Symfony2: Is there a symfony2 plugin for Aptana/Eclipse? - eclipse

Is there a Plugin for Eclipse/Aptana that provides autocompletion and other helpers for Symfony2 projects?

The best plugin out there is probably the Symfony2 Eclipse Plugin.
It provides:
config validation
annotation support

I have no idea for Aptana & Eclipse, but Netbeans comes with plugins for Symfony 2 (and 1) in the PHP and/or complete version. You have autocomplete and syntax coloration for PHP, Twig template, Yaml, xliff, etc...
Notice : some limitations with code completion when you use services for example.


How to write PhpStorm intelligence plugin?

I'm using PhpStorm 2016.1.
I'm using a chinese-written php framework. Unfortunately I found that there is no intelligence in PhpStorm for Model-classes of this framework.
I want to write intelligence plugin for this framework. Can anyone tell me how?
Creating Your First Plugin

Cannot see primefaces components in visual tab of eclipse

I am developing a Dynamic Web Project with Eclipse Indigo SR2. I am using Primefaces 3.4.2 and, when editing the .xhtml, the Visual view does not show the components properly.
I am using JBossTools and deploying to a JBoss server; I have tried adding the primefaces library both to the web-inf/lib or as a user library, but to no avail.
Google finds few results for this, most of the issues are with getting autocompletion to work (which it does correctly, btw).
Is there a way to show the visual components? I am not sure if maybe I am expecting too much, but it was a neat feature when using richfaces components.
No way, use a real browser to preview as JSF views are hot deployed on the fly.

Validator id is not registered

i am getting this warning in eclipse:
Validator id is not registered
on the line:
<f:validator validatorId="confirmPasswordValidator" />
i am using JSF 2, and tomcat 6
and my el-impl library is org.glassfish.web
any ideas why ?
and how to solve it ?
Ignore and run it. Eclipse is relying on it being present as <validator> declaration in faces-config.xml the JSF 1.x way. It does by default not recognize #FacesValidator and likes yet and therefore don't see it already being registered by new JSF 2.x annotations. The upcoming newer Eclipse versions will.
You could consider to turn off JSF validation in Eclipse preferences, it will only lead to more confusion and annoyances. The upcoming JBoss Tools plugin 3.3 (currently still in beta) will support JSF annotations like #FacesValidator, #ManagedBean, etc.
Note that this is in no way related to EL. You aren't using #{} anywhere.

EL proposals / autocomplete / code assist in Facelets with Eclipse

I tried to activate EL proposals in a Facelets page, but when I hit Ctrl+Space, it doesn't work. I managed to activate JSF tag proposals thank to other questions, but EL proposals aren't working.
How can I activate this feature in Eclipse? Is it a known issue?
For example:
<h:inputHidden id="id" value="#{Ctrl+Space not working!}"/>
Eclipse doesn't support this out the box. Even the support in JSP is very limited. Only the properties of <jsp:useBean> and managed beans hardcoded as <managed-bean> in faces-config.xml are available by autocomplete. There are however plugins which supports EL autocomplete on #ManagedBean and #Named beans.
For example, the JBoss Tools plugin (specifically the CDI feature) which can be installed as described here: How do I Install JBoss AS / WildFly Server in Eclipse for Java EE.
(which has in its current 3.2.0 version unicode bugs, as you see above in the rightmost window)
You can even use Ctrl+Click on the managed bean name #{bean} in an EL expression in Facelets file to navigate to the concrete backing bean class. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+G on the managed bean method in a backing bean class to find all references to the particular property or action in Facelets files.
The Aptana plugin is told to work fine for EL proposals in JSPs, but I am not sure for Facelets. I didn't had good experiences with installing and configuring the plugin for JSP some years ago.
See also:
Properties of new tags using composite component are not displayed by Eclipse auto complete shortcurt

Eclipse plugins for Spring / Hibernate development?

I have a running dynamic web project in Eclipse (Java EE + Maven + Spring). I am at the point where I need to integrate a persistence layer and want to use Hibernate with a MySql database.
I am wondering what plugins would be useful for me at this point? For Hibernate should I install hibernate tools or is it not necessary? Are then any plugins that are most widely use for connecting / exploring database connections that would be appropriate for the type of project I am working on? Thanks.
Hibernate Tools is definitely a nice plugin (that provides wizards, a nice console useful to setup the HQL queries, a mapping editor, etc). I'm actually tempted to say: why not using it? I use it in conjunction with the database support provided by the Eclipse Data Tools Platform (that is included in the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or available via the update manager). In your case, I would maybe just consider using SpringSource Tools Suite as base instead of a vanilla Eclipse.
Update: As reminded by BalusC in a comment, the Hibernate Tools also include a database reverse engineering tool which is maybe the most powerful feature. I should have mentioned it, this is now fixed.
You can look at as well. You can create FooService and FooServiceImpl and the configurations just by typing foo. It has nice way to create unit tests as well.