Powershell - can INotifyPropertyChanged be implemented natively? - powershell

Does anyone know if the INotifyPropertyChanged interface can be implemented on an object in Powershell natively, without building a C# class and using Add-Type to generate a new .NET assembly?
I've Googled everything I can think of and haven't been able to find a solution.

I was experimenting using Powershell to load my WPF prototypes, and faced the same situation, so far I found that the solution is very simple it consists of adding interface methods to the powershell class, the last thing to deal with was the CanExecuteChanged event, through the exception message it says the method add_CanExecuteChanged wasnt found, and the solution is simply to add both the event adder and remover, for e
class Relay: System.Windows.Input.ICommand {
$this.command = $Command;
[void]add_CanExecuteChanged ([System.EventHandler]$handler){}
[void]remove_CanExecuteChanged ([System.EventHandler]$handler){}
[bool]CanExecute([object]$arg) {return $true; }
[void]Execute ([object]$arg){ $this.command?.Invoke($arg); }
for the INotifyPropertyChanged the situation is different since it needs getters and setters, and a call to the PropertyChanged handler on setters, the properties in powershell can be implmented as fields in C# and behind the scenes powershell add get_* and set_, which is the case in the dotnet when adding properties in the ggenerated IL you found get_, set_* methods which represents the getters and setters, for example:
class Demo {
if you do a Get-Member -Force on an instance in the result you will find (get_MyProperty, set_MyProperty) methods, but when I tried to do so "for example like in java" the methods wont execute, but however I tried the binding without these methods and it works fine, here is my gist of the experiment, with bindings working in two way mode:
and here is the source I modified, the repos it self contains a lot of good scripts:
Best Regards.

No. Consider PowerShell a CLI consumer language and not so much a producer language. That is you can construct and use most .NET types. However PowerShell doesn't natively provide a facility to create new .NET types much less types that implement interfaces. While you can create custom objects in PowerShell and use tricks to give those objects a type name that PowerShell understands, those tricks don't work with .NET libraries like WPF.


Is it possible to implement a module that is not a WPF module (a standard class library, no screens)?

I am developing a modular WPF application with Prism in .Net Core 5.0 (using MVVM, DryIoc) and I would like to have a module that is not a WPF module, i.e., a module with functionality that can be used by any other module. I don't want any project reference, because I want to keep the loosely coupled idea of the modules.
My first question is: is it conceptually correct? Or is it mandatory that a module has a screen? I guess it should be ok.
The second and more important (for me) is, what would be the best way to create the instance?
This is the project (I know I should review the names in this project):
HotfixSearcher is the main class, the one I need to get instantiated. In this class, for example, I subscribe to some events.
And this is the class that implements the IModule interface (the module class):
namespace SearchHotfix.Library
public class HotfixSearcherModule : IModule
public HotfixSearcherModule()
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
//Create Searcher instance
var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>();
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IHotfixSearcher, HotfixSearcher>();
That is the only way I found to get the class instantiated, but I am not a hundred per cent comfortable with creating an instance that is not used, I think it does not make much sense.
For modules that have screens, the instances get created when navigating to them using the RequestNavigate method:
_regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.ContentRegion, "ContentView");
But since this is only a library with no screens, I can't find any other way to get this instantiated.
According to Prism documentation, subscribing to an event shoud be enough but I tried doing that from within my main class HotfixSearcher but it does not work (breakpoints on constructor or on the event handler of the event to which I subscribe are never hit).
When I do this way, instead, the instance is created, I hit the constructor breakpoint, and obviously the instance is subscribed to the event since it is done in the constructor.
To sum up, is there a way to get rid of that var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>(); and a better way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
Or is it mandatory that a module has a screen?
No, of course not, modules have nothing to do with views or view models. They are just a set of registrations with the container.
what would be the best way to create the instance?
Let the container do the work. Normally, you have (at least) one assembly that only contains public interfaces (and the associated enums), but no modules. You reference that from the module and register the module's implementations of the relevant interfaces withing the module's Initialize method. Some other module (or the main app) can then have classes that get the interfaces as constructor parameters, and the container will resolve (i.e. create) the concrete types registered in the module, although they are internal or even private and completely unknown outside the module.
This is as loose a coupling as it gets if you don't want to sacrifice strong typing.
is there a way to get rid of that var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>(); and a better way to achieve this?
You can skip the var searcher = part :-) But if the HotfixSearcher is never injected anywhere, it won't be created unless you do it yourself. OnInitialized is the perfect spot for this, because it runs after all modules had their chance to RegisterTypes so all dependencies should be registered.
If HotfixSearcher is not meant to be injected, you can also drop IHotfixSearcher and resolve HotfixSearcher directly:
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
I am not a hundred per cent comfortable with creating an instance that is not used, I think it does not make much sense.
It is used, I suppose, although not through calling one of its methods. It's used by sending it an event. That's just fine. Think of it like Task.Run - it's fine for the task to exist in seeming isolation, too.

