derby.js How can I query using $skip and $limit on a sorted collection? - derbyjs

Sorry if this is a dump question but I cannot figure it out.
As collections grow in size, it become convenient to render a portion of the data. For that we can something like
model.query('items', { $skip: 30, $limit: 30 })
but what if we want to do that on a filter or a sort? I have tried
model.query('items', { $skip: 30, $limit: 30 }, { creation_time: -1})
to mimic MongoDB .find().
I haven't find a way to do a fetch/query on filters. Of course I don't want to slice after .get() since that would be problematic on large collections. I tried to use a ref() on filter with no success. Does someone know a recipe on how to handle those situations?
Thanks in advance.
PS: I hope .fetch() hold a cursor and wait for .get() to retrieve data.

model.query('items', { $skip: 30, $limit: 30, $orderby: {creation_time: -1}})


Mongodb to fetch top 100 results for each category

I have a collection of transactions that has below schema:
What I want to achieve is to get the 10 latest transaction models based on the date for a list of client IDs. I don't think the $slice well as the use case is mostly for embedded arrays.
Currently, I am iterating through the client_ids and using find with the limit but it is extremely slow.
This shows two clients with 10 transaction each on different days, I want to write a query that would return latest 5 transaction for each.
Any suggestions of how to query data to make it faster?
The most efficient way would be to just execute multiple queries, 1 for each client, like so:
const clients = await db.collection.distinct('client_id');
const results = await Promise.all( => db.collection.find({client_id: clientId}).sort({date: -1}).limit(5))
To improve this performance make sure you have an index on client_id and date. If for whatever reason you can't built these indexes I'd recommend using this following pipeline (with syntax available starting version 5.3+):
$group: {
_id: "$client_id",
latestTransactions: {
"$bottomN": {
"n": 5,
"sortBy": {
"date": 1
"output": "$$ROOT"
Mongo Playground

aggregating and sorting based on a Mongodb Relationship

I'm trying to figure out if what I want to do is even possible in Mongodb. I'm open to all sorts of suggestions regarding more appropriate ways to achieve what I need.
Currently, I have 2 collections:
vehicles (Contains vehicle data such as make and model. This data can be highly unstructured, which is why I turned to Mongodb for this)
views (Simply contains an IP, a date/time that the vehicle was viewed and the vehicle_id. There could be thousands of views)
I need to return a list of vehicles that have views between 2 dates. The list should include the number of views. I need to be able to sort by the number of views in addition to any of the usual vehicle fields. So, to be clear, if a vehicle has had 1000 views, but only 500 of those between the given dates, the count should return 500.
I'm pretty sure I could perform this query without any issues in MySQL - however, trying to store the vehicle data in MySQL has been a real headache in the past and it has been great moving to Mongo where I can add new data fields with ease and not worry about the structure of my database.
What do you all think?? TIA!
As it turns out, it's totally possible. It took me a long while to get my head around this, so I'm posting it up for future google searches...
$match: {
branch_id: { $in: [14] }
}, {
$lookup: {
from: 'vehicles', localField: 'vehicle_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'vehicle'
}, {
$group: {
_id: "$vehicle_id",
count: { $sum: 1 },
vehicleObject: { $first: "$vehicle" }
}, { $unwind: "$vehicleObject" }, {
$project: {
daysInStock: { $subtract: [ new Date(), "$vehicleObject.date_assigned" ] },
vehicleObject: 1,
count: 1
}, { $sort: { count: -1 } }, { $limit: 10 });
To explain the above:
The Mongodb aggregate framework is the way forward for complex queries like this. Firstly, I run a $match to filter the records. Then, we use $lookup to grab the vehicle record. Worth mentioning here that this is a Many to One relationship here (lots of stats, each having a single vehicle). I can then group on the vehicle_id field, which will enable me to return one record per vehicle with a count of the number of stats in the group. As it is a group, we technically have lots of copies of that same vehicle document now in each group, so I then add just the first one into the vehicleObject variable. This would be fine, but $first tends to return an array with a single entry (pointless in my opinion), so I added the $unwind stage to pull the actual vehicle out. I then added a $project stage to calculate an additional field, sorted by the count descending and limited the results to 10.
And take a breath :)
I hope that helps someone. If you know of a better way to do what I did, then I'm open to suggestions to improve.

getting the latest xx records with mongoose, How to order them?

