How would you pixelate an image in Matlab without using the image toolbox? - matlab

mypicture=imread(filename); %inputs 1st image
[row col pan]=size(mypicture);
hold on;
for J=1:stepval:row
for K=1:stepval:col
x=[K K+stepval K K+stepval];
y=[J J J+stepval J+stepval];
hold all;
subplot (2,1,1)
I'm trying to pixelate an image without using the image processing toolbox. I was told the method, which is to take a pixel then color all of the surrounding pixels that color, however I'm having trouble doing this in my code. What I have above is what I've tried however it doesn't quite work as intended.
What are your suggestions?

Think of each pixel as three numbers, each corresponding to how much red, green and blue that pixel has. Say pixel=[128 35 0]
You then need to use those three values and assign them to the surrounding pixels.
Where the J and K values should correspond to all the neighbors of that pixel.
Give that a go, hopefully I said enough without just giving you the answer.
Having said all of that why don't you just reduce the size of the image using
pixelatedImage = imresize(mypicture, scale)
It would be much easier than trying to do that yourself. It doesn't look like you gave a thought to the cases where you have corners or how many pixels to change in the neighborhood...


How to find edge from dark line to grey smeared region

I am trying to detect the edge from black horizontal line to the gray-smeared foreground.
The desired edge/result is slightly marked red.
What have I tried so far :
My approach was to use the standard Chan-Vese Segmentation combined with several preprocseeing methods like gaussian blurring, maximum filter or morpholigocal operator like erosion. However, when I am initializing the level set function at the lower part of the image, the contour gets stuck right before the dersired edge.
Due to the noise I can't get rid off without destroying important information of the image, simple methods like the sobel or prewitt filtering might fail.
Another apporoach of me was to search for the maximum/minimum intensity columnwise of the image and mark the darkest pixel per column.
As you can assume, this will fail too because the edge I am looking for is not the only part that has dark pixels, that's why this method is very error-prone.
Snakes does not help either.
The active contour, marked as blue, simply goes over the edge and at the left and right the contour gets stuck. The Code I tried wasthe function Snake2D(I,P,Options) taken from here.
Here is the original image if you would like to help me.
I think your approach using the rows and finding the maximum is probably easiest.
The one problem you have is distinguishing the two main maxima. For this, you can apply a rough smoothing, to find the middle between the two maxima (blue line in image below). You can then only take the lower bit, which is the one you are interested in and find the maximum of this bit.
In a final step, just add up the two indices.
Could go like this:
ib = imread('LHkm2.png'); %Read image
sz = size(ib); %get dimensions
for i = 1:sz(2)
[~, ind_mid(i)] = max(smooth(-double(ib(:, i)), 130));%First round
line_to_smooth = ib(ind_mid(i):end, i);%Get line with one maximum
[~, ind(i)] = min(smooth(double(line_to_smooth), 10));%Second round
ind(i) = ind(i) + ind_mid(i);%Add indices to get final position
hold on;
plot(ind_mid, 'LineWidth', 3);
plot(ind, 'LineWidth', 3);
Note: You can of course smooth the final line just like any other graphs to get rid of bumps like this:
ind = smooth(ind, 10)
where 10 is your smoothing window (the higher the broader, see here.

Max intensity of Red in an area of image ?

Quite new to Matlab so maybe it's very easy question. I tried but couldn't understand how to go about it.
I have a RGB image and I want to find maximum intensity of Red color in a rectangular area (I have the 4 vertices' coordinates.)
I can loop through all the different points of the rectangle and find the maximum but there must be a simpler solution.
Denoting your image as im, you can try the following:
R = im(minrow:maxrow, mincol:maxcol, 1); %// extract rectangular area, R component
result = max(R(:)); %// put into column-vector form and maximize

