How to check if a result contains rows? (FbDataReader.HasRows always returns true!) -

I am using the Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider and before I pass the reader on to a consuming service I would like to determine whether any rows were returned. Consider the following snippet:
FbCommand cmd = GetSomeCommandFromTheEther();
FbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
What I've now learned is that FbDataReader.HasRows always returns True. In fact looking at the source code it would appear it is just a wrapper for FbDataReader.command.IsSelectCommand, not only useless, it makes the property name "HasRows" a complete misnomer.
In any event, how can I find out whether a given query has rows, without advancing the record pointer? Note that I want to pass the reader off to an external service; if I call FbDataReader.Read() to check its result, I will consume a row and DoSomethingWith() will not get this first row.

I am afraid you have stumbled on a Firebird limitation. As stated in following Firebird FAQ link:
Why FbDataReader.HasRows returns always true?
The FbDataReader.HasRows property is implemented for compatibility
only. It returns always true because Firebird doesn't have a way for
know if a query returns rows of not without fetching the data.
There is already a mention of this in the Firebird Tracker. Check the issue DNET-305.
On the other hand, in .NET, it seems OleDbDataReader and SqlDataReader, which inherit from DbDataReader have the same problem, as stated in this MSDN link.
Since FbDataReader inherits from the same class as those, you might want to consider one of the workarounds that Microsoft suggests in its MSDN article, which is to perform first a select count(*). Granted, that is unelegant and a waste of time and resources but at least it could help you out.


How do I specify the User-Defined Table Type for a property with Insight Database

I have a pretty simple stored procedure to just update the status value for a bunch of records. I send in an unknown value of record IDs and it works.
I love using Insight.Database and wouldn't want to use anything else if possible.
The problem is our DBA's created multiple User-Defined Table Types to handle situations. But their naming conventions are identical.
We have a [IntTable] with column [IntValue]
and another [TinyIntTable] with column [TinyIntValue]
Insight appears to inspect the type of UDT that could work. And sometimes it chooses [TinyIntTable] (I am guessing because the values in the array being sent are all small enough to fit into a tinyInt. But that [TinyIntTable] isn't compatible with the stored procedure. How do I force Insight.Database to always use the [IntTable]?
Is there an attribute I could use on my c# object definition?
If you’re using stored procedures, then insight will check the type of the parameter and use the correct one. i.e. it should just work.
So your problem is likely something else. Check out the table type section on the wiki, and if that doesn’t solve it for you, please post a simple example on github and we’ll help you out.

How to get column name and data type returned by a custom query in postgres?

How to get column name and data type returned by a custom query in postgres? We have inbuilt functions for table/views but not for custom queries. For more clarification I would say that I need a postgres function which will take sql string as parameter and will return colnames and their datatype.
I don't think there's any built-in SQL function which does this for you.
If you want to do this purely at the SQL level, the simplest and cheapest way is probably to CREATE TEMP VIEW AS (<your_query>), dig the column definitions out of the catalog tables, and drop the view when you're done. However, this can have a non-trivial overhead depending on how often you do it (as it needs to write view definitions to the catalogs), can't be run in a read-only transaction, and can't be done on a standby server.
The ideal solution, if it fits your use case, is to build a prepared query on the client side, and make use of the metadata returned by the server (in the form of a RowDescription message passed as part of the query protocol). Unfortunately, this depends very much on which client library you're using, and how much of this information it chooses to expose. For example, libpq will give you access to everything, whereas the JDBC driver limits you to the public methods on its ResultSetMetadata object (though you could probably pull more information from its private fields via reflection, if you're determined enough).
If you want a read-only, low-overhead, client-independent solution, then you could also write a server-side C function to prepare and describe the query via SPI. Writing and building C functions comes with a bit of a learning curve, but you can find numerous examples on PGXN, or within Postgres' own contrib modules.

In what scenarios would I need to use the CREATEREF, DEREF and REF keywords?

