Add Column If Not Exists in Postgresql [duplicate] - postgresql

This question already has answers here:
How to add column if not exists on PostgreSQL?
(11 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is postgresql (9.3.2) can do check the existence of a column before add a new column?
I don't want to create a function just for to check the existence.
Just simply like this :
ALTER TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table_name ADD COLUMN column_name data_type;

You'll need to write your own stored procedure in Plpgsql to check if the table has this column. For this you'll need the tables PG_ATTRIBUTE and PG_CLASS where Postgres stores the schema metadata and in particular the information about columns and tables respectively.
The query whose result you need to check in your stored procedure would be a JOIN like:
WHERE A.ATTRELID = C.OID AND A.ATTNAME = 'column_name_check_if_exists' AND C.relname= 'table_name' ;

In DDL, you can only:
Add columns
Remove columns
Add constraints
Remove constraints
Change default values
Change column data types
Rename columns
Rename tables
For validations... you need make "PL/SQL"

So, there is no such query. I should using PLPGSQL.


Is a subquery able to select columns from outer query? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
sql server 2008 management studio not checking the syntax of my query
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have the following select:
FROM [dbo].[VendorPriceList] h
FROM [dbo].InvoiceData
WHERE amount > 10
AND invoiceDate > DATEADD(yyyy, -1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
FROM [dbo].VendorDeals)
The issue here is that the table [dbo].VendorDeals has NO column PartNumber, however no error is detected and the query works with the first part of the union.
Even more, IntelliSense also allows and recognize PartNumber. This fails only when inside a complex statement.
It is pretty obvious that if you qualify column names, the mistake will be evident.
This isn't a bug in SQL Server/the T-SQL dialect parsing, no, this is working exactly as intended. The problem, or bug, is in your T-SQL; specifically because you haven't qualified your columns. As I don't have the definition of your table, I'm going to provide sample DDL first:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Table1 (MyColumn varchar(10), OtherColumn int);
CREATE TABLE dbo.Table2 (YourColumn varchar(10) OtherColumn int);
And then an example that is similar to your query:
FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE MyColumn IN (SELECT MyColumn FROM dbo.Table2);
This, firstly, will parse; it is a valid query. Secondly, provided that dbo.Table2 contains at least one row, then every row from table dbo.Table1 will be returned where MyColumn has a non-NULL value. Why? Well, let's qualify the column with table's name as SQL Server would parse them:
SELECT Table1.MyColumn
FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE Table1.MyColumn IN (SELECT Table1.MyColumn FROM dbo.Table2);
Notice that the column inside the IN is also referencing Table1, not Table2. By default if a column has it's alias omitted in a subquery it will be assumed to be referencing the table(s) defined in that subquery. If, however, none of the tables in the sub query have a column by that name, then it will be assumed to reference a table where that column does exist; in this case Table1.
Let's, instead, take a different example, using the other column in the tables:
SELECT OtherColumn
FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE OtherColumn IN (SELECT OtherColumn FROM dbo.Table2);
This would be parsed as the following:
SELECT Table1.OtherColumn
FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE Table1.OtherColumn IN (SELECT Table2.OtherColumn FROM dbo.Table2);
This is because OtherColumn exists in both tables. As, in the subquery, OtherColumn isn't qualified it is assumed the column wanted is the one in the table defined in the same scope, Table2.
So what is the solution? Alias and qualify your columns:
SELECT T1.MyColumn
FROM dbo.Table1 T1
WHERE T1.MyColumn IN (SELECT T2.MyColumn FROM dbo.Table2 T2);
This will, unsurprisingly, error as Table2 has no column MyColumn.
Personally, I suggest that unless you have only one table being referenced in a query, you alias and qualify all your columns. This not only ensures that the wrong column can't be referenced (such as in a subquery) but also means that other readers know exactly what columns are being referenced. It also stops failures in the future. I have honestly lost count how many times over years I have had a process fall over due to the "ambiguous column" error, due to a table's definition being changed and a query referencing the table wasn't properly qualified by the developer...

