iOS7 App Submission - with only 2x (retina) images? - iphone

I'm currently developing an application for iPhone with iOS7, only.
From what I read, for iPhone with iOS7, there is no support for older devices than iPhone4.
If that's the case, when it comes to images, all I need is retina images (#2x).
Can I submit to the App Store, an app with only retina images, since the app's minimal requirement is retina devices ?
Thank you.

Possible duplicate of Can I dump my non-Retina Images for a iOS7 only app?
Anyway, as long as I know you don't need #2x version of your images as long as you don't support old displays, but remember that your images as to be double width and height, then if you have a 100x100px UIImageView, you need to load a 200x200px image to meet retina resolution.
EDIT: To explain in deep.
Actually, iPad 2 and iPad mini 1st generation run iOS 7 and doesn't have retina display. Anyway using #2x images it is not mandatary. You can just use double size images and set your UIImageViews' contentMode to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill to fit your needs.
PROS -> smaller bundle
CONS -> worst performaces


Suffix for Retina Images in iPhone 5

I have some image files for iPhone 5 size 640x1136, i have previously implemented retina images for iPhone 4 & 4S using #2x suffix, so what will be the suffix for images in iPhone 5, we can user the same as is #2x or it has to be changed.
It’ll still use #2x images where they’re available. There’s a -568h suffix you can use for the launch image, as in Default-568h#2x.png, but that’s currently the only place it’s supported; see Leo’s answer for a way to get that working elsewhere.
See my answer here. Some useful macros to help you with dealing with images.
For the iPhone Retina 4-inch (iPhone 5) it's still the #2x suffix because the density is the same as the iPhone Retina (iPhone 4 and 4S). The screen is bigger but have the same density.
The -568h suffix will work only in for the default image because it's the only place you really need it (just to tell the system that your app have been optimized for this new screen size, and it can stretch your views).
The naming convention Default-xxx.png is just here to provide the right image while the app is launching but I think it's non sense to try to replicate the same to load other images in imageViews. It's like the Default-(landscape|portrait).png on iPad. You never need this convention to load images yourself.
The only rule is:
# is for density (2 density exist right now, normal and 2x)
~ is for device (2 different devices exist right now, iphone and ipad)
To adapt images/imageView on the 4-inch iPhone you should play with your imageView content mode and the autoresizing configurations.

if I changed app graphics for iphone 5 , is it going to work for iphone 4, 3GS properly

if I changed app graphics for iphone 5 , is it going to work for iphone 4, 3GS properly or the users have to resize the app like when you download iphone app in iPad ?
If you mean you are using both normal sized images and 2x images for retina display, you won't have a problem on older devices.
They'll just pickup the regular sized images while the ones with retina display will load the #2x ones.
What you do have to take into account is that if you don't include regular sized images (if you only use #2x images), older devices won't load them.
#2X will still work. However I did download xcode 4.5 with iOS 6 Gold Master seeds and played with it last night. The splash screen will include the new slightly higher resolution image 11??x640 as well as the 960x640 and 480x360.
For fullscreen images, you will have to supply at least two versions, better three.
One being 640 × 1136, one being 640 x 960 and one being 320 x 480.
For the 3.5" retina version, you may use the automatic selection (aka #2x). For the former 4" retina version it appears as if you will have to include your own code to select the right one.

How to support both iPad and iPhone retina graphics in universal apps

Apple presented new iPad that support retina graphics.
I saw this link retina graphic in apple apps. As you can see apple just use "#2x" suffix for retina iPad display.
I have an universal app. So how to support retina in new iPad and iPhone? Will iPad retina use suffix "#2x" similar to iPad?
I just created a test app and tested.
So for devices without retina:
ImageName.png - For iPhone/iPod
ImageName~ipad.png -- For iPad
For devices with retina display:
ImageName#2x.png - For iPhone/iPod
ImageName#2x~ipad.png -- For iPad
And you can still use #2x if your iPhone high resolution image and iPad high resolution image have the same size.
To load the image just use [UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageName.png"];
I just tested it on iOS simulator for iOS 5.1, 5.0 and 4.3.
By the way why you should use #2x and nothing more.
The main thing because you shouldn't use the same graphics on iPhone and iPad, because iPhone and iPad has different size. And if you will use the same size the graphics will already done for you iPad retina display (if you previously use iPhone retina display). If you will images with different size, so you will use different image names for iPhone and iPad. So in this side you need just add #2x suffix.
That's why you should use just #2x suffix. - these are my thoughts.
I found that the iPad mini/non retina iPad hardware, not simulator, would fall back on ImageName.png, not ImageName~ipad.png as you would expect from rowwingman's answer.
Looking at the docs, referenced in another StackOverflow question by Nate, it seems as though appending the device to iphone images is the correct way to do it.
MyImage.png - Default version of an image resource.
MyImage#2x.png - High-resolution version of an image resource for devices with Retina displays.
MyImage~iphone.png - Version of an image for iPhone and iPod touch.
MyImage#2x~iphone.png - High-resolution version of an image for iPhone and iPod touch devices with Retina displays.
Image, Sound, and Video Resources

iOS4 SDK and iPad and #2x images

If I provide an image in both the standard size and now a new one with #2x for iPhone 4, which one with the iPad use? If the user chooses the 2X feature to run the iPhone app in full screen on the iPad, do they seem the lower quality images stretched or will they see the higher quality images?
The lower quality images, at least in OS 3.2, which is pre-iPhone 4.
When iPad is updated to 4.x this might change.

Is there any difference between iPad 2x mode and iPhone4 Retina display (for developer)?

Graphics development for iPhone4 and old iPhones was changed in several ways:
The concept of point was introduced
to replace pixel.
Methods of UIImage will load high
resolution resource files with #2x
in the file name.
Scale factor was added to UIScreen,
UIView, UIImage, and CALayer
So if we handle CGImage carefully, it's not hard to support the high resolution Retina display of iPhone4.
I have several questions about non-native iPad app in iPad 2x mode:
Could all the changes from old
iPhone to iPhone4 (#2x resources
auto loading, point concept, scale
factor) be applied to iPad 2x mode.
The scale of app on iPad can be
changed. How can I handle it?
With The new iPad sporting Retina Display you will need another set of images for some items such launcher icon, launch images (splash screen).
For example:
The launcher icon for Retina Display on iPhone/iPod Touch is 114 x 114 but on The new iPad the same icon for Retina Display is 144 x 144.
Other example:
On an Universal App, for the launch images (splash screen) you'll need an image set for phones/music players:
Default.png (For old devices)
Default#2x.png (For phones/music player with retina display)
Another image set for Tablets:
Default-Portrait~ipad.png (For original iPad and iPad 2)
Default-Portrait#2x~ipad.png (For the new iPad with retina display)
The "#2x~ipad" will work on the new iPad in the same way "#2x" worked for the phones and ipods, but will be relative to the old iPad image set.
Unfortunately, all of those content scale functions were added in 4.0, so I don't think there's any way to use the iOS4 stuff that you're asking for.
The iPad 2x mode is just a way to run iPhone-only apps on the iPad's larger screen. If you want to take advantage of iPad's larger screen, all you have to do is create a universal binary (i.e. one that contains views for both iPhone and iPad).
There is no way to get the iPad 2x mode to display your iPhone retina level content automatically—Apple do not support this... presumably as they want people to put effort into developing iPad-specific interfaces for their apps.