This question is about why I would use the above keywords. I've found plenty of MSDN pages that explain how. I'm looking for the why.
What query would I be trying to write that means I need them? I ask because the examples I have found appear to be achievable in other ways...
To try and figure it out myself, I created a very simple entity model using the Employee and EmployeePayHistory tables from the AdventureWorks database.
One example I saw online demonstrated something similar to the following Entity SQL:
DEREF(CREATEREF(AdventureWorksEntities3.Employee, row(h.EmployeeID))).HireDate
AdventureWorksEntities3.EmployeePayHistory as h
This seems to pull back the HireDate without having to specify a join?
Why is this better than the SQL below (that appears to do exactly the same thing)?
AdventureWorksEntities3.EmployeePayHistory as h
Looking at the above two statements, I can't work out what extra the CREATEREF, DEREF bit is adding since I appear to be able to get at what I want without them.
I'm assuming I have just not found the scenarios that demostrate the purpose. I'm assuming there are scenarios where using these keywords is either simpler or is the only way to accomplish the required result.
What I can't find is the scenarios....
Can anyone fill in the gap? I don't need entire sets of SQL. I just need a starting point to play with i.e. a brief description of a scenario or two... I can expand on that myself.
Look at this post
One of the benefits of references is that it can be thought as a ‘lightweight’ entity in which we don’t need to spend resources in creating and maintaining the full entity state/values until it is really necessary. Once you have a ref to an entity, you can dereference it by using DEREF expression or by just invoking a property of the entity
TL;DR - REF/DEREF are similar to C++ pointers. It they are references to persisted entities (not entities which have not be saved to a data source).
Why would you use such a thing?: A reference to an entity uses less memory than having the DEFEF'ed (or expanded; or filled; or instantiated) entity. This may come in handy if you have a bunch of records that have image information and image data (4GB Files stored in the database). If you didn't use a REF, and you pulled back 10 of these entities just to get the image meta-data, then you'd quickly fill up your memory.
I know, I know. It'd be easier just to pull back the metadata in your query, but then you lose the point of what REF is good for :-D

variable table or column names in a function

I'm trying to search all tables and columns in a database, a la here. The suggested technique is to construct SQL query strings and then EXEC them. This works well, as a stored procedure. (Another example of variable table/column names is here. Again, EXEC is used to execute "dynamic SQL".)
However, my app requires that I do this in a function, not an SP. (Our development framework has trouble obtaining results from an SP.) But in a function, at least on SQL Server 2008 R2, you can't use EXEC; I get this error:
Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'INSERT EXEC' within a function.
According to the answer to this post, apparently by a Microsoft developer, this is by design; it has nothing to do with the INSERT, only the fact that when you execute dynamically-constructed SQL code, the parser cannot guarantee a lack of side effects. Therefore it won't allow you to create such a function.
So... is there any way to iterate over many tables/columns within a function?
I see from BOL that
The following statements are valid in a function: ...
statements calling extended stored procedures.
Huh - How could extended SP's be guaranteed side-effect free?
But that doesn't help me anyway:
The extended stored procedure, when it is called from inside a
function, cannot return result sets to the client. Any ODS APIs that
return result sets to the client will return FAIL. The extended stored
procedure could connect back to an instance of SQL Server; however, it
should not try to join the same transaction as the function that
invoked the extended stored procedure.
Since we need the function to return the results of the search, an ESP won't help.
I don't really want to get into extended SP's anyway: incrementing the number of programming languages in the environment would complicate our development environment more than it's worth.
I can think of a few solutions right now, none of which is very satisfactory:
First call an SP that produces the needed data and puts it in a table, then select from the function which merely reads the result from the table; this could be trouble if the search takes a while and two users' searches overlap. Or,
Have the application (not the function) generate a long query naming every table and column name from the db. I wonder if the JDBC driver can handle a query that long. Or,
Have the application (not the function) generate a long series of short queries naming every table and column name from the db. This will make the overall search a lot slower.
Thanks for any suggestions.
P.S. Upon further searching, I stumbled across this question which is closely related. It has no answers.
Update: No longer needed
I think this question is still valid, and we may again have a situation where we need it. However, I don't need an answer anymore for the present problem. After much trial-and-error I managed to get our application framework to retrieve row results from the RDBMS via the JDBC driver from the stored procedure. Therefore getting the thing to work as a function is unnecessary.
But if anyone posts an answer here that helps with the stated problem, I will be happy to upvote and/or accept it as appropriate.
An sp is basically a predefined sql statment with some add ons.
So if you had
Create SP_DoSomething As
Select * From MyTable
And you can't use the SP
Then you just execute the SQL as in "Select * From MyTable"
As for that naff sql code.
For start you could join table to column with a where clause, which would get rid of that line by line if stuff.
Ask another question. Like How could this be improved, there's lots of scope for more attempts than mine.

