Plot 3D plane given equations in matlab - matlab

I want to plot 2 3D planes for the equations given below :
x + y + z = 1
2x - y = 0
For 1st equation, I plotted it using meshgrid as :
[x y] = meshgrid(-5:0.5:5);
z = 1 - x - y
But for 2nd equation, z is not given i.e. z can be anything, then how do I plot plane for this ?

The comments are correct. It is more of a math problem. You draw a line 2x - y = 0 and translate it for any z value to create a plane.
[x, y] = meshgrid(-5:0.5:5);
Zv = #(x,y) 1 - x - y;
hold on
[x, z] = meshgrid(-5:0.5:5);
Yv = #(x) 2*x;
hold off


Plotting x,y,z with intervals

How do I plot xyz In rectangular, polar, and 3-D?
for x = 0 to 35pi:
Y = x*sin(x)
Z = x*cos(x)
Using the the intervals of X which provides very smooth plots . Create three plots including tittle and labels .
This is the input I have put in so far. I'm not sure if this is correct:
x = pi*linspace(0,35);
y = pi*x,sin(pi*x);
z = pi*x,cos(pi*x);
title('data analysis')
xlabel('independent x')
ylabel('dependent y')
I believe this solves the problem as you describe it:
x = linspace(0, 35*pi, 10000);
y = x .* sin(x);
z = x .* cos(x);
plot3(x, y, z);
title('data analysis');
xlabel('independent x');
ylabel('dependent y');

Graphing a Line given x,y, and z angle

I have this piece of MATLAB code that outputs x,y, and z angles and I would like draw a line using them. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to do this?
C = pi;
A = pi;
B = pi;
Z = [cos(C),-sin(C),0; sin(C),cos(C),0; 0,0,1];
X = [1,0,0;0,cos(A),-sin(A);0,sin(A),cos(A)];
Y = [cos(B),0,sin(B);0,1,0;-sin(B),0,cos(B)];
R =(X*Y)*Z;
X, Y, and Z are not angles, they are rotation matrices defined by the angles A, B, and C.
it's not clear what's the meaning of "draw a line using them", they are just used to rotate vectors in the 3D space.
here is an example of drawing a rotated vector with them:
% define rotation angles (around the axes)
C = pi/2;
A = pi/4;
B = pi/4;
% generate rotation matrices
Z = [cos(C),-sin(C),0; sin(C),cos(C),0; 0,0,1];
X = [1,0,0;0,cos(A),-sin(A);0,sin(A),cos(A)];
Y = [cos(B),0,sin(B);0,1,0;-sin(B),0,cos(B)];
R =(X*Y)*Z;
% generate a vector and rotate it
v = [1;1;1];
u = R*v;
% plot
hold on
xlim([-1 1]); ylim([-1 1]); zlim([-1 1])
axis square

Contour plot of a function of 3 variables

As we can make contour plot of f=(x.^2) + (y.^2); in 2-D as follows:
[x,y]= meshgrid(-10:10, -10:10);
contour(x,y, (x.^2)+(y.^2));
and we can make contour plot of f=(x.^2) + (y.^2); in 3-D using contour3
Can we make contour plot of f=(x.^2) + (y.^2) + (z.^2); in 3-D
The matlab function isosurface can do what you are asking. However you can also achieve the results you want using other alternatives, like using surf. I will cover both methods.
Method 1: Using isosurface
We need to create the domain for x, y and z and then generate a 3D mesh with those values so that we can evaluate the function f(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2. Then, we shall give a value to the constant k and feed all this information to isosurface, so that we can obtain the family of (x,y,z) values that satisfy the condition: f(x,y,z) = k. Note that this contours are in fact spheres! Finally we can use patch to generate a surface with those values.
It is very interesting to give different values for k iterativelly and see the contours associated with those values.
% Value for x, y and z domain.
a = 10;
% Domain for x ,y and z.
x = linspace(-a,a);
y = linspace(-a,a);
z = linspace(-a,a);
% Generate a 3D mesh with x, y and z.
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(x,y,z);
% Evaluate function (3D volume of data).
f = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;
% Do contours from k = 0 to k = 100 in steps of 1 unit.
for k = 0:100
% Draw the contour that matches k.
p = patch(isosurface(x,y,z,f,k));
p.FaceColor = 'red';
p.EdgeColor = 'none';
% Adjust figure properties.
title(sprintf('Contours of f(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2\nwith f(x,y,z) = k = %d',k));
axis equal;
grid on;
box on;
axis([-10 10 -10 10 -10 10]);
camlight left;
lighting phong;
% Update figure.
% Clear axes.
This is the output:
Method 2: Using surf
As in the previous method, to contour the function f(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2, we need to match the function to a constant value, this is f(x,y,z) = k, where k is any constant value you choose.
If we isolate z in terms of k, x and y we have: z = ± sqrt(k-x.^2-y.^2), so we have the explicit values for x, y and z. Now, let's give different values for k iterativelly and see the results that we get with the surf function!
% Do contours from k = 0 to k = 100 in steps of 1 unit.
for k = 0:100
% Find the value where: k - x^2 - y^2 = 0
a = sqrt(k);
% Domain for x and y.
x = linspace(-a,a);
y = linspace(-a,a);
[x,y] = meshgrid(x, y);
% Isolate z in terms of k, x and y.
z = sqrt(k-x.^2-y.^2);
% Find complex entries in z.
i = find(real(z)~=z);
% Replace complex entries with NaN.
z(i) = NaN;
% Draw upper hemisphere of surface.
hold on;
% Draw lower hemisphere of surface.
% Adjust figure properties.
title(sprintf('Contours of f(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2\nwith f(x,y,z) = k = %d',k));
axis equal;
grid on;
box on;
axis([-10 10 -10 10 -10 10]);
camlight left;
lighting phong;
% Update figure.
hold off;
This is the output:
I took some of the ideas from David Arnold's article "Complex Numbers and Plotting in Matlab", which is well worth a read and will help you understand how to plot functions that generate complex numbers.

