How to store only metadata for an object of type sys:base or cm:object in Alfresco Share? - metadata

How to store only metadata for an object of type sys:base or cm:object? I have a type which is sub-type of sys:base. I need to store the metadata of it.
My doubts are:
1. Where should the data be stored?
How to retrieve the data, as in content and folder you can see the appearance as icon in the company home or user home etc. How does the metadata appear in a folder(is it like an icon of cm:object)?
With reference to the question posted earlier in alfresco forum ( should the object be of type cm:content to store the metadata (except that they do not have a content property). Is there anyway to create metadata other than being subtype of cm:content?
Thank you

You can store metadata on instances of any type as long as the content model includes properties that meet your needs. Those might be out-of-the-box types or they might be custom types.
If you need to create objects that have a content stream, use cm:content. If you don't need to set a content stream you might consider using one of the two types you mentioned. But it won't necessarily hurt anything if you elect to simply create instances of cm:content that don't have a content stream.
If you want to use sys:base or cm:object, simply create an instance of either of those types. Alternatively, define your own sub-type of those types then instantiate that custom type and set your metadata.
If you don't know how to define custom types or you are unsure about how to set, update, or query metadata, you could start by reading this tutorial.
Also note that if you create instances of any type other than cm:content, cm:folder, or a custom type that inherits from one of those two types, you will be unable to do that using CMIS. That isn't the end of the world, just be aware that it is currently a limitation. Someday Alfresco will support the "item" type which is new in CMIS 1.1, but until then, CMIS in Alfresco can only work with documents, folders, and your custom types that inherit from those types.


multi-select tagged value type in enterprise architect

I am trying to add a Tagged Value in Enterprise Architect which allows the selection of one or more values, a multi-select tagged value type in effect.
Is this possible?
Xstian's answer is partially correct if you're working with profiles. However, it only provides you with a select-from-a-list tag type (and you should not import profiles directly into a project, you should create MDG Technologies instead).
EA also allows you to create what are known as structured tagged values. These come in different flavours, and allow you to select a value from an enum list, a file name from a browser dialog, a date from a calendar, and many others -- including classes in the same model.
These tagged value types are configured in Settings - UML Types - Tagged Value Types. The syntax is described in the help file under Extending UML Models - MDG Technology SDK - Tagged Value Types - Predefined Types (but note that you do not need to create an MDG Technology or even a profile for these tag types to work).
You can add to any model element more than one tagged value of the same name - each of them can have different value. Together they logically constitute "set of values" (i.e. multi-valued tag).
Yes it is.
I solved in this way.
You should create a your Stereotype
(e.g. see image)
You should export this profile in XML and import it into EnterpriseArchitect
Add this stereotype to your class,connector, etc
I hope I've given you all the answers about your question

Breeze JS Adding a static Lookup dictionary to Metadata

One of my domain models has an Enum property that I like to create a dropdown box for, but the EFContextProvide Metadata function doesn't automatically import the Enum Entity Type for me to access it, so I created a static dictionay of that I like to add to the Metadata Mapping, acting as a lookup table. How can I add Enum entity type, so I can call:
right now, I get the following error:
Error: Unable to locate an 'Type' by the name: myEnum
Any suggestion?
UPDATE: (I just added the enumType info of the Metadata function call)
Thanks #Jay for your response, I was set in the right direction. Here is what I can say about dealing with Enum:
I created a lookup list on the server that I can separately call, to populate the dropdown list. I have a regular array that I initialize on the success promise of the results, list this data.results[0].myEnumLookup and then on the Viewmodel, I access that property and set in to the ko.observableArray() so I can refer to it in my View. Make sure you set the value: property of the select tag, to the value of item.
But the problem with doing it this way was that at the Save time, it wasn't reading Enum value and it was treating it as just text, so it was failing, so
More robust solution:
In our application we happen to really benefit from having an Enum and their pre-compile value, since we are using those Enum Domain models in other POCO projects, so I ended creating an EF DbSet and proper table that will be populated with all of my Enums values and I can save them into the DB, so now we have the list of items in DB, and I created a single level of inheritance for Enums, so in my controller, I get a IQueryable method that will get all of those Enums, and in the breeze application, in my config file, I define the types of enums, and then I will populate lists of items based on different types in my config, so I can refer to it in my view and binding it to the ko.observableArray(). Also in my original class, I no longer refer to the Enum, I will create MyEnumId as well as virtual MyEnum property that will do the mapping automatically in my EF5 setup.
Lesson I learned, even though Enum in .NET4.5 & EF5 is possible to store and read back, but it's not very practical when it comes to SPA front-end technologies, so I prefer having the integer value, and just manage the enums outside of it.
Not entirely sure I understand the question. By 'Enum entity type' do you mean an 'EntityType' that only has a fixed number of possible instances? If so, you can simply query the entire collection of these entity/instances onto the client and add them directly into your static dictionary. Since, the collection is conceptually immutable, you can query this at the beginning of you session. Further, you should NEVER need to create an instance of any of these 'entity enums' because you can always extract them from your dictionary.
But maybe I'm not understanding your question.

