Human Detection using edge detection - matlab

I am trying to detect exact silhouette of human body in this dataset using background subtraction. After doing some thresholding I was getting split blobs so I looked at this tutorial by Steve but now I am getting blob other that human body as shown below
So here is the original
After Subtracting it from background, background was considered as the first frame of the video, so after subtracting it from orignal image I get the following image
so I did basic thresholding and I get the following image, which is split from further areas
and using Steve's method I get this
But this contains a lot of area which is not a part of human body, any suggestion if somehow or using edges I can get good blob of human body.
As #lennon310 asked me to upload color image so here it is
and as #NKN asked me to upload edge information of the same image so here it is

Instead of literally subtracting the background, try using the vision.ForegroundDetector object, which is part of the Computer Vision System Toolbox. It implements the mixture-of-gaussians adaptive background modeling, and it may give you a cleaner segmentation.
Having said that, it is very unlikely that you will get the "exact" silhouette. Some error is inevitable.

In your result image, you have tow types of black regions. one is moving and the other is stationary.
So when you you want to fill the human body, you have to choose only the moving region, for this purpose, I suggest to segment your image by adding optical flow technique to know where the moving regions are.
This is an interesting tutorial doing what you need to do:


How to detect contours of object and describe it to compare on server with ARKit

I want to detect shape and then describe it (somehow) to compare it with server data.
So the first question is, is it possible to detect shape like blob with ARKit?
To be more specific, let's describe my usecase generally.
I want to scan image by phone, get the specific shape, send it on server, compare two images on server (server image is the real one, scanned image would be very similar) and then send back some data. I am not asking about server side, the only question about server side is what should I compare - images using OpenCV, some mathematical description of both images and try to find similarity, etc.).
If the question is hard to understand, let's split it on two easy questions:
1) How to scan 2D object by iPhone and save it (trim the specific shape from its background when object is black and background white).
2) Describe scanned object for comparision with almost the same object.
ARKit has no use here.
You will probably need a lot of CoreImage (for fixing perspective distortion and binarization) and OpenCV logic.
Perhaps Vision can help you a little bit with getting ROI from the entire frame, especially if the waveform image is located in some kind of rectangle.
Perhaps you can train a custom ML model that will recognize specific waveforms or waveforms in general to use with Vision.
In any case, it is not a trivial task.

Extracting measurements from a finger via ROI and image processing MATLAB

I am trying to do a number of things via MATLAB but I am getting a bit lost with what techniques to use. My ultimate goal is to extract various measurements from a users fingerprint presentation, e.g. how far the finger over/undershoots, the co-ordinates of where the finger enters, the angle of the finger.
In my current setup, I have a web camera recording footage of a top down view of the presentation which I then take the video file and break down into individual frames.
What I am trying to work on at the moment is using ROI based image processing to create a binary mask around the edges of the scanner. I'm using the imbw function to get a binarised image and getting this as a result.
What I could use is some guidance on where to go from here. I want to be able to take measurements from the defined ROI to work out various metrics e.g. how far a certain point is from the ROI so I must have some sort of border for the scanner edges. From my experience in image processing so far, this has been hard to clearly define. I would like to get a clearer image where the finger is outlined and defined and the background (i.e. the scanner light/blocks) are removed.
Any help would be appreciated.

How to segment an image in iOS to remove background and retain the foreground picture

I need to segment an image in ios for a fashion app by keeping only the foreground image and removing all other background part of the image which should resemble like a tool for removing the background of images in various photo editing tools please help me.
General background subtraction is an unsolved problem, so getting perfect results is going to be a big effort. With that said, you can probably get close. Here are a couple of suggested avenues:
I am guessing that your app will place clothes on a human, or something of the sort. Instead of getting a perfect segmentation, run a person detector, remove all of the image except for the detected person, and fit a part-based human model to the remaining image. Then you have the pose of the person, and can do your image processing accordingly.
Allow the user to input some strokes from the foreground and some strokes from the background, and run a graph-cuts-based image segmentation algorithm on the frame.
Begin your process by having the user not be present in your video stream. From this, learn the background distribution (start with a simple histogram of background pixels, there are much more elaborate schemes but you need a starting place). Then, when the user enters the scene, create a binary image containing the connected components that don't fit into the learned background distribution. This will not be perfect, but you will start to see something close to a binary image where the white pixels are your user, and the black pixels are the background. Use morphology operators to join any large connected components that are slightly separated, and threshold your image to remove small noise in the image, from things like specular objects and illumination changes.
Like I said (and is mentioned in the comments), this is not an easy problem, but you can come up with a good approximation if you put some time into it. I suggest the third method I listed. It is achievable, and can be broken down into small parts so you can tell when you're making progress.
Good luck!

How do make an automatic cropping for the interest area in MATLAB?

I'm the beginner of image processing by using MATLAB and i have to do some tasks, i want to crop or cut for the specific area like using imcrop but want to make it automatic (i cannot upload picture because i'm the new user, the picture that i use is the cross-section of a plant) i really don't know how to detect and cut out only that area. I'll really appreciate if there's someone can help me to figure out this problem.
You need to give us more information. If you want to automate the detection of a part of an image to crop it, you need to do some image processing. What kind will depend on the characteristics of your images and the part you want to crop.
You can post an image using, for example,

compare one image in matlab with a database of images and show the most similar

I have a database of images of one person who is using his hands to show various words and phrases in sign language. The background is white and the only thing changing is the shape of the person's hands and their locations. Now in my gui in matlab, I want the user to be able to choose another image from the same person that was taken at another time doing a sign but wearing the same clothes and then the program will have to compare this against the images in the database and show the most similar. Obviously I can't do pixel by pixel comparison as the images were taken by a hand held mobile camera and slight movement has been inevitable so I should try and locate the hands in the images and compare their shapes. I have no idea how to go about this? I have to say I am new to image processing toolbox in matlab.
Your help is much appreciated
I am doing a phD in computer vision, and I can tell you that it is an unsolved problem. (even in your simple framewrok, with white background)
If you are interested, you might read some works about it ar MIT:
or at Oxford:
I disagree with you. Such a project can achieve results quickly.
This becomes a problem as soon as the project has to deal with "real life".
Using a single camera, and a completely known background; Opencv provides a simple way to extract hand shape in a image (in about 20 lines of code). You will find plenty of source on the web (have a look at calcbackproj).
After that, what you will have to do is to play with shape, and search for characteristic points.
Begin with some simple signs (example : a circle and a V). How would you recognize one from the other?
There are thousands of papers on sign language; just read the older one to simple ideas flowing :)