Alternative to Global Variable or Singleton

I have read in various places that Global variables are at best a code smell, and best avoided. At the moment I am working on refactoring a big function based PS script to classes, and thought to use a Singleton. The use case being a large data structure that will need to be referenced from a lot of different classes and modules.
Then I found this, which seems to suggest that Singletons are a bad idea too.
So, what IS the right way (in PS 5.1) to create a single data structure that needs to be referenced by a lot of classes, and modified by some of them? Likely pertinent is the fact that I do NOT need this to be thread safe. By definition the queue will be processed in a very linear fashion.
FWIW, I got to the referenced link looking for information on singletons and inheritance, since my singleton is simply one of a number of classes with very similar behavior, where I start with the singleton which contains collections of the next class, which each contain collections of the next class, to create a hierarchical queue. I wanted to have a base class that handled all the common queue management then extend that for the differing functionality lof each class. Which works great other than having that first extended class be a singleton. That seems to be impossible, correct?
EDIT: Alternatively, is it possible with this nested classes in a generic list property approach to be able to identify the parent from within a child? This is how I handled this is the Function based version. A global [XML] variable formed the data structure, and I could step through that structure, using .SelectNode() to populate a variable to pass to the next function down, and using .Parent to get information from higher up, and especially from the root of the data structure.
EDIT: Since I seem not to be able to paste code here right now, I have some code on GitHub. The example here of where the Singleton comes in is at line 121, where I need to verify if there are any other examples of the same task that have not yet comnepelted, so I can skip all but the last instance. This is a proof of concept for deleting common components of various Autodesk software, which is managed in a very ad hoc manner. So I want to be able to install any mix of programs (packages) and uninstall on any schedule, and ensure that the last package that has a shared component uninstall is the one that uninstalls it. So as to no break other dependent programs before that last uninstall happens. Hopefully that makes sense. Autodesk installs are a fustercluck of misery. If you don't have to deal with them, consider yourself lucky. :)
To complement Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer - which may well be the best solution to your problem - with an answer to your original question:
So, what IS the right way (in PS 5.1) to create a single data structure that needs to be referenced by a lot of classes, and modified by some of them [without concern for thread safety]?
The main reason that global variables are to be avoided is that they are session-global, meaning that code that executes after your own sees those variables too, which can have side effects.
You cannot implement a true singleton in PowerShell, because PowerShell classes do not support access modifiers; notably, you cannot make a constructor private (non-public), you can only "hide" it with the hidden keyword, which merely makes it less discoverable while still being accessible.
You can approximate a singleton with the following technique, which itself emulates a static class (which PowerShell also doesn't support, because the static keyword is only supported on class members, not the class as a whole).
A simple example:
# NOT thread-safe
class AlmostAStaticClass {
hidden AlmostAStaticClass() { Throw "Instantiation not supported; use only static members." }
static [string] $Message # static property
static [string] DoSomething() { return ([AlmostAStaticClass]::Message + '!') }
[AlmostAStaticClass]::<member> (e.g., [AlmostAStaticClass]::Message = 'hi') can now be used in the scope in which AlmostAStaticClass was defined and all descendant scopes (but it is not available globally, unless the defining scope happens to be the global one).
