WSO2 API Manager: deploy tiers.xml - deployment

How can I deploy my tiers.xml file into the WSO2 API Manager 1.6.0 via command line or via json or webservices? Is this possible? Currently I can do this via the carbon console.
I need this requirement while I am provisioning my server park via puppet.

Since the tiers.xml is stored in the registry, you can update tiers.xml via the Registry apis. Please refer following links 1 and 2 for more information on Registry APIs and how to put/get values from the registry.


Cannot deploy Kubeflow on GCP: tells me to enable APIs that are already enabled

I am trying to install Kubeflow on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Kubernetes Engine (GKE), following the GCP deployment guide.
I created a GCP project of which I am the owner, I enabled billing, set up OAuth credentials and enabled the following APIs:
Compute Engine API
Kubernetes Engine API
Identity and Access Management (IAM) API
Deployment Manager API
Cloud Resource Manager API
Cloud Filestore API
AI Platform Training & Prediction API
However, when I want to deploy Kubeflow using the UI, I get the following error:
So I doublechecked and those APIs are already enabled:
The log messages at the bottom of the screen are:
2020-03-0614:14:04.629: Getting enabled services for project <projectname>..
2020-03-0614:14:16.909: Could not configure communication with GCP, exiting
The Could not configure communication with GCP, exiting is triggered when _enableGcpServices() fails.
The line Getting enabled services for project ... is printed but not the line Proceeding with project number: ..., so the error must be triggered somewhere in the block of code between those lines.
The call to Gapi.cloudresourcemanager.getProjectNumber(project) has its own try/catch with a slightly different error message and title (only talks about the cloud resource manager API, not the IAM API), so I assume it is the call to Gapi.getSignedInEmail() that fails??
I'd suggest having a look at the service management API, IAM service credentials API and cloud identity aware proxy API possibly. I've only used the CLI install tool previously and not run into these problems, but you might require these services for the IAP deployment?
I faced the same issue and was able to solve by correcting the project id.
Make sure that the project id on the UI form is specified correctly as it is on the GCP project - and that it does not have any leading or trailing spaces if you copy pasted from the GCP project details like I did.
I had the same issue. I was using in trial. Seems they allow a limited project to use billing account at same time. So I shut down unused ones . Went to Billing-->my projects. Disabled unused with 3 dots. Then tried to enable the billing account for current project. It worked.

Error while attempting to run IBM TKE command with Hyper Protect Crypto Services

I tried to setup the Hyper Protect Crypto Services in IBM Cloud. After I provisioned an instance, setup the IBM CLI, I attempted to run some of the TKE commands from the getting started page. But when I run this command, it fails with:
ibmcloud tke domains
API endpoint not recognized when determining target URLs.
it looks like you might not be connected to the correct API Endpoint. You can run 'ibmcloud api' to see what your current API Endpoint is set to. Hyper Protect Crypto is currently only available in the us-south region, so the endpoint you need would be
To set this region you would issue 'ibmcloud api' The ng part determines the region you are in, so later on if you are in dallas or australia, it would be a different endpoint name.

How can I access IBM Cloud Compose RabbitMQ logs?

Is there a way to get IBM Cloud Compose for RabbitMQ logs using web interface or cli?
There is Syslog-NG for RabbitMQ and it has other cloud logging services namely papertrail and Loggly providing the webinterface along with two IBM Cloud Compose API calls for logs
Get list of available logfiles
GET /2016-07/deployments/:id/logfiles
Get details of a logfile including download link
GET /2016-07/deployments/:id/logfiles/:logfile_id
To make use of the API, you will need a handful of digital assets; a token for your account to access the IBM Cloud API and a foundation endpoint for your queries. Check this link for details on how to get the token, endpoint and example cURL calls

how to register aws ec2 instance launch API in TFS service endpoint?

My requirement is, need to launch an AWS EC2 Instance through REST API while TFS running.
For that I need to register the API in TFS as Generic Service Endpoint.
I am not aware how to add the API endpoint because the endpoint contains many header values and signatures.
I hope we can pass the Signature in token.
But what need to pass for UserName?
Could anyone know how to register the AWS REST API in TFS service Endpoint.?
You should do this task via powershell script and just add a powershell step in the TFS build/release workflow. You have flexibility to run it via powershell command line without the TFS web UI. Also the script is portable. It can be invoked in TFS,Jenkins, etc.
It's not able to register aws ec2 instance API in TFS Generic Service Endpoint.
You could use a powershell script to authenticate with AWS API to launch a EC2 instance and invoke the REST API from your Build Pipeline.
Besides, you could use AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services.
This tool include a new service endpoint type, AWS, to supply AWS credentials to the tasks at runtime.
It will create an AWS Credentials Connection. Select the AWS endpoint type and provide the following parameters:
A name used to refer to the credentials when configuring tasks that
require AWS credentials
AWS Access Key ID
AWS Secret Access Key
After an AWS subscription has be linked to Team Foundation Server, you could use the task deploy to Amazon EC2 with AWS CodeDeploy.
Note: Minimum supported environments
Visual Studio Team Services
Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 3 (or higher)

Azure REST API - getting identity data

In Amazon cloud API there is the possibility to get identity data, meaning data from the running instance - on which region it is, dns ....
is there the same option in Azure? as I am creating management system in which the server is installed on a virtual machine and I need to know to which region it is related, all this using REST API
In Azure you can use Azure API Management REST API to get all sort of information for Azure:
Lists all of the resources in a subscription:{subscription-id}/resources?$top={top}$skiptoken={skiptoken}&$filter={filter}&api-version={api-version}
For the complete documentation look at this page here:
You can do similar things using Powershell scripts as well.