How to execute SBT plugin's tasks from within IntelliJ IDEA CE? - scala

I use IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 Community Edition with the Scala plugin 0.32.593.
What's the recommended way to execute a SBT plugin's tasks, say dependencyUpdates from sbt-updates?

In version 15 of IntelliJ IDEA, using Scala Plugin version 2.0, you can run SBT tasks by adding a run configuration.
First add a new run configuration by clicking on Run -> Edit Configurations. Then click the + button to add a new configuration and choose SBT Task form the list
Now provide the list of tasks separated by space in Tasks input box:

NOTE IntelliJ IDEA and the Scala and sbt plugins have improved since and you may want to read How to run sbt-assembly tasks from within IntelliJ IDEA? instead.
I worked it around with the Embedded Terminal plugin that shipped with the version of IDEA.
Alt+F12 (or Tools > Open Terminal) to open a terminal window and then sbt dependencyUpdates inside.
It does require a local installation of SBT.

Unless there has been a recent change (in 13.1), SBT plugin doesn't support running sbt tasks.
See comments here

You will have to run these two commands to run SBT in the terminal:
SBT_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"
java $SBT_OPTS -jar `<SBT inatall>`/bin/sbt-launch.jar "$#"


IntelliJ Cannot Import sbt Project

I have upgraded IntelliJ to version CE 2017.3 from a CE 2017.2.5, and now I cannot build my sbt project. The build gets stuck on the first step:
"Build: sync
MyProjName: syncing...
dump project structure from sbt"
I have deleted the .idea directory and the the MyProjName/project/target directory. I did an sbt build from the command line, which worked.
Then I started IntelliJ again and tried to import MyProjName/build.sbt as a project. I have also logged out/in. Did this several times. The import never progresses past this step.
I work behind a firewall, but I have checked my proxy settings, and they are correct and unchanged from the previous version (if this matters).
How can I troubleshoot / fix this?
The sbt version is 0.13.6. Scala plugin 2017.3.10.
From the log:
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA (build #IC-173.3727.127, 27 Nov 2017 09:32)
OS: Windows 7 (6.1, amd64)
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b6 (JetBrains s.r.o)
JVM: 25.152-b6 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
I solved the sync issue following info here:
Key info is "It seems that sbt is trying to re-resolve 'sources' and 'docs' for sbt plugins that are not available at all. If properties to download "Library sources" and "sbt sources" are disabled, then time to dump the structure is reduced from 'forever' to less than 1 minute."
That is , in IntelliJ IDEA, clear the check box "Library sources" under "Project level settings" for Build Tools sbt in IDEA preferences. As shown in image below:
The only way I could work around this was by running sbt clean compile in the SBT console/cmd line first, then refreshing the SBT project in IntelliJ.
Open a terminal inside IDEA by pressing Alt F12 or use sbt shell
Run sbt - if it is first time it will take some time.
Run clean
Run compile - it will download dependencies you have in your project.
Close IDEA project (File -> Close Project) and open it again.
Note: if it asks to import in the right-bottom of the screen activate Enable auto-import, if you don't like to keep it enabled (like me) press Import, cancel the syncronyzation and then Refresh sbt project again. When you try to use import in the middle of a sync it gets stuck with dump project structure from sbt message.
The Refresh sbt project is located at this corner of the Build Sync window - highlighted below:
I have not found a way to make this work in IntelliJ Idea CE 2017.3, so I have reverted to CE 2017.2.5
IntelliJ appears to limit the efficiency of the already slow sbt update. I recommend using sbt-coursier instead. It was written specifically to improve dependency update time, and on one large project I'm involved in it improved dependency update time by about 2 orders of magnitude.
Uncheck "Use auto-import" in Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > sbt to prevent IntelliJ from auto updating imports on its own
Add addSbtPlugin("io.get-coursier" % "sbt-coursier" % "1.0.3") to your project's build.sbt file
Or install it globally in ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/build.sbt
Run sbt update on the command line
If you see [error] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/vafer/jdeb/Console, then add the following to ~/.sbt/1.0/sbt-coursier.sbt.
import coursier.Keys._
classpathTypes += "maven-plugin"
See coursier issue #450 for more information about that error.
(Optional) Re-enable auto-import from step 1, as subsequent transactional dependency updates may be faster.
I meet the same problem! I delete the directory ~/.sbt/0.13, then it works. You can delete the sbt directory you used.
What worked for me was to increase the memory for SBT inside IntelliJ. On my Mac: preference -> Build, Execution, Depoyment -> sbt
then change "Maximum heap size" from 768MB to 2048MB and then everything was successfully imported after few minutes.
Custom SBT version works for me.
IntelliJ IDEA Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> sbt -> Launcher
Choose Custom
For me, simply checking use sbt shell for both build and imports worked.
Had an older checked out project causing this issue. Did the usual rm -rf .idea + re-import but it kept getting stuck. Tried all sorts of things, but when finally fixed it for me was not just deleting the top-level target folder, but instead doing
find . -name target -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
Next open / import went flawlessly. (This was on 2018.1.5, 2018.1.6 and 2018.2 RC.)
I have suffered from same problems after upgrade intelliJ to 2017.3
But it works fine now.
I think intelliJ couldn't pass the 'No proxy for' option to sbt.
so, I added
option in File > Settings > Build, Excution, Deployment > sbt > VM parameters
Simply unchecking 'sbt sources' did the trick for me
I was also facing this issue. Below two configurations worked for me. I tried to confirm this setting in many new sbt projects, for all it worked.
(1) uncheck "Library sources" under "Project level settings" for Build Tools sbt in
IDEA preferences
(2) -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="host1|host2"
option in File > Settings > Build, Excution, Deployment > sbt > VM parameters
I hit similar issue but found it's related to waiting for locks
Maybe if killing IntelliJ IDEA and no one will release the lock files, the issue is resolved after deleting locks files manually