If you need access to the class across module boundaries, you can pass it as a parameter (as a type literal); note that you still need :: to access the (invariably static) members; e.g.,
& { param($staticClass) $staticClass::DoSomething() } ([AlmostAStaticClass])
Implementing a thread-safe quasi-singleton - perhaps for use
with ForEach-Object -Parallel (v7+) or Start-ThreadJob (v6+, but installable on v5.1) - requires more work:
Methods are then required to get and set what are conceptually properties, because PowerShell doesn't support code-backed property getters and setters as of 7.0 (adding this ability is the subject of this GitHub feature request).
You still need an underlying property however, because PowerShell doesn't support fields; again the best you can do is to hide this property, but it is technically still accessible.
The following example uses System.Threading.Monitor (which C#'s lock statement is based on) to manage thread-safe access to a value; for managing concurrent adding and removing items from collections, use the thread-safe collection types from the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace.
# Thread-safe
class AlmostAStaticClass {
static hidden [string] $_message = '' # conceptually, a *field*
static hidden [object] $_syncObj = [object]::new() # sync object for [Threading.Monitor]
hidden AlmostAStaticClass() { Throw "Instantiation not supported; use only static members." }
static SetMessage([string] $text) {
Write-Verbose -vb $text
# Guard against concurrent access by multiple threads.
[AlmostAStaticClass]::_message = $text
static [string] GetMessage() {
# Guard against concurrent access by multiple threads.
# NOTE: This only works with [string] values and instances of *value types*
# or returning an *element from a collection* that is
# only subject to concurrency in terms of *adding and removing*
# elements.
# For all other (reference) types - entire (non-concurrent)
# collections or individual objects whose properties are
# themselves subject to concurrent access, the *calling* code
# must perform the locking.
$msg = [AlmostAStaticClass]::_message
return $msg
static [string] DoSomething() { return ([AlmostAStaticClass]::GetMessage() + '!') }
Note that, similar to crossing module boundaries, using threads too requires passing the class as a type object to other threads, which, however is more conveniently done with the $using: scope specifier; a simple (contrived) example:
# !! BROKEN AS OF v7.0
$class = [AlmostAStaticClass]
1..10 | ForEach-Object -Parallel { ($using:class)::SetMessage($_) }
Note: This cross-thread use is actually broken as of v7.0, due to classes currently being tied to the defining runspace - see this GitHub issue. It is to be seen if a solution will be provided.
As you can see, the limitations of PowerShell classes make implementing such scenarios cumbersome; using Add-Type with ad hoc-compiled C# code is worth considering as an alternative.
This GitHub meta issue is a compilation of various issues relating to PowerShell classes; while they may eventually get resolved, it is unlikely that PowerShell's classes will ever reach feature parity with C#; after all, OOP is not the focus of PowerShell's scripting language (except with respect to using preexisting objects).
As mentioned in the comments, nothing in the code you linked to requires a singleton.
If you want to retain a parent-child relationship between your ProcessQueue and related Task instance, that can be solved structurally.
Simply require injection of a ProcessQueue instance in the Task constructor:
class ProcessQueue
hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]$Queue = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New()
class Task
Task([string]$id, [ProcessQueue]$parent)
$this.Parent = $parent
$this.Id = $id
When instantiating the object hierarchy:
$myQueue = [ProcessQueue]::new()
$myQueue.Add([Task]#{ Id = "id"; Parent = $myQueue})
... or refactor ProcessQueue.Add() to take care of constructing the task:
class ProcessQueue
[Task] Add([string]$Id){
$newTask = [Task]::new($Id,$this)
return $newTask
At which point you just use ProcessQueue.Add() as a proxy for the [Task] constructor:
$newTask = $myQueue.Add($id)
$newTask.DisplayName = "Display name goes here"
Next time you need to search related tasks from a single Task instance, you just do:
$relatedTasks = $task.Parent.Find($whatever)

