
I'm using cats FreeMonad. Here's a simplified version of the algebra:
sealed trait Op[A]
object Op {
final case class Get[T](name: String) extends Op[T]
type OpF[A] = Free[Op, A]
def get[T](name: String): OpF[T] = liftF[Op, T](Get[T](name))
One of the interpreters will be a wrapper around a third-party library, called Client here which its get method's signature is similar to:
class Client {
def get[O <: Resource](name: String)
(implicit f: Format[O], d: Definition[O]): Future[O] = ???
My question is how can I encode that requirement in my implementation?
class FutureOp extends (Op ~> Future) {
val client = new Client()
def apply[A](fa: Op[A]): Future[A] =
fa match {
case Get(name: String) =>
I tried things like introducing bounds to my apply (like apply[A <: Resource : Format : Definition]) which didn't work.
I understand that FunctionK is to transform values of first-order-kinded types, but is there anyway in which I can encode the requirements of the type parameter?
I intend to use it like:
def run[F[_]: Monad, A](intp: Op ~> F, op: OpF[A]): F[A] = op.foldMap(intp)
val p: Op.OpF[Foo] = Op.get[Foo]("foo")
val i = new FutureOp()
run(i, d)
(My original answer contained the same idea, but apparently it did not provide enough implementation details. This time, I wrote a more detailed step-by-step guide with a discussion of each intermediate step. Every section contains a separate compilable code snippet.)
Implicits are required for each type T that occurs in get[T], therefore they must be inserted and stored when the DSL-program is constructed, not when it is executed. This solves the problem with the implicits.
There is a general strategy for gluing a natural transformation ~> from several restricted natural transformations trait RNT[R, F[_ <: R], G[_]]{ def apply[A <: R](x: F[A]): G[A] } using pattern matching. This solves the problem with the A <: Resource type bound. Details below.
In your question, you have two separate problems:
implicit Format and Definition
<: Resource-type bound
I want to treat each of these two problems in isolation, and provide a reusable solution strategy for both. I will then apply both strategies to your problem.
My answer below is structured as follows:
First, I will summarize your question as I understand it.
Then I will explain what to do with the implicits, ignoring the type bound.
Then I will deal with the type bound, this time ignoring the implicits.
Finally, I apply both strategies to your particular problem.
Henceforth, I assume that you have scalaVersion 2.12.4, the dependencies
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "1.0.1"
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-free" % "1.0.1"
and that you insert
import scala.language.higherKinds
where appropriate.
Note that the solution strategies are not specific to this particular scala version or the cats library.
The setup
The goal of this section is to make sure that I'm solving the right problem, and also to provide very simple mock-up definitions
of Resource, Format, Client etc., so that this answer is self-contained
and compilable.
I assume that you want to build a little domain specific language using the Free monad.
Ideally, you would like to have a DSL that looks approximately like this (I've used the names DslOp for the operations and Dsl for the generated free monad):
sealed trait DslOp[A]
case class Get[A](name: String) extends DslOp[A]
type Dsl[A] = Free[DslOp, A]
def get[A](name: String): Dsl[A] = liftF[DslOp, A](Get[A](name))
It defines a single command get that can get objects of type A given a string
Later, you want to interpret this DSL using a get method provided by some Client
that you cannot modify:
import scala.concurrent.Future
trait Resource
trait Format[A <: Resource]
trait Definition[A <: Resource]
object Client {
def get[A <: Resource](name: String)
(implicit f: Format[A], d: Definition[A]): Future[A] = ???
Your problem is that the get method of the Client has a type bound, and that
it requires additional implicits.
Dealing with implicits when defining interpreter for the Free monad
Let's first pretend that the get-method in client requires implicits, but
ignore the type bound for now:
import scala.concurrent.Future
trait Format[A]
trait Definition[A]
object Client {
def get[A](name: String)(implicit f: Format[A], d: Definition[A])
: Future[A] = ???
Before we write down the solution, let's briefly discuss why you cannot supply all
the necessary implicits when you are calling the apply method in ~>.
When passed to foldMap, the apply of FunctionK is supposed
to be able to cope with arbitrarily long programs of type Dsl[X] to produce Future[X].
Arbitrarily long programs of type Dsl[X] can contain an unlimited number of
get[T1], ..., get[Tn] commands for different types T1, ..., Tn.
For each of those T1, ..., Tn, you have to get a Format[T_i] and Definition[T_i] somewhere.
These implicit arguments must be supplied by the compiler.
When you interpret the entire program of type Dsl[X], only the type X but not the types T1, ..., Tn are available,
so the compiler cannot insert all the necessary Definitions and Formats at the call site.
Therefore, all the Definitions and Formats must be supplied as implicit parameters to get[T_i]
when you are constructing the Dsl-program, not when you are interpreting it.
