Should this method be static? - class

I am fairly new to java and am currently debugging a program. So I have a class that has a simple method with a few calculations. Basically when I call this method from another class to use a variable (that happens to be part of an array where some of it is being calculated) I get the calculation I need. Then I call it once more in another class, it calculates again and my numbers become compromised. Is there a way to have this method take in some value, calculate and then stay put?
This is the array class. I need to instantiate this once and then have the values for the arrays be static when I call it again. Is there a way to make the method stay put while I just call the arrays?
In another class I use PlanMat pm = new PlanMat()
then something like pm.materials(fSi, fS, fO); and to call an array pm.rho0[48];
public class PlanMat {
Constants con = new Constants();
double GPa = con.GPascals;
Main m = new Main();
public int i ;
public int eos [ ];
public double rho0 [ ];
public double c [ ];
public double nn [ ];
public double Ks0 [ ];
public double Ksp [ ];
public void materials(double fSi, double fS, double fO)
i = 0;
eos = new int [ 51 ];
rho0 = new double [ 51 ];
c = new double [ 51 ];
nn = new double [ 51 ];
Ks0 = new double [ 51 ];
Ksp =new double [ 51 ];
double fFeS = ( ((con.M_Fe / con.M_S) + 1) * fS );
double fFeSi = ( ((con.M_Fe / con.M_Si) + 1) * fSi);
double fFeO = ( ((0.950 * con.M_Fe) + con.M_O) / (1.95 * con.M_O) * fO);
double fFe = 1.0 - fFeS - fFeSi - fFeO;
i = 48;
eos [ i ] = 1;
rho0 [ i ] = 1.0 / ( (fFe / rho0[3]) + (fFeSi / rho0[21])
+ (fFeO / rho0[22]) + (fFeS / rho0[13]) );
Ks0 [ i ] = fFe * Ks0[3] + fFeSi * Ks0[21] + fFeO * Ks0[22]
+ fFeS * Ks0[13];
Ksp [ i ] = fFe * Ks0[3] + fFeSi * Ks0[21] + fFeO * Ks0[22]
+ fFeS * Ks0[13];
c [ i ] = 0.0;
nn [ i ]= 0.0;

There are two wasys to acheive this:
You should write set and get methods, call to set method to set the values and get method to get the values. You would be setting the values say in class1 you set the values and now if you want the same values in class2 to you would be calling your get method to get the values as an array and pass this array as an argument to the constructor of class2.
You can pass the whole object to the class2 constructor and use that object in that class your values will be same and data will not be compromised but for this you will have to implement the Serializable on your data class(That you are using in both.)

class a{
class b{
here u need your variable value.
call the function and store the variable value in new variable.
if u need to do same u can do
class c{
here u need your variable value.
call the function and store the variable value in new variable.


AssemblyScript - Linear Nested Class Layout

I'm working on a linear data layout where components are alongside each other in memory. Things were going ok until I realized I don't have a way for making offsetof and changetype calls when dealing with nested classes.
For instance, this works as intended:
class Vec2{
const size = offsetof<Vec2>() // 2 -- ok
const ptr = heap.alloc(size)
changeType<Vec2>(ptr).x = 7 // memory = [7,0] -- ok
Naturally this approach fails when nesting classes
class Player{
const size = offsetof<Player>() //5 -- want 3, position is a pointer
const ptr = heap.alloc(size)
changeType<Player>(ptr).position.x = 7 //[0,0,0,0,0] -- want [7,0,0], instead accidentally changed pointer 0
The goal is for the memory layout to look like this:
| Player 1 | Player 2 | ...
| x y z h | x y z h |
Ideally I'd love to be able to create 'value-type' fields, or if this isnt a thing, are there alternative approaches?
I'm hoping to avoid extensive boilerplate whenever writing a new component, ie manual size calculation and doing a changetype for each field at its offset etc.
In case anybody is interested I'll post my current solution here. The implementation is a little messy but is certainly automatable using custom scripts or compiler transforms.
Goal: Create a linear proxy for the following class so that the main function behaves as expected:
class Foo {
position: Vec2
health: u8
export function main(): Info {
const ptr = heap.alloc(FooProxy.size)
const foo = changetype<FooProxy>(ptr) = 3
foo.position.x = 9
foo.position.y = 10
Solution: calculate offsets and alignments for each field.
class TypeMetadataBase{
get align():u32{return 0}
get offset():u32{return 0}
class TypeMetadata<T> extends TypeMetadataBase{
get align():u32{return alignof<T>()}
get offset():u32{return offsetof<T>()}
if(this.offset == 0)
throw new Error('offset shouldnt be zero, for primitive types use PrimitiveMetadata')
class PrimitiveMetadata<T> extends TypeMetadataBase{
get align():u32{return sizeof<T>()}
get offset():u32{return sizeof<T>()}
class LinearSchema{
let align:u32 = 0
const offsets = new StaticArray<u32>(metadatas.length)
for (let i = 0; i < metadatas.length; i++){
if(metadatas[i].align !== 0)
while(align % metadatas[i].align !== 0)
offsets[i] = align
align += metadatas[i].offset
this.offsets = offsets
this.metadatas = metadatas
this.size = align
class Vec2 {
x: u8
y: u8
class FooSchema extends LinearSchema{
new PrimitiveMetadata<u8>(),
new TypeMetadata<Vec2>(),
const schema = new FooSchema()
class FooProxy{
static get size():u32{return schema.size}
set health(value:u8){store<u8>(changetype<usize>(this) + schema.offsets[0],value)}
get health():u8{return load<u8>(changetype<usize>(this) + schema.offsets[0])}
get position():Vec2{return changetype<Vec2>(changetype<usize>(this) + schema.offsets[1])}

