How to disable default 'Click to edit' on Jeditable? - jeditable

I'm using the jeditable plugin for making some values editable. I noticed that when a value is empty the default text 'Click top edit' appears which I don't want. But I still want to make that field editable too. How to manage this?
I noticed a suggestion at, but that does not seem to work - at least not for me; when using the placeholder : "" the field is not editable anymore.
My related code:
$('.edit').editable('edit_save.php', {
cancel : 'Cancel',
submit : 'OK'
});//$('.edit').editable('jeditable_save.php', {

Without any text to fill it, the editable element needs to be an inline block with height and width like this:
.edit {
border: 1px solid red;
display: inline-block;
min-height: 20px;
min-width: 100px;
and set a blank placeholder like you mentioned:
$('.edit').editable(function (value, settings) {
return value;
}, {
cssclass: 'editing',
placeholder: '',
See this fiddle

I tried add this row: placeholder:'
nbsp;' and it works.
If you can add this row, you see your input is empty.
$('.edit').editable('Something', {
placeholder:' ',


Make default Ionic alerts larger

I'm trying to make the default Ionic Alerts larger. I'm developing an app that needs to have easy touch points and the default alerts are too small for what I'm needing.
I've tried enlarging the font as well as expanding the width of the alerts but nothing seems to actually make the alerts larger.
Any easy/best ways to do this?
AlertController supports custom classes which could be placed in your component's scss file and there you can do necessary alterations.
For example in your component's ts file you can have this method that creates alert with reference to custom class "scaledAlert":
delete() {
let confirm = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: "Are You Sure?",
cssClass: "scaledAlert",
message: "this will remove image from your image gallery",
buttons: [
text: "Cancel",
handler: () => {
console.log("Canceled delete");
text: "Confirm",
handler: () => {
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
Now in the scss file you add class to style as you need to scale the controller, such class goes after your page or component:
home-page {
.item {
min-height: 2rem; /* <- this can be whatever you need */
ion-label {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0;
.item-content {
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
margin-top: -12px;
margin-bottom: -12px;
height: 50px;
.scaledAlert {
transform: scale(1.5);
Here I used just naive "scale" function which may require you to add some cross browser compatible versions of it. But you should achieve what you want with it (it worked in my app without issues).
Alternatively you can override default styles using saas variables:
You will have to alter them in theme\variables.scss" which is located in your project's folder
See more here:
And third option is indeed to check elements' style via devtool and attempt to override those classes. But I don't like that way, feels a bit more hacky.
Some of the styles for alert are not getting updated if written in component SCSS file. The styles need to be written in the global scss file.

JavaFX TextFlow set default text color

As the title, it's possible to to apply a default color to all text of a TextFlow component?
TextFlow textFlow = new TextFlow();
// Somewhere else in the code
.add(new Text("Dynamic added text! OMG!"));
I tryed different solution but none of them works
#supertextflow {
-fx-text-fill: red;
#supertextflow * .text{
-fx-fill: red;
#supertextflow > * > .text {
-fx-fill: red;
I know that Text is another component, but why i can't style it from it's parent?
Well you can't do that with Text cause it's style class doesn't have fill css rule if you look at the JavaFX CSS Reference Guide. So I would suggest to leave the Text and use Label instead. If you do then you could use the css rule below :
#supertextflow > .label {
-fx-text-fill: blue;
-fx-font-size : 20px;
In case you want to keep using Text you will have to set each element (Text) inside the FlowPane a specific id (ex. #customText) and then use it to set the CSS rule like below :
#supertextflow > #customText {
-fx-fill: red;
-fx-font-size : 20px;
Edit : As James_D mentioned on the commends below you should use Type Selector (I am guessing that's the correct term) on the CSS rule in order to style all the Text nodes inside your TextFlow without needed to set any ids on them :
#supertextflow > Text {
-fx-fill: red;
-fx-font-size : 20px;