Resolve Views through IoC or MEF instead of using SelectedAssemblies() method

I use Caliburn.Micro with Spring.net instead of the default simple IoC. My custom Bootstrapper (derrived from Caliburn's BootstrapperBase) is working and I can define the ViewModels within Spring.net. But the the Views are still resolved by reflection (name convention) from the execution assembly. I used the following method of the Bootstrapper to add Assemblies for resolving the Views for the ViewModels.
protected override IEnumerable<Assembly> SelectAssemblies()
// hmm, want to change the way how the view is resolved... how to do this?
// ... use IoC or MEF for this task instead?
return new[]
// don't want to add every dll here
How to change the behaviour of resolving views and using IoC or MEF for this task?
The Problem is that the Bootstrapper has no virtual method to override which resolves a requested view. What is the starting point to change this behaviour? I thought there must exist something like
protected virtual Control ResolveViewForModel(Type modelType) {...}
Thanks for any hints.
First of all, I don't know caliburn.micro so this might be wrong.
Looking at the ViewLocator method LocateTypeForModelType it seems that it asks the AssemblySource for available types which should be checked against the View-naming conventions.
Since all of the above are static classes I suspect there is no way to inherit and override that behaviour. Since they are static, one could just add assemblies to the public observable dictionary - which feels a little bit of a hack and SelectAssemblies seems like the proper way.
However, it seems to me that since there are conventions for resolving Views and ViewModels one could do the same for assemblies which brings us to the question: how do you decide which assemblies to scan for ViewModels/Views.
That strategy can be built into the SelectAssemblies method.
If you want to change how caliburn.micro finds the right views in those assemblies, effectively changing/adding to the exisiting conventions, there is an explanation in their wiki.
To finally answer your question: "Resolve Views through IoC or MEF instead of using SelectedAssemblies() method": Imo this kind of defeats the philosophy of Caliburn.Micro:
Caliburn.Micro uses conventions to resolve views from given assemblies - trying to use an IoC container instead of a name / namespace based convention contradicts that approach.