Update value of other column on update of this column

i have question, how to do something like a trigger in Intersystems Cache.
for example i have table X with properties(columns)
i Want to update valueB when valueA changed by UPDATE. I have define global variable ^VALUEBGENER and use to increment it $SEQ function,
My Idea was:
Class User.X Extends %Persistent [ ClassType = persistent, DdlAllowed, Final, Owner = {_SYSTEM}, ProcedureBlock, SqlRowIdPrivate, SqlTableName = X]
Property VALUEA As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 8) [ Required,SqlColumnumber = 1];
Property VALUEB As %Library.Integer(MAXVAL = 2147483647, MINVAL = -2147483648) [ Required,SqlColumnNumber = 1,SqlComputed,SqlColumnumber = 2, SqlComputeCode = {SET {valueB}=$SEQ(^VALUEBGENER)}, SqlComputeOnChange = %%UPDATE];
but it's doesnt work, when i change valuea but it works when i change valueb so, any idea?
P.S. Sorry for bad english
Can do it by adding a trigger, and SqlCompute
Class User.X Extends %Persistent [ ClassType = persistent, DdlAllowed, Final, Owner = {_SYSTEM}, ProcedureBlock, SqlRowIdPrivate, SqlTableName = X]
Property VALUEA As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 8) [ Required, SqlComputed,SqlColumnumber = 1];
Property VALUEB As %Library.Integer(MAXVAL = 2147483647, MINVAL = -2147483648) [ Required,InitialExpression=0,SqlColumnNumber = 2, SqlComputeCode = {SET {*}=$SEQ(^VALUEB)}, SqlComputeOnChange = %%UPDATE ];
NEW valuebx
new rowid
set rowid={ID}
SET valuebx= 0
// {fieldname*C} evaluates to 1 if the field has been changed and 0
// we trigger sql computeCode and inc of global variable by update
//and it doesnt matter what is here in :valuebx
&sql(update x set valueb=:valuebx WHERE ROWID=:rowid)