I'm trying to get the last 20 records of user collection with mongoose:
This works well, show the last 20 items.
But the items inside the array are sorted from the most recent to the oldest, Is there any way to reverse this with mongoose?
You can certainly do this with an aggregation, such as this:
{ $match : {"owner" :}},
{ $sort : {"date" : -1}},
{ $limit : 20},
{ $sort : {"date" : 1}}
Notes on this aggregation:
The first three parts do the same job as the Find in your question
The fourth part applies a further sort, which re-orders the returned 20 records from oldest to most recent
I have written it in native MongoDB aggregation syntax; you will need to adjust the code to generate the same aggregation from Mongoose.
Update: I think this is not possible with a find() with cursor methods, because you would need two different sort() operations. But, MongoDB does not treat them as a sequence of independent operations; the docs give an example of methods written in one order — sort().limit() — being equivalent to the opposite order — limit().sort(), showing that the order cannot be relied upon as meaningful.
Find total and select only latest 20 , may be this is not effective way you found , but this will solve your problem.
var skipItem=count-20;
{ $match: {
{ $unwind: '[arrayFieldName]' },
{ $sort: {
'[arrayFieldName]': -1/1,

Meteor collection get last document of each selection

Currently I use the following find query to get the latest document of a certain ID
caveId: caveId
sort: {diveDate:-1},
limit: 1,
fields: {caveId: 1, "visibility.visibility":1, diveDate: 1}
How can I use the same using multiple ids with $in for example
I tried it with the following query. The problem is that it will limit the documents to 1 for all the found caveIds. But it should set the limit for each different caveId.
caveId: {$in: caveIds}
sort: {diveDate:-1},
limit: 1,
fields: {caveId: 1, "visibility.visibility":1, diveDate: 1}
One solution I came up with is using the aggregate functionality.
var conditionIds = Conditions.aggregate(
{"$match": { caveId: {"$in": caveIds}}},
_id: "$caveId",
conditionId: {$last: "$_id"},
diveDate: { $last: "$diveDate" }
).map(function(child) { return child.conditionId});
var conditions = Conditions.find({
_id: {$in: conditionIds}
fields: {caveId: 1, "visibility.visibility":1, diveDate: 1}
You don't want to use $in here as noted. You could solve this problem by looping through the caveIds and running the query on each caveId individually.
you're basically looking at a join query here: you need all caveIds and then lookup last for each.
This is a problem of database schema/denormalization in my opinion: (but this is only an opinion!):
You could as mentioned here, lookup all caveIds and then run the single query for each, every single time you need to look up last dives.
However I think you are much better off recording/updating the last dive inside your cave document, and then lookup all caveIds of interest pulling only the lastDive field.
That will give you immediately what you need, rather than going through expensive search/sort queries. This is at the expense of maintaining that field in the document, but it sounds like it should be fairly trivial as you only need to update the one field when a new event occurs.

How to sort by a specific criteria the top X documents already sorted with mongodb?

It's a bit hard for me to formulate this question. The thing is, I need to get the 100 best rated documents and then sort the result by another criteria.
I'm a beginner with mongodb and I naively tried something like:
.find() // get all the data
.sort({ "statistics.average": -1 }) // sort by rating
.limit(100) // get the 100 best rated
.sort({ "statistics.foobar": -1 }) // sort the result by the second criteria
But it doesn't work and it looks like the last sort is done on all the data.
How to properly create a query to fit my needs?
Mongo applies the sort before limiting the results regardless of the order you call sort and limit on the cursor but using the .aggregate() method will give the expected result.
{ "$sort": { "statistics.average": -1 } },
{ "$limit": 100 },
{ "$sort": { "statistics.foobar": -1 } }
.find() // get all the data
.sort({ "statistics.average": -1 ,"statistics.foobar": -1 }) // sort by rating followed by foobar
.limit(100) // get the 100 best rated