How to push only a subset of committed files? - eclipse

We recently switched from svn to mercurial. We're using Aptana as our IDE with the MercurialEclipse plugin, along with BitBucket for our repositories and SourceTree as our (additional) source control GUI.
I created 2 new files in Aptana, and committed each of them. Now in the Synchronize view, where the 2 files are listed as "outgoing", I'd like to push only one of them. I avoided using the "push all" icon at the top which would push all outgoing changes - instead I right-clicked a specific file in the outgoing list and chose "push" from the context menu. However, this caused both outgoing changes to be pushed. I can't seem to find any option to push only a specific file or subset of files of the committed changes. Is there any way to accomplish this in Aptana?

Note: My answer doesn't relate to Aptana, but instead covers what I think your issue is.
I think the main problem is a misunderstanding of how Mercurial stores its changes, which coming from a Subversion background is perfectly reasonable.
In Subversion, change history can be considered to be stored per file. That is, if you change two files and commit them, you can easily, and often do, have a situation where files in your working copy are at different versions.
In Mercurial, change history is stored across the whole repository. Committing will create a new "Changeset", which stores the state of the entire repository at that time. When you decide to push a change out to another repository, all modifications (or adds, or deletes, or...) will be pushed out with that change.
A caveat is that when you decide to commit a new changeset to your repository, you can selectively include or exclude files. Files not included will remain in your working copy as pending modifications, which can be committed in a new changeset.
I hope that makes sense to you - if you already understand it, it's a logical concept, but I find it tricky to explain.
So, on to your problem.
Lets say you have two files in your repository, file1 and file2 (it's that or foo and bar). You've changed them both, but they relate to different issues - they can be committed as different changesets:
$ hg log
changeset 0:....
summary: First commit
$ hg st
M file1
M file2
$ hg commit -I file1 -m "Changed file1"
$ hg log
changeset 1:....
summary: Changed file1
changeset 0:....
summary: First commit
$ hg st
M file2
Here you can see that we've committed only one file into the repository, and it's made a new changeset with the complete state of the repository at that time, minus the changes to file2. We can now do the same, committing file2, which will create another changeset. The problem with this approach is that changesets are ordered according to their parent, and so you couldn't easily push just the change to file2, without also pushing its parent - but it may be closer to what you're after.
TL;DR : SVN stores the state of individual files, Mercurial stores the state of the repository as a whole.
I very much recommend reading Mercurial: The Definitive Guide. It's a little out-of-date in places, but I think it will do a much better job of getting the concept across.


Show TortoiseGit 3 way merge for a past merge commit

During merging, TortoiseGit offers a handy GUI to compare changes of both versions with the base file.
After resolving all conflicts and committing them, you can see the changes of a merge commit relative to both parents. Is there also a way to re-show the 3 way merge window for a merge commit from somebody else? Just seeing the individual changes makes it hard to judge, if the merge was performed correctly.
What I see now is two lists where I can check the changes with each parent, what I want is a list that only contains files changed in both branches and where I can see, how these changes where merged together.
I am aware, that I can manually check out the three files, open the three hand merge tool and load them (and delete the files afterwards). However this is rather tedious and not what you want to do, if you just want to quickly check a merge commit.

shun a whole commit in fossil

I have added a directory of files in my fossil repository, but:
the files contained occupy way more space than I expected
I realized afterward that adding it was completely superfluos.
So now I find myself with a repository one order of magnitude bigger than it needs to be to contain files that were never useful.
The whole directory has been included in a single commit, nothing else has been done in that commit, and has never modified since, but I had to do other commits afterward (after getting more confident with fossil, I know that I could have used undo before doing anything else, but at the time I wasn't conscious of the posibility).
The only way I found to do the job is to perform a shun on the data to remove them, but I also found online that this operation can wreak havoc in the database. Given that is a work related repository, I'm concerned about causing damages.
Is there a way to get rid of those files that is safe and will not leave the database in a corrupted/full of warning state?
If the bad checkin exists only in your repository (or your repository plus a server) and has not been pulled by other users, the simplest solution is to use fossil purge.
Use fossil purge checkins <tag> to move those checkins to the "graveyard"; the <tag> part can also be the hash of a checkin, not just a symbolic tag. Be aware that if you specify a branch, the entire branch will be purged; even if you don't specify a branch, all descendant of the checkin will be purged (as they depend on it). Once you've confirmed that everything is in order, use fossil purge obliterate to get rid of the graveyard if you need to free up the disk space. If you don't need the disk space, you can let the graveyard sit around for a while until you're certain that everything is okay. Consult fossil help purge for further options.
You may want to keep a backup of the repository (it's just a single file, you can just copy it) for a bit in case something didn't go right.
The shunning mechanism exists only to purge artifacts globally and is meant to be used on a central server as a last resort: it will prevent those artifacts from being propagated anymore to other users via that server. If your changes are local only or if you have access to all the servers and can use fossil purge instead, shunning is unnecessary.
If you actually need to purge something in the middle of a branch, additional steps are required.
Make a backup of the repository file, as you're going to do non-trivial surgery on it.
Use fossil update to move to the checkin just prior to the defective one.
Use fossil merge --cherrypick to copy the first "good" checkin. Do fossil commit --allow-fork to commit the copy of that checkin; the editor should be prepopulated with the original commit message. You will be prompted to confirm that you don't want to change the commit message. Press "y".
Repeat step 3 (fossil merge --cherrypick + fossil commit) for all remaining "good" checkins. You won't need --allow-fork for these.
You should now have a fork with all the checkins that you want to preserve and a separate fork with the bad checkin and the original version of the good ones. Verify the graph in fossil ui to see that everything is in order. Once that is done, use fossil purge to get rid of the bad checkin and its descendants as described above.
The process in steps 3+4 can be automated with a shell script:
set -e
for commit in "$#"; do
fossil merge --cherrypick "$commit"
echo yes | VISUAL=true fossil commit --allow-fork
Put this in an file, say, make it executable, then use commit1 commit2 ... commitn to replay commit1 through commitn from the current position in the repository. Obviously, replace commit1 etc. with the actual commit hashes.

