GGTS - SVN check out never complete - eclipse

I am using GGTS (64 bit) for a small Grails project.
I created SVN repository on Google drive using TortoiseSVN and checked-in the project.
On second computer, I tried to check-out the project but it seems that GGTS cannot complete the checkout.
I can see the "Check out" task is stack in 98%, I can see all files in the newly created project in the workspace, but the task never ends.
I can also see other tasks running:
Refresh DSLD scripts
Refresh external folders
Decoration calculation
Resources changed
Using latest Subversive with SVNKit 1.8 64bit.

What's the point of storing Subversion repository in Google Drive? Don't do this.
Can you reproduce this using a command-line client?


Eclipse Oxygen will not connect with the SVN server

I have ‘TortoiseSVN 1.10.0, Build 28176 - 64 Bit , 2018/04/14 08:00:32’ and it works in non Eclipse situations. I have read and followed most of the reverent post on Stackoverflow and others. Still no joy. I have added the SVN plugins, except for ‘JavaHl’ which failed after an hour of trying. My Eclipse is:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Build id: 20180405-1200
The current situation is:
When I try to add the Repository Location, I get:
I have also tried ‘file:///P:/SMC/TortoiseSVN/Projects/’ fails with the same message.
This is what TortoiseSVN gives me in a checkout dialog. When I look at the ‘Repository Browser’ I see:
I tried several other variations and none of them worked.
When I look under window→preferences→team→ SVN, I see:
I also do see an entry in the pull down for ‘Native JavaHL 1.8.11” but it gives the almost same error.
Thanks in advance Cliff2310
You have a filesystem (FS) repository (URL starts with file://), so no SVN server is involved and Eclipse or the connector of Subversive accesses the files directly.
The filesystem format 8 is understood by Subversion 1.10, not by 1.9. Unfortunately, there are no SVN 1.10 connectors for the SVN Eclipse plug-in Subversive yet. Also Subclipse which is an alternative to the Subversive Eclipse plug-in does not yet but will support SVN 1.10 in the next upcoming release.
As a hack you can change the version in the file db/format from 8 to 7. But beware, this could also destroy the repository.
The better solution is to downgrade the repository. A non filesystem repository would perform better. On Windows you can use e. g. VisualSVN Server for that and the latest version (3.9.0) should be able to import your FS 8 repository since it supports SVN 1.10.

How to synchronize relocated code with svn in new version of eclipse?

I had previously checked out code from svn in eclipse on my old pc which I no longer use. I copied the entire workspace to my new pc but I am not able to synchronize the code with svn on my new pc through eclipse. I tried the synchronize option in Team Synchronizing but when I select SVN and click 'Next' getting the error as attached.
Is there a way to get the code synchronized just as it did on my old pc without having to checkout the whole code again and setup the project workspace again ?
Documenting my answer so it could help someone who faced similar problem in future.
After some research I found that it was not the problem with workspace. I had copied the entire workspace along with the .svn directories in it.
My new pc (64-Bit) had a new version of eclipse and the plugin installed on my old pc i.e Subclipse was not available in the new version of eclipse. Instead the new eclipse had Subversive which was unable to recognize the svn branch automatically. I installed the subclipse plugin from the market place.
So if you have upgraded your Eclipse recently, make sure you're still using the same SVN plugins as in your previous version for the workspace to be recognized correctly.
After installing the Subclipse plugin I followed the answer mentioned on this link as suggested by guleryuz but then faced some problems as it did not find a matching JavaHL library in its path. I found the information to install the library on this website. The problem got resolved I am now once again able to synchronize the code with svn after sharing the project.
I am attaching the screenshots -
I am now able to synchronize the code with svn without any problems.

Subclipse not showing the SVN data in package explorer and team options not available

I installed completely from scratch adt latest version with Juno, and I installed the latest subclipse plug-in (1.10) from the update site. However, once everything is installed I am not able to see the SVN data in the package explorer and in the context menu on the file no team option is available.
How can I investigate what's happening behind? I have not been able to find anything helping in google.
Some information from suggestions below:
I was having a previous installation of juno and I started from scratch in a new folder.
I am using the same workspace as before.
I have tried using subclipse alone, subversive alone and both installed at the same time.
The folder in workspace is recognized by Tortoise in windows, no corruption on SVN folder.
If you do not see the Share Project option in the Team menu, then I would guess the issue is that you are reusing an existing workspace and you had Subversive plugin, not Subclipse installed, and these projects were already connected to Subversive. So the Eclipse framework thinks it is associated with Subversive, but that plugin is not available to add its options to the Team menu.
Create a new workspace is one option. Install Subversive is another option.
If you do see the Share Project option, then that is your answer. You need to take that option to "connect" your project to your SCM plugin. Projects that are already in your workspace when you install a new SCM plugin do not get connected to your SCM automatically. You have to take Team > Share Project to make the connection.
For recognizing the existing installation of SVN you need to use Team > Share Project and then select the proper version control tool (SVN this case), automatically will associated SVN to the project.

