ID variable in cPanel email forward - email

I am building an app that incorporates Postmark App's Incoming Email capability to keep a threaded list of replies to an email. Their documentation suggests adding the post ID to the reply-to address - for example However, when I attempt to use this method with cPanel, the emails are bounced back.
I have set up, without adding the post ID the email is forwarded to the Postmark App inbox address, adding the ID breaks it. Is there any way to do this in a WHM/cPanel environment? It is a VPS account so I have full access if there is another way to tackle this.

Are the messages bounced back from Postmark or is it a cpanel error? I can probably help you out there! Do you have an MX record setup for Inbound via ? Once you have that going Postmark will accept messages from any address on that domain and parse off the addresses with + chars in them. Are we sure cpanel can handle email addresses with special characters?


Mail Forwarder with static sender address - the chicken-egg-problem

this is a pretty specific case, but it drives me crazy...
We recently migrated our email service to google workspace. We do have an address which earlier was configured to forward emails to someinbox is a mail upload feature for tax related invoices of our company. The problem started when i was trying to set up the mail filter in Gmail.
All emails with an attachment should be forwarded to To forward emails with Gmail, google needs to verify that I am allowed to forward to that specific address. It therefore now sends a confirmation email with a link to that address. that email is being sent by eg., which is being rejected (550 5.7.1 Security policy violation: sender address not authorized). The problem is, datev only accepts emails from "verified sender addresses". It does that verification by also sending an email verification to that "verified sender address". Which in my case now becomes the, which I obviously not maintain and therefore i am unable to verify that address.
So I am unable to add the forwarding email address in Gmail, because of the sender google uses to verify the forwarding address.
We use google workspace, so I am able to use the pretty cool routing feature of Gmail. First I created an email-alias called I then setup a rule which simply changes the envelope-sender to if the envelope-sender is that part works. If I send an email from the to it changes to
The next problem was, every forwarding (which the Gmail filter was doing) works by sending the same email to while keeping the original sender. That also happened when I tried to do the same workaround by creating a new email forwarder (or even a mailbox) on a different domain without google workspace. I also tried it using posteo. The original sender is being used as the sender address and therefore datev rejects it. It wouldn't be possible to register all sender address as we get a lot of invoices from business partners.
Does anybody know or see a way of doing this? Aren't there any secure email forwarder which replace the sender address to the one of the forwarder instead of keeping the original one? I know, this is in most cases a pretty nice feature as you can see who the email originally sent, in my case it makes me nuts.

How does an SMTP server resolve ambiguity?

Suppose I own an email ''. Now, I create a new Microsoft account using my existing email. Thus I get another email '', but this one is served by Microsoft.
So the situation is: one email and two providers.
If I send a hello email to '' using my personal SMTP server, to which of the above will it send: will it send to the one hosted by Microsoft or the one hosted by Google?
How does it solve such an ambiguity? What are the factors that influence this?
This is a very common problem because many providers are giving us an option to create a new account using our existing email.
My observations:
I saw the emails inside the inboxes of both the services. I found that they had completely different emails.
There was no email which was common to both the inboxes. So there must be some mechanism to deal with it.
Let us look at the problem the other way round: If I had an email '' initially and I created a new Google Account with this email address, then:
An email sent to this email address from another gmail account goes to the Google's server. An email sent to this email address from an Outlook also goes to the Google's servers.
There are two different ways of looking up an email. The 'normal' way:
You send an email to an server, in this example
Your mail delivery agent looks for mx record of gmail.comand send it to the ip-address of
If an email is delivered locally by the domain it perhaps doesn't lookup the mx record, but lookups in a local database if the email-address exist there, and sends it to the ip-address of the
I think in the inbox of are only microsoft emails.
More details can be found at

How to redirect all bad emails to the one master email using DNS

Sometimes when people try to send me messages they misspell email address and I lose the message.
If my email is and my client misspell and write or etc, I will lost my email.
Is there a way to use MX record or some DNS setup to server notify me and send message on one master email address where I can see that someone try to contact me and see message?
DNS servers do not understand what an email is. It may be possible to do this at your mail server end though. Look for documentation for catch-all email addresses to receive all email that would have been sent to non-existent email addresses. Note that this may expose you to huge amounts of spam from bots that target well known email addresses like admin#domain or postmaster#domain.

Receive (not forward) e-mail using Mailgun

I want to use Mailgun to send/receive messages programatically via API.
BUT I need to have also some mailboxes available using Thunderbird or other mail client.
For example I want to have user mailboxes at:
And all other e-mails will be for API send/receive.
I can not forward my mail to GMail because I need to reply from the same address (
Please help.
There is a limitation to using the routing feature and that is that if you delegate a domain to be used by Mailgun you cannot use it with an email client.
That means that, for example, if you want to route emails to and then still use that email address with your favourite email client (be it Thunderbird, Outlook or Gmail) you can't do it. That is because of the way you've configured your MX records (email records in your DNS).
When you use Mailgun's routing functionality you delegate MX records to mailgun, which receives your emails, parses them and routes them according to your preferences.
So how do we solve your problem?
What you can do instead is set up your MX record on a subdomain.
Using and pointing its MX records to mailgun will allow you to receive and parse emails through Mailgun.
This way you can have:
will be handled by mailgun
will be handled normally with your email client.
Please do not hesitate in asking more details!
You need to configure your MX record settings for your subdomains in your DNS control panel.

Mail sent from my website going to gmail spam folder when including a link

Whenever i try to send a mail from my website for email verification, the same is being received in a spam folder. I noticed that plain messages are being received in inbox, but whenever i try to include an ordinary http link[], the mail goes to the spam folder. Cant point out the reason why this is happening. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Thanks All
From experience, I know that the spam score can be affected when hyperlinks have an alphanumeric argument tagged onto the end. I suggest trying to reformat the URL into something like;
and extracting the reference using a Regex or Split()
Is your outgoing mail server configured to receive mail?
Are you using a proper mail server with proper setup at all or some bulk-mail-sending dud?
Are your mails sent with a real from address? And I don't mean the header-from that you can add in your software, but the protocol-from that is being used by sendmail
Do you have domain keys/dkim set up for your mail server?
Is the header OR the protocol from address from a different domain? Do they have set up domain keys allowing your mailserver?
Does your mail server feature the same domain name on the reverse lookup?
Does your mail server offer to receive mail for the user they are sending for?
Is your webhost using a smart relay? Do they rewrite the from: address?
Or do you send mails with internal mail address from?