create new object template at runtime iPhone

I'm trying to figure out how to create a new object template at runtime (created by the user) and then use that template to create new objects to populate a list. For example, say you want a list of contacts. The user would create a template that has an NSMutable array of generic objects which contain name, phone, email, etc. Then when they are done creating the template, they can then add a new contact based on that template anytime they want without rebuilding the template. All the template object would consist of is the generic object nested inside of itself with it's value set as different data types, then all those generic objects stored inside of another generic object that contains just an array. I hope I'm not making this sound too confusing... Basically just the ability to create custom object templates at runtime, then be able to use those. Anyone know of a good approach to this? I'd like to make the data storage in my app universal so it can apply to anybody's data. Thanks.
I'm not exactly sure what your final goal is, but you could take an 'Interface Builder' approach. You have your view to build the template, and then you convert every element to xml form. All you would have to do to load it is read the xml, create the appropriate UI elements, and add them at the right location in a container view. One problem with this approach is if you need to send data to an element, it would be almost impossible to get the right element if there are multiple of that type in your template. You could use an array, dictionary, or even the xml to store a key (the name of the element), and a value (the element, this would not be required using the xml approach). Sorry if this is confusing.
There are several viable options for reading and writing objects to the disk on iOS. The most famous and widely used being Core Data and Plists.
If you are a beginner, I would recommend saving an array of attributes (possibly as strings?) for a custom object 'template'. See here for a tutorial, and search SO for anything else that might come up.

How to best store object in a CoreData relationship property that may be of many different types?

I need to store an activity feed in an iOS application. Activity feed items will have a payload field which can be one of many (and I really mean many) types of entities in the system.
What is a good way to implement this payload relationship field on the Activity entity in my CoreData model?
Is it possible to use the id data type, or maybe use an NSManagedObject type?
One way to workaround this maybe to just store CoreData's entityId as a string in a special field, but I'd rather avoid that if there is a better way.
For simplicity let's say we have a not-so-standard blogging model: User, Blog, BlogPost, Comment and the following activities may happen:
User may create a new blog.
User may publish a new blog post.
A blog can be commented on.
A comment maybe liked.
Each of these generate a new Activity item on the website which in turns have a related payload relation to the item that was modified or being acted on.
Now I need to download, translate and store these activity feed items from the website in my iPhone application... so how do I mimic this payload field since it maybe pointing to any possible entity?
In my real code, though, there are about 10+ types of entities that could be put into this payload field so I'm looking for a good approach here.
If you don't need to search / query the fields of your objects of variable type, then I suggest to use NSCoder to convert them into a binary representation and store them in a BLOB field of your managed object. You might want to store some type information as well in an other field of the same managed object. On the other side if you need to search between these variable objects then you have to create a new managed object type (entity) for each object. See my answer also here: NSCoding VS Core data
Only thing that you can use is NSManagedObject. So you have to create your model and your relation and create new file for Activity and payload that will be subclasses of NSManagedObject.
Take a look at Core Data Programing Guide .
You will find your answers in there.

Entity Framework and Encapsulation

I would like to experimentally apply an aspect of encapsulation that I read about once, where an entity object includes domains for its attributes, e.g. for its CostCentre property, it contains the list of valid cost centres. This way, when I open an edit form for an Extension, I only need pass the form one Extension object, where I normally access a CostCentre object when initialising the form.
This also applies where I have a list of Extensions bound to a grid (telerik RadGrid), and I handle an edit command on the grid. I want to create an edit form and pass it an Extension object, where now I pass the edit form an ExtensionID and create my object in the form.
What I'm actually asking here is for pointers to guidance on doing this this way, or the 'proper' way of achieving something similar to what I have described here.
It would depend on your data source. If you are retrieving the list of Cost Centers from a database, that would be one approach. If it's a short list of predetermined values (like Yes/No/Maybe So) then property attributes might do the trick. If it needs to be more configurable per-environment, then IoC or the Provider pattern would be the best choice.
I think your problem is similar to a custom ad-hoc search page we did on a previous project. We decorated our entity classes and properties with attributes that contained some predetermined 'pointers' to the lookup value methods, and their relationships. Then we created a single custom UI control (like your edit page described in your post) which used these attributes to generate the drop down and auto-completion text box lists by dynamically generating a LINQ expression, then executing it at run-time based on whatever the user was doing.
This was accomplished with basically three moving parts: A) the attributes on the data access objects B) the 'attribute facade' methods at the middle-tier compiling and generation dynamic LINQ expressions and C) the custom UI control that called our middle-tier service methods.
Sometimes plans like these backfire, but in our case it worked great. Decorating our objects with attributes, then creating a single path of logic gave us just enough power to do what we needed to do while minimizing the amount of code required, and completely eliminated any boilerplate. However, this approach was not very configurable. By compiling these attributes into the code, we tightly coupled our application to the datasource. On this particular project it wasn't a big deal because it was a clients internal system and it fit the project timeline. However, on a "real product" implementing the logic with the Provider pattern or using something like the Castle Projects IoC would have allowed us the same power with a great deal more configurability. The downside of this is there is more to manage, and more that can go wrong with deployments, etc.