Installing SVN plugin for Eclipse on Ubuntu

I am a brand new Linux user configuring my first-ever dev sandbox in Ubuntu. I have installed Java and Eclipse and am trying to get either Subversive or Subclipse (I don't have a preference either way) but have a few questions before I start that process.
I just opened Synaptic and downloaded subversion through it.
(1) I'm not really sure how SVN deploys locally. My understanding is that SVN has a client and a server; the server manages the repository(ies) and the clieent just sends commands to the server. Is this correct? If so, then what did I download through Synaptic? The client, and/or the server?
(2) Do these Eclipse plugins come with SVN (client or server...?) or do you have to pre-install SVN prior to installing these plugins? Basically: is SVN a pre-req for Subclipse or Subversive?
Looking back at these 2 questions if someone could first explain to me the architecture of SVN, then explain how that architecture translates to downloading SVN via Synaptic, and then how it translates to downloading/installing either Eclipse plugin, I would see the "big picture" a lot better.
Thanks for any and all help!
I use subclipse with svnkit. Both can be installed from update site of subclipse. Works fine. No other sotware needed. You need to set svnkit instead of javahl. This can be done in preferences.
Installation Help/install new software.
Update sites depending on the version:
Setting window/preferences. (pick svkit at bottom):
You downloaded the SVN server. You can have multiple SVN clients connecting to it.
The Eclipse plugins do not come with SVN. You need to download them.
Once you install the plugin, you can connect to SVN repositories. If you want to connect to your own SVN repository, of course you need to install SVN and create it first.
However, with just the plugin installed, you can connect to any existing public repositories, or any other SVN repository to which you have access.
Example: If you install the plugin, without installing SVN, you can connect to this Apache Repository.
Hope that answers your questions.
1º question: You are correct. About Synaptic, I think it's the server one.
2º question: No, it isn't! Eclipse's plugin it's the client and you don't need to install the SVN outside the IDE. It's all embedded.
More info that could be useful:
How to configure SVN in Eclipse using Assembla repository:
Create or open your existing project in Eclipse.
Be sure that the SVN's plugin it's correctly installed into Eclipse.
Copy your project's url at the Assembla's web site.
Click with the right button over the project > Team > Share Project > SVN
At the showed window, copy the path to your project into the URL field. Remember of /trunk at the end of URL.
Inform your user (watch out, it's your user, not your e-mail) and password into the required fields and check the option: Save Authentication, otherwise your login and password will be required all the time.
Click over Finish.
The commit's screen will open for you add some comment and upload the files of your project. Remember that even being a new project, Eclipse will create all the default folder's structure for the project.
Click at Ok and it's done! Your code will be uploaded to the Assembla's online server.
Now open the Assemblas's web site, access the trunk folder into your repository and then explore your project's source code. Try the comments and see the automatic format applied over the code so it become more readable.
Here it's some advantages of Assembla service:
Unlimited useres working in the same project.
Easiness of use, create, import projects and use all the service, besides of huge documentation and support.
1 GB of space.
Online access to the source code, with the possibility of comment it.
Encrypt data traffic.
Integration with many tools of the site, which are excellent, but payed separately.
Possibility of, at any moment, hire any of the payed services, which offers an incredible amount of benefits for a fair price. (Look at the services list).
If so, then what did I download through Synaptic? The client, and/or the server?
From the Subversion package description in Ubuntu 10.10:
This package includes the Subversion client (svn), tools to create a Subversion repository (svnadmin) and to make a repository available over a network (svnserve).
So you have both the client software, and the software to create and serve your own repositories.
(2) Do these Eclipse plugins come with SVN (client or server...?)
No, you need to install subclipse.
do you have to pre-install SVN prior to installing these plugins?
As long as you install it via a package, you don't have to worry about this. The package management in ubuntu will make sure that any dependencies are installed automatically. AFAIK all package management systems of gnu\linux distributions of note have this feature.
The easiest way:
Help --> Eclipse MarketPlace, search subclipse, click install, and then follow the instructions to finish up the installation process.
One way to clear up your confusion could be to first use a free hosted Subversion repository, such as
Then you can download all of the SVN clients, including the Subclipse plugin, and commit a test project to the SVN repository on Assembla.
I recommend Subclipse as it's allegedly supposed to play nicer with other Subversion clients, which means you'll be able to use command line SVN as well as the Team context menu in Eclipse.
After playing with this configuration and being sure your client side is correctly configured, then you could look into installing a subversion server locally. Eliminating variables by clearly separating client and server will definitely help you avoid confusion at first.