The solution is to add Format[A] and Definition[A] as members to the Get[A] case class,
and make the definition of get[A] with lift[DslOp, A] accept these two additional implicit
import cats.~>
sealed trait DslOp[A]
case class Get[A](name: String, f: Format[A], d: Definition[A])
extends DslOp[A]
type Dsl[A] = Free[DslOp, A]
def get[A](name: String)(implicit f: Format[A], d: Definition[A])
: Dsl[A] = liftF[DslOp, A](Get[A](name, f, d))
Now, we can define the first approximation of the ~>-interpreter, which at least
can cope with the implicits:
val clientInterpreter_1: (DslOp ~> Future) = new (DslOp ~> Future) {
def apply[A](op: DslOp[A]): Future[A] = op match {
case Get(name, f, d) => Client.get(name)(f, d)
Type bounds in case classes defining the DSL-operations
Now, let's deal with the type bound in isolation. Suppose that your Client
doesn't need any implicits, but imposes an additional bound on A:
import scala.concurrent.Future
trait Resource
object Client {
def get[A <: Resource](name: String): Future[A] = ???
If you tried to write down the clientInterpreter in the same way as in the
previous example, you would notice that the type A is too general, and that
you therefore cannot work with the contents of Get[A] in Client.get.
Instead, you have to find a scope where the additional type information A <: Resource
is not lost. One way to achieve it is to define an accept method on Get itself.
Instead of a completely general natural transformation ~>, this accept method will
be able to work with natural transformations with restricted domain.
Here is a trait to model that:
trait RestrictedNat[R, F[_ <: R], G[_]] {
def apply[A <: R](fa: F[A]): G[A]
It looks almost like ~>, but with an additional A <: R restriction. Now we
can define accept in Get:
import cats.~>
sealed trait DslOp[A]
case class Get[A <: Resource](name: String) extends DslOp[A] {
def accept[G[_]](f: RestrictedNat[Resource, Get, G]): G[A] = f(this)
type Dsl[A] = Free[DslOp, A]
def get[A <: Resource](name: String): Dsl[A] =
liftF[DslOp, A](Get[A](name))
and write down the second approximation of our interpreter, without any
nasty type-casts:
val clientInterpreter_2: (DslOp ~> Future) = new (DslOp ~> Future) {
def apply[A](op: DslOp[A]): Future[A] = op match {
case g # Get(name) => {
val f = new RestrictedNat[Resource, Get, Future] {
def apply[X <: Resource](g: Get[X]): Future[X] = Client.get(
This idea can be generalized to an arbitrary number of type constructors Get_1, ...,
Get_N, with type restrictions R1, ..., RN. The general idea corresponds to
the construction of a piecewise defined natural transformation from smaller
pieces that work only on certain subtypes.
Applying both solution strategies to your problem
Now we can combine the two general strategies into one solution for
your concrete problem:
import scala.concurrent.Future
import cats.~>
// Client-definition with both obstacles: implicits + type bound
trait Resource
trait Format[A <: Resource]
trait Definition[A <: Resource]
object Client {
def get[A <: Resource](name: String)
(implicit fmt: Format[A], dfn: Definition[A])
: Future[A] = ???
// Solution:
trait RestrictedNat[R, F[_ <: R], G[_]] {
def apply[A <: R](fa: F[A]): G[A]
sealed trait DslOp[A]
case class Get[A <: Resource](
name: String,
fmt: Format[A],
dfn: Definition[A]
) extends DslOp[A] {
def accept[G[_]](f: RestrictedNat[Resource, Get, G]): G[A] = f(this)
type Dsl[A] = Free[DslOp, A]
def get[A <: Resource]
(name: String)
(implicit fmt: Format[A], dfn: Definition[A])
: Dsl[A] = liftF[DslOp, A](Get[A](name, fmt, dfn))
val clientInterpreter_3: (DslOp ~> Future) = new (DslOp ~> Future) {
def apply[A](op: DslOp[A]): Future[A] = op match {
case g: Get[A] => {
val f = new RestrictedNat[Resource, Get, Future] {
def apply[X <: Resource](g: Get[X]): Future[X] =
Client.get(, g.dfn)
Now, the clientInterpreter_3 can cope with both problems: the type-bound-problem is dealt with
by defining a RestrictedNat for each case class that imposes an upper bound on its type arguments,
and the implicits-problem is solved by adding an implicit parameter list to DSL's get-method.
I think I've found a way to solve your problem by combining a ReaderT monad transformer with intersection types:
import scala.concurrent.Future
import cats.~>
object FreeMonads {
sealed trait Op[A]
object Op {
final case class Get[T](name: String) extends Op[T]
type OpF[A] = Free[Op, A]
def get[T](name: String): OpF[T] = Free.liftF[Op, T](Get[T](name))
trait Resource
trait Format[A]
trait Definition[A]
trait Client {
def get[O <: Resource](name: String)
(implicit f: Format[O], d: Definition[O]): Future[O]
type Result[A] = ReaderT[
(Format[A with Resource], Definition[A with Resource]),
class FutureOp(client: Client) extends (Op ~> Result) {
def apply[A](fa: Op[A]): Result[A] =
fa match {
case Op.Get(name: String) =>
ReaderT {
case (format, definition) =>
// The `Future[A]` type ascription makes Intellij IDEA's type
// checker accept the code.
client.get(name)(format, definition): Future[A]
The basic idea behind it is that you produce a Reader from your Op and that Reader receives the values that you can use for the implicit params. This solves the problem of type O having instances for Format and Definition.
