I have a folder structure that I'd like to go through and any time the folder name contains "&", I'd like to replace this with the word "and". I assume this is possible with powershell, but I am extreme noobie when it comes to PowerShell.
Here is my attempt:
get-childitem -recurse ./ *&* | where-object { $_.Name -like "*&*" } | % {rename-item $_ -newname $_.Name.Replace("&","and") -whatif}
will this only change the folder names?
Also tried this one but no luck either (This one gives the error: Cannot rename because the target specified represents a path or device name:
gci -recurse | where-object { $_.Name -like "*&*" } | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | % {rename-item $_FullName $_FullName.Replace("&","and")}
EDIT: POWERSHELL on Windows Server 2008 R2
I suspect one reason the original code fails is because Rename-Item is being given a NewName parameter which includes the entire path, rather than just the name. Secondary problem here is that the code will try to rename from the top down, which may invalidate other objects in the pipeline. I've tried to get around this by processing the longest paths first (hence descending sort on PSPath.length). It worked on my test folders.
get-childitem ./ -Recurse -Filter "*&*" |
? { $_.PSIsContainer } |
sort { ($_.PSPath).length } -Descending |
% {
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName ($_.Name -replace "&","and")
The reason for your error is that you replace the & character in the whole path, even parent folders.
Say for example that you want to rename the folder c:\me & my\something & another your $_.FullName.Replace("&", "and") would change that to c:\me and my\something and another. However, since we in this little test scenario renamed the subfolder before the parent folder we're actually trying to move the folder from being a child of c:\my & my to being a child of c:\me and my (and on top of that we want to move it to a folder which doesn't exist.
From the help section on Rename-Item (which I got by executing Get-Help Rename-Item -Parameter NewName):
Specifies the new name of the item. Enter only a name, not a path and name. If you enter a path that is different
from the path that is specified in the Path parameter, Rename-Item generates an error. To rename and move an item,
use the Move-Item cmdlet.
So we only want to include the name of the folder in the NewName parameter.
Finally, as #andyb pointed out, we also need to rename the items in the order of subfolder, then parent folder, to ensure that the parent path is still intact. #andyb's suggested solution of sorting the folders by the length of the FullName path should work well for this.
Thus the following should work very well.
Get-ChildItem .\ -Recurse -Filter "*&*" |
Where { $_.PSIsContainer } |
Sort { $_.FullName.Length } -Descending |
Foreach {
$newName = $_.Name.Replace("&", "and")
Rename-Item $_.FullName $newName
Edit: Updated to include sorting in folder path length descending order, due to a misstake which #andyb pointed out.
You are on the right path. Created a couple of test folders and files under 'C:\temp\aaa' folder to show how it works
PS C:\> gci C:\Temp\aaa -recurse | where {$_.name -match '&'} | Rename-Item -newname {$_.name -replace '&','and'} -whatif
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\Temp\aaa\ad & il Destination: C:\Temp\aaa\ad and il".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename Directory" on target "Item: C:\Temp\aaa\ad & il\hin\di&st&t Destination: C:\Temp\aaa\ad & il\hin\diandstandt".
What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: C:\Temp\aaa\ad & il\hin\adilll&hindist &an.txt Destination: C:\Temp\aaa\ad & il\hin\adilllandhi ndist andan.txt".
1. match items
reverse items so that we can rename them from child to parent
rename them
$matchedItems = ls D:\test -Recurse | where { $_.Name -like '*&*' }
[array]::Reverse( $matchedItems )
$matchedItems | foreach {
$newName = ""
$newName = Join-Path $_.Parent.FullName ($_.BaseName -replace '&' , 'and')
else {
$newName = Join-Path $_.Directory.FullName ($_.BaseName -replace '&' , 'and')
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName $newName
PS C:\> ls D:\test -Recurse | select FullName
D:\test\& New Foder
D:\test\New & folder
D:\test\New folder&
D:\test\test & test.txt
D:\test\& New Foder\New & folder
D:\test\& New Foder\New folder&
D:\test\& New Foder\test & test.txt
D:\test\New folder&\& New Foder
D:\test\New folder&\New & folder
D:\test\New folder&\New folder&
D:\test\New folder&\test & test.txt
D:\test\New folder&\& New Foder\New & folder
D:\test\New folder&\& New Foder\New folder&
D:\test\New folder&\& New Foder\test & test.txt
PS C:\> $matchedItems = ls D:\test -Recurse | where { $_.Name -like '*&*' }
[array]::Reverse( $matchedItems )
$matchedItems | foreach {
$newName = ""
$newName = Join-Path $_.Parent.FullName ($_.BaseName -replace '&' , 'and')
else {
$newName = Join-Path $_.Directory.FullName ($_.BaseName -replace '&' , 'and')
$_ | Rename-Item -NewName $newName
PS C:\> ls D:\test -Recurse | select FullName
D:\test\and New Foder
D:\test\New and folder
D:\test\New folderand
D:\test\test and test
D:\test\and New Foder\New and folder
D:\test\and New Foder\New folderand
D:\test\and New Foder\test and test
D:\test\New folderand\and New Foder
D:\test\New folderand\New and folder
D:\test\New folderand\New folderand
D:\test\New folderand\test and test
D:\test\New folderand\and New Foder\New and folder
D:\test\New folderand\and New Foder\New folderand
D:\test\New folderand\and New Foder\test and test
I am trying to rename files in subfolders in a certain pattern, but I am stuck.