Subpixel edge detection for almost vertical edges

I want to detect edges (with sub-pixel accuracy) in images like the one displayed:
The resolution would be around 600 X 1000.
I came across a comment by Mark Ransom here, which mentions about edge detection algorithms for vertical edges. I haven't come across any yet. Will it be useful in my case (since the edge isn't strictly a straight line)? It will always be a vertical edge though. I want it to be accurate till 1/100th of a pixel at least. I also want to have access to these sub-pixel co-ordinate values.
I have tried "Accurate subpixel edge location" by Agustin Trujillo-Pino. But this does not give me a continuous edge.
Are there any other algorithms available? I will be using MATLAB for this.
I have attached another similar image which the algorithm has to work on:
Any inputs will be appreciated.
Thank you.
I was wondering if I could do this:
Apply Canny / Sobel in MATLAB and get the edges of this image (note that it won't be a continuous line). Then, somehow interpolate this Sobel edges and get the co-ordinates in subpixel. Is it possible?
A simple approach would be to project your image vertically and fit the projected profile with an appropriate function.
Here is a try, with an atan shape:
% Load image
Img = double(imread('bQsu5.png'));
% Project
x = 1:size(Img,2);
y = mean(Img,1);
% Fit
f = fit(x', y', 'a+b*atan((x0-x)/w)', 'Startpoint', [150 50 10 150])
% Display
hold on
plot(x, y);
legend('Projected profile', 'atan fit');
And the result:
I get x_0 = 149.6 pix for your first image.
However, I doubt you will be able to achieve a subpixel accuracy of 1/100th of pixel with those images, for several reasons:
As you can see on the profile, your whites are saturated (grey levels at 255). As you cut the real atan profile, the fit is biased. If you have control over the experiments, I suggest you do it again again with a smaller exposure time for instance.
There are not so many points on the transition, so there is not so many information on where the transition is. Typically, your resolution will be the square root of the width of the atan (or whatever shape you prefer). In you case this limits the subpixel resolution at 1/5th of a pixel, at best.
Finally, your edges are not stricly vertical, they are slightly titled. If you choose to use this projection method, to increase the accuracy you should look for a way to correct this tilt before projecting. This won't increase your accuracy by several orders of magnitude, though.
There is a problem with your image. At pixel level, it seems like there are four interlaced subimages (odd and even rows and columns). Look at this zoomed area close to the edge.
In order to avoid this artifact, I just have taken the even rows and columns of your image, and compute subpixel edges. And finally, I look for the best fitting straight line, using the function clsq whose code is in this page:
%load image
image = imread(url);
imageEvenEven = image(1:2:end,1:2:end);
imshow(imageEvenEven, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit');
% subpixel detection
threshold = 25;
edges = subpixelEdges(imageEvenEven, threshold);
% compute fit line
A = [ones(size(edges.x)) edges.x edges.y];
[c n] = clsq(A,2);
y = [1,200];
x = -(n(2)*y+c) / n(1);
hold on;
When executing this code, you can see the green line that best aproximate all the edge points. The line is given by the equation c + n(1)*x + n(2)*y = 0
Take into account that this image has been scaled by 1/2 when taking only even rows and columns, so the right coordinates must be scaled.
Besides, you can try with the other tree subimages (imageEvenOdd, imageOddEven and imageOddOdd) and combine the four straigh lines to obtain the best solution.