IntelliJ: what difference between "SBT Console" and "SBT Shell"?

In the IntelliJ I see two tool windows: SBT Console and SBT Shell. What is the difference between these tools?
You may have installed both scala and sbt plugins. The newer version of scala plugin has sbt as part of it.
sbt console is the sbt plugin -- click start you will enter into sbt interactive mode.
sbt shell is part of the scala plugin, which is similar to the above mentioned sbt console and can autocomplete commands.
Here is a description:
SBT Console plugin is deprecated in favour of IntelliJ Scala Plugin. Deprecation notice states:
JetBrains have recently added support for an SBT console to the
IntellIJ Scala Plugin. This is now the recommended way to use SBT
within IntellIJ. No new releases of this plugin are planned.

Can not download jars when building scala project with sbteclipse?

As shown in the picture, when I build scala project with sbteclipse and import to eclipse, when changing build.sbt , jars are downloaded to my computer but not to scalaProject. I do not know why. Can someone help me?
scala version: 2.11.8
sbt version: 0.13.15
I assume that you're using the Scala IDE plugin for Eclipse, correct?
The sbteclipse SBT plugin merely provides a command to generate an Eclipse Scala project from the SBT build. Before using Eclipse, you're supposed to issue the following command (from the command line) to SBT:
sbt eclipse
This should generate the project files for your Eclipse project. After executing this command, you can open your project using Eclipse (with the Scala IDE plugin).
Note that, at present, the Scala IDE Eclipse plugin does not support SBT build files. That is, if you change your SBT build file, then Eclipse will be none the wiser, until you re-run the above command.
You might want to consider switching to IntelliJ IDEA (instead of Eclipse) which has a full-featured Scala plugin that fully supports SBT builds, including downloading any dependencies. For my money (both IDEs are free) IntelliJ is light-years ahead of Eclipse for Scala development.

IntelliJ, Scala plugin and h2-browser

Is there any way to add the h2-browser flag in a Play 2 IntelliJ run configuration? I prefer not to manually run sbt and / or and sbt console.

Scala Play 2.3 InteliJ 14 *community edition - is it possible to run project without cmd line activator command

From I understand that Intellij is using sbt to build - so thats 1x build
At the moment I run a separate command line task to run my project -
./activator -jvm-debug 5000 -Dhttp.port=9000
So each code change gets compiled twice (once by InteliJ; once by activator)
Is there a way to use the InteliJ build artifacts when I run, so the code is only compiled once?
Is using the Terminal window in InteliJ any different from a normal terminal window?
The versions I'm at are:
Java 7
Play framework 2.3.4
SBT 0.13.1
InteliJ 14 (community edition)
Yes it's definitelly possible.
Install Play 2.x plugin (with dependencies) and add the run configuration dedicated for Play 2 (note in Intellij 14 Play2 support is combined within the Scala plugin)
Menu > Run > Edit configurations... > Add new configuration (plus icon in the corner) > Play 2 App
After saving you will be able to run your app (also in debug mode) within IntelliJ - i.e. via
Menu > Run > Debug 'Your Project'
btw, you can remove Make (before launch) from there, SBT should handle builds properly without Idea's support
See sample shot