Cassandra write performance regarding consistency level - nosql

Here is quote from cassandra documentation about writes (LINK)
If all replicas for the affected row key are down, it is still
possible for a write to succeed if using a write consistency level of
ANY. Under this scenario, the hint and written data are stored on the
coordinator node, but will not be available to reads until the hint
gets written to the actual replicas that own the row. The ANY
consistency level provides absolute write availability at the cost of
consistency, as there is no guarantee as to when written data will be
available to reads (depending how long the replicas are down). Using
the ANY consistency level can also potentially increase load on the
cluster, as coordinator nodes must temporarily store extra rows
whenever a replica is not available to accept a write.
My question is: is writing to cassandra slower if we use consistency level of ANY than writes when we use consistency level of ONE ?

Hints are generated when appropriate replica nodes are inaccessible at write time. Write requests are then serialized locally on the request coordinator node. Once a valid replica node becomes available and the coordinator node learns of it, the request is passed along to the newly available replica.
With that background, there are two write-time scenarios to consider:
1) At least one replica is up for the affected row. In this case, there is no difference between consistency levels of ANY and ONE. The write just goes to the replica(s), and hinted handoff is not triggered. No performance difference.
2) All replicas are down for the affected row. This is where hints enter the picture. With consistency ANY there is extra work to be done on the coordinator node at request time, as the hint is written to a local system table for later replay. With consistency ONE, you would simply get a refused write in the same circumstances. ONE will expose write failures to the client, and will be faster than ANY.
Essentially, the tradeoff is refusing requests vs. pushing work onto remaining nodes, but only when nodes responsible for storing that row are down.


How to ensure consistent reading in distributed system?

In a distributed system, if only half of the nodes are successfully written, the subsequent nodes that read the unwritten data will be inconsistent. How to avoid this situation?
client write --> Node1 v
--> Node2 v
client read --> Node3 x(The latest data was not read)
My plan:
Compare the data version with other nodes when reading data
If the current node version is found to be lower, it will be routed to other nodes to read data.
I am going to ignore tags [mongo and elastic] :)
What you are planning to do is called Dynamo style replication. That system is eventually consistent by design. (I read a while ago that it could get strongly consistent with some effort, but I don't remember if that paper was correct.)
Back to dynamo and quorum: with three nodes you want to have at least 2 nodes to save writes to assume the write has succeeded. Important point is that you need two nodes to report back to customer the success, but the data is still should to be sent to three nodes.
Let's assume that data is written to two nodes, third failed, but camed back online later. To read the data, you have to read it from any two nodes as well. You will sent read requests to all three, but only two is needed to report back to the customer. This will give you quorum: 2+2>3. This guarantees that there is an intersection in between writes and reads.
This will work ok when the network is good and nodes are healthy. But you will run into major challengers, lost updates and conflict resolution to name a few. But in either way, the system will not be strongly consistent based on design itself.
Let me describe another interesting issue to illustrate weak consistency:
node 1 gets the write
the rest of process fails; node 1 has new data, but node 2 and 3 don't
now, when you read, under the quorum condition, you may or may not see the value from node 1 - since you are picking any two nodes for a read, node 1 may not be in that set.
Long story short, dynamo is not good for strong consistency, and we get to the Raft part of the solution.
Raft will get you what you need. A consistent system. There is a catch to watch for. Most examples are focused on writing - raft maintains a log of messages and consensus is used to agree on the order (and content) of these messages.
But when you do a read, you can't just go to a node, or any two nodes, or three and read the value. You will have to do read via Raft as well, by attaching a read operation to raft's log. This is called linearizable read.
I'll stop here, as this is pretty complicated topic (but not an impossible one to learn).
Hope this gave you enough ideas to explore.
I saw both mongodb and elasticsearch is being tagged, I don't know which case you are thinking, but the two database is very different.
For mongo, replicas are not by default used to increase reading speed, see, the default reading preferences will only look at primary and excludes all replicas. The writing of Mongo is also to the primary first and the replication will happen asynchronously possibly after the write to primary finishes, see Because of that, if you do a force read to the secondary, you are not guaranteed to have the newest data.
For elasticsearch, elasticsearch naturally does not guarantee you always read the most recent data, see, so in either way even if there is only one node you may get data that are out of date.

Can Cassandra or ScyllaDB give incomplete data while reading with PySpark if either clusters are left un-repaired forever?

