Why am I unable to load a *.mat file in MATLAB 6.5.10? - matlab

When I load a mat file I've previously created in other system, i receive the following message:
Error using ==> load
Unable to read MAT file "..."
File may be corrupt.
Note: The dat file contains NaNs


Error while loading .ods sheet into Octave

I am trying to read a column of integers in a spreadsheet into Octave using the code
A = odsread('Data.ods', 'Sheet1', 'A1:A946');
But it fails and I get a message with warnings and errors as :
> unzip: cannot find or open Data.ods, Data.ods.zip or Data.ods.ZIP.
file Data.ods couldn't be unpacked. Is it the proper file format?
warning: UnZip failed with error 9
error: warning: STATE structure must have fields 'identifier' and 'state'
error: called from
__OCT_spsh_open__ at line 72 column 7
odsopen at line 267 column 30
odsread at line 179 column 7
So the error says that "STATE structure must have fields 'identifier' and 'state'" , what does this mean?
Apparently the full path to the file should be included to make it work. It cannot load the file itself even when the file is in the same directory.

GUi run properly in matlab file but when converted to exe file doesn't work

I converted matlab code to exe file with deploytool this cod use matlab neural network tool box , when I execute the code it returns the next error:
-- error.
Default value is not a member of type "nntype.training_fcn".
??? Error using ==> nnetParamInfo>nnetParamInfo.nnetParamInfo at 28
FCN is not the name of a function on the MATLAB path.
error using fitnet>get_info (line 88)

How to build c bindings for zookeeper in windows?

facing errors in opening the solution file ..error unable to convert the solution file vs 2011 Conversion Report - Cli.vcproj:
Converting project file 'D:\zookeeper\zookeeper-3.4.8\src\c\Cli.vcproj'.
Done converting to new project file 'D:\zookeeper\zookeeper-3.4.8\src\c\Cli.vcxproj'.
VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool is no longer supported. The tool has been removed from your project settings.
Conversion Report - :
The following error has occurred during XML parsing: File: D:\zookeeper\zookeeper-3.4.8\src\c\zookeeper.vcproj Line: 1 Column: 1 Error Message: Incorrect document syntax. The file 'D:\zookeeper\zookeeper-3.4.8\src\c\zookeeper.vcproj' has failed to load.

iPython notebook not uploading my .txt file

I converted some excel files to .txt files (Text (tab delimited)), carefully saved them in the same folder as my notebook, made sure there were no copies anywhere on my computer, checked the .txt files could all be opened in Notebook, and after using the command '%pylab inline' to load all the functions I usually use, triple checked that mt .txt files were in the same folder as the notebook by using the 'ls' command. I then used loadtxt('filename.txt') to load my data and it gave me errno 2: no such file or directory: 'filename.txt'. I triple checked that I had spelled everything correctly and I can't understand why it's not working. I need these data analysing today for a lab report due in tomorrow - help! Here's my code:
%pylab inline
and here is the error:
FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-c8d929572f25> in <module>()
----> 1 loadtxt('Physical_lab_experiment_2_25_degrees_with_times.txt')
C:\Users\Daisy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\npyio.py in loadtxt(fname, dtype, comments, delimiter, converters, skiprows, usecols, unpack, ndmin)
738 fh = iter(open(fname, 'U'))
739 else:
--> 740 fh = iter(open(fname))
741 else:
742 fh = iter(fname)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Physical_lab_experiment_2_25_degrees_with_times.txt'
loadtxt is a numpy function. Import numpy like:
import numpy as np
data= np.loadtxt('Physical_lab_experiment_2_25_degrees_with_times.txt')
print data

Opening grb2 files re-visited

I have downloaded and installed NCTOOLBOX into MATLAB (2013a) to read netcdf and grb files. As a test, I copied a netcdf, grb and grb2 file to a directory on my computer. This is placed within my script as:
pathnc = 'c:\test\era40_moda_200205.nc'
pathgrb = 'c:\test\era40_moda_200205.grb'
pathgrb2 = 'c:\test\multi_1.at_4m.dp.200607.grb2'
I used the following code to read the *.nc file:
nc = ncdataset(pathnc);
The code works great....with no error messages..and all variables listed..on netcdf files...... however, when I run it for the grb files using:
nc = ncdataset(pathgrb);
I get this very long list of errors:
2014-03-05 08:40:15,744 [main] WARN ucar.nc2.grib.grib2.Grib2Index - Grib2Index bad size = -1 for c:/test/multi_1.at_4m.dp.200607.grb2 index = c:\test\multi_1.at_4m.dp.200607.grb2.gbx9
Warning: Escape sequence '\m' is not valid. See 'help
sprintf' for valid escape sequences.
> In ncdataset>ncdataset.ncdataset at 89
In GRIB_and_NC_Reader_Prog at 14
Error using ncdataset (line 91)
Failed to open c: est
Error in GRIB_and_NC_Reader_Prog (line 14)
nc = ncdataset(pathgrb2);
Caused by:
Error using ncdataset (line 75)
Java exception occurred:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:
alwaysUseFieldBuilders...............etc, etc....ad nauseum...............
In case it was just a bad file, I tried the code on a different grb file and got the same results. Yes I have read the previous posts on reading grb with NCTOOLBOX...but still 'dead in the water.' I would greatly appreciate any insight to get my script reading grb and grb2 files.
I was getting a similar java error: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:alwaysUseFieldBuilders. I tried running the same code in R2014a and it worked.