Dont understand the concept of extends in URL.openConnection() in JAVA

Hi I am trying to learn JAVA deeply and so I am digging into the JDK source code in the following lines:
URL url = new URL("http://www.google.com");
URLConnection tmpConn = url.openConnection();
I attached the source code and set the breakpoint at the second line and stepped into the code. I can see the code flow is: URL.openConnection() -> sun.net.www.protocol.http.Handler.openConnection()
I have two questions about this
First In URL.openConnection() the code is:
public URLConnection openConnection() throws java.io.IOException {
return handler.openConnection(this);
handler is an object of URLStreamHandler, define as blow
transient URLStreamHandler handler;
But URLStreamHandler is a abstract class and method openConnection() is not implement in it so when handler calls this method, it should go to find a subclass who implement this method, right? But there are a lot classes who implement this methods in sun.net.www.protocol (like http.Hanlder, ftp.Handler ) How should the code know which "openConnection" method it should call? In this example, this handler.openConnection() will go into http.Handler and it is correct. (if I set the url as ftp://www.google.com, it will go into ftp.Handler) I cannot understand the mechanism.
second. I have attached the source code so I can step into the JDK and see the variables but for many classes like sun.net.www.protocol.http.Handler, there are not source code in src.zip. I googled this class and there is source code online I can get but why they did not put it (and many other classes) in the src.zip? Where can I find a comprehensive version of source code?
First the easy part:
... I googled this class and there is source code online I can get but why they did not put it (and many other classes) in the src.zip?
Two reasons:
In the old days when the Java code base was proprietary, this was treated as secret-ish ... and not included in the src.zip. When they relicensed Java 6 under the GPL, they didn't bother to change this. (Don't know why. Ask Oracle.)
Because any code in the sun.* tree is officially "an implementation detail subject to change without notice". If they provided the code directly, it helps customers to ignore that advice. That could lead to more friction / bad press when customer code breaks as a result on an unannounced change to sun.* code.
Where can I find a comprehensive version of source code?
You can find it in the OpenJDK 6 / 7 / 8 repositories and associated download bundles:
http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk6/jdk6 - http://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk6/
http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7 - http://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk7/
Now for the part about "learning Java deeply".
First, I think you are probably going about this learning in a "suboptimal" fashion. Rather than reading the Java class library, I think you should be reading books on java and design patterns and writing code for yourself.
To the specifics:
But URLStreamHandler is a abstract class and method openConnection() is not implement in it so when handler calls this method, it should go to find a subclass who implement this method, right?
At the point that the handler calls than method, it is calling it on an instance of the subclass. So finding the right method is handled by the JVM ... just like any other polymorphic dispatch.
The tricky part is how you got the instance of the sun.net.www.protocol.* handler class. And that happens something like this:
When a URL object is created, it calls getURLStreamHandler(protocol) to obtain a handler instance.
The code for this method looks to see if the handler instance for the protocol already exists and returns that if it does.
Otherwise, it sees if a protocol handler factory exists, and if it does it uses that to create the handler instance. (The protocol handler factory object can be set by an application.)
Otherwise, searches a configurable list of Java packages to find a class whose FQN is package + "." + protocol + "." + "Handler", loads it, and uses reflection to create an instance. (Configuration is via a System property.)
The reference to handler is stored in the URL's handler field, and the URL construction continues.
So, later on, when you call openConnection() on the URL object, the method uses the Handler instance that is specific to the protocol of the URL to create the connection object.
The purpose of this complicated process is to support URL connections for an open-ended set of protocols, to allow applications to provide handlers for new protocols, and to substitute their own handlers for existing protocols, both statically and dynamically. (And the code is more complicated than I've described above because it has to cope with multiple threads.)
This is making use of a number of design patterns (Caches, Adapters, Factory Objects, and so on) together with Java specific stuff such as the system properties and reflection. But if you haven't read about and understood those design patterns, etcetera, you are unlikely to recognize them, and as a result you are likely to find the code totally bamboozling. Hence my advice above: learn the basics first!!
Take a look at URL.java. openConnection uses the URLStreamHandler that was previously set in the URL object itself.
The constructor calls getURLStreamHandler, which generates a class name dynamically and loads, and the instantiates, the appropriate class with the class loader.
But URLStreamHandler is a abstract class and method openConnection()
is not implement in it so when handler calls this method, it should go
to find a subclass who implement this method, right?
It has to be declared or abstract or implemented in URLStreamHandler. If you then give an instance of a class that extends URLStreamHandler with type URLStreamHandler and call the openConnection() method, it will call the one you have overriden in the instance of the class that extends URLStreamHandler if any, if none it will try to call the one in URLStreamHandler if implemented and else it will probably throw an exception or something.

Is there any way to create a fake from a System.Type object in FakeItEasy?

Is there any way to create a fake from a System.Type object in FakeItEasy? Similar to:
var instance = A.Fake(type);
I try to write a fake container for AutoFac that automatically return fakes for all resolved types. I have looked in the code for FakeItEasy and all methods that support this is behind internal classes but I have found the interface IFakeObjectContainer that looks pretty interesting, but the implementations still need registration of objects that is the thing that I want to come around.
As of FakeItEasy 2.1.0 (but do consider upgrading to the latest release for more features and better bugfixes), you can create a fake from a Type like so:
using FakeItEasy.Sdk;
object fake = Create.Fake(type);
If you must use an earlier release, you could use some reflection based approach to create a method info for the A.Fake() method. (since it's about auto mocking this shouldn't be a problem really).
This is best done using a registration handler. You should look into how AutofacContrib.Moq implements its MoqRegistrationHandler. You'll see that it is actually using the generic method MockRepository.Create to make fake instances. Creating a similar handler for FakeItEasy should be quite simple.