TinyMCE custom format: add and remove specific CSS style

Currently, I'm working on a plugin that uses custom formats. Unfortunately, I can't use classes as the output HTML has to use inline styles.
I'm using declarations like:
a.formatter.register("dotted", {
inline : 'span',
styles : {
borderStyle : 'dotted',
borderWidth : '1px',
a.formatter.register("dashed", {
inline : 'span',
styles : {
borderStyle : 'dashed',
borderWidth : '1px',
Problem I: I want to use formats that impact each other. What I mean is:
User clicks on option "dashed border"
-> if the selection already has a border-width set, don't touch. If not set, set border-width: 1px;
-> no matter what is currently set, override border-style: dashed;
User clicks on option "dotted border"
-> if the selection already has a border-width set, don't touch. If not set, set border-width: 1px;
-> no matter what is currently set, override border-style: dotted;
User clicks on "thick border"
-> If border-style is already set, don't touch. If not set, set border-style: solid;
-> no matter what is set, override border-width: 3px;
How can I read and filter the current CSS styles that are used for the current selection? In my example, a is the instance of the editor which is passed to the function when clicking a button. Please don't confuse my question with this one because it is no copy & paste action, so I cannot use that objects here.
Problem II: How to remove these styles as it could be a mixture of different combinations?
At the moment, the only idea I have to solve it is to create an array with all possible values and loop thru these, like
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
var cssobj = {
inline : 'span',
styles : {
eval("cssobj.styles." + cssattr + "= \"" + value[i] + "\"");
a.formatter.register("tempformat", cssobj);
which I find is an extremely ugly solution, and also not very performant.
Any other ideas?

Add button to fancytree node to delete/remove that node?

I cannot find an example to do this anywhere, although I could have sworn I've seen one in the past.
I want to add a button to a node in fancytree so that either on hovering over that node (or maybe on selecting it) the button displays (a white x on a red circle, for example) and clicking it will delete/remove that node. At all other times the delete button should be hidden for the node.
I've been unable to find any kind of example where a custom link or button is added to a fancytree node though - maybe it's not possible to do or I'm just using the wrong search terms?
Edit: I found a way to add a clickable button by appending html to the title string:
title: + "<span class='deleteButton'><a href='#' data-bind='click: myfunction'><img src='../../Content/images/deleteIcon.png' /></a></span>",
And by adding some custom css to my site file:
span.fancytree-node span.deleteButton {
display: none;
span.fancytree-active span.deleteButton {
margin-left: 10px;
display: inline-block;
But this adds the button to the title text and is therefore subject to the highlighting of the title when active. It would be better if there was a way to add this to the node OUTSIDE of the title text. Is that possible Martin?
source: [...],
renderNode: function (event, data) {
var node = data.node;
var $nodeSpan = $(node.span);
// check if span of node already rendered
if (!$'rendered')) {
var deleteButton = $('<button type="button" class="btn">delete node</button>');
$nodeSpan.hover(function () {
// mouse over;
}, function () {
// mouse out
// span rendered
$'rendered', true);
I normally use css ':after' for such cases (
If that is not enough, you can always tweak the markup in the 'renderNode' event.

IE9 multiple select overflow while printing

I'm having problems with IE9 ignoring the select borders when printing a multiple select.
Here's how to recreate the problem:
Open IE9 on Windows 7.
Go to w3schools's multiple select edit page.
Now highlight the options and copy/paste until there is a long list of duplicates.
Then remove the size attribute.
Click on "Edit and Click Me" so that the page reloads and you now have your modified select in the second panel.
Now, print the document (even using the XPS viewer).
For me, all of the options are printed on the page, even though the select is only 4 option elements tall. This still happens to some degree if you leave the "size" attribute at the default value of 2, but it's far more obvious when it is changed or removed.
Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this an IE bug? Does anyone know of a workaround?
You can work around this by viewing the site in IE9's compatibility mode. Usually IE will determine that it cannot display a site properly and give you the option to turn on compatibility mode from within the address bar but sometimes you need to explicitly set it.
How to turn on compatibility mode - - I used the first one in method 2.
There doesn't seem to be any CSS solution for this. Instead, I wrote a small jQuery script that copies the <select multiple> contents into a <div>, so that it can be printed. Then I applied some CSS to make it look like a select, and only show the copy when actually printing.
//jQuery required
$(function() {
if(!$.browser.msie) return false;
$('select[multiple]').each(function() {
$lPrintableDiv = $('<div data-for="' + + '" />').addClass($(this).attr('class')).addClass('printable');
//update printable on changes
//run once on load
function updatePrintable($aTarget) {
var $lSelect = $($aTarget);
var $lSelected = $($aTarget).val();
var $lPrintable = $('[data-for="'+$'"]');
$lVal = $(this).val();
$lLabel = $('<label />').text($lVal);
$lOption = $('<input type="checkbox" />').val($lVal);
$lOption.prop('checked', true);
.printable {
border: 1px solid grey;
display: none;
overflow: auto;
.printable label {
display: block;
font: .8em sans-serif;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
.printable [type="checkbox"] {
display: none;
.printable [type="checkbox"]:checked + label {
background: #3399ff;
color: white;
#media print {
select[multiple] { display: none; }
.printable { display: inline-block; }
.printable [type="checkbox"]:checked + label { background: grey; }
Also see the jsFiddle and original post about this fix