I use both Cassandra and ScyllaDB 3-node clusters and use PySpark to read data. I was wondering if any of them are not repaired forever, is there any challenge while reading data from either if there are inconsistencies in nodes. Will the correct data be read and if yes, then why do we need to repair them?
Yes you can get incorrect data if reapir is not done. It also depends on with what consistency you are reading or writing. Generally in production systems writes are done with (Local_one/Local_quorum) and read with Local_quorum.
If you are writing with weak consistency level, then repair becomes important as some of the nodes might not have got the mutations and while reading those nodes may get selected.
For example if you write with consistency level ONE on a table TABLE1 with a replication of 3. Now it may happen your write was written to NodeA only and NodeB and NodeC might have missed the mutation. Now if you are reading with Consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM, it may happen that NodeB and 'NodeC' get selected and they do not return the written data.
Repair is an important maintenance task for Cassandra which should be done periodically and continuously to keep data in healthy state.
As others have noted in other answers, different consistency levels make repair more or less important for different reasons. So I'll focus on the consistency level that you said in a comment you are using: LOCAL_ONE for reading and LOCAL_QUORUM for writing:
Successfully writing with LOCAL_QUORUM only guarantees that two replicas have been written. If the third replica is temporarily down, and will later come up - at that point one third of the read requests for this data, reads done from only one node (this is what LOCAL_ONE means) will miss the new data! Moreover, there isn't even a guarantee of so-called monotonic consistency - you can get new data in one read (from one node), and the old data in a later read (from another node).
However, it isn't completely accurate that only a repair can fix this problem. Another feature - enabled by default on both Cassandra and Scylla - is called Hinted Handoff - where when a node is down for relatively short time (up to three hours, but also depending on the amount of traffic in that period), other nodes which tried to send it updates remember those updates - and retry the send when the dead node comes back up. If you are faced only with such relatively short downtimes, repair isn't necessary and Hinted Handoff is actually enough.
That being said, Hinted Handoff isn't guaranteed perfect and might miss some inconsistencies. E.g., the node wishing to save a hint might itself be rebooted before it managed to save the hint, or replaced after saving it. So this mechanism isn't completely foolproof.
By the way, there another thing you need to be aware of: If you ever intend to do a repair (e.g., perhaps after some node was down for too long for Hinted Handoff to have worked, or perhaps because a QUORUM read causes a read repair), you must do it at least once every gc_grace_seconds (this defaults to 10 days).
The reason for this statement is the risk of data resurrection by repair which is too infrequent. The thing is, after gc_grace_seconds, the tombstones marking deleted items are removed forever ("garbage collected"). At that point, if you do a repair and one of the nodes happens to have an old version of this data (prior to the delete), the old data will be "resurrected" - copied to all replicas.
In addition to Manish's great answer, I'll just add that read operations run consistency levels higher than *_ONE have a (small...10% default) chance to invoke a read repair. I have seen that applications running at a higher consistency level for reads, will have less issues with inconsistent replicas.
Although, writing at *_QUORUM should ensure that the majority (quorum) of replicas are indeed consistent. Once it's written successfully, data should not "go bad" over time.
That all being said, running periodic (weekly) repairs is a good idea. I highly recommend using Cassandra Reaper to manage repairs, especially if you have multiple clusters.

Why MongoDB is Consistent not available and Cassandra is Available not consistent?