Java 3 Hashing Programme

The directions in this section of code are giving me trouble and I don't know how to follow through with them properly. (We have to write code where there are dollar signs.)
Instructions: write a code that repetitively invokes the HashPerformanceClass mainDriver. Then the repetitive code starts the number of insertions at statrInsertions, increase the insert count by the deltaInsertions until end insertions value.
I am having trouble repetitively invoking the HashPerformanceClass mainDriver, and I don't know what to do. If anyone has any advise I would be grateful.
public class MainClass {
static int displayResultsNo = 0;
void displayHashResults() {
System.out.println("\nDisplay No. - "+displayResultsNo);
System.out.println("\n\nHash Instrumented Performance:\n-----------------------------");
System.out.println("Trials: " + HashPerformanceClass.trials + ", " +
"Insert Count: " + HashPerformanceClass.insertCount + ", " +
"Load: " + HashPerformanceClass.payload + ", " +
"Table Start Size: " + HashPerformanceClass.startingSize);
System.out.println("\nLinear Hashing:");
System.out.println("Insertion Total Probes: " + HashPerformanceClass.insertionLinearProbes) ;
System.out.println("Insertion Average Probes: " + HashPerformanceClass.insertionLinearProbesAvg);
System.out.println("\nDouble Hashing:");
System.out.println("Insertion Total Probes: " + HashPerformanceClass.insertionDoubleProbes) ;
System.out.println("Insertion Average Probes: " + HashPerformanceClass.insertionDoubleProbesAvg);
System.out.println("\nPerfect Hashing:");
System.out.println("Insertion Total Probes: " + HashPerformanceClass.insertionPerfectProbes) ;
System.out.println("Insertion Average Probes: " + HashPerformanceClass.insertionPerfectProbesAvg);
static int displayNo = 0;
void displayHashAvgProbesTable(int trials, int startInsertions, int endInsertions, int deltaInsertions, double load, int startSize) {
System.out.println("\n\nDisplay No. - "+displayNo);
System.out.println("\nAverage Number of Probes Table \n------------------------------\ntrials: "+trials+" Load: "+load+" Start Size: "+startSize+"\n");
System.out.println(String.format("%-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s", "No Of Items","Linear Hash" ,"Double Hash" ,"Perfect Hash ") );
System.out.println(String.format("%-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s", "Inserted" ,"Probe Average","Probe Average","Probe Average") );
System.out.println(String.format("%-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s", "-----------","-------------","-------------","-------------") );
//$ write a code that repetitively invokes the HashPerformanceClass mainDriver
// The the repetitive code starts the number of insertions at startInsertions, increases the insert count by the deltaInsertions
//until end insertions value
MainClass () {
//$Invoke HashPerformanceClass mainDriver using arguments of insertCount=1, trials =10, payLoad=100%, Starting Size =7, display results
HashPerformanceClass.mainDriver( 1, 1, 1.0, 7); displayHashResults();
HashPerformanceClass.mainDriver(100, 80, 0.5, 101); displayHashResults(); //third column 1.0 = 100%
HashPerformanceClass.mainDriver(100, 80, 0.9, 101); displayHashResults();
HashPerformanceClass.mainDriver( 20, 1000, 0.5, 503); displayHashResults();
HashPerformanceClass.mainDriver( 20, 1000, 1.0, 1009); displayHashResults();
HashPerformanceClass.mainDriver( 20, 1000, 1.0, 4999); displayHashResults();
HashPerformanceClass.mainDriver(100, 2400, 0.5, 4999); displayHashResults();
displayHashAvgProbesTable ( 10, 100, 2000, 100, 0.5, 1009);
displayHashAvgProbesTable ( 10, 100, 2500, 1000, 0.5, 4999);
displayHashAvgProbesTable ( 10, 100, 2500, 1000, 0.5, 4999);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new MainClass();
import java.util.*;
* A class for generating statistical information hash table insertion.
public class HashPerformanceClass {
static int insertionLinearProbes = 0, insertionDoubleProbes = 0, insertionPerfectProbes = 0;
static float insertionLinearProbesAvg = 0, insertionDoubleProbesAvg = 0, insertionPerfectProbesAvg = 0;
static int trials;
static int insertCount;
static double payload;
static int startingSize;
public static void mainDriver(int trials, int insertCount, double payLoad, int startingSize) {
HashPerformanceClass.trials = trials;
HashPerformanceClass.insertCount = insertCount;
HashPerformanceClass.payload = payLoad;
HashPerformanceClass.startingSize= startingSize;
insertionLinearProbes = insertionDoubleProbes = insertionPerfectProbes = 0;
insertionLinearProbesAvg = insertionDoubleProbesAvg = insertionPerfectProbesAvg = 0;
//$ Declare all 3 hash table objects (linear, double, perfect) using the generic parameterized types as String and setting Starting Size from the mainDriver input parameter
DictionaryInstrumentedLinearImplementation <String, String> linearHashTableObj;
DictionaryInstrumentedDoubleImplementation <String, String> doubleHashTableObj;
DictionaryInstrumentedPerfectImplementation<String, String> perfectHashTableObj;
//Array used to hold random data inserted
String dataArray[];
//For each trial set the inputs for the hash table Implementation
// Generate the Random Data array using insert count, do only once for each trial so that all hash table types have same source data set
// For all 3 hash table types
// Instantiate new hash table object
// Set the pay load factor hashtableobject.set payload
// Insert all the data from the array into the table insertalldata( , );
// Reset the probe counters for the hash table insertionlinear probes +=
// Sum up the probe statistics
//do this for all insertionlinearprobes double and perfect . . .
//$ Calculate all the insertion probes averages into the class variables for each hash type
/* Generate an array of random of pseudo words. Each word will be composed of three randomly chosen syllables.
* #param arraySize The number of strings to generate.
* #return The array of strings.
private static String[] generateRandomData(int arraySize) {
String uniqueWordStringArray[] = new String[arraySize];
DictionaryInstrumentedLinearImplementation<String,String> checkTable = new DictionaryInstrumentedLinearImplementation<String,String>();
String firstSylStringArray [] = {"ther", "fal", "sol", "cal", "com", "don", "gan", "tel", "fren", "ras", "tar", "men", "tri", "cap", "har"};
String secondSylStringArray[] = {"mo", "ta", "ra", "te", "bo", "bi", "du", "ca", "dan", "sen", "di", "no", "fe", "mi", "so" };
String thirdSylStringArray [] = {"tion", "ral", "tal", "ly", "nance", "tor", "ing", "ger", "ten", "ful", "son", "dar", "der", "den", "ton"};
Random generator = new Random();
int i=0;
while (i < arraySize) {
String valueString;
valueString = firstSylStringArray [generator.nextInt( firstSylStringArray.length) ];
valueString += secondSylStringArray[generator.nextInt(secondSylStringArray.length) ];
valueString += thirdSylStringArray [generator.nextInt( thirdSylStringArray.length) ];
if (!checkTable.contains(valueString)) {
// Have not seen pseudo word string before, so add it to the list array list
uniqueWordStringArray[i] = valueString;
}//end if
return uniqueWordStringArray;
/* Insert all of the values in the array into the hash table.
* #param dict The dictionary to insert all the words into.
private static void insertAllData(DictionaryInterface<String,String> dict, String[] dataArray) {
for (String wordString : dataArray) {
dict.add(wordString, wordString);

