I am try to draw class diagram for a new language for that I need class diagram of jdt.is there any sample class diagram of Java development tool is available ?
it should contain eclipse views, action set , wizard
I have created a UML model in Visio 2010. I have created several classes and interfaces. In the UML model, how do I configure one of my classes to implement one of my interfaces? In other words, how do I configure interface realization on one of my classes in the model? I can show the realization in a class diagram by connecting the interface lollipop to the class but this does not help establish the realization in the model itself.
According to this SuperUser answer : https://superuser.com/questions/240098/microsoft-visio-2010-umlclass-interfaces
Open Model Explorer toolbar (if it isn't already open) and you'll see
your interface there. Drag it again to the page and connect to the new
This was super helpful. In addition, I right clicked and selected "Show as Class-like Interface" to display the Open Triangle-type arrow and dotted line to the interface object in my diagram
I created forms by extending AbstractForm class,now I want to create wizards but I am facing problem in it,can you help me creating wizards in spring-rcp using netbeans from start
1.create more than one form(refer http://netbeans.dzone.com/news/getting-further-with-spring-rc)
2.after that create child class of AbstractWizard.Initialize your forms on class load and then use method addForm(Object);
like addForm(form1); addForm(form2);
3.In your view class override createControl method,create object of your wizard class and then
call showDialog method.
Your wizards starts.
I need to create dynamically buttons in main toolbar. I found a solution, but I can create just one button (dynamic contribution item - class extending ContributionItem). But I need to create more than one button, but I cannot find the solution.
I'm fighting with task to create plugin, which parses a XML file containing structure of menu and toolbars. We've already done this plugin for Visual Studio. Its quite easy in principle, but I found swiftly, that not for Eclipse. There is one small but critical otherness. Plugins are implemented declaratively in Eclipse. The file plugin.xml is the gist of plugin's infrastructure, Java code is just ancillary.
The customer wants to refresh the menu and toolbar whenever the selected project is changed. Eclipse lacks several features needed to get the task done. Main menu and main toolbar are cteated at Eclipse's start-up and then they can be hardly rebuilt.
In the most cases the conditions defined at enabledWhen/visibleWhen elements are sufficient to filter contributions according to the context (active part, selected object, whatever else).
If you need to have more freedom, please try E4 ToolControl that allows you to implement your own UI elements:
public void createControls(Composite parent) {
//your custom code here
More details here https://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseRCP/article.html#toolcontrols
From my understanding you want to have different buttons on the main toolbar depending on the selection of the project explorer (eg. 1 project is java project, the other is javascript etc.). First you will have to contribute to the main toolbar. I think there are some tutorial available so google will help.
The main steps are:
1. create a command (org.eclipse.ui.commmands)
2. create a handler (org.eclipse.ui.handlers) with the previously declared command id
3. contribute to the main toolbar (org.eclipse.ui.menus) with menucontribution and commandId with the following locationURI: toolbar:org.eclipse.ui.main.toolbar?after=misc
showing/hiding, enabling/disabling a menu item/button also can be done declaratively or "mixed". Declaratively means eg. using enabledWhen/visibleWhen...
Mixed means using property tester (org.eclipse.core.expressions.propertyTester). With this you can define your "enablement logic" in Java code.
In Eclipse e4 the UI is generated from a, EMF based, model. The Application.e4xmi serves as a base for that model. Contributions to the model can be done via fragments, which are again XML, or via processors. Processors are written in Java and use e4 services, like the part service, to modify the model at runtime.
I think you want to write a processor that parses your custom XML and modifies the eclipse e4 model accordingly.
Sorry but I see no way to use it at all!
If I create GWT project with sample code, then SDK is generating a page with a HTML table where positions for sample TextBox-es and Button are already marked. So, if I open sample file with GWT designer and move button slightly down-right, I will get errors during run.
If I create GWT project without sample code, then GWT designer appears to be unable to open file with empty GUI.
Is there any way to design GUI from scratch or to see GWT designer usage sample?
The problem is when you want GWT to create sample code for you, it puts the container parts of layout hard-coded in your projects html file. The generated sample uses RootPanel.get("someId").add(someWidget); to access these containers. When you open designer and move these widgets around, designer generates RootPanel.get("someId").add(someWidget,left,top); which doesn't work with this method.
On another note, when you want to create a class from scratch and open it with designer, you can simply add a reference to RootPanel to get around "this is not a gui class issue" such as :
public class SimpleClass {
RootPanel r = RootPanel.get();
public SimpleClass() {}
I am trying to create UML diagrams but can not mark a class as Abstract. Please help.
Right-click on the class, either in a static structure diagram, or in the Model Explorer.
Activate the "Properties" context menu item to bring up the properties dialog for that class.
On the first tab, check the "IsAbstract" checkbox.
The class will now be displayed in italics.