From this resource I understand why mongo is not A(Highly Available) based on below statement
MongoDB supports a “single master” model. This means you have a master
node and a number of slave nodes. In case the master goes down, one of
the slaves is elected as master. This process happens automatically
but it takes time, usually 10-40 seconds. During this time of new
leader election, your replica set is down and cannot take writes
Is it for the same reason Mongo is said to be Consistent(as write did not happen so returning the latest data in system ) but not Available(not available for writes) ?
Till re-election happens and write operation is in pending, can slave return perform the read operation ? Also does user re-initiate the write operation again once master is selected ?
But i do not understand from another angle why Mongo is highly consistent
As said on Where does mongodb stand in the CAP theorem?,
Mongo is consistent when all reads go to the primary by default.
But that is not true. If under Master/slave model , all reads will go to primary what is the use of slaves then ? It further says If you optionally enable reading from the secondaries then MongoDB becomes eventually consistent where it's possible to read out-of-date results. It means mongo may not be be
consistent with master/slaves(provided i do not configure write to all nodes before return). It does not makes sense to me to say mongo is consistent if all
read and writes go to primary. In that case every other DB also(like cassandra) will be consistent . Is n't it ?
From this resource I understand why Cassandra is A(Highly Available ) based on below statement
Cassandra supports a “multiple master” model. The loss of a single
node does not affect the ability of the cluster to take writes – so
you can achieve 100% uptime for writes
But I do not understand why cassandra is not Consistent ? Is it because node not available for write(as coordinated node is not able to connect) is available for read which can return stale data ?
Go through: MongoDB, Cassandra, and RDBMS in CAP, for better understanding of the topic.
A brief definition of Consistency and availability.
Consistency simply means, when you write a piece of data in a system/distributed system, the same data you should get when you read it from any node of the system.
Availability means, the system should always be available for read/write operation.
Note: Most systems are not, only available or only consistent, they always offer a bit of both
With the above definition let's see where MongoDB and Cassandra fall in CAP.
As you said MongoDB is highly consistent when reads and write go to the same node(the default case). Further, you can choose in MongoDB to read from other secondary nodes instead of reading from only leader/primary.
Now, when you try to read data from secondary, your consistency will completely depend on, how you want to read data:
You could ask data which is up to maximum, say 5 seconds stale or,
You could just say, return data from majority of nodes for your select statement.
Same way when you write from your client into Mongo leader, you can say, a write is successful if the data is replicated to or stored on majority of servers.
Clearly, from above, we can say MongoDb can be highly consistent or eventually consistent based on how you read/write your data.
Now, what about availability? MongoDB is mostly always available, but, the only time when the leader is down, MongoDB can't accept writes, until it figures out the new leader. Hence, not highly available
So, MongoDB is categorized under CP.
What about Cassandra?
In Cassandra, there is no leader and any nodes can accept write, so the Cassandra cluster is always available for writes and reads even if some nodes go down.
What about consistency in Cassandra?
Same as MongoDB Cassandra can be eventually consistent or highly consistent based on how you read/write data.
You can give consistency levels in your read/write operations, For example:
read/write data from one node
read/write data from majority/quorum of nodes and more
Let's say you give a consistency level of one in your read/write operation. So, your write is successful as soon as data is written to one replica. Now, if your read request happens to go to the other replica where the data is not updated yet(could be due to high network latency or any other reason), you will end up reading the old data.
So, Cassandra is highly available but has configurable consistency levels and hence not always consistent.
In conclusion, in their default behavior, MongoDB falls under CP and Cassandra in AP.
Consistency in the CAP paradigm also includes "eventual consistency" which MongoDB supports. In a contrast to ACID systems, the read in CAP systems does not guarantee a safe return.
In simple words, this means that your Master could have an updated value, but if you do read from Slave, it does not necessarily return the updated value, and that it's okay to no have this updated value by design.
The concept of eventual consistency is explained in an excellent answer here.
By architecture, Cassandra is supposed to be consistent; it offers a special implementation of eventual consistency called the 'tunable consistency' which would meant that the client application may choose the method of handling this- it even offers multi data centre consistency support at low levels!
Most issues from row wise inconsistency in Cassandra comes from the fact that Cassandra uses client timestamps to determine which value is the most recent, and not the server side ones, which may be tad bit confusing to understand at first.
I hope this helps!
You have only to understand the "point-in-time": As you only write to mongodb master, even if slave is not updated, it is consistent, as it has all the data generated util the sync moment.
That is not true for cassandra. As cassandra uses a master-less model, there's no garantee that other nodes has all the data. At a certain time, a node can have certain recent data, and not having older data from nodes not yet synced. Cassandra will only be consistent if you stop write to all nodes and put them online. As soon the sync finished you have a consistent data.

Do NoSQL datacenter aware features enable fast reads and writes when nodes are distributed across high-latency connections?