Mesh Plot Problems in Matlab

I want to draw a meshc contour plot, but the contour is not being drawn as I want.
x = linspace(P(1),P(2)); %// x axis
y = linspace(P(3),P(4)); %// y axis
[X1 Y1] = meshgrid(x,y); %// all combinations of x, y
%[X1,Y1] = meshgrid(1:.125:3);
Z1 = mvnpdf([X1(:) Y1(:)],mu,sigma); %// compute Gaussian pdf
Z2 = reshape(Z1,size(X1)); %// put into same size as X, Y
%axis([1 3 1 3 -5 10]);
axis([P(1) P(2) P(3) P(4) -5 10])
The code above draws it this way:
But I want it to be this way:
How could I do this?
To get desired distance between the plots you can just subtract some number from the Z2 matrix. I cannot figure out why Matlab divides the plots in this way, but it works:
P = [1 3 1 3];
mu = [2 1.1];
sigma = [.09 .003; ...
.003 .002];
x = linspace(P(1),P(2)); %// x axis
y = linspace(P(3),P(4)); %// y axis
[X1 Y1] = meshgrid(x,y); %// all combinations of x, y
Z1 = mvnpdf([X1(:) Y1(:)],mu,sigma); %// compute Gaussian pdf
Z2 = reshape(Z1,size(X1)); %// put into same size as X1, Y1
Z2 = Z2 - 0.01;
axis([P(1) P(2) P(3) P(4) -5 10])
Maybe you need to play with other numbers to get a desired result. In my example I subtracted a small number, in order to avoid changing of the pdf-plot range.

Using contour to plot function

I try to use contour to plot this function
3y + y^3 - x^3 = 5
I try contour(3*y+y^3-x^3-5) but it doesn't work.
How can I use contour to plot this function?
Are x and y properly defined as 2x2 matrices? If so then the "power" operator needs to be done on a component-wise basis (.^3 instead of ^3).
This works:
[x,y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2,-2:.2:2);
Maybe you can try fcontour, which plots the contour lines of the function z = f(x,y) for constant levels of z over the default interval [-5 5] for x and y.
f = #(x,y) 3*y + y.^3 - x.^3 - 5;
I'm not convinced this addresses all parts of your question but it's a start. If you absolutely want contour to call a function, you can adjust my example to contour(X,Y,fh(X,Y)).
Better Approach
fh=#(x,y) 3*y + y.^3 - x.^3 -5; % <--- This is your function
x = (-4:.25:4)';
y = (-2:.25:2)';
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = fh(X,Y);
The Direct Approach (not preferred but works)
Notice the Z is transposed to make this work.
fh=#(x,y) 3*y + y.^3 - x.^3 -5; % <----this is your function
X = (-4:.25:4)';
Y = (-2:.25:2)';
Z = zeros(length(X),length(Y));
for i = 1:length(X)
for j = 1:length(Y)
xi = X(i);
yj = Y(j);
Z(i,j) = fh(xi,yj);
contour(X,Y,Z','LevelList',-60:10:60,'ShowText','on','LineWidth',1.4) % Fancied it up a bit