python optimising multiple functions with common variables - scipy

i am trying to minimize (globally) 3 functions that use common variables, i tried to combine them into one function and minimize that using L-BFGS-B(i need to set boundaries for the variables), but it has shown to be very difficult to balance each parameter with weightings, i.e. when one is minimised the other will not be. I also tried to use SLSQP method to minimize one of them while setting others as constraints, but the constraints are often ignored/not met.
Here are what need to be minimized, all the maths are done in meritscalculation and meritoflength, meritofROC, meritofproximity, heightorderreturnedare returned from the calculations as globals.
def lengthmerit(x0):
print meritoflength
return meritoflength
def ROCmerit(x0):
print meritofROC
return meritofROC
def proximitymerit(x0):
print meritofproximity+heightorder
return meritofproximity+heightorder
i want to minimize all of them using a common x0 (with boundaries) as independent variable, is there a way to achieve this?

Is this what you want to do ?
minimize a * amerit(x) + b * bmerit(x) + c * cmerit(x)
over a, b, c, x:
a + b + c = 1
a >= 0.1, b >= 0.1, c >= 0.1 (say)
x in xbounds
If x is say [x0 x1 .. x9], set up a new variable abcx = [a b c x0 x1 .. x9],
constrain a + b + c = 1 with a penalty term added to the objective function,
and minimize this:
define fabc( abcx ):
""" abcx = a, b, c, x
-> a * amerit(x) + ... + penalty 100 (a + b + c - 1)^2
a, b, c, x = abcx[0], abcx[1], abcx[2], abcx[3:] # split
fa = a * amerit(x)
fb = b * bmerit(x)
fc = c * cmerit(x)
penalty = 100 * (a + b + c - 1) ** 2 # 100 ?
f = fa + fb + fc + penalty
print "fabc: %6.2g = %6.2g + %6.2g + %6.2g + %6.2g a b c: %6.2g %6.2g %6.2g" % (
f, fa, fb, fc, penalty, a, b, c )
return f
and bounds = [[0.1, 0.5]] * 3 + xbounds, i.e. each of a b c in 0.1 .. 0.5 or so.
The long print s should show you why one of a b c approach 0 --
maybe one of amerit() bmerit() cmerit() is way bigger than the others ?
Plots instead of prints would be easy too.
1) formulate the problem clearly on paper, as at the top
2) translate that into python.

here is the result of some scaling and weighting
objective function:
merit_function=wa*meritoflength*1e3+wb*meritofROC+wc*meritofproximity+wd*heightorder*10+1000 * (wa+wb+wc+wd-1) ** 2
abcdex=np.array(( 0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1...))
fun: array([ 7.79494644])
x: array([ 4.00000000e-01, 2.50000000e-01, 1.00000000e-01,
meritoflength : 0.00465499380753. #target 1e-5, usually start at 0.1
meritofROC: 23.7317956542 #target ~1, range <33
Heightorder: 0 #target :strictly 0, range <28
meritofproximity : 0.0 #target:less than 0.02, range <0.052
i realised after a few runs, all the weightings tend to stay at the minimum values of the bound, and im back to manually tuning the scaling problem i started with.
Is there a possibility that my optimisation function isnt finding the true global minimum?
here is how i minimised it:
minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "L-BFGS-B", "bounds": bnds, "tol":1e0 }
ret = basinhopping(merit_function, abcdex, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter=10)
zoom = ret['x']
res = minimize(merit_function, zoom, method = 'L-BFGS-B', bounds=bnds, tol=1e-6)