Separate two overlapping circles in an image using MATLAB

How do I separate the two connected circles in the image below, using MATLAB? I have tried using imerode, but this does not give good results. Eroding does not work, because in order to erode enough to separate the circles, the lines disappear or become mangled. In other starting pictures, a circle and a line overlap, so isolating the overlapping objects won't work either.
The image shows objects identified by bwboundaries, each object painted a different color. As you can see, the two light blue circles are joined, and I want to disjoin them, producing two separate circles. Thanks
I would recommend you use the Circular Hough Transform through imfindcircles. However, you need version 8 of the Image Processing Toolbox, which was available from version R2012a and onwards. If you don't have this, then unfortunately this won't work :(... but let's go with the assumption that you do have it. However, if you are using something older than R2012a, Dev-iL in his/her comment above linked to some code on MATLAB's File Exchange on an implementation of this, most likely created before the Circular Hough Transform was available:
This is a special case of the Hough Transform where you are trying to find circles in your image rather than lines. The beauty with this is that you are able to find circles even when the circle is partially completed or overlapping.
I'm going to take the image that you provided above and do some post-processing on it. I'm going to convert the image to binary, and remove the border, which is white and contains the title. I'm also going to fill in any holes that result so that all of the objects are filled in with solid white. There is also some residual quantization noise after I do this step, so I'm going to a small opening with a 3 x 3 square element. After, I'm going to close the shapes with a 3 x 3 square element, as I see that there are noticeable gaps in the shapes. Therefore:
Therefore, directly reading in your image from where you've posted it:
im = imread(''); %// Read in the image
im_gray = im2double(rgb2gray(im)); %// Convert to grayscale, then [0,1]
out = imclearborder(im_gray > 0.6); %// Threshold using 0.6, then clear the border
out = imfill(out, 'holes'); %// Fill in the holes
out = imopen(out, strel('square', 3));
out = imclose(out, strel('square', 3));
This is the image I get:
Now, apply the Circular Hough Transform. The general syntax for this is:
[centres, radii, metric] = imfindcircles(img, [start_radius, end_radius]);
img would be the binary image that contains your shapes, start_radius and end_radius would be the smallest and largest radius of the circles you want to find. The Circular Hough Transform is performed such that it will find any circles that are within this range (in pixels). The outputs are:
centres: Which returns the (x,y) positions of the centres of each circle detected
radii: The radius of each circle
metric: A measure of purity of the circle. Higher values mean that the shape is more probable to be a circle and vice-versa.
I searched for circles having a radius between 30 and 60 pixels. Therefore:
[centres, radii, metric] = imfindcircles(out, [30, 60]);
We can then demonstrate the detected circles, as well as the radii by a combination of plot and viscircles. Therefore:
hold on;
plot(centres(:,1), centres(:,2), 'r*'); %// Plot centres
viscircles(centres, radii, 'EdgeColor', 'b'); %// Plot circles - Make edge blue
Here's the result:
As you can see, even with the overlapping circles towards the top, the Circular Hough Transform was able to detect two distinct circles in that shape.
Edit - November 16th, 2014
You wish to ensure that the objects are separated before you do bwboundaries. This is a bit tricky to do. The only way I can see you do this is if you don't even use bwboundaries at all and do this yourself. I'm assuming you'll want to analyze each shape's properties by themselves after all of this, so what I suggest you do is iterate through every circle you have, then place each circle on a new blank image, do a regionprops call on that shape, then append it to a separate array. You can also keep track of all of the circles by having a separate array that adds the circles one at a time to this array.
Once you've finished with all of the circles, you'll have a structure array that contains all of the measured properties for all of the measured circles you have found. You would use the array that contains only the circles from above, then use these and remove them from the original image so you get just the lines. You'd then call one more regionprops on this image to get the information for the lines and append this to your final structure array.
Here's the first part of the procedure I outlined above:
num_circles = numel(radii); %// Get number of circles
struct_reg = []; %// Save the shape analysis per circle / line here
%// For creating our circle in the temporary image
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:size(out,2), 1:size(out,1));
%// Storing all of our circles in this image
circles_img = false(size(out));
for idx = 1 : num_circles %// For each circle we have...
%// Place our circle inside a temporary image
r = radii(idx);
cx = centres(idx,1); cy = centres(idx,2);
tmp = (X - cx).^2 + (Y - cy).^2 <= r^2;
% // Save in master circle image
circles_img(tmp) = true;
%// Do regionprops on this image and save
struct_reg = [struct_reg; regionprops(tmp)];
The above code may be a bit hard to swallow, but let's go through it slowly. I first figure out how many circles we have, which is simply looking at how many radii we have detected. I keep a separate array called struct_reg that will append a regionprops struct for each circle and line we have in our image. I use meshgrid to determine the (X,Y) co-ordinates with respect to the image containing our shapes so that I can draw one circle onto a blank image at each iteration. To do this, you simply need to find the Euclidean distance with respect to the centre of each circle, and set the pixels to true only if that location has its distance less than r. After doing this operation, you will have created only one circle and filtered all of them out. You would then use regionprops on this circle, add it to our circles_img array, which will only contain the circles, then continue with the rest of the circles.
At this point, we will have saved all of our circles. This is what circles_img looks like so far:
You'll notice that the circles drawn are clean, but the actual circles in the original image are a bit jagged. If we tried to remove the circles with this clean image, you will get some residual pixels along the border and you won't completely remove the circles themselves. To illustrate what I mean, this is what your image looks like if I tried to remove the circles with circles_img by itself:
... not good, right?
If you want to completely remove the circles, then do a morphological reconstruction through imreconstruct where you can use this image as the seed image, and specify the original image to be what we're working on. The job of morphological reconstruction is essentially a flood fill. You specify seed pixels, and an image you want to work on, and the job of imreconstruct is from these seeds, flood fill with white until we reach the boundaries of the objects that the seed pixels resided in. Therefore:
out_circles = imreconstruct(circles_img, out);
Therefore, we get this for our final reconstructed circles image:
Great! Now, use this and remove the circles from the original image. Once you do this, run regionprops again on this final image and append to your struct_reg variable. Obviously, save a copy of the original image before doing this:
out_copy = out;
out_copy(out_circles) = false;
struct_reg = [struct_reg; regionprops(out_copy)];
Just for sake of argument, this is what the image looks like with the circles removed:
Now, we have analyzed all of our shapes. Bear in mind I did the full regionprops call because I don't know exactly what you want in your analysis... so I just decided to give you everything.
Hope this helps!
erosion is the way to go. You should probably use a larger structuring element.
How about
1 erode
2 detect your objects
3 dilate each object for itself using the same structuring element

