Attach file in Postfix filter - email-attachments

I am sending mail in Postfix through a filter, where Altermime applies a signature. I'd like to attach an image to the mail, so i can use html (applied by Altermime) that displays the attached image, eg:
<img src="cid:pic.jpg" />
How can I attach a file to the email when using a bash filter?
I have tried piping it with uuenview at the end of the filter to postfix, but it does nothing:
uuenview /path/to/pic.jpg | $SENDMAIL -i "$#" <in.$$
I'm using the filter method as described in:

OK, I realize it is not as easy as piping uuenview to the mail. Emails are broken up with boundaries.
So instead I will work on getting AddAttachFilter working:
I have had a little bit success so far this morning with it.


Script to parse FROM email address from many text files

I have a collection of 338 .log files. These are just basic text files and no two files have the same file name (but all file names start with "rrm-"). Here is an example of the data they contain:
Receiving message #1 : OK (4480 bytes)
From: <>
Subject: 2-303-468-02
Message-ID: <>
Forwarding to "Some User" <> : OK
I need a script that will open each file one at a time, parse only the "From:" lines (could be 10, could be 1000s) to extract only the email address between the < and > characters, and write the output to a single text file, one email address per line. The rest of the data I don't care about. I also don't care about validating the email addresses. The resulting text file would look like this:
I'm not a programmer, I only know how to break things when I try. I don't even know what software / utility I would need to use for this. I'm using a Windows 10 computer. So maybe a Powershell script? Sorry for such a n00b question, I really hate feeling stupid for not knowing how to or being able to google for a simple solution. Appreciate any help!
Try the following:
Select-String -Pattern '^From: .*?<(.+?)>' -Path rrm-* |
ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value } > output.txt
^From: .*?<(.+?)> is a regex (regular expression) that finds lines that start with From: and captures what follows between < and >.
The .*? part is to account for an (optional) actual name preceding the <...>-enclosed email address, as is common; e.g, "Dana Jerry" <>. Thanks, TheMadTechnician
$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value retrieves what was captured.
> output.txt saves the results to a file.

Procmail split mailing list answer

The common ethicete about mailing lists is to answer to a human, and CC the mailing list, like this:
To: help-volounter#dev.full
Subject: Re: Describtion of the problem
Problem is that I get two copies of such email(it's expected). I would like to procmail one copy to mailing list mbox, and another to inbox mbox. Is it simple way to do it?
It's not entirely trivial, but there are some building blocks you may find useful.
You can detect whether you have already received a message by keeping a cache of seen message-id:s. This is a standard technique described in the procmailex man page in more detail. I would propose to use the same technique to decide where to file an incoming message; if it has not been seen before, deliver to your inbox; otherwise, file to the list's folder.
The locking becomes somewhat more complex because you need to obtain the lock file before entering the formail -D recipe. This can be done by using the LOCKFILE special variable.
# Is this message addressed both to yourself and to the list?
* ^TO_you#example\.net\>
* ^TO_mailing-list#elsewhere\.example\.org\>
# Select regular inbox as default target for this message
# Lock msgid.lock for exclusive access to msgid.cache
# If message-id is already cached, override $dest
* H ? formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
{ dest=listbox/ }
# Release lock
# Deliver to $dest
This is not 100% foolproof. If you get a Bcc:, for example, your own address will not be in the headers, and so ^TO_ yourself will not match.