Why is "select table_name from table_name" valid [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
What are differences between SQL queries?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
This syntax is valid for PostgreSQL:
select T from table_name as T
T seems to become a CSV list of values from all columns in table_name. select T from table_name as T works, and, for that matter, select table_name from table_name. Where is this syntax documented, and what is the datatype of T?
This syntax is not in SQL Server, and (AFAIK) does not exist in any other SQL variant.
If you create a table, Postgres creates a type with the same name in the background. The table is then essentially a "list of that type".
Postgres also allows to reference a complete row as a single "record" - a value built from multiple columns. Those records can be created dynamically through a row constructor.
Each row in a the result of a SELECT statement is implicitly assigned a TYPE - if the row comes from a single table, it's the table's type. Otherwise it's an anonymous type.
When you use the table name in a place where a column would be allowed it references the full row as a single record. If the table is aliased in the select, the type of that record is still the table's type.
So the statement:
select T
from table_name as T;
returns a result with a single column which is a record (of the table's type) containing each column of the table as a field. The default output format of a record is a comma separated list of the values enclosed in parentheses.
Assuming table_name has three columns c1, c2 and c3 the following would essentially do the same thing:
select row(c1, c2, c3)
from table_name;
Note that a record reference can also be used in comparisons, e.g. finding rows that are different between two tables can be done in the following manner
select *
from table_one t1
full outer join table_two t2 on =
where t1 <> t2;

postgres `insert on conflict update` multiple columns [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to update all columns with INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ...?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
In this Postgres query,
SELECT * FROM temporary_table
SET id =;
Since both the tables tb_po and temporary_table are identical with 26+ columns, is there a way I can specify after the SET, that it will set all columns of the affected row? So that I don't have to manually input each column with SET.
You could avoid some typing by generating your statement based on the results of
SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'TB_PO';

Update or insert with outer join in postgres

Is it possible to add a new column to an existing table from another table using insert or update in conjunction with full outer join .
In my main table i am missing some records in one column in the other table i have all those records i want to take the full record set into the maintable table. Something like this;
UPDATE maintable
SET all_records= othertable.records
FULL JOIN othertable on maintable.col = othertable.records;
Where maintable.col has same id a othertable.records.
I know i could simply join the tables but i have a lot of comments in the maintable i don't want to have to copy paste back in if possible. As i understand using where is equivalent of a left join so won't show me what i'm missing
What i want is effectively a new maintable.col with all the records i can then pare down based on presence of records in other cols from other tables
Try this:
UPDATE maintable
SET all_records = o.records
FROM othertable o
WHERE maintable.col = o.records;
This is the general syntax to use in postgres when updating via a join.
BTW you will need to change this - I used your example, but you are updating the maintable with the column used for the join! Your set needs to be something like SET missingcol = o.extracol
AMENDED GENERALISED ANSWER (following off-line chat)
To take a simplified example, suppose that you have two tables maintable and subtable, each with the same columns, but where the subtable has extra records. For both tables id is the primary key. To fill maintable with the missing records, for pre 9.5 versions of Postgres you must use the following syntax:
(SELECT 1 FROM maintable m WHERE =;
Since 9.5 there is a (preferred) alternative:
This is preferred because (apart from being simpler) it avoids the situation that has been known to arise in the former, where a race condition is created between the INSERT and the sub-SELECT.
Obviously when the columns are different, you need to specify in the INSERT statement which columns are inserted from which. Something like:
INSERT INTO maintable (id, ColA, ColB)
(SELECT id, ColE, ColG FROM subtable ....)
Similarly the common field might not be id in both tables. However, the simplified example should be enough to point you in the right direction.

How to determine the OID of a Postgres table?

Does anyone know how to find the OID of a table in Postgres 9.1?
I am writing an update script that needs to test for the existence of a column in a table before it tries to add the column. This is to prevent errors when running the script repeatedly.
To get a table OID, cast to the object identifier type regclass (while connected to the same DB):
SELECT 'mytbl'::regclass::oid;
This finds the first table (or view, etc.) with the given name along the search_path or raises an exception if not found.
Schema-qualify the table name to remove the dependency on the search path:
SELECT 'myschema.mytbl'::regclass::oid;
In Postgres 9.4 or later you can also use to_regclass('myschema.mytbl'), which doesn't raise an exception if the table is not found:
How to check if a table exists in a given schema
Then you only need to query the catalog table pg_attribute for the existence of the column:
SELECT TRUE AS col_exists
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'myschema.mytbl'::regclass
AND attname = 'mycol'
AND NOT attisdropped -- no dropped (dead) columns
-- AND attnum > 0 -- no system columns (you may or may not want this)
The postgres catalog table pg_class is what you should look at. There should be one row per table, with the table name in the column relname, and the oid in the hidden column oid.
You may also be interested in the pg_attribute catalog table, which includes one row per table column.
See: and
SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tbl_name' AND relkind = 'r';
Just to complete the possibilities I'd like to add that there exists a syntax for dropping columns in order to no error out:
Then you can safely add your column.