Coffeescript: Better way of dealing with instance class methods

I'm trying to access instance variables from within a nested object ('action'). The only workaround I could find was using a local var ('_') to represent the parent object.
Class Mover
Constructor () =>
_ = this
#mode = "wave"
#action= {
wave: ->
_.x = _.ox
_.y = _.oy = Math.cos(window.G.time * _.speed + _.c + _.vary) * _.amp - _.amp * .5
jump: ->
_.y = _.oy = Math.min(0,Math.cos(window.G.time*_.speed + _.c * _.vary)) * _.amp - _.amp * .5
_.x = _.ox
#loop =>
Try using a fat arrow (=>) inside your action object like so:
wave: =>
#x = #ox
#y = #oy = Math.cos(window.G.time * #speed + #c + #vary) * #amp - #amp * .5

What is wrong with the below lambda expression for multiplication(C#3.0)

List<double> y = new List<double> { 0.4807, -3.7070, -4.5582,
-11.2126, -0.7733, 3.7269,
2.7672, 8.3333, 4.7023 };
List<double> d1 = y.ForEach(i => i * 2);
Error: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement
What is wrong?
List<T>.ForEach doesn't perform a conversion: it executes the given delegate for each item, but that's all. That's why it has a void return type - and why the parameter type is Action<T> rather than something like Func<T, TResult>. This last part is why you've got a compilation error. You're basically trying to do:
Action<double> = i => i * 2;
That will give you the same compilation error.
If you want to stick within the List<T> methods (e.g. because you're using .NET 2.0) you can use List<T>.ConvertAll:
List<double> d1 = y.ConvertAll(i => i * 2);
Try instead:
List<double> d1 = y.Select(i => i * 2).ToList();
List.Foreach takes an Action<> delegate which does not return anything, so you cannot use it to create a new list that way. As others have pointed out, using ForEach is not the best option here. A sample on how to perform the operation using ForEach might help to understand why:
List<double> y = new List<double> { 0.4807, -3.7070, -4.5582,
-11.2126, -0.7733, 3.7269,
2.7672, 8.3333, 4.7023 };
List<double> d1 = new List<double>();
Action<double> a = i => d1.Add(i*2);
List<double> d1 = y.ForEach(i => i = i * 2);