increasing inner radius of donut chart and how can write inside donut chart - donut-chart

i am trying to increase inner radius of donut chart and also be able to write inside the donut chart.
$scope.donut = new RGraph.Pie('myDonut', $scope.donutData)
.Set('linewidth', 5)
.Set('strokestyle', 'white')
.Set('tooltips.event', 'onmousemove')
.Set('tooltips.effect', 'none')*/
.Set('colors', $scope.colors)
.Set('', donutClick)
.Set('', 60)
.Set('exploded', [])
.Set('variant', 'donut')

You can set the radius and the variant.donut.width properties:
obj.Set('radius', 250)
obj.Set('variant', 'donut')
obj.Set('variant.donut.width', 50)
And there's a demo (called demos/donut-in-donut.html) that demonstrates the radius setting here in the RGraph download archive which you can get here:
To write inside the ring you can use the drawing API text object. The X/Y coords are:
obj.ondraw = function (obj)
var x = obj.centerx
var y = obj.centery


Custom legends in Swift Charts for iOS 16

How do I obtain colour imagery, or more generally, styling information for each legend entry to construct a custom legend in a chart in Swift Charts?
I have a chart here, with a legend positioned on the right, but using the content: argument of chartLegend does not pass any info into the closure to use. I would like to wrap the legend into a scroll view, so when there are too many entries, the chart will appear correctly on the screen, and the user can scroll through the legend below the chart.
Chart(points, id: \.self) { point in
x: .value("time/s", point.timestamp),
y: .value("potential/mV", point.potential)
.foregroundStyle(by: .value("Electrode", point.electrode.symbol))
.chartLegend(position: .bottom)
// ...
Here is the chart with too many legend entries interfering with the chart sizing, resulting in cropping:
And here is the chart with only a few entries so that the chart is sized correctly, with no cropping, and the legend has text to discern between the electrodes they represent:
Any help is much appreciated.
Not scrolling but the chart legend can be placed on the side with code like this:
.chartLegend(position: .trailing, alignment: .top)
This gives more room for a legend. The legend won't scroll but all the items will be listed even if going past the end of the chart. The frame height can be increased. The example shows a before(default) and after(using the code above).
The colors can be assigned manually using the chartForegroundStyleScale like this after the end of the chart:
"Hong Kong":,
"Taipei": Color.purple,
"New York": Color.teal,
Symbols can be created based on the series:
.symbol(by: .value("City",

Streamlit `altair_chart` chart not interactive

I am trying to plot an interactive financial chart, but it doesn’t turn dynamic when I use st.altair_chart (as is the default for altair charts). Here’s the code:
base = alt.Chart(df).encode(
alt.X('Date:T', axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=-45)),
color=alt.condition("datum.Open <= datum.Close",
alt.value("#06982d"), alt.value("#ae1325"))
rule = base.mark_rule().encode(alt.Y('Low:Q', title='Price',
scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)), alt.Y2('High:Q'))
bar = base.mark_bar().encode(alt.Y('Open:Q'), alt.Y2('Close:Q'))
st.altair_chart(rule + bar, use_container_width=True)
This code results in the plot as follows:
(For reference,the original question)
Basically, you have to explicitly layer the markings and call on .interactive() to make the axis interactive:
base = alt.Chart(df).encode(
alt.X('Date:T', axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=-45)),
color=alt.condition("datum.Open <= datum.Close",
alt.value("#06982d"), alt.value("#ae1325"))
chart = alt.layer(
base.mark_rule().encode(alt.Y('Low:Q', title='Price',
scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)), alt.Y2('High:Q')),
base.mark_bar().encode(alt.Y('Open:Q'), alt.Y2('Close:Q')),
st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True)

MpChartLib in Android - hide text in small slices of PieChart

How can i hide text of small slices in pie chart without to remove the text from the legend in the bottom?
I tried to remove the text like this:
if ((yVal < 5F) {
name = "";
} else {
//Add to y values
But then the legent text is empty also. so the users can't really know who is this slice.
My solution is to separate the legend texts and the pie chart slices text.
I set the legend (bottom map for each color) text and colors in this way
- In loop for all the contacts:
List<Integer> colors = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> labels = new ArrayList<>();
Legend l = chart.getLegend();
l.setCustom(colors, labels);
In addition I added the text of pie-slices:
PieDataSet dataSet = new PieDataSet(yVals1, "");
I have a situation like this:
for (PieEntry pieEntry : leastPieEntries){
if(pieEntry.getValue() < 10)
Tried to loop through all PieEntries but getValue returns the float value instead of percentage did you do it?