Using Festival from an Asterisk AGI script

This feels like a really silly problem but I just can't figure it out. I am writing an AGI script in Perl using Asterisk::AGI which needs to invoke Festival to read some text to the caller. I know that in the dialplan I can say
Festival('Hello caller','any')
and it will say 'Hello caller' and allow interruption by any key. The trick is doing that from the AGI script. If I do this:
$agi->exec('Festival', '"Hello caller"')
It will say 'Hello caller'. No problem. But I can't get it to deal with the potential for key interruption. It looks kind of like a second parameter, but also kind of not like one. I tried
$agi->exec('Festival', '"Hello caller"', 'any')
And it seems to ignore it completely (no key interruption takes place). I also tried
$agi->exec('Festival', q{"Hello caller",'any'})
And it says the 'any' bit, which leads me to be seriously confused about the quoting (the double quotes inside the string I pass was the only way I could get it to do more than say the first word).
$agi->exec('Festival', q{"Hello caller", 'any'})
Just ignores the 'any' bit entirely.
The only resources online that mention using Festival from an AGI script all talk about invoking it externally, saving it to a temporary file and then playing that back. Do I really have to go down that path? Shouldn't I be able to run any dialplan application at all with any arguments I like from an AGI?
Yes, you are able to execute applications like in the dialplan, with AGI exec.
You have to separate arguments with a Pipe (|) character.
Example exec Dial with options (examples/agi-enum.agi)
if ($option) {
$AGI->verbose("Executing Dial $option\n",3);
$res = $AGI->exec('Dial', $option);
For Festival, it should work like this:
$agi->exec('Festival', '"Hello caller"|"any"');
$agi->exec('FESTIVAL "Hello caller"|"any"');

Maildrop: Filter mail by Date: header

I'm using getmail + maildrop + mutt + msmtp chain with messages stored in Maildir. Very big inbox bothers me, so i wanted to organize mail by date like that:
|-2010.11->all messages with "Date: *, * Nov 2010 *"
|-2010.12->same as above...
I've googled much and read about mailfilter language, but still it is hard for me to write such filter. Maildrop's mailing list archives has almost nothing on this (as far as i scanned through it). There is some semi-solution on, but i don't like it, because i want to use "Date:" header and i want to sort by month like "YEAR.MONTH" in digits.
Any help, thoughts, links, materials will be appreciated.
Using mostly man pages, I came up with the following solution for use on Ubuntu 10.04. Create a mailfilter file called, for example, mailfilter-archive with the following content:
# Uncomment the following to get logging output
#logfile $HOME/tmp/maildrop-archive.log
# Create maildir folder if it does not exist
`[ -d $DEFAULT ] || maildirmake $DEFAULT`
if (/^date:\s+(.+)$/)
datefile=`date -d "$MATCH1" +%Y-%m`
to $DEFAULT/$datefile
# In case the message is missing a date header, send it to a default mail file
to $DEFAULT/inbox
This uses the date command, taking the date header content as input (assuming it is in RFC-2822 format) and producing a formatted date to use as the mail file name.
Then execute the following on existing mail files to archive your messages:
cat mail1 mail2 mail3 mail4 | reformail -s maildrop mailfilter-archive
If the mail-archive contents look good, you could remove the mail1, mail2, mail3, mail4, etc. mail files.

Move emails with procmail if it matches from sender

as im using different email clients to read/send my mails i want to setup procmail to move my emails to a the folder which is normally done by Thunderbird filter feature.
I know that i can do it by using the following code for procmail in my email users .procmailrc file:
* ^
But i have a list of about 50 email adresses which i would like to move to that specific "myfolder".
So by using
* ^
* ^
doesnt help, because procmail interprets them by using the AND operater. So the code above would be true if From is first#... AND second#..., which will never be true.
So how do i use the OR operator.
Actually i have a simple text file where all email adresses are.
Would be cool to have a feature where procmail ready in that file and checks if From matches with at least one of the lines in the file, the moves email to "myfolder".
Something like
* ^From:file(email.txt)
Does anybode if this or something similar is possible.
I dont want to add these 3 lines 50 times in my procmailrc file.
Procmail uses regexps, so you can separate addresses with the | character.
* ^From:.((first|second|third)|(fourth|fifth)
would work. Could get a little messy with fifty all on one line, mind...
I found the solution.
With this solution im able to use a simple email text file holding all email addresses in each in one line.
The code in my .procmailrc is as follows:
FROM=`formail -xFrom: | sed -e 's/ *(.*)//; s/>.*//; s/.*[:<] *//'`
* ? fgrep -qxis $FROM $EMAILFILE