Configurable hard line wrapping for Eclipse - eclipse

Our Java code style has a maximum line width for comments of 255. While I'm fine with this value (I hate when automatic formatting wraps comments), I sometimes want to (hard) wrap a paragraph manually to improve readability (like the Emacs fill-paragraph command does):
Is there a plugin that allows to wrap a line with a specified max width, e.g. 72, similar to what Ctrl+Shift+F does with the maximum line width for comments (in my case 255)?
Note: I'm not looking for soft wrap as covered by question Eclipse: Automatic line wrapping to specified width.

There ain't such a plugin, as eclipse will always reformat your specific wrapped code again with CTRL-SHIFT-F.
Though at least you are able to prevent Eclipse from formatting your code & comments with a special comment: #formatter.
// #formatter:off
// #formatter:on


Make a single comment line bold

In Eclipse, I would like to edit the font of a single comment within a block of comments. I don't want to change all of the comment lines in the class, but a single comment. For example, I want to make a first line in the comment block bold, to make it stand out as a title line.
The only method in Eclipse that I found that can change font (ex: make it bold or italicized, was Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring. This, however, affects all comments, and I cannot find a way to change a single comment.

Automatically hard wrap lines at column in VSCode

How can I automatically hard wrap lines in VSCode? By that I mean if a line reaches a specified column, automatically insert a newline at the word boundary closest to that column without going over. Vim has a setting called textwidth that does this that I like to use when editing Markdown. It doesn't seem like VSCode does, as far as I can tell. It just has ways to control softwrapping.
VSCode doesn't support this out of the box. But you can install the Rewrap extension, which allows you to format the block that your cursor is currently in by pressing Alt + Q.
Rewrap requires no further settings, since it reads VSCode's settings to obtain the column at which to break.
Rewrap also supports automatic wrapping (off by default):
Unfortunately, VSCode doesn't have this feature yet. But, we still can make it to be as close as vim automatic word wrapping beautiful feature.
First Step
We need to setup soft word wrap feature in VSCode.
Open VSCode Settings via Code => Preferences => Settings.
Add these 3 lines of editor settings.
"editor.wordWrap": "wordWrapColumn",
"editor.wrappingIndent": "same",
"editor.wordWrapColumn": n
Don't forget to change (n) with your preferred length of columns line. For me, I feel more comfortable to set it to 60.
Save this setting.
The main purpose of this first step is to make us feel more comfortable when we're typing because we don't need to manually type Enter and see a long line of text.
Second Step
We need to install Vim emulation for VSCode and set vim textwidth.
Install Vim emulation via VSCode extensions.
Open VSCode Settings via Code => Preferences => Settings.
Add this line of vim setting.
"vim.textwidth": n,
Don't forget to change (n) with your preferred length of columns line. For me, I will set this to be the same with (n) in the first step.
Save this setting.
Actual Use
When you finish to write your whole document, you can format it to be hard wrap lines using this way.
Block all text using visual line mode (Shift + v)
Type 'gq'
Now VSCode support auto "soft" wrapping out of the box.
Settings --> Text Editor --> Last 3 options (as on today) is for autowrapping.
Word Wrap (Controls how lines should wrap)
Word Wrap Column (Controls the wrapping column of the editor)
Wrapping indent (Controls the indentation of wrapped lines)
By default Word Wrap is off.
As of 2020 and if you're using the Prettier - Code formatter plugin:
Go to Plugins -> Find Prettier -> Cog -> Extension Settings -> Prettier: Print Width Fit code within this line limit and set to whatever you want. By default it's 80.
When you save the file, Prettier will format automatically.
Hard Wrap Comments
Use the Rewrap extension.
Soft Wrap Code
Add the following setting (replace column width with your preference): "editor.wordWrapColumn": 100
Then add either "editor.wordWrap": "wordWrapColumn" (wraps at the column) or "editor.wordWrap": "bounded" (wraps at either the column or the viewport).
Hard Wrap Comments and Soft Wrap Code
Unfortunately the extension and VSCode settings do not play nicely.
Feel free to upvote this feature request.
There is currently an Open request for this in the VS Code Issue tracker on GitHub, You Can Find It Here
Most of these didn’t work for me, but I found the extension Vsctoix, which does.
We start out with line breaks at column 80:
Mechanisms such as a “windfall clause” help distribute riches within particular
futures. But for a windfall clause to be useful, many conjunctive assumptions
have to be true. We present a new method to borrow against potential future
windfalls today, when they have greater marginal use. The method also increases
the probability and thus the expected value of the windfalls.
Then we execute “IX: Join Lines” (no parameter):
Mechanisms such as a “windfall clause” help distribute riches within particular futures. But for a windfall clause to be useful, many conjunctive assumptions have to be true. We present a new method to borrow against potential future windfalls today, when they have greater marginal use. The method also increases the probability and thus the expected value of the windfalls.
And then “IX: Break Line At” with parameter 100:
Mechanisms such as a “windfall clause” help distribute riches within particular futures. But for a
windfall clause to be useful, many conjunctive assumptions have to be true. We present a new method
to borrow against potential future windfalls today, when they have greater marginal use. The method
also increases the probability and thus the expected value of the windfalls.
It would be neat if it respected paragraph breaks and did both steps at once, but so far it’s the only extension that works for me – except I haven’t tried the vim emulation yet.
You can do this without any extension. You just use two regex search-and-replace.
Isolate the lines you want to rewrap by moving them to a separate file.
Join all the lines into one line. For example, ctrl+h, "\n" ==> " ". Note: make sure regex is enabled (the dot star icon)
Split the line into multiple lines. For example, ctrl+h, "(.{100}) " ==> "$1\n". Notice the space after the paren.
Copy the lines back to the original file.
There are many variations on this technique. For example, you could using comma instead of space "(.{100})," ==> "$1,\n". You could use Find in Selection alt+L instead of using a temp file.
Edit: (below answer might be for a soft wrap, see here for difference between soft and hard wrap:
In my version it is Preferences -> Settings then scroll down to "Editor: Word Wrap" where a dropdown box is available from which I selected wordWrapColumn. After choosing this and closing, when I click on View now at the bottom it says Word Wrap Alt+Z.
If anyone is running having issues, accessibility support/screen reader may need to be disabled. Go to preferences >> text editor >> accessibility support and toggle it off.
You can easily set the column limit using ColumnLimit member in C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle in settings.json (You have to install Microsoft C/C++ extension)
"C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle": "{ BasedOnStyle: WebKit, IndentWidth: 4, ColumnLimit: 80 }",
Then you can format the file using Shift + Alt + F
There are many options you can change in this format feature
"C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle": "{ BasedOnStyle: WebKit, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Attach, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 80, AccessModifierOffset: -4 }",
Name of the predefined style used as a fallback in case clang-format
is invoked with style file but the .clang-format file is not found.
Possible values are Visual Studio, LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla,
WebKit, Microsoft, GNU, none, or use {key: value, ...} to set specific
parameters. For example, the Visual Studio style is similar to: {
BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4,
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false,
IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4,
NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }
void Proc::Memory::getSramOff(const char* mem_name, uint dataSize, uint addrBits, uint& noOfBytes, uint& sram_off)
void Proc::Memory::getSramOff(const char* mem_name, uint dataSize,
uint addrBits, uint& noOfBytes, uint& sram_off)