Line chart/graph with an irregular threshold field

Looking to create a bar chart with an irregular, colored threshold field in the background, so that each data point has its own individual set of min/max thresholds, which ultimately would look something like this:
Looked at D3 examples like this one:
Can the latter example be manipulated to look more like the image I created?
Thanks in advance..
The graph shown in your sample image is actually much easier than the linked example; for that, you don't need to create a clipping path and you don't need to draw the line twice with two different colours.
For drawing the coloured background, use an area-path generator, created with d3.svg.area(). Set the y0 accessor function to be extract your minimum value for each point in your data array, and the y1 accessor function to extract the maximum value.
Then draw the line overtop as a normal line graph with a d3.svg.line() path generator.
Working example, adapted from the fiddles in the comments:
(Note: I commented out half the dataset, since the "year" values were repeated, not sure what that was supposed to represent.)
Key code:
// Define the value line path generator
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x( function(d) { return x(d.year); } )
.y( function(d) { return y(d.temp); } );
// Define the area path generator
var area = d3.svg.area()
.x( function(d) { return x(d.year); } )
.y0( function(d) { return y(d.min); } )
.y1( function(d) { return y(d.max); } );
/* ... */
// Add the background area showing the historic range
.attr("class", "historicRange")
.attr("d", area);
// Add the value line
.attr("class", "dataline")
.attr("d", line);
Edit based on comments
If you do want a line that changes colour depending on historic values, as opposed to a line drawn overtop of a background range, the most straight-forward solution is probably to create a <pattern> element consisting of the different coloured regions, and use this to stroke the value line.
You'll want to familiarize yourself with the different options for the pattern element. This MDN tutorial has a good intro, or you could dive into the full W3 specs.
For this situation, we want the pattern to be sized and positioned relative to the coordinate system used for drawing the line, regardless of the size or shape of the line itself. That means we will be setting both the patternUnits and the patternContentUnits to be userSpaceOnUse. The height and width of the pattern will be the height and width of the plotting area.
Within the pattern we will draw the area that represents the max-min range, but we also need to draw separate areas, with different colours, for values above the max and values below the min. We can use the same area generator for each, but need to change the y0/y1 accessor functions each time.
Key code:
// Add the pattern showing the historic range
var pattern = defs.append("pattern")
.datum(data) //add the data to the <pattern> element
//so it will be inherited by each <path> we append
"width": width,
"height": height
.attr("id", "strokePattern");
.attr("class", "historicRange between")
.attr("d", area);
.attr("class", "historicRange above")
.attr("d", area.y1( 0 )
.y0( function(d){return y(d.max);} )
.attr("class", "historicRange below")
.attr("d", area.y1( function(d){return y(d.min);} )
.y0( height )
// Add the value line
.attr("class", "dataline")
.attr("d", line)
.style("stroke", "url(#strokePattern)");
Working example:
I'm including a web page link with charts authored by myself based on AMCharts and with the help of that web site's founder. Contains several examples of the above question and more..
The charts provided are still being worked on. For example, AMcharts does have a function that clips the color of a line above/below a certain value which I didn't know about, so there is still work to be done. I spent many weeks on the charts and thought I'd share. I'm sure someone will find something new here down the road...

How do I specify size of a dxf in openscad?

I am new to openscad and trying to make a 3d model from a dxf file. I want to specify its size as 130x130. I've been able to get as far as the code below but it still does not assert the size I want:
linear_extrude(height = 5, center = true, convexity = 10) import (file="bahtinov.dxf");
Any help is appreciated!
You can use dxf_dim(): create a further layer in your dxf, e.g. "dimensions", draw a horizontal and a vertical dimension line with the max. width resp. the max. height as described in Documentation, as identifier e.g. "TotalWidth" and "TotalHeight", here my test-drawing as example:
get the values with:
tw = dxf_dim(file="bahtinov.dxf", name="TotalWidth", layer="dimensions", scale=1);
th = dxf_dim(file="bahtinov.dxf", name="TotalHeight", layer="dimensions", scale=1);
scale the part:
scale([130/tw,130/th,1]) linear_extrude(height = 5, center = true) import(file="bahtinov.dxf", layer="layerName", scale=1);
You can achieve this by using resize() on the imported DXF:
linear_extrude(height = 5, center = true, convexity = 10) resize([130,130]) import (file="bahtinov.dxf");
I don't think you can, but you can scale it afterwards.
linear_extrude(height = 5, center = true, convexity = 10) import (file="bahtinov.dxf");