The situation is as follows: I have multiple folders which are sometimes named as the target filename depending on the length, but the name does not really matter.
In each folder are always 2 files: the Target-File with a random name and the correct extension, and the Source-File which is always the correct BaseName with a txt-extension.
For example:
My goal is to rename every not-txt-file with the Basename of the txt-file. Executed, it should be like:
With gci I was able to create both lists but didn't find a good way for the renaming.
$SourceName = gci -File -Recurse | Where {$_.Extension -ne ".txt"}
$TargetName = gci -File -Recurse | Where {$_.Extension -eq ".txt"}
I did also try to use gci for renaming, but was not able to tell it to use the newname based on the txt-file:
gci -File -Recurse | Where {$_.Extension -ne ".txt"} | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.extension -eq ".txt"}
This only renamed the .docx-file to "FALSE" because the filename already exists.
What I did not try (but would be ok) is to not only rename the file, but also move it to the parent directory.
This is one way to do it but it would fail as soon as there are 2 or more files with a different extension than .txt but having the same extension. It would also fail as soon as one folder has more than one .txt file.
# Get all folders under 'TargetDirectory'
Get-ChildItem TargetDirectory -Directory -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
# For each sub-folder, get their files
$childs = $_.EnumerateFiles()
# Filter and split the child files by their extension
$txt, $notTxt = $childs.Where({ $_.Extension -eq '.txt' }, 'Split')
# Use the BaseName of the '.txt' File but the Extension of
# the file being renamed
$notTxt | Rename-Item -NewName { $txt.BaseName + $_.Extension }
Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late reply.
I tried your code but its not working correctly:
The NewName is created correctly, but the problem is the rename-function or rather the notTxt list because it only contains the item itself but not hte full path.
When I copy the file which should be renamed into the parent-directory your code does work in the file in the parent-directory.
There was another answer which apperntly was deleted but did work.
I also tried a foreach-loop in one of my tries but didn't get the NewName to work.
I don't know why, but I didn't consider creating the NewName with a variable, which was done in the deleted answer:
$folders = gci -Directory -Recurse
foreach ($folder in $folders) {
$targetFile = gci $folder | Where {$_.Extension -ne ".txt"}
$sourceFile = gci $folder | Where {$_.Extension -eq ".txt"}
$newName = $sourceFile.BaseName + $targetFile.Extension
Rename-Item $targetFile.FullName $newName
Of course you can try and get your code to work, but I can make do with this code.
Thank you very much for your help.
I try to rename in batch files in multiple folders by removing - .extension
Example files:
test file 1 - 1234.docx
test file 1 - 4321.docx
test file 1 - 6789.docx
For this I run the following script:
Get-ChildItem -recurse -exclude .dxl | foreach {
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName (($_.BaseName -replace '(.)-.*?$','$1') + $_.Extension) }
This will give me the following error:
"Rename-Item : Cannot create a file when that file already exists."
How can I get rid of this by adding (1), (2), (3) if the file already exist after renaming?
Here is something I came up with for this problem:
$FileTracker = #{}
$files = (Get-ChildItem -recurse -exclude "*.dxl" -file | sort fullname).fullname
$files | foreach {
$Base = (($_ | select-string -pattern "(.*)-.*?$").matches.groups[1].value).Trim()
if ($FileTracker[$Base]) {
Rename-Item -path $_ -newName ((split-Path $Base -Leaf),"($($FileTracker[$Base]))",($_ -replace ".*(\..*?)$",'$1') -join "")
else {
Rename-Item -path $_ -newName ((split-path $Base -Leaf),($_ -replace ".*(\..*?)$",'$1') -join "")
Keep in mind that this solution looks to make files unique in their respective directories. If it sees test file 1 - 23.txt in two different directories, it will rename them both to test file 1.txt. If you already have files that have been renamed like testfile 1(1).txt and testfile 1(2).txt, there will be issues with this working. So I need to know if that is a condition.
I have a file directory that contains many folders within it. Inside each of these sub-folders, I have a variety of files. I would like to go through each file, rename some of the items, and add extensions to some of them. I am using Powershell to do this.