Eclipse: Automatic line wrapping to specified width

I'd like for my lines, especially within comments, to be automatically managed so they don't get too long.
I remember once I had a configuration for vim which automatically moved the word I was typing to the next line once I reached 72 characters. It wasn't smart enough to rearrange the paragraph if I edit it, but it was a start.
Is there something that can manage these for me? I have a tendency to write really long comments in my code, and it helps to make them look neat by having consistent width, but it's always a pain to do this because oftentimes editing a sentence requires editing the entire rest of the paragraph.
I have just recently discovered the Ctrl+Shift+F feature. It is amazing and superior to Ctrl+I which is what I was using up till now, but I noticed that it does not do anything to clean up my comments.
Update: The answers are correct when working with Java in Eclipse. It seems like I have to wait for the CDT to incorporate this feature.
In "Windows -> Preferences", go to "Java -> Code style -> Formatter" to customize the formatter (called when you click Ctrl+Shift+F). In the tab "comment", you can set the maximum line width for comments (it can be different then the line width for code).
Tip: in the preferences, "Java -> Editor -> Save actions", you can make Eclipse to automatically format your file when you save it, so your code is always correctly indented !
The automatic formatting of Eclipse great no question.
If your comments are reformatted depends on what comment type and how you already have inserted line breaks.
Writing for example one very long line comment starting with // will be broken down by the formatter into multiple lines.
However you later edit the formatted lines - e.g. delete parts of it the formatter will leave them as they are. Only over-long lines will be changed.
Just in difference to block comments like this: /* comment */
Those comments will always be re-formatted in case the line is too short or too long.
If you want to format your header comment, you have to check Enable header comment formatting - that was the trick for me.
Obviously, to use this, you must create new formatter profile.

