WSO2 Data Service Server - Adding a Custom Data Source - mongodb

Can anyone help me on how to configure/create a Custom Data Source and using WSO2 4.0.2
Here is a sample wso2-dss-connector for Mongo DB ( Link : . How to deploy this with WSO2. While building this project,we can get a jar ,so how to integrate this with wso2 for creating a custom datasource
I am new to wso2,i didn't get a clear picture from the official doc
Thanks in advance

If you want a connector for mongo db you can use the above link you mentioned and build this jar and you can put this in the DSSHOME/repository/component/dropins folder and restart the server. Once you have added the jar to dropins you can use the following database descriptor file (dbs) to test this
In this example we create a data source call "mongo_ds" and our query will be called mongo_find, which will retreive set of Documents elements.
<config id="mongo_ds">
<property name="custom_query_datasource_class">org.wso2.dss.connectors.mongodb.MongoDBDataSource</property>
<property name="custom_datasource_props">
<property name="servers">localhost</property>
<property name="database">mydb</property>
<query id="mongo_find" useConfig="mongo_ds">
<result element="Documents" rowName="Document">
<element column="document" name="Data" xsdType="string"/>
If you want to write custom data sources for other data sources please refer the following guide.


How to access only virtual views and hide physical tables with a standalone-vdb.xml wildfly/Teiid domain

We are using standalone-vdb.xml domain to create a vdb and then make it accessible through Jupiter for other users.
Now based on the xml file below as an example, we created the VIEW "customer_view"
from the table "Export2.customer_table" and they are both accessible from the Jupiter.
However, we only want the VIEWS to be accessible and not the physical tables
which property can be used to hide the tables and only expose the VIEWS for the end user.
Any one have a clue which property can do that? I tried to find it from the documentation but couldn't find any mentioning for that.
we are using WildFly Full 17.0.1 through the HAL management interface in a Docker container environment and Postgresql database.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<vdb name="stock" version="1">
<description>The VDB</description>
<property name="UseConnectorMetadata" value="true" />
<model visible="true" name="Export2">
<property name="importer.useFullSchemaName" value="false"/>
<property name="importer.schemaPattern" value="public"/>
<property name="importer.tableTypes" value="TABLES,VIEW"/>
<source name="stockDS" translator-name="postgresql" connection-jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/stockDS"/>
<model visible="true" name="Data" type="VIRTUAL">
<metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
CREATE VIEW customer_view (
field_names string,
field_description string
) AS
SELECT variable_name, variable_description
FROM Export2.customer_table;
]]> </metadata>
<data-role name="RoleA" any-authenticated="true">
<description>Allow Reads and Writes to tables and procedures</description>
you need to define the model with visibility to false like
<model visible="false" name="Export2">
note that this will remove the metadata exposure from any APIs, however, if someone knows the schema they still can use the same connection to issue the query and see the data. If you want to avoid that then you need to look into data security policies to avoid any access.

How to add the description of job in spring batch admin user interface?

Is there any way to add the description of job at the user interface of spring batch admin?
Although, I tried to added the description of the job, spring batch admin cannot support it.
I would like to know that whether spring batch admin does not support it or not.
I know i'm late to the party but I figured it out and it works flawlessly for me. All you have to do is :
Add a file in your classpath (under
Add yourJobName.description=Your description goes here in that file.
Override manager-context.xml for SBA by creating a file on path src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/batch/servlet/override/manager-context.xml
The content of the above created file should be :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<!-- Override messageSource bean in order to provide custom text content -->
<bean id="messageSource" class="">
<property name="basename" value="messages" />
That's it. Your custom description shows up in SBA. Hope this helps someone who's looking for it.
There isn't the ability out of the box to display the job's description. That is only contained in the XML and the data seen in the UI comes from the JobRepository. You'd have to extend the UI to add that functionality.

Steps to connect MongoDB and Solr using DataImportHandler

I am new to SOLR and MONGODB.
I am trying to index data from mongodb into SOLR using DataImportHandler but I could not find the exact steps that I need to follow.
Could you please help me in getting the exact steps to index MongoDB into Solr using DataImportHandler?
SolrVersion - solr-4.6.0
MongoDB version- 2.2.7
Late to answer, however thought people might find it useful.
Below are the steps for importing data from mongodb to Solr 4.7.0 using DataImportHandler.
Step 1:
Assume that your Mongodb has following database and collection
Database Name: Test
Collection Name: sample
The sample collection has following documents
{ "_id" : ObjectId("54c0c6666ee638a21198793b"), "Name" : "Rahul", "EmpNumber" : 452123 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("54c0c7486ee638a21198793c"), "Name" : "Manohar", "EmpNumber" : 784521 }
Step 2:
Create a lib folder in your solrhome folder( which has bin and collection1 folders)
add below jar files to lib folder. You can download solr-mongo-importer from here!
- solr-dataimporthandler-4.7.0.jar
- solr-mongo-importer-1.0.0.jar
- mongo-java-driver-2.10.1.jar (this is the mongo java driver)
Step 3:
Declare Solr fields in schema.xml(assumed that id is already defined by default)
add below fields in schema.xml inside the <fields> </fields> tag.
<field name="Name" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
<field name="EmployeeNumber" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
Step 4:
Declare data-config file in solrconfig.xml by adding below code inside <config> </config> tag.
<requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="config">data-config.xml</str>
Step 5:
Create a data-config.xml file in the path collection1\conf\ (which by default holds solrconfig.xml and schema.xml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dataSource name="MyMongo" type="MongoDataSource" database="Test" />
<document name="import">
<!-- if query="" then it imports everything -->
<entity processor="MongoEntityProcessor"
transformer="MongoMapperTransformer" name="sample_entity">
<!-- If mongoField name and the field declared in schema.xml are same than no need to declare below.
If not same than you have to refer the mongoField to field in schema.xml
( Ex: mongoField="EmpNumber" to name="EmployeeNumber"). -->
<field column="_id" name="id"/>
<field column="EmpNumber" name="EmployeeNumber" mongoField="EmpNumber"/>
Step 6:
Assuming solr (I have used port 8080) and mongodb are running, open the following link http://localhost:8080/solr/dataimport?command=full-import in your browser for importing data from mongodb to solr.
fields imported are _id,Name and EmpNumber(MongoDB) as id,Name and EmployeeNumber(Solr).
You can see the result in http://localhost:8080/solr/query?q=*
You can try using SolrMongoImporter, it ask you to import 2 libraries into your solr proyect and create a data-config.xml.
You probably will need to import in your solrconfig.xml the following libraries if you don't have it
<lib dir="../../../contrib/dataimporthandler/lib" regex=".*\.jar" />
<lib dir="../../../dist/" regex="solr-dataimporthandler-.*\.jar" />
If you have followed everything above and still facing the issue: check whether you have multiple jars in different locations.
If so, remove the jar files from everywhere but the location you have configured in the solrconfig.xml file.