System of Boolean Equations

I am working on solving a system of boolean equations. Specifically, I am trying to find the values of bit vectors S1...S3 and/or C1...C3 such that their XOR results are given in the table below (in hexadecimal values). Any ideas?
So we have six 32-digit sequences we want to determine, for a total of 192 unknown hexadecimal digits. We can focus on just the first digits of each to illustrate how we could try to solve for the others.
Let's call the first digits of S1, S2 and S3 a, b and c, respectively. Let's also call the first digits of C1, C2 and C3 x, y and z, respectively. Then we have the following equations, where * stands for XOR:
a * x = E b * x = A c * x = 7
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 c * y = B
a * z = 1 b * z = 5 c * z = 8
Let us note some properties of XOR. First, it is associative. That is, A XOR (B XOR C) is always equal to (A XOR B) XOR C. Second, it is commutative. That is, A XOR B is always equal to B XOR A. Also, A XOR A is always the "false" vector (0) for any A. A XOR FALSE is always A where FALSE stands for the "false" vector (0). These facts let us do algebra to solve for variables and substitute to solve. We can solve for c first, substitute in and simplify to get:
a * x = E b * x = A z * x = F
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 z * y = 3
a * z = 1 b * z = 5 c = 8 * z
We can do z next:
a * x = E b * x = A y * x = C
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 z = 3 * y
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 c = 8 * z
We found a couple of our equations are redundant. We expected that if the system were not inconsistent since we had nine equations in six unknowns. Let's continue with y:
a * x = E b * x = A y = C * x
a * x = E b * x = A z = 3 * y
a * x = E b * x = A c = 8 * z
We find now that we have even more unhelpful equations. Now we are in trouble, though: we only have five distinct equalities and six unknowns. This means that our system is underspecified and we will have multiple solutions. We can pick one or list them all. Let us continue with x:
a * b = 4 x = b * A y = C * x
a * b = 4 x = b * A z = 3 * y
a * b = 4 x = b * A c = 8 * z
What this means we have one solution for every solution to the equation a * b = 4. How many solutions are there? Well, there must be 16, one for every value of a. Here is a table:
a: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
b: 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 C D E F 8 9 A B
We can fill in the rest of the table using the other equations we determined. Each row will then be a solution.
You can continue this process for each of the 32 places in the hexadecimal sequences. For each position, you will find:
there are multiple solutions, as we found for the first position
there is a unique solution, if you end up with six useful equations
there are no solutions, if you find one of the equations becomes a contradiction upon substitution (e.g., A = 3).
If you find a position that has no solutions, then the whole system has no solutions. Otherwise, you'll have a number of solutions that is the product of the nonzero numbers of solutions for each of the 32 positions.

Rewrite a symbolic expression in terms of a specific subexpression

I need to rewrite a symbolic expression in terms of a specific subexpression.
Consider the following scenario:
expression f with 2 variables a, b
subexpression c = a / b
syms a b c
f = b / (a + b) % = 1 / (1 + a/b) = 1 / (1 + c) <- what I need
Is there a way to achieve this?
The step from 1 / (1 + a/b) to 1 / (1 + c) can be achieved by calling
subs(1 / (1 + a/b),a/b,c)
So a better formulated question is:
Is there a way to tell MATLAB to 'simplify' b / (a + b) into 1 / (1 + a/b)?
Just calling simplify(b / (a + b) makes no difference.
Simplification to your desired form is not automatically guaranteed, and in my experience, isn't likely to be achieved directly through simplify-ing as I've noticed simplification rules prefer rational polynomial functions. However,
if you know the proper reducing ratio, you can substitute and simplify
>> syms a b c
>> f = b / (a + b);
>> simplify(subs(f,a,c*b))
ans =
1/(c + 1)
>> simplify(subs(f,b,a/c))
ans =
1/(c + 1)
And then re-substitute without simplification, if desired:
>> subs(simplify(subs(f,a,c*b)),c,a/b)
ans =
1/(a/b + 1)
>> subs(simplify(subs(f,b,a/c)),c,a/b)
ans =
1/(a/b + 1)

