QT - Default ODBC PATH in Raspberry PI - raspberry-pi

I have, successfully, installed UNIXODBC and FreeTDS on my Raspberry PI.
I want to use them for connecting to my MS SQL Server Database.
I am sure that this is done properly, since I am able to access my Datbase tables from the command prompt using :
$ tsql -S serverIP -U sql-username -P password
However, I do not know how to use this information in my QT program, so that I can access the information in my QT program.
Please let me know from where does QT get the path of ODBC drivers? And how to add the path of FreeTDS and UNIXODBC in that path?


Raspberry Pi SSH Access Denied

I am trying to log into my Raspberry Pi using PuTTY from Windows. However, whenever I try to log into my Raspberry Pi using the default username and password (pi* and raspberry) it says Access Denied.
I have the wpa_supplicant.conf file and ssh file created. This is its first bootup. I am using the latest version of the Raspbian Lite OS.
Recently, the default user setup of Raspbian was significantly changed, rendering most existing online tutorials invalid.
In essence, the default pi user no longer exists, so you have to create it and set its password using either the official Imager tool or by creating a userconf file in the boot partition of your microSD card, which should contain a single line of text: username:hashed-password, replacing username with the name of the user you want (e.g., pi) and hashed-password with the hash of the password you want.
According to the official guide, the easiest way to do this is by running the following in a terminal (Linux or macOS):
echo 'password' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin
Again, you should replace password with the password you want here.
Further reading: An update to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye (2022-04-07)
The default username and password are no longer valid for Raspberry Pi.
If you are trying to log in headlessly (without a monitor and keyboard), you can do it from Raspberry Pi Imager itself.
On selecting the OS in Raspberry Pi Imager, you get an icon of settings in which you can
create a user
setup Wi-Fi
enable SSH
After configuring, you can continue flashing your memory card.
And on first boot you will be good to go.
I have solved this problem. You can easily input your username and password with Raspberry Pi Imager.
add the user you created when flashing the image to the ssh group.
usermod -a -G ssh YourPiUsername

Postgres 9.0 File System level backup on Debian Jessie

I'm on Debian 8.2.0 and trying to run a postgres server from a folder I received. Version is 9.0.18. Here is the command I issue:
./postgres -D /home/swapps/project/PostgreSQL/9.0/data/
but the cursor keeps blinking in the terminal. I'm not sure what is happening?
Sounds like it's started, and log_min_messages is set to a high enough value that you don't see any output.
Using another terminal session connect to the server on the port it's running on. If you don't know that check the port value in the postgresql.conf inside the data directory.
Generally you should use pg_ctl -D blah -w start rather than postgres directly. See the manual.
Or, for long term use, set it up to run on startup via an init script.

After installing postgres 9.4 on fedora 20, couldn't launch psql

I have installed postgres 9.4 on fedora 20.
i have followed the steps through the link below
I have started the server using the command
service postgresql-9.4 initdb
Then I set the auto start using the command
chkconfig postgresql-9.4 on
I am able to connect with Data base server via pg admin
but I am not able to connect with postgres DB server or SQL command line via terminal
If I enter psql for postgres/or any user, it says command not found.
can any one please help me on this.
You need to go to the installation bin directory and use './ExecutableFile' to run when logged in with postgres user.
So, use ./psql when you are in bin directory.
Or you can use "export PATH=path/to/bin/" to avoid using './'

Postgres.app setup for heroku

I'm trying to install Postgres.app on my mac (lion), and running into issues.
I'm trying to follow the instructions here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgresql#local-setup.
So, as the first step I downloaded the app here: http://postgresapp.com/.
Next, I opened the documentation here:http://postgresapp.com/documentation.
When I run $ psql -h localhost, it asks for a password, and I have no idea what the password is supposed to be. Can somebody help with figuring out how to set Postgres.app as the default database for using Heroku?
You're probably using the psql that comes built-in to Mac OS X, thanks to Apple's incredibly frustrating decision to bundle an (old) PostgreSQL on the default port and with its tools on the default PATH.
Check psql --version to see what you're running.
Quite likely you need to set your PATH so it finds the psql from Postgres.app . Or you can check what port Postgres.app is running on and specify a port, though if you use an old psql with a new PostgreSQL then you'll have issues with backslash commands. This is explained just a few paragraphs down in the documentation you were reading.

How should I fix this PostgreSQL installation?

I realized that PostgreSQL was already running on my laptop (Mac OS X) before I installed from the Postgres site. So when I used the installer, I got the PostgreSQL and logged in to the postgres user account that was created.
In the terminal I wrote
psql -U postgres
And provided my password. I got logged in but it said,
WARNING: psql version 9.0, server version 9.1.
Some psql features might not work.
How should I go about fixing this so that I can access the database properly without any issues?
The warning comes from psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Nothing bad will happen.
As you have two versions of PostgreSQL installed in parallel, you would need two versions of psql. Maybe you even have them on disk. But when you type the command psql, your system will default to one of those, not knowing beforehand which database server version you are going to connect to.
You can type the explicit path to the psql version you want. Find the full path of all variants with this shell command (works with Linux, not tested with Mac OS X):
which -a psql
If you did not also install the psql version 9.1 along with your PostgreSQL, you have to install it first, of course.
If you are not going to use PostgreSQL 9.0 any more, you can uninstall it to remove ambiguities.
In Debian you can also set the default of multiple alternatives with:
But in Debian you also have a wrapper that calls the matching psql dynamically if you specify the database cluster like this:
psql --cluster 9.1/main
Not sure about Mac OS X.
You have installed postgresql-server 9.1 (server side) and postgres (client side 9.0). Maybe you have installed client 9.1 too, but it is not on the path, so you have to find it or if you have not it, then install it.