Alfresco Share: Retrieve config data from Java

I'd like to access share-config-custom.xml data from a Java bean in the Share webapp.
What is the equivalent to the following javascript syntax (which access the config root object) but in a Java context:
Is the share-config-custom translated to a bean itself? Or is there an API to read it from Java?
First, there is no "reasonable" way to use this API "looking" at one XML config file. In gen eral, the ConfigService creates a configuration merging from various sources. But looking directly at the XML should not be needed anyways.
That being said, the Javascript object config actually is a org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.ScriptConfigModel.
To get something equivalent in Java get yourself a reference to the ConfigService. To obtain the reference, let spring inject it in your custom bean:
<property name="configService" ref="web.config" />
Calling configService.getGlobalConfig() should get you the equivalent of config.scoped.
I know this is already answered, but Andreas' answer only got me halfway there. The configuration class is actually the XMLConfigService now.
Here's a code snippet that worked with Enterprise 4.1.* Alfresco:
Java class
import org.springframework.extensions.config.xml.XMLConfigService;
public class PDFValidate extends BaseJavaDelegate implements ExecutionListener
protected XMLConfigService configService;
public void setConfigService( XMLConfigService scriptConfigModel )
this.configService = scriptConfigModel;
Bean registration:
<bean id="AbstractWorkflowDelegate" parent="baseJavaDelegate" abstract="true" depends-on="activitiBeanRegistry" />
<bean id="PDFValidate" parent="AbstractWorkflowDelegate" class="com.epnet.alfresco.metadata.listener.PDFValidate">
<property name="repository" ref="repositoryHelper" />
<property name="configService" ref="web.config" />
And from there, you can use the configService in your java code to get the config values.
The XMLConfigService is located in the spring-surf-core-configservice-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar for my version of Alfresco.

Report job scheduling with custom data-source in jasper server 4.5.0

I am using Jasperserver 4.5.0 Pro. I have developed a custom data-source for some additional feature. All reports that use this custom DS get executed properly and show the correct output when executed manually. But when the same reports are scheduled using Jasper's report job scheduler, there is some problem with session initiation, and hence the reports do not get executed.
Let me explain this a bit.
For manual execution of reports -
As part of custom DS, I had to update the following 2 xmls -
viewReportFlow.xml :
I updated the action state 'runReport' to use our custom DS executer action bean method 'xmlHttpDsExecuterAction.setUpSession' to start session. Please see the below tag of runReport -
<action-state id="runReport" xmlns:b="" xmlns:xi="">
<evaluate expression="xmlHttpDsExecuterAction.setUpSession"/>
<evaluate expression="viewReportActionBean"/>
<transition on="success" to="reportOutput"/>
<evaluate expression="xmlHttpDsExecuterPageAction.setIndex"/>
viewReportBeans.xml :
I defined the executer action beans used in above flow xml here -
<bean id="xmlHttpDsExecuterAction" class="com.sigma.reporting.xmlhttpds.XmlHttpDsExecuterAction" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w"/> <bean id="xmlHttpDsExecuterPageAction" class="com.sigma.reporting.xmlhttpds.XmlHttpDsExecuterPageAction" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w">
<property name="requestParameterPageIndex" value="pageIndex"/>
<property name="flowAttributePageIndex" value="pageIndex"/>
<property name="xmlHttpDataSourceName" value="com.sigma.reporting.xmlhttpds.XmlHttpDsExecuterDataSourceService"/>
<property name="repository">
<ref bean="repositoryService"/>
<property name="jasperPrintName" value="jasperPrintName"/>
<property name="reportUnitObject" value="reportUnitObject"/> </bean>
For job scheduling of reports :
I want to implement similarly as above using scheduler. During my investigations, I have tried to analyze the scheduler flow, and tried to put our changes, but no luck so far. Can any one please let me know what flows are used for running reports via scheduler and also please recommend the places to configure custom DS as above?
Finally after understanding the flow of japser server scheduler i have got the solution for this.
For setting your custom data source beans and calling the function,we need to specify the bean destination in $JASPER_HOME/apache-tomcat/weaaps/jasperserver-pro/WEBINF/flows/reportJobBeans.xml and we can use this bean in reportJobFlow.xml in jobOutput tag lik this
<view-state id="jobOutput" view="modules/reportScheduling/jobOutput">
<set name="flowScope.prevForm" value="'jobOutput'"/>
<evaluate expression="reportOptionsJobEditAction.setOutputReferenceData"/>
<evaluate expression="xmlHttpDsExecuterAction.setUpSession"/>