Install MongoDB and give access only to groups in Linux Ubuntu Server - mongodb

I have created a user group and I would like to know how can I install MongoDB on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS such that only read/write access is given to certain users in a user group. Thanks.

The users you define on the OS side has nothing to do with the users inside Mongodb, take a look at this You need to setup users inside the db itself to restrict access. You can check the security related topics here, that documentation contains detailed description of the concepts and explanation how to do the setup.


How to take backup of Tableau Server Repository(PostgreSQL)

we are using 2018.3 version of Tableau Server. The server stats like user login, and other stats are getting logged into PostgreSQL DB. and the same being cleared regularly after 1 week.
Is there any API available in Tableau to connect the DB and take backup of data somewhere like HDFS or any place in Linux server.
Kindly let me know if there are any other way other than API as well.
You can enable access to the underlying PostgreSQL repository database with the tsm command. Here is a link to the documentation for your (older) version of Tableau
It would be good security practice to limit access to only the machines (whitelisted) that need it, create or use an existing read-only account to access the repository, and ideally to disable access when your admin programs are complete (i.e.. enable access, do your query, disable access)
This way you can have any SQL client code you wish query the repository, create a mirror, create reports, run auditing procedures - whatever you like.
Personally, before writing significant custom code, I’d first see if the info you want is already available another way, in one of the built in admin views, via the REST API, or using the public domain LogShark or TabMon systems or with the Addon (for more recent versions of Tableau) the Server Management Add-on, or possibly the new Data Catalog.
I know at least one server admin who somehow clones the whole Postgres repository database periodically so he can analyze stats offline. Not sure what approach he uses to clone. So you have several options.

Sitecore MongoDB not creating all database/collections

We are working on Sitecore deployment in Azure.
Sitecore Experience Platform 8.0 rev. 160115
MongoDB - 3.0.4
We installed MongoDB, and we can connect to localhost using Robomongo. We can only see “Analytics” database/collections.
Our connection strings setup are:
But the other 3 databases and collections are not created.
In Sitecore.Analytics.config file – the setting “Analytics.Enabled” is set to true.
In log we found some references to xDB cloud initialization failed issues, therefore we disabled it.
Are we missing any configurations? Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you
Keep in mind that MongoDB is schemaless. Of course, in a production environment you would probably have to create these databases manually - to ensure that access rights are assigned correctly. But in a development environment, any database can be created on the fly.
The only reason the analytics database was created for you is because Sitecore creates indexes for the Interactions collection. Otherwise, you wouldn't see this database until xDB wrote some data into it. Same goes for any MongoDB collection - those won't appear until there's either data being written or an index created.
The other three databases will be created once the aggregation/processing logic is executed. I.e. when your instance starts to actually collect and process visit data.
As a conclusion, don't worry about these databases missing (for now). Just verify that xDB functionality is working properly.

How to use a different user (other than postgres) for managing PostgreSQL

I will need to get PostgreSQL installed on some development/production machines in my company.
However, there are many restrictions:
First, I am not allowed to install it myself because I don't have root access and I am also not allowed to compile it from source. I will need to ask another team to install it from rpm.
Second, PostgreSQL will create/use the account "postgres" to start/stop/control it by default - but we want to use an existing account (e.g. "itdept") to manage (i.e. start/stop/etc.) it.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has any suggestions/ideas. Thanks very much!

configure users using opensips 1.11(Ubuntu 14.04)

After installing opensips(It will be better if i won't have to use opensips control panel) how can add users and can make test call.
I am a newbie, and following this guide for installation.
Instead of using the Control Panel, you can use opensipsctl in order to add new subscribers. All you need to do is:
opensipsctl add mypassword
For more help on the opensipsctl, simply type:
For any user that's trying to install the package under Ubuntu by instructions from official manual, please make sure that you also read setup manual from github page, section [C] and [D]
I've tried to do a fresh setup of opensips on a virtual machine to test the functions. The provided packages on Jessie branch of Debian (which is supported by Ubuntu 14.04) is not included MySQL database deployment.
For a quick test I'm using the DBText as DB engine, and using command to add user will not succeed. Because the DBText engine requires email field, however the opensipsctl interface doesn't understand, so we should add some subscribers by adding some lines to Subscriber table, basically is located under path /usr/local/etc/opensips/dbtext, e.g:
Example above using the ip which is the virtual machine ip.
Good luck.

Accessing Appfog MongoDB service

How can I acces MongoDB service running on Appfog from my local? I want to use it with gui application. Is it possible?
I am assuming that you are using an AppFog MongoDB add-on and that the GUI tool you want to use is running locally on your machine, is that correct?
It's not clear to me what GUI application you're trying to use, but chances are it accepts a MongoDB URI of the form "mongodb://[user]:[pass]#[host]:[port]/[dbname]" You can use this info to connect through the db shell, too. Or if your tool doesn't take a URI, you can cut&paste specific values from the URI according to the format.
If you are using an AppFog MongoDB addon, then you can get the value for your URI from the Env Variables section of your app page at the AppFog portal. You can also get that value in your code, per something like
You should also keep in mind that MongoDB services often have their own management UI that you can use. If you go to the Addons section of your application page on AppFog, scroll to your provider and click "Manage" you can access their tools as well.
Good luck, and let me know if I have misunderstood your question.