The other problem is for O be a subtype of Resource. To solve this, we're just saying that the Format and Definition instances are not just instances of any A, but any A that also happens to be a Resource.
Let me know if you bump into problems when using FutureOp.
I have the simplified situation:
abstract sealed trait Top
class A[T] extends Top
class B[T] extends Top
class Typeclass[T]
implicit def a[T] = new Typeclass[A[T]]
implicit def b[T] = new Typeclass[B[T]]
Now I have a Map[String, Top] and want to use an operation on all values in the map that require the presence of an instance of Typeclass to be available in the context. This will not compile as the concrete types of the values in the map are not visible from its type and I can therefore not set a context bound for them.
Is there a way to tell the compiler that in fact there will always be an instance available? In this example this is given as there are implicit functions to generate those instances for every concrete subtype of Top.
Or is the only solution to use a HList and recurse over its type requiring all the instances to be in context?
I recommend using some variation on this adaptation of Oleg's Existentials as universals in this sort of situation ... pack the the type class instance along with the value it's the instance for,
abstract sealed trait Top
class A[T] extends Top
class B[T] extends Top
class Typeclass[T]
implicit def a[T] = new Typeclass[A[T]]
implicit def b[T] = new Typeclass[B[T]]
trait Pack {
type T <: Top
val top: T
implicit val tc: Typeclass[T]
object Pack {
def apply[T0 <: Top](t0: T0)(implicit tc0: Typeclass[T0]): Pack =
new Pack { type T = T0 ; val top = t0 ; val tc = tc0 }
val m = Map("a" -> Pack(new A[Int]), "b" -> Pack(new B[Double]))
def foo[T: Typeclass](t: T): Unit = ()
def bar(m: Map[String, Pack], k: String): Unit =
m.get(k).map { pack =>
import pack._ // imports T, top and implicit tc
foo(top) // instance available for call of foo
bar(m, "a")
As discussed in comment it would be more convenient to have the typeclass defined on Top, and it might be done with pattern matching.
supposing part of the definition of the typeclass is
def f[T](t: T): FResult[T],
and you have the corresponding implentations
def fOnA[T](t: A[T]): FResult[A[T]] = ...
def fOnB[T](t: B[T]): FResult[B[T]] = ...
Then you can define
def fOnT(t: Top) : FResult[Top] = t match {
case a: A[_] => fOnA(a)
// provided an FResult[A[T]] is an FResult[Top],
// or some conversion is possible
case b: B[_] => fOnB(b)
If is both legal and safe to call a generic method, such as fOnA[T] with an existential (a matching A[_])
However, it might be difficult to convince the compiler that the parameter you pass to f or the result you get are ok, given the reduced information of the existential. If so, please post the signatures you need.
Let's say I have a coproduct (a sealed trait) such as
sealed trait Traity
case object Foo extends Traity
case class Bar() extends Traity
case class Baz() extends Traity
Using shapeless, I can apply polymorphic functions to specific instances but what I'd like to do is to apply a zero-parameter (no-instance) polymorphic function to all the products (i.e. case classes and case objects). I have no idea what the syntax would look like, but something conceptually like:
object mypoly extends Poly1 {
implicit def traity[T <: Traity] = when[T]( getClass[T].toString )
iterate[Traity](mypoly) // gives List("Foo", "Bar", "Baz")
would suit my purposes.
For the example use case in your question, this is actually very straightforward:
import shapeless._
class NameHelper[A] {
def apply[C <: Coproduct, K <: HList]()(implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, C],
keys: ops.union.Keys.Aux[C, K],
toSet: ops.hlist.ToTraversable.Aux[K, Set, Symbol]
): Set[String] = toSet(keys()).map(
def names[A] = new NameHelper[A]
And then:
scala> names[Traity]()
res0: Set[String] = Set(Bar, Baz, Foo)
(I'm using a Set since the order you're getting is just alphabetical—it's not currently possible to enumerate the constructors in declaration order, although I'd personally prefer that.)
If you'd like a more generic answer, an adaptation of the code in the question I linked above shouldn't be too bad—I'd be happy to add it here later.
I would like to define the following trait with an abstract type:
trait C {
type M[_]
def doSomething(m: M[T]): M[T] = ???
def somethingElse: M[T] = ???
I'd like to constrain my higher type M to have a scalaz.Monad[M] instance. One solution would be to change my code like:
abstract class C[M: Monad] { ... }
but I would like M to be an abstract type member. Is this possible in Scala?
If you want to require a Monad[M] instance, just... require it:
trait C {
type M[_]
/*implicit if you like*/ def m: Monad[M]
Implementing classes will unfortunately have to specify m, if only as val m = implicitly; the only way around that is the abstract class approach you mention.