Manually changing RGB to HSI matlab

I would like to preface this by saying, I know some functions, including RGB2HSI could do this for me, but I would like to do it manually for a deeper understanding.
So my goal here is to change my RGB image to HSI color scheme. The image is in .raw format, and i am using the following formulas on the binary code to try and convert it.
theta = arccos((.5*(R-G) + (R-B))/((R-G).^2 + (R-B).*(G-B)).^.5);
S = 1 - 3./(R + G + B)
I = 1/3 * (R + G + B)
if B <= G H = theta if B > G H = 360 - theta
So far I have tried two different things, that have resulted in two different errors. The first attempted was the following,
for iii = 1:196608
C(iii) = acosd((.5*(R-G) + (R-B))/((R-G).^2 + (R-B).*(G-B)).^.5);
S(iii) = 1 - 3./(R + G + B);
I(iii) = 1/3 * (R + G + B);
Now in attempting this I knew it was grossly inefficent, but I wanted to see if it was a viable option. It was not, and the computer ran out of memory and refused to even run it.
My second attempt was this
fid = fopen('color.raw');
R = fread(fid,512*384*3,'uint8', 2);
fseek(fid, 1, 'bof');
G = fread(fid, 512*384*3, 'uint8', 2);
fseek(fid, 2, 'bof');
B = fread(fid, 512*384*3, 'uint8', 2);
R = reshape(R, [512 384]);
G = reshape(G, [512 384]);
B = reshape(B, [512 384]);
C = acosd((.5*(R-G) + (R-B))/((R-G).^2 + (R-B).*(G-B)).^.5);
S = 1 - 3./(R + G + B);
I = 1/3 * (R + G + B);
if B <= G
H = B;
if B > G
H = 360 - B;
H = H/360;
imagesc(H * S * I)
There were several issues with this that I need help with. First of all, the matrix 'C' has different dimensions than S and I so multiplication is impossible, so my first question is, how would I call up each pixel so I could perform the operations on them individually to avoid this dilemma.
Secondly the if loops refused to work, if I put them after "imagesc" nothing would happen, and if i put them before "imagesc" then the computer would not recognize what variable H was. Where is the correct placement of the ends?
Normally, the matrix 'C' have same dimensions as S and I because:
C = acosd((.5*(R-G) + (R-B))/((R-G).^2 + (R-B).*(G-B)).^.5);
should be
C = acosd((.5*(R-G) + (R-B))./((R-G).^2 + (R-B).*(G-B)).^.5);
elementwise division in the middle was missing . Another point is:
if B <= G
H = B;
if B > G
H = 360 - B;
should be
H = zeros(size(B));
H(find(B <= G)) = B(find(B <= G));
H(find(B > G)) = 360 - B(find(B > G));

Matlab: Fsolve giving incorrect roots

I'm trying to solve this system:
x = a + e(c - e*x/((x^2+y^2)^(3/2)))
y = b + c(d - e*y/((x^2+y^2)^(3/2)))
I'm using fsolve, but not matter what I put in as the starting points for the iteration, I get the answer that the starting points are the roots of the equation.
close all, clear all, clc
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
e = 5;
fsolve(#u1FsolveFUNC, [1,2])
function outvar = u1FsolveFUNC(invar)
global a b c d e
outvar = [...
-invar(1) + a + e*(c - e*(invar(1) / ((invar(1)^2 + invar(2)^2)^(3/2)))) ;
-invar(2) + b + e*(d - e*(invar(2) / ((invar(1)^2 + invar(2)^2)^(3/2))))]
I could try with [1,2] as invariables, and it will say that that is a root to the equation, alltough the correct answer for [1,2] is [12.76,15.52]
If you write your script like this
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
e = 5;
f = #(XY) [...
-XY(1) + a + e*(c - e*(XY(1) ./ (XY(1).^2 + XY(2).^2).^(3/2)))
-XY(2) + b + e*(d - e*(XY(2) ./ (XY(1).^2 + XY(2).^2).^(3/2)))];
fsolve(f, [1,2])
it is a lot clearer and cleaner. Moreover, it works :)
It works because you haven't declared a,b,c,d and e to be global before you assigned values to them. You then try to import them in your function, but at that time, they are still not defined as being global, so MATLAB thinks you just initialized a bunch of globals, setting their initial values to empty ([]).
And the solution to an empty equation is the initial value (I immediately admit, this is a bit counter-intuitive).
So this equation involves some inverse-square law...Gravity? Electrodynamics?
Note that, depending on the values of a-e, there may be multiple solutions; see this figure:
Solutions are those points [X,Y] where Z is simultaneously zero for both equations. for the values you give, there is a point like that at
[X,Y] = [15.958213798693690 13.978039302961506]
but also at
[X,Y] = [0.553696225634946 0.789264790080377]
(there's possibly even more...)
When you are using global command you have to use the command with all the variables in each function (and main workspace).
Main script
global a b c d e % Note
a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5;
function outvar = u1FsolveFUNC(invar)
global a b c d e % Note
outvar = [-invar(1) + a + e*(c - e*(invar(1) / ((invar(1)^2 + invar(2)^2)^(3/2)))) ; -invar(2) + b + e*(d - e*(invar(2) / ((invar(1)^2 + invar(2)^2)^(3/2))))]