Plone - TinyMCE editor - line breaks with double instead single line spacing

We are using Plone 4.1.3 and the default TinyMCE editor. When we press the Enter key in TinyMCE, it produces a double line spacing instead of single line. We found a few similar questions and answers on this issue in the forum but don't know and cannot find the TinyMCE configuration file to modify to make line break into single line spacing. There is also nothing in Site Setup or ZMI to configure this for TinyMCE.
We found this the forum but it is not pertaining to plone.
Decrease the line spacing in TinyMCE textarea
Thank you very much in anticipation
CSS. These are just paragraph elements (<p> tags). -- style them!
As sdupton pointed out, this is indeed on purpose; enter is supposed to be a paragraph break, and behaves the same way in applications like Word. You can insert line breaks by shift-enter, but it's not encouraged to do that on the web, since text flows differently depending on font size and window size (and OS!).
If you want paragraphs to have less spacing, use CSS to reduce the margin/padding.

Eclipse-like comment formatting in IntelliJ IDEA?

In Eclipse, I can format comments by selecting them and pressing Shift + Ctrl + F. For example, when I select a method comment like this:
* This method
* does some stuff.
and press Shift + Ctrl + F, Eclipse automatically wraps it:
* This method does some stuff.
Is there anything comparable to this in IDEA?
EDIT: To clarify, I'm looking for comment formatting that also breaks lines that are too long into multiple lines.
The closest thing that you can get is Edit | Join Lines (Ctrl+Shift+J). You have to select the lines you want to join first.
To wrap long comments enable Settings | Code Style | JavaDoc | Wrap at right margin.
For Javadoc comments, you want to make sure the "Wrap at right margin" setting is checked. See Code Style > JavaDoc, under "Other". However, this setting only seems to take effect when you reformat the whole file, since a reformat of just the Javadoc (i.e., select the Javadoc, then do a Code (menu) > Reformat Code... or CtrlAltL) that exceeds the right margin doesn't force it to wrap. If I reformat the entire file, then it wraps at the margin as expected.
This seems like a bug (though one that doesn't seem to have been reported), since if you have to set the "Ensure right margin is not exceeded" checked, then selecting the Javadoc text and doing a reformat code does indeed wrap the lines. This setting is in Settings > Code Style > Wrapping and Braces. You can also do a search in the Settings dialog for "ensure right margin".
You'll still have to manually join the lines using CtrlShiftJ
This might be worthy of an improvement request to JetBrains.
Existing comment will be reformatted when you do "Reformat Code" (⌥⌘L in Mac).
#kghastie uncovered the key.
Set the Code Style > Java > JavaDoc > Wrap at right margin setting.
Select the full lines of the entire JavaDoc comment.
Reformat Code (Ctrl-Alt-L or ⌥⌘L).
Lesser alternative:
Set the Code Style > Java > JavaDoc > Wrap at right margin setting and the Code Style > Java > Wrapping and Braces > Ensure right margin is not exceeded setting.
Select some text within a JavaDoc comment.
Join Lines (Ctrl-Shift-J) followed by reformat Code (Ctrl-Alt-L or ⌥⌘L).
Beware: This will leave all the selected lines joined even where you had paragraph breaks (<p/> or \n\n).
The JetBrains plugin Wrap to Column is made for this:
From the overview:
Wraps text to the specified column width. Similar to the Emacs command 'Fill Paragraph' and Vim's gq (format lines) command. This is a replacement for the native Intellij Fill Paragraph command, which doesn't work quite how I need it to.
This plugin provies two IDE actions:
Wrap Line to Column: Wraps selected text or the current line if no text is selected. This is useful for IdeaVim users who wish to pair the command with motions like vip (select current paragraph).
Wrap Paragraph to Column: Wraps the paragraph (multiple lines) in which the cursor appears. No selection is needed, and will be ignored.
I'm using IntelliJ 14 on a Mac, which has a Fill Paragraph command. Access it via the awesome universal Command-Shift-A action search feature. Works like a charm!
This is a hack, not a really good solution, but if you have a block of code that you want formatted like this and it's in serious need of auto format, because it's going over the 80 line max, or it's just unreadable...
You can just put if ("foo" == "bar") { on top of whatever you want formatted, and then and the} at the bottom of the if statement, to close it, and voila, your code should auto-indent, auto format, etc... Then take it out, highlight all of what you just formatted and press SHIFT+TAB to move it back 4 spaces and remove the dummy if statement