We have a data system in which writes and reads can be made in a couple of geographic locations which have high network latency between them (crossing a few continents, but not this slow). We can live with 'last write wins' conflict resolution, especially since edits can't be meaningfully merged.
I'd ideally like to use a distributed system that allows fast, local reads and writes, and copes with the replication and write propagation over the slow connection in the background. Do the datacenter-aware features in e.g. Voldemort or Cassandra deliver this?
It's either this, or we roll our own, probably based on collecting writes using something like
rsync and sorting out the conflict resolution ourselves.
You should be able to get the behavior you're looking for using Voldemort. (I can't speak to Cassandra, but imagine that it's similarly possible using it.)
The key settings in the configuration will be:
replication-factor — This is the total number of times the data is stored. Each put or delete operation must eventually hit this many nodes. A replication factor of n means it can be possible to tolerate up to n - 1 node failures without data loss.
required-reads — The least number of reads that can succeed without throwing an exception.
required-writes — The least number of writes that can succeed without the client getting back an exception.
So for your situation, the replication would be set to whatever number made sense for your redundancy requirements, while both required-reads and required-writes would be set to 1. Reads and writes would return quickly, with a concomitant risk of stale or lost data, and the data would only be replicated to the other nodes afterwards.
I have no experience with Voldemort, so I can only comment on Cassandra.
You can deploy Cassandra to multiple datacenters with an inter-DC latency higher than a few milliseconds (see
To ensure fast local reads, you can configure the cluster to replicate your data to a certain number of nodes in each datacenter (see "Network Topology Strategy"). For example, you specify that there should always be two replica in each data center. So even when you lose a node in a data center, you will still be able to read your data locally.
Write requests can be sent to any node in a Cassandra cluster. So for fast writes, your clients would always speak to a local node. The node receiving the request (the "coordinator") will replicate the data to other nodes (in other datacenters) in the background. If nodes are down, the write request will still succeed and the coordinator will replicate the data to the failed nodes at a later time ("hinted handoff").
Conflict resolution is based on a client-supplied timestamp.
If you need more than eventual consistency, Cassandra offers several consistency options (including datacenter-aware options).

How to implement client authentication solution with NoSQL (Cassandra)?

I am currently thinking of how to implement an authentication for a web application with a NoSQL solution. The problem I encounter hereby is that in most of the NoSQL solutions (e.g. Cassandra, MongoDB) have probably delayed writes. For example we write on node A but it is not guaranteed that the write is appearing on node B at the same time. This is logical with the approaches behind the NoSQL solutions.
Now one idea would be that you do no secondary reads (so everything goes over a master). This would probably work in MongoDB (where you actually have a master) but not in Cassandra (where all nodes are equal). But our application runs at several independent points all over the world, so we need multi master capability.
At the moment I am not aware of a solution with Cassandra where I could update data and be sure that subsequent reads (to all of the nodes) do have the change. So how could one build an authentication on top of those NoSQL solutions where the authentication request (read) could appear on several nodes in parallel?
Thanks for your help!
With respects to Apache Cassandra:
The ConsistencyLevel is an enum that controls both read and write behavior based on in your schema definition. The different consistency levels have different meanings, depending on if you're doing a write or read operation. Note that if W + R > ReplicationFactor, where W is the number of nodes to block for on write, and R the number to block for on reads, you will have strongly consistent behavior; that is, readers will always see the most recent write. Of these, the most interesting is to do QUORUM reads and writes, which gives you consistency while still allowing availability in the face of node failures up to half of ReplicationFactor. Of course if latency is more important than consistency then you can use lower values for either or both.
This is managed on the application side. To your question specifically, it comes down to how you design your Cassandra implementation, replication factor across the Cassandra nodes and how your application behaves on read/writes.
ANY: Ensure that the write has been written to at least 1 node, including HintedHandoff recipients.
ONE: Ensure that the write has been written to at least 1 replica's commit log and memory table before responding to the client.
QUORUM: Ensure that the write has been written to N / 2 + 1 replicas before responding to the client.
LOCAL_QUORUM: Ensure that the write has been written to / 2 + 1 nodes, within the local datacenter (requires NetworkTopologyStrategy)
EACH_QUORUM: Ensure that the write has been written to / 2 + 1 nodes in each datacenter (requires NetworkTopologyStrategy)
ALL: Ensure that the write is written to all N replicas before responding to the client. Any unresponsive replicas will fail the operation.
ANY: Not supported. You probably want ONE instead.
ONE: Will return the record returned by the first replica to respond. A consistency check is always done in a background thread to fix any consistency issues when ConsistencyLevel.ONE is used. This means subsequent calls will have correct data even if the initial read gets an older value. (This is called ReadRepair)
QUORUM: Will query all replicas and return the record with the most recent timestamp once it has at least a majority of replicas (N / 2 + 1) reported. Again, the remaining replicas will be checked in the background.
LOCAL_QUORUM: Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once a majority of replicas within the local datacenter have replied.
EACH_QUORUM: Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once a majority of replicas within each datacenter have replied.
ALL: Will query all replicas and return the record with the most recent timestamp once all replicas have replied. Any unresponsive replicas will fail the operation.