In can you have multivalued attributes?

I am developing a Novell Identity Manager driver for, and am trying to understand the platform better.
I have had really good success to date. I can read pretty much arbitrary object classes out of SFDC, and create eDirectory objects for them, and what not. This is all done and working nicely. (Publisher Channel). Once I got Query events mapped out, most everything started working in the Publisher Channel.
I am now working on sending events back to SFDC (Subscriber channel) when changes occur in eDirectory.
I am using the upsert() function in the SOAP API, and with Novell Identity Manager, you basically build the SOAP doc, and can see the results as you build it. (You can do it in XSLT or you can use the various allowed tokens to build the document in DirXML Script. I am using DirXML Script which has been working well so far.).
The upshot of that comment is that I can build the SOAP document, see it, to be sure I get it right. Which is usually different than the Java/C++ approach that the sample code usually provides. Much more visual this way.
There are several things about upsert() that I do not entirely understand. I know how to blank a value, should I get that sort of event. Inside the <urn:sObjects> node, add a node like (assuming you get your namespaces declared already):
I know how to add a value (AttrValue) to the attribute (FieldName), add a node like:
All this works and is pretty straight forward.
The question I have is, can a value in SFDC be multi-valued? In eDirectory, a multi valued attribute being changed, can happen two ways:
All values can be removed, and the new set re-added.
The single value removed can be sent as that sort of event (remove-value) or many values can be removed in one operation.
Looking at SFDC, I only ever see Multi-picklist attributes that seem to be stored in a single entry : or ; delimited. Is there another kind of multi valued attribute managed differently in SFDC? And if so, how would one manipulate it via the SOAP API?
I still have to decide if I want to map those multi-picklists to a single string, or a multi valued attribute of strings. First way is easier, second way is more useful... Hmmm... Choices...
Some references:
I have been using the page Sample SOAP messages to understand what the docs should look like.
Apex Explorer is a kicking tool for browsing the database and testing queries. Much like DBVisualizer does for JDBC connected databases. This would have been so much harder without it!
SoapUi is also required, and a lovely tool!
As far as I know there's no multi-value field other than multi-select picklists (and they map to semicolon-separated string). Generally platform encourages you to create a proper relationship with another (possibly new, custom) table if you're in need of having multiple values associated to your data.
Only other "unusual" thing I can think of is how the OwnerId field on certain objects (Case, Lead, maybe something else) can be used to point to User or Queue record. Looks weird when you are used to foreign key relationships from traditional databases. But this is not identical with what you're asking as there will be only one value at a time.
Of course you might be surpised sometimes with values you'll see in the database depending on the viewing user's locale (stuff like System Administrator profile becoming Systeembeheerder in Dutch). But this will be still a single value, translated on the fly just before the query results are sent back to you.
When I had to perform SOAP integration with SFDC, I've always used WSDL files and most of the time was fine with Java code generated out of them with Apache Axis. Hand-crafting the SOAP message yourself seems... wow, hardcore a bit. Are you sure you prefer visualisation of XML over the creation of classes, exceptions and all this stuff ready for use with one of several out-of-the-box integration methods? If they'll ever change the WSDL I need just to regenerate the classes from it; whereas changes to your SOAP message creation library might be painful...