Avoiding default logic for case partial function - scala

I have the following code in multiple places in my application
(i: Option) => {
case Some(i) => // doSomething with i
case None =>
The doSomething will vary in each location, but any time I have a None I don't want to do anything.
Is there an easy way to avoid the use of case None => using implicits or otherwise?

If you are discarding the result, then you can use foreach:
o.foreach(i => doSomething(i))
If you need the result of doSomething, then use map:
o.map(i => doSomething(i))

You can use a map or a foreach - these won't do anything if your Option is a None. The difference between the two is that map will return an Option while foreach returns a Unit
iOpt.map(i => /* doSomething with i */) // does nothing and returns a None if iOpt is a None


How to deal with Future[Option[value]] scala

Below is this code snippet working well but with Await.result
def validate(loginRequest: LoginRequest): Option[AuthResponse] = {
val response:Option[User] = Await.result(userDao.getUserByUsernameAndPassword(loginRequest.username,Utilities.encrypt(loginRequest.password)),Duration.Inf )
response match {
case Some(value) =>populateResponse(value)
case None => None
I want to use Futures instead of await but then return the response. below is a non blocking snippet
val response:Future[Option[User]]= userDao.getUserByUsernameAndPassword(loginRequest.username,Utilities.encrypt(loginRequest.password))
How would u get a similar response without blocking
response match {
case Some(value) =>populateResponse(value)
case None => None
You just need to call map on the Future to change the result, and inside that call map on the Option to change the contents of the option:
If the Option is None then the second map will do nothing, and if the Future had failed then the first map will do nothing.
so based on your great answers I came up with a solution. because it was an Option response.
res => res match {
case Some(value) =>populateResponse(value)
case None => None

How to check if function is partial in Scala?

I have a method that receives a function, but that function may be partial, in such case I don't want it to fail with MatchError.
def doSomething[X,Y](opt:Option[X])(f:X=>Y)={
f match {
case p:PartialFunction[X,Y]=> opt.flatMap(p.lift) //This doesn't seem to work
case _ => opt.map(f)
That way I can use the method like this
case t if predicate(t) => otherMethod(t)
so in case I don't have a predicate, I can use it like
this doSomething(x)(otherMethod) instead of
case t=> otherMethod(t)
Note: Looking for a solution that doesn't require catching MatchError exceptions
This isn't an answer because I don't think that what you want is possible in Scala.
The original method is fine and works as expected, though it could be a bit simpler:
def doSomething[X, Y](opt: Option[X])(f: X => Y): Option[Y] = {
f match {
case p: PartialFunction[X, Y] => opt.collect(p)
case _ => opt.map(f)
The problem is here:
case t if predicate(t) => otherMethod(t)
Scala is creating a Function rather than a PartialFunction from that match expression so the test is failing. If you pass a real PartialFunction the method works OK.
val p: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = {
case i: Int if i > 0 => i
doSomething(Some(0))(p) // Returns None
I don't think there is any way of doing what you want, mainly because doSomething has multiple argument lists which messes up type deduction for the second argument list.
My suggestion is just to use
case ...
as appropriate in the calling code.
The syntax for partial function has been changed since 2.9 per SLS 8.5, so that even you do { case x => y}, it DOES NOT mean it is a partial function. Its type will be exact as you define it as.
In your case, you defined it as X=>Y (as in your function parameter), so it is just a X=>Y (it got compiled into a regular function, and non match cases will throw MatchError), and even you do isInstanceOf[PartialFunciton[_,_]], it won't match.
To make your scenario work, you can just simply cast the passed function as PartialFunction, like:
doSomething(Some(1))({case 2 => 0}: PartialFunction[Int,Int]) //This returns None without MatchError
doSomething(Some(1)){case 2 => 0} //This gives MatchError and it is not recognized as PartialFunction inside the body
This is probably not as convenient as you thought it is, but it is the only way to make it work. (or you define 2 separate functions for either case, like collect and map in standard library)
I'm not sure what you are passing as a Partial Function, but definitely you should have to define it with specific signature like this:
val positive: PartialFunction[Int, Option[Int]] = {
case x if x >= 0 => Some(x)
case _ => None
The positive function is defined only for positive numbers. In case of negative numbers, the function returns None and you won't get scala.MatchError in runtime.
This specific function enables you to access to isDefinedAt method which is testing dynamically if a value is in the domain of the function.
postive(5).isDefinedAt // true
poistive.isInstanceOf[PartialFunction[Int, Option[Int]]] // true
I demonstrated here why you are always getting false when you check p.isInstanceOf
def doSomething[X,Y](opt:Option[X])(f:X=>Y)={
f match {
case p if p.isInstanceOf[PartialFunction[X,Y]] =>
println("I'm a pf")
println(s"Is it PartialFunction: ${p.isInstanceOf[PartialFunction[X,Y]]}")
case _ =>
println("I'm not a pf")
doSomething[Int, Option[Int]](Some(5))(positive) // partial function case
doSomething[Int, String](Some(5)) { // tricky case
case s => s.toString
You can play with it here:

How to use a Result[String] in Scala match expression

In the following code the first expression returns a Result[String] which contains one of the strings "medical", "dental" or "pharmacy" inside of a Result. I can add .toOption.get to the end of the val statement to get the String, but is there a better way to use the Result? Without the .toOption.get, the code will not compile.
val service = element("h2").containingAnywhere("claim details").fullText()
service match {
case "medical" => extractMedicalClaim
case "dental" => extractDentalClaim
case "pharmacy" => extractPharmacyClaim
Hard to say without knowing what Result is. If it's a case class, with the target String as part of its constructor, then you could pattern match directly.
Something like this.
service match {
case Result("medical") => extractMedicalClaim
case Result("dental") => extractDentalClaim
case Result("pharmacy") => extractPharmacyClaim
case _ => // default result
If the Result class doesn't have an extractor (the upapply() method) you might be able to add one just for this purpose.
I'm assuming this Result[T] class has a toOption method which returns an Option[T] - if that's the case, you can call toOption and match on that option:
val service = element("h2").containingAnywhere("claim details").fullText().toOption
service match {
case Some("medical") => extractMedicalClaim
case Some("dental") => extractDentalClaim
case Some("pharmacy") => extractPharmacyClaim
case None => // handle the case where the result was empty

Do something when exactly one option is non-empty

I want to compute something if exactly one of two options is non-empty. Obviously this could be done by a pattern match, but is there some better way?
(o1, o2) match {
case (Some(o), None) => Some(compute(o))
case (None, Some(o)) => Some(compute(o))
case _ => None
You could do something like this:
if (o1.isEmpty ^ o2.isEmpty)
But pattern matching is probably the better way to go.
Thanks to helpful comments from #Suma, I came up with another solutions in addition to the current ones:
Since the inputs are always in the form of Option(x):
.map( x => compute(x.head.get))
Using iterator also allows for a sequence of values to be passed to the input. The final mapping will be done if and only if one value in the sequence is defined.
Inspired by now deleted answer of pedrofurla, which was attempting to use o1 orElse o2 map { compute }, one possibility is to define xorElse, the rest is easy with it:
implicit class XorElse[T](o1: Option[T]) {
def xorElse[A >: T](o2: Option[A]): Option[A] = {
if (o1.isDefined != o2.isDefined) o1 orElse o2
else None
(o1 xorElse o2).map(compute)
Another possibility I have found is using a pattern match, but using Seq concatenation so that both cases are handled with the same code. The advantage of this approach is it can be extended to any number of options, it will always evaluate when there is exactly one:
o1.toSeq ++ o2 match {
case Seq(one) => Some(compute(one))
case _ => None
Just initialize a sequence and then flatten
Seq(o1, o2).flatten match {
case Seq(o) => Some(compute(o))
case _ => None

Is there a way to chain methods which return an Option-Type in a way like getOrElse does but keeps the option-type

Given snippet composes of method calls, which return an option type. I'd like to call the next method if previous call returned None. I'm able to accomplish this with this snippet
def amountToPay : Option[TextBoxExtraction] =
getMaxByFontsize(keywordAmountsWithCurrency) match {
case None => getMaxByFontsize(keywordAmounts) match {
case None => highestKeywordAmount match {
case None => getMaxByFontsize(amountsWithCurrency) match {
case None => highestAmount
case some => some
case some => some
case some => some
case some => some
but it looks quite messy. So I hope there is abetter way to do it.
Yep, orElse is a little cleaner:
def amountToPay : Option[TextBoxExtraction] =
You could also just put the items in a Seq and then use something like xs.reduceLeft(_ orElse _) or xs.flatten.headOption.getOrElse(highestAmount).