Ignore specific commit in svn when showing annotation

I use the "show annotation" functionality quite often. Now, I accidentally crushed the svn and solved it by making a re-commit of everything. Now, every time I use the "show annotation" function, it shows this last commit on every line.
Can I revert this somehow?
I'm assuming you didn't kill the entire SVN and "solved" that by starting over from rev 1. I'm assuming some intermediate revision got corrupted and you had to touch and commit every file in a new revision, but older revisions are visible and accessible in the SVN history. The Annotations feature, and Plan B both rely on that.
What the textbook offers
Excluding a single mid-range revision is not possible, given a certain history. You can only exclude head or tail ranges by specifying revisions other than 1 for the "From" and HEAD for the "To".
Say the "repair" revision you want to exclude is r1000. To exclude it, you can choose to consider either (from-to) r1-r999 or r1001-HEAD, leaving out r1000. So you are confined to either viewing the changes before or after the repair.
You can read up on the possibilities and options of what's internally called svn blame in the SVN documentation.
Plan B
Now, that's not really satisfying, I imagine. Here's something else you can try, but please create a backup of your repo first.
With the help of the SVN history viewer, or log viewer, find the last revision before the corrupted revision, say r997.
Make a branch based off that last good revision.
Then delete or move the current trunk, using the corresponding SVN commands.
In the last step, move or branch(=copy) the branch back to the trunk location.
You have effectively cut out the corrupt revisions. The branch-now-trunk has a "hole" in its revision numbers, because branching off r997 created a new revision younger than the corrupted and repairing revisions. Afterwards, showing annotations on that new trunk will work like before, but wont include the corruption and your "repair".
Here, I made an illustration for you:
This operation can screw up some ancestry operations like merging, but I've done it successfully before, even with large merging operations later on, so you might as well try it, too. Good luck!

Less frequent/verbose notifications for hg push

My project uses hgext.notify. Currently incoming.notify = separate messages on every changeset. Considering changegroup notify, but even that contains info about every changeset, just all in one big email.
Here's the problem:
My work style is "check in early and often". I make many small checkins, usually on branches. Task branches. Eventually integrated.
My teammates do not like seeing messages for all of my checkins on my task branches.
We are considering using a history editing extension like collapse or histedit to reduce the verbosity - but I dislike losing history. I just want not to bother them with every individual changeset.
Q: is there a way, some configuration for an existing hook, or some alternate hg extension, that can be set up to do notifies as folllws;
a single message per changegroup (that's okay)
a single user provided message per changegroup - not just concatenation of all the branch changeset messages
filter out only the changest messages for, say, the trunk (the default branch in hg parlance). I.e. leave the branch changeset messages in, but don't send email.
(Note: my pushes typically involve several changesets on a branch, and then a merge onto default. So it is not enough to just filter the entire changegroup in or out according to what branches are affected.)
diffstats not between the tip and every changest on the branch, but just between "important" changesets on the trunk (default branch) - which may be evety changest on the trunk.
I'm afraid no such extension exists. The notify extension is just a basic way to send off emails with a little room for customization.
It sounds like you have a particular idea about what you want. I suggest you see if you can formulate it as a revision set and then simply use hg log in a changegroup hook. Pipe the output to mail and you've got yourself a very simple notify extension that you can customize to your hearts content!
What I'm saying is that the notify extension is not that complex and in many cases it can be replaced by a suitable invocation of hg log. You can even use a custom template for hg log if you want to change the output more than what hg log -v or hg log --patch does.
The tricky part (and the part that's not entirely clear from your question) is to filter out exactly the right changesets. You mention "important" changesets in point 4 above, but I'm not entirely sure what makes a changeset "important". If it is important when it's a merge from a feature branch into default, then something like this might be a start:
hg log -r "$HG_NODE:tip and children(not branch(default)) and branch(default)"
By taking the child changesets of the non-default changesets and intersecting with changesets on the default, we get exactly the merge points where feature branches were integrated.
I'm sorry the answer is so generic, but I think you're best off with writing a small custom shell script for what you want.