SVN not working in Eclipse

One day I pressed in Eclipse Help -> Check for Updates (and I learnt that I should Never Ever update a software which works fine.)
Then in a project that I used with SVN the whole submenu of "Team" and the little icons that showed that some files weren't commited, they all dissapeared.
I tried everything:
revert from Instalation History tab
uninstall from Installed Software tab
replaced the folder eclipse in Program Files with a new one downloaded from eclipse website and tried to install again
searched how to install it on the net
But in none of the cases above if I press Ctrl+N There is no SVN group;
If i right click on a project and select Team -> Share project, a window with CVS appears, but no SVN.
If I choose File -> Import I can't find SVN anywhere.
If I go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Instalation details I see at Instalation History in 25.06.2009, 09:59:08 GMT+03:00 (when SVN worked)
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.2
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.3
SVNKit Library
In the Installed Software tab I have now installed
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.5
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.6
SVNKit Library
How can I make SVN to work?
Where does eclipse store its files, because when I changed the eclipse directory with a new one all my stuff was there (the ones that I installed with no success: SVN, Subversive, Subclipse, SVNKit, ...)
Subversive is my favorite SVN implementation in Eclipse because it works better than the others and it integrates neatly into the UI.
I suggest you follow these steps:
Download the most recent version of Eclipse (currently Galileo) and extract it to your desired installation location
Prior to running Eclipse, make sure you delete (or rename/relocate) your default workspace (under Windows this is workspace in your user directory)
Install the Subversive SVN Team Provider (as instructed by the Eclipse incubation website) using Eclipse's software installer:
Choose Help, then Install New Software...
Create a new download location and specify the following download URL:
Locate Collaboration, expand it, then check Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)
Proceed through the installation and accept the TOS
Restart Eclipse and Subversive should prompt you to select a SVN Connector. Reading the symptoms you describe, it sounds like you don't have a connector installed, or it isn't communicating with your team provider. The Polarion website has a guide for choosing the connector best suited for you.
If you aren't prompted to install a connector, you can always do so from the preferences screen:
If the above doesn't work for you, it seems that your workspace isn't cleaned out. Locate your default workspace and try getting things working without any projects before you continue.
You could then also try deleting the .eclipse directory in your user directory. And starting over from step 3.
The problem I had was that svn icons where not showing in the package explorer.
The solution for me was to delete the .metadata folder in the workspace folder (which will reset all your workspace including preferences and repository configurations)
After that all the icons appeared.
I had same issue when SVN connector was not able to connect SVN repository in Eclipse.
Then, I do the following step's :-
Right click on Project under Eclipse.
Go to Team -> share Project.
It's working :)
I found a problem related to installing plugins here. I also could not get the SVN stuff to show up in the preferences because of some bug with the software updater updating the Mylin plugins. You'll likely have to get your Eclipse installation straightened out first and you can do this by just using a new workspace. You don't have to blow away the .metadata folder if you point Eclipse temporarily at a new workspace folder. When the Eclipse installation is clean, you can start installing plugins again, but make sure to uncheck the box labeled Contact all update sites during install to find required software
Eclipse uses local SVN libraries that are part of an installed plugin for SVN support, be it SVNkit or JavaHL. Netbeans uses SVN libraries that are installed independently.
I have had this happen before with Eclipse and the various SVN plugins that it supports. The SVN plugin, for some reason, sometimes looses the SVN connection. Your best bet is to simply delete the project and re-check it out of svn. If you have changes that need to be committed you can use the command line.
Another problem you may have is that your plugin and your repository are out of sync in terms of version numbers. I have had problems before using a plugin designed for svn 1.6.x and a repository that was still at svn 1.4 or 1.5.
Just delete all projects from eclipse and Re-Import the all projects again.
It is working for me.
Just try it
If you want to completely start over with eclipse, you need to delete your workspace as well (the path you see when you first start eclipse). Just re-installing the eclipse files and pointing to the same default workspace will not change anything for you.
Your best bet is to remove eclipse and your workspace and start over because you probably inadvertently broke some other parts of the plug in while you were trying to fix your initial problem.
Even if you install everything as it is said, Subversive and SVN Connector (svnkit 1.x.x), in the project you may not see svn working. In my case I had to remove the project from workspace and import it again. Then it appears. (Refresh, clean did not worked).