Have two different images that are both shown the same - github

I'm trying to write a documentation for a code that I've put on bit bucket. The documentation involves math formulae and as far as I know, there is no way to have inline formula in bit bucket except by using some latex-to-image convertor online and inlining those images into the documentation that is written via markdown.
I used this website as my latex-to-image convertor:
I have two separate formulae with two different links and I include them in my markdown code as:
(source: sciweavers.org)
(source: sciweavers.org)
If you edit my question, you would see the actual link and you would see that they are different. You could easily see that one of them involves $\lambda$ while the other involves $\beta$ but for some unknown reasons both on documentation as well as here in my question, these formulae are shown the same. I spent a lot of time on it and still not figured out why they are the same.
I really appreciate your help.

The problem is that both images returned by http://www.sciweavers.org/, while having different URLs, appear to be the same request. The sciweavers server is returning the same image for both URLs, which could be considered a bug on their part. However, I suspect they don't care because they were not expecting to be linked to, to generate images for you.
Hmmm, however, editting the equation to only the difference seems to work fairly reliably. Therefore, I conclude that sciweavers' server is not doing a good job of determining when an identical request is made.


Is there any way to break up a PDFTable onto a different page?

First time poster here...but been using StackOverflow for solutions whenever I get stuck.. ton of great information here! I will try to describe the question as thoroughly as I can and hope someone can help me out with it. I need to generate a PDF in Swift and present it on an iPad, so i decided to use TPPDF for the PDF generation and then Apple's PDFKit to present it.
TPPDF has been working great for me, however, I ran into an issue where if I create a PDFTable with an enough amount of rows, it overflows into the next page without creating a new table. The last row gets cut off about 1/3 way and the other 2/3 is generated on the next page. This creates a weird visual effect which i'd rather not have if it's possible.
I've been reading through the documentation as well as sifting through the source code to try and figure out if there's a way but I can't find a decent workaround. The only workaround I can think of is splitting up the content and creating multiple PDFTables on new pages (using the createNewPage() method). This would take a good amount of rework in my code so I wanted to post it here to see if anyone has come across this and come up with a solution.
I appreciate any help!!
thanks for asking, this is actually an on-going issue which occured after adding the merge-cell feature. This is discussed in issue #243, so you take a closer look at what's going on there.

Unable to use gist in medium

I have searched a lot and tried several approaches. I believe I am doing something wrong as I am unable to have code from gist in the medium plataform bloggers.
I have only get the links on there but the code does not show or is not integrate. I have tried all the modalities of gist share code possible and paste using the embedded option in medium.
For example,
This code does not show in the medium.
What I am missing? I have looked how people do but does not work for me for some reason and also I have changed from google to firefox and nothing changed.
The vendor that they use for processing embeds is currently down. You can watch the status of the incident here: http://status.embed.ly/
So, basically, the way you are doing it isn't a problem. You'll just have to wait until the incident resolves.

How do we share full NetLogo models here when working on a problem?

I'm pretty new on this list, and trying to answer a question posted here on StackOverflow and i am wondering if there is some standard way to post entire models here, not just the "CODE" tab portion. Or for that matter even an image of the view screen.
I don't see any place to put attachments on posts or answers. I suppose I could upload the model to the NetLogo-users Google users-group, which does have a place to upload files, and cross-reference it here. I suppose I could try to open an email channel to the user and send them email with an attachment. I suppose I could post it on GitHub.
But is there some way to attach a full .nlogo file right here that I'm missing? Some interfaces are really complicated and only looking at the CODE tab is not adequate.
And, yes since the .nlogo model is pure text I could paste the entire thing into a window here ( which would object to having code in a text window of course) but that's a lot of extra characters in the post.
Unfortunately there is not. This is actually more of a problem for the questioning than answering as it can be difficult to get the person asking the question to post the relevant bit of code, including the other bits of code that lead up to the problem and give key information like what the contents of a variable may be. NetLogo does not lend itself to MWE at all, and beginners simply don't have the experience to replace interface variables with global variables etc.
Uploading to Google users group and cross referencing is likely to get the question/answer closed as it's not complete. But StackOverflow has a different purpose than the users group - it is supposed to be focussed on specific questions with specific answers - such things as syntax problems and bugs, not design. The last thing we want is interfaces or full models. We tend to be more lenient than other areas of StackOverflow because we know NetLogo has a very high proportion of beginners without support and that MWE in NetLogo doesn't really make sense, but questions that require full models are definitely out of scope.

Is there any way to get the 206px version of a photo via the Facebook Graph API?

I'm trying to get version of a photo that FB uses as the background image for album layouts where one side is always exactly 206px and the other one at least the same, for example https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p206x206/10401476_409218399235620_1454525834273554679_n.jpg?oh=eda59fce63113796b35c46cc4bec162a&oe=55760EFD&gda=1433681435_6b4729404e05493108c271a50c753d7f I've scoured both the graph and SO, but am having absolutely no luck here. I'm aware that you can get 3 versions of a photo using type=album/thumbnail/normal ie https://graph.facebook.com/409218399235620/picture?type=album (you'd think this one would work, but they probably never updated it to redirect to the new size?). I've tried all kinds of variants of this knowing that the graph documentation is pretty crap, to no avail.
I've also used the Explorer to for example pull up ?fields=images, but it's never one of the listed images there. I've tried using widths, replacing parts of the URL etc. etc. I am running the checks with a valid access_token.
I've pretty much resigned myself to just resizing myself, but given the time I've spent on this, I thought I'd at least put it out there in case someone else has had the same problem, and come up with a solution.

What is PP_OFF?

Every single GWT example I look at contains references to $PP_OFF. See http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit-doc-1-4/wiki/DevGuideStyleSheets or http://khanzeeshan.wordpress.com/2009/06/12/creating-project-for-gwt-1-5-3/ for example.
What does $PP_OFF mean?
It's a bit of defunct wiki markup. The Google Code wiki treats {{{...}}} blocks as code and attempts to pretty-print them, which doesn't always work well; $PP_OFF is, or was, an undocumented feature that's supposed to stop that happening. See http://groups.google.com/group/gwt-google-apis/msg/04ae50fdd4339294 for the only mention of this that I can find online.
You should completely ignore it wherever you see it.
(You might be wondering why it would appear on some random person's WordPress blog, which of course isn't using the Google Code wiki. The answer appears to be that the person in question just copied-and-pasted stuff from Google's documentation. See http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/1.5/tutorial/create.html if you're curious about the original source which, of course, he didn't credit.)