What am I doing wrong with SVN merging?

When SVN with merge tracking works, it's really nice, I love it. But it keeps getting twisted up. We are using TortoiseSVN. We continuously get the following message:
Error: Reintegrate can only be used if revisions 1234 through 2345 were previously merged from /Trunk to the reintegrate source, but this is not the case
For reference, this is the method we are using:
Create a Branch
Develop in the branch
Occasionally Merge a range of revisions from the Trunk to the Branch
When branch is stable, Reintegrate a branch from the branch to the trunk
Delete the branch
I Merge a range of revisions from the trunk to the branch (leaving the range blank, so it should be all revisions) just prior to the reintegrate operation, so the branch should be properly synced with the trunk.
Right now, the Trunk has multiple SVN merge tracking properties associated with it. Should it? Or should a Reintegrate not add any merge tracking info?
Is there something wrong with our process? This is making SVN unusable - 1 out of every 3 reintegrates forces me to dive in and hack at the merge tracking info.
This problem sometimes happens when a parial merge has been done from trunk to branch in the past. A partial merge is when you perform a merge on the whole tree but only commit part of it. This will give you files in your tree that have mergeinfo data that is out of sync with the rest of the tree.
The --reintegrate error message above should list the files that svn is having a problem with (at least it does in svn 1.6).
You can either:
Merge the problem files manually from trunk to branch, using the range from the error message. Note: you must subtract 1 from the start of the range, so the command you'd run would be:
cd <directory of problem file in branch working copy>
svn merge -r1233:2345 <url of file in trunk>
svn commit
If you're certain that the contents of the files in your branch are correct and you just want to mark the files as merged, you could use the --record-only flag to svn merge:
cd <directory of problem file in branch working copy>
svn merge --record-only -r1233:2345 <url of file in trunk>
svn commit
(I think you can use --record-only on the entire tree, but I haven't tried it and you'd have to be absolutely sure that there are no real merges that need to come from trunk)
Bunny hopping might be the solution.
Basically, instead of continuously merging trunk changes into a single branch (branches/foo, let's call it), when you want to pull those changes from trunk:
Copy trunk to a new branch (branches/foo2).
Merge in the changes from the old branch (merge branches/foo into branches/foo2).
Delete the old branch (delete branches/foo).
Your problem is that you're trying to use Reintegrate merge on a branch that has been 'corrupted' by having a 'half merge' already done on it. My advice is to ignore reintegrate and stick to plain on revision merging if this is your workflow.
However, the big reason you get errors is because SVN is performing some checks for you. In this case, if the merge has extra mergeinfo from individual files in there, then svn will throw a wobbly and prevent you from merging - mainly because this case can product errors that you might not notice. This is called a subtree merge in svn reintegrate terminology (read the Reintegrate to the Rescue section, particularly the controversial reintegrate check at the end).
You can stop recording mergeinfo when you perform your intermediary merges, or just leave the branch alone until its ready - then the merge will pick up changes made to trunk. I think you can also byass this check by only ever merging the entire trunk to branch, not individual files thus keeping mergeinfo safe for the final reintegrate at the end.
#randomusername: I think (never looked too closely) at moving is that it falls into the 'partial merge' trap. One cool feature of SVN is that you can do a sparse checkout - only get a partial copy of a tree. When you merge a partial tree in, SVN cannot say that the entire thing was merged as it obviously wasn't, so it records the mergeinfo slightly differently. This doesn't help with reintegrate as the reintegrate has to merge everything back to the trunk, and now it finds that some bits were modified without being merged, so it complains. A move appears kind of the same thing - a piece of the branched tree now appears differently in the mergeinfo than it expects. I would not bother with reintegrate, and stick with the normal revision range merge. Its a nice idea, but it trying to be too many things to too many users in too many different circumstances.
The full story for mergeinfo is here.
I suspect you're not following the merge instructions correctly:
"Now, use svn merge with the --reintegrate option to replicate your branch changes back into the trunk. You'll need a working copy of /trunk. You can get one by doing an svn checkout, dredging up an old trunk working copy from somewhere on your disk, or using svn switch (see the section called “Traversing Branches”). Your trunk working copy cannot have any local edits or contain a mixture of revisions (see the section called “Mixed-revision working copies”). While these are typically best practices for merging anyway, they are required when using the --reintegrate option.
Once you have a clean working copy of the trunk, you're ready to merge your branch back into it:"
I have few problems with merging.