I have file names with "." that all need to be replaced with "_" for example, "wrfprs_d02.03" should be "wrfprs_d02_03". I was able to successfully do that in one folder with the following code:
dir | rename-item -NewName {$_.name -replace "wrfprs_d02.","wrfprs_d02_"}
After, I make those replacements, I want to add .grb extensions on to some of the files, which all happen to start with "w", and I was able to do that within one folder with:
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^[w]"} | ren -new {$_.name + ".grb"}
When I step back from one folder and try to do it iteratively within many folders, my code doesn't work. I am in a directory called "Z:\Windows.Documents\My Documents\Test_data\extracted" which contains all my sub-folders that I want to iterate over. I am using the following code:
$fileDirectory = "Z:\Windows.Documents\My Documents\Test_data\extracted"
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $fileDirectory)
dir | rename-item -NewName {$_.name -replace "wrfprs_d02.","wrfprs_d02_"}
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^[w]"} | ren -new {$_.name + ".grb"}
Any ideas on what my problem is?
because you $_ is replaced into loop when you use pipe. I propose you a new code:
$fileDirectory = "Z:\Windows.Documents\My Documents\Test_data\extracted"
Get-ChildItem $fileDirectory -recurse -file -filter "*.*" |
#replace . by _
$NewName=$_.Name.Replace(".", "_")
#add extension grb if name start by w
if ($NewName -like "w*") {$NewName="$NewName.grb"}
#Add path file
$NewName=Join-Path -Path $_.directory -ChildPath $NewName
Rename-Item $_.FullName $NewName
Not sure what error you were getting, but using rename-item can be finicky. Or at least so in my experience.
I used the follow without issue. My files names were different so I replaced all periods with underscores. If the file starts with "W" then it changed the extension for that file.
$FilePath = Get-ChildItem "Z:\Windows.Documents\My Documents\Test_data\extracted" -Recurse -File
foreach ($file in $FilePath)
$newName = $file.Basename.replace(".","_")
$New = $newName + $file.Extension
if($file.Name -match "^[w]")
Rename-Item $file.FullName -NewName "$($New).grb"
Rename-Item $file.FullName -NewName $New
Hope that helps.
I'm trying to match file name with folder name before move them to an other directory.
For example, my script need to match if "Test.txt" match with a folder named "Test" and move them to a different directory.
Is it possible with the cmdlets Get-ChildItem ? I didn't find any examples :(
Thanks a lot.
PowerShell 3+
Gets all files recursively from the current directory whose names (without extension) matches its directory's name:
Get-ChildItem -Path . -File -Recurse |
Where-Object { $_.BaseName -eq $_.Directory.Name }
PowerShell 1, 2
There is no -File switch until PowerShell 3, so you have to filter out directories with an extra Where-Object.
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse |
Where-Object { -not $_.PsIsContainer } |
Where-Object { $_.BaseName -eq $_.Directory.Name }
Once you've got all the files that match their parent directory name, you should be able to move them. I'm not sure what your logic is for the destination directory structure.
For starters you can use the Directory property of Get-ChildItem
So lets say you are looking for a file test.txt but only if it is in the directory Scripts
Get-ChildItem *.txt -recurse | Where-Object{($_.Name -eq "test.txt") -and ($_.Directory -like "*\scripts")} | Move-Item $_.Directory "C:\NewFolder"
The Where clause will look for a file called text.txt as long as its in a folder called c:\somepath\scripts. So this will not match c:\anotherpath\test.txt. When a match is found Move the located files directory to a new location.
Note I am not sure if the logic will hold if multiple file matches are found. If it fails then we could assign all the matches to a variable and then process the all the unique values.
$foundDirectories = Get-ChildItem *.txt -recurse | Where-Object{($_.Name -eq "test.txt") -and ($_.Directory -like "*\scripts")} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Directory -Unique
$foundDirectories | ForEach-Object{Move-Item $_ "C:\newfolder"}
I have 10K documents in a directory with this type of naming convention:
1050_14447_Letter Extension.pdf, 1333_14444_Letter.docx, etc...
I tried using this script to remove all characters before the 2nd underscore (including the 2nd underscore):
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.pdf | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace '^[0-9_]+'}
This worked, but revealed there would be duplicate file names.
Wondering if there is some way a script can create a subfolder based on the filename (minus the extension)? So there would be 10K subfolders in my main folder. Each subfolder would just have the one file.
This should work. It creates a new folder for each item, then moves it, renaming it in the process.
gci | ? {!$_.PSIsContainer} | % {New-Item ".\$($_.BaseName)" -Type Directory; Move-Item $_ ".\$($_.BaseName)\$($_.Name -replace '^[0-9_]+')"}
Note that if there are two files with the same name, but different extensions, you'll see an error when trying to create the directory, but both files will wind up in the same folder.
Alternately, if you want something more readable to save in a script, this is functionally identical:
$files = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer}
foreach ($file in $files)
$pathName = ".\" + $file.BaseName
New-Item $pathName -Type Directory
$newFileName = $pathName + "\" + ($file.Name -replace '^[0-9_]+')
Move-Item $file $newFileName