Matlab: How to solve the system of nonlinear equations with additional parameters?

I would like to create a function that finds the parameters p and q of Bass diffusion model, given the data of two time periods.
The model (equation) is the following:
n(T) = p*m + (q-p)*n(T-1) + q/m*n(T-1)^2
n(T) = number of addoptions occuring in period T
n(T-1) = number of cumulative adoptions that occured before T
p = coefficient of innovation
q = coefficient of imitation
m = number of eventual adopters
for example if m = 3.000.000
and the data for the years below is the following:
2000: n(T) = 820, n(T-1) = 0
2005: n(T) = 25000, n(T-1) = 18000
then the following equation system has to be solved (in order to determine the values of p and q):
p*m + (q-p)*0 + q/3.000.000 * 0^2 == 820
p*m + (q-p)*18000 + q/3.000.000 * 18000^2 == 25000
By following Matlab documentation I tried to create a function Bass:
function F = Bass(m, p, q, cummulativeAdoptersBefore)
F = [p*m + (q-p)*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1) + q/m*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1).^2;
p*m + (q-p)*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2) + q/m*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2).^2];
Which should be used in fsolve(#Bass,x0,options) but in this case m, p, q, cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1), and cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2) should be given in x0 and all variables would be considered as unknown instead of just the latter two.
Does anyone know how to solve the system of equations such as above?
Thank you!
fsolve() seeks to minimize the function you supply as argument. Thus, you have to change your equations to
p*m + (q-p)*0 + q/3.000.000 * 0^2 - 820 == 0
p*m + (q-p)*18000 + q/3.000.000 * 18000^2 - 25000 == 0
and in Matlab syntax
function F = Bass(m, p, q, cumulativeAdoptersBefore, cumulativeAdoptersAfter)
F = [p*m + (q-p)*cumulativeAdoptersBefore(1) ...
+ q/m *cumulativeAdoptersBefore(1).^2
- cumulativeAdoptersAfter(1);
p*m + (q-p)*cumulativeAdoptersBefore(2) ...
+ q/m *cumulativeAdoptersBefore(2).^2
- cumulativeAdoptersAfter(2)];
Note: There is a typo in your Bass function (multiplication instead of sum).
Now you have a function, which takes more parameters than there are unkowns.
One option is to create an anonymous function, which only takes the unknowns as arguments and to fix the other parameters via a closure.
To fit the unkowns p and q, you could use something like
cumulativeAdoptersBefore = [0, 1800];
cumulativeAdoptersAfter = [820, 25000];
m = 3e6;
x = [0, 0]; %# Probably, this is no good starting guess.
xopt = fsolve(#(x) Bass(m, x(1), x(2), cumulativeAdoptersBefore, cumulativeAdoptersAfter), x0);
So fsolve() sees a function taking only a single argument (a vector with two elements) and it also returns a vector value.