Matlab Solid Circles

What we want is to draw several solid circles at random locations, with random gray scale colors, on a dark gray background. How can we do this? Also, if the circles overlap, we need them to change color in the overlapping part.
Since this is an assignment for school, we are not looking for ready-made answers, but for a guide which tools to use in MATLAB!
Here's a checklist of things I would investigate if you want to do this properly:
Figure out how to draw circles in MATLAB. Because you don't have the Image Processing Toolbox (see comments), you will probably have to make a function yourself. I'll give you some starter code:
function [xout, yout] = circle(x,y,r,rows,cols)
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x-r:x+r, y-r:y+r);
ind = find(X.^2 + Y.^2 <= r^2 & X >= 1 & X <= cols & Y >= 1 & Y <= rows);
xout = X(ind);
yout = Y(ind);
What the above function does is that it takes in an (x,y) co-ordinate as well as the radius of
the circle. You also will need to specify how many rows and how many columns you want in your image. The reason why is because this function will prevent giving you co-ordinates that are out of bounds in the image that you can't draw. The final output of this will give you co-ordinates of all values inside and along the boundary of the circle. These co-ordinates will already be in integer so there's no need for any rounding and such things. In addition, these will perfectly fit when you're assigning these co-ordinates to locations in your image. One caveat to note is that the co-ordinates assume an inverted Cartesian. This means that the top left corner is the origin (0,0). x values increase from left to right, and y values increase from top to bottom. You'll need to keep this convention in mind when drawing circles in your image.
Take a look at the rand class of functions. rand will generate random values for you and so you can use these to generate a random set of co-ordinates - each of these co-ordinates can thus serve as your centre. In addition, you can use this class of functions to help you figure out how big you want your circles and also what shade of gray you want your circles to be.
Take a look at set operations (logical AND, logical OR) etc. You can use a logical AND to find any circles that are intersecting with each other. When you find these areas, you can fill each of these areas with a different shade of gray. Again, the rand functions will also be of use here.
As such, here is a (possible) algorithm to help you do this:
Take a matrix of whatever size you want, and initialize all of the elements to dark gray. Perhaps an intensity of 32 may work.
Generate a random set of (x,y) co-ordinates, a random set of radii and a random set of intensity values for each circle.
For each pair of circles, check to see if there are any co-ordinates that intersect with each other. If there are such co-ordinates, generate a random shade of gray and fill in these co-ordinates with this new shade of gray. A possible way to do this would be to take each set of co-ordinates of the two circles and draw them on separate temporary images. You would then use the logical AND operator to find where the circles intersect.
Now that you have your circles, you can plot them all. Take a look at how plot works with plotting matrices. That way you don't have to loop through all of the circles as it'll be inefficient.
Good luck!
Let's get you home, shall we? Now this stays away from the Image Processing Toolbox functions, so hopefully these must work for you too.
%%// Paramters
numc = 5;
graph_size = [300 300];
max_r = 100;
r_arr = randperm(max_r/2,numc)+max_r/2
cpts = [randperm(graph_size(1)-max_r,numc)' randperm(graph_size(2)-max_r,numc)']
color1 = randperm(155,numc)+100
prev = zeros(graph_size(1),graph_size(2));
for k = 1:numc
r = r_arr(k);
curr = zeros(graph_size(1),graph_size(2));
curr(cpts(k,1):cpts(k,1)+r-1,cpts(k,2):cpts(k,2)+r-1)= color1(k)*imcircle(r);
common_blob = prev & curr;
curr = prev + curr;
curr(common_blob) = min(color1(1),color1(2))-50;
prev = curr;
figure,imagesc(curr), colormap gray
%// Please note that the code uses a MATLAB file-exchange tool called
%// imcircle, which is available at -
Screenshot of a sample run
As you said that your problem is an assignment for school I will therefore not tell you exactly how to do it but what you should look at.
you should be familiar how 2d arrays (matrices) work and how to plot them using image/imagesc/imshow ;
you should look at the strel function ;
you should look at the rand/randn function;
such concepts should be enough for the assignment.