order of calling expressions within a defun* - emacs

Tried to use the persp-mode https://github.com/Bad-ptr/persp-mode.el/blob/master/persp-mode.el to retrieve the emacs windows session after restart. Unable to get it working.
So trying to understand the datastructure used to store the state of the emacs by reading the source code.
The following is the function which is used to store the session state.
(defun* persp-save-state-to-file (&optional (fname persp-auto-save-fname)
(phash *persp-hash*)
(interactive (list (read-file-name "Save perspectives to file: "
In the above function two unusual things are observed using edebug (unusual according to my current understanding of elisp).
The optional argument expressions are evaluated.
The expression "(interactive..." is evaluated first and then the optional argument expressions are evaluated.
Any ideas how to debug the code. Also the emacs documentation says "defun*" is related to common-lisp, but no further information is available in emacs docs on how defun* is different from defun. Is there a quick tutorial oh what defun* does without having to learn common-lisp.

Emacs says:
Define NAME as a function. Like normal `defun', except ARGLIST allows
full Common Lisp conventions, and BODY is implicitly surrounded by
(cl-block NAME ...).
Common Lisp arglists provide optional, rest, keyword and aux arguments. Historically this comes from Lisp Machine Lisp and Mumble - two earlier Lisp dialects.
For details see: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/cl/Argument-Lists.html

Have a look at this post for a simplistic snippet explaining
how optional works. The gist is that e.g. persp-auto-save-fname will be the value of fname
if none is given.
And obviously interactive has to be run first, because it provides the arguments.
So if interactive doesn't provide a value for fname it will be persp-auto-save-fname.


Modifying docstring slot of an existing Emacs Lisp function

For various reasons I've been forced to use Emacs git master for development. In this version I'm regularly getting lots of warnings in the form
No docstring slot for tags-lazy-completion-table
No docstring slot for etags--xref-backend
No docstring slot for gnus-intersection
No docstring slot for grep-compute-defaults
which often are so many that it slows down my interaction. Is it possible to set the docstring of a an already defined Emacs Lisp function without modifying its existing body definition?
Stefan has addressed your actual problem, but to answer the stated question:
Is it possible to set the docstring of a an already defined Emacs
Lisp function without modifying its existing body definition?
Yes, you can, via the function-documentation symbol property.
(put FUNCTIONSYMBOL 'function-documentation VALUE)
In most cases VALUE would be a string.
C-hig (elisp)Documentation Basics
C-hig (elisp)Accessing Documentation
The No docstring slot for ... warnings are your problem, not the absence of docstrings (which is copmpletely normal). I suggest you try
(setq debug-on-message "\\`No docstring slot for")
and then look at the backtrace you'll (hopefully) get to try and figure out which packages emits this warning and why (and especially why it only does so in Emacs-master: might be a bug in Emacs-master, or an incompatibility ... in either case Emacs maintainers may want to hear about it).

Lisp: atom and string

I am working on a simple Lisp interpreter. And now I am trying to write a parser for it. LISP - Basic Syntax. I've read that in Lisp there are only three types of block: atom, list, string. Also, I've noticed that string block can be nested into the list, like:
(format t "Some string block...~%").
Could string type of building block be considered as atom block?
First, the pages you chose as a "reference" are of a very dubious quality. The most obvious visual red flag if the "unconventional" (to put it mildly) way to format Lisp code.
Second, block in Lisp has a very specific meaning. When they use that word they, apparently, mean token.
Third, the string type in Lisp is a subtype of type atom:
(atom "foo")
==> t
Thus, the answer to the question you asked is: yes, every string is an atom.
And the answer to the question you should have asked is: refer to CLHS, not to some dubious web site.
PS. There are several FLOSS Common Lisp implementations available (e.g.,
you might want to start with looking how they do things.

How to make racket the default implementation in geiser

The geiser documentation suggests that setting geiser-default-implementation is one way to prevent run-geiser from prompting for a scheme implementation. Another approach suggested by the geiser docs is to set the geiser-implementations-alist to the following value:
(((regexp "\\.scm$") guile)
((regexp "\\.ss$") racket)
((regexp "\\.rkt$") racket))
In neither case do the docs give examples of how to set. I've tried various incantations involving setq, defcustom, etc., but I continue to be prompted for the desired scheme implementation whenever I run run-geiser. The alist doesn't even evaluate properly: for one thing, the regexp function seems not to exist; for another, I'm thinking some sort of quoting is needed to prevent errors on the undefined guile/racket symbols. Would be grateful if someone could give an example of exactly what would need to be added (e.g.) to .emacs in both cases.
Would also like to understand why something like...
(setq geiser-default-implementation 'racket)
...doesn't seem to work.
You could remove the other implementations from the list of active implementations:
(setq geiser-active-implementations '(racket))

Is there a command to halt the interpreter in Common Lisp?

I'm looking for an expression that will cause the interpreter to exit when it is evaluated.
I've found lots of implementation-specific ones but none in the HyperSpec, and I was wondering if there were any that I wasn't seeing defined in the specification. I've found that (quit) is recognized by both CLISP and SLIME, and (exit) is recognized only by CLISP, but I can't find any documentation that references either of these.
Since most Lisps import a quit function into CL-USER, CL-USER::QUIT is a good guess without knowing the implementation specific package where it is.
Note the two colons, since QUIT does not need to be exported from the CL-USER package.
As far as I know, this is not covered by the Spec, and you will have to use the implementation-specific solutions, or maybe try and look if someone has already written a trivial-quit lib (or start one on CLiki).
If you only care about interactive use, ,q in SLIME will always do the right thing. Otherwise, you may use read-time conditionals like this:
(defun my-quit ()
#+sbcl (sb-ext:quit)
#+clisp (ext:exit)
#+ccl (ccl:quit)
#+allegro (excl:exit)) ;; and so on ...
#+ checks, if the following symbol is in *features*. If not, the following form will be treated as white-space. (There is also #- for the opposite).
There is no standard way to exit a CL environment. To find out how to do it in the implementation you're using, read its documentation.
In sbcl, (sb-ext:quit) will do the trick. For clisp, it's (ext:exit). The clisp documentation for the command is at http://clisp.sourceforge.net/impnotes.html#quit
There is an ASDF library called shut-it-down that provides a quit function that works by just having cases for the common CL implementations.
You can use (uiop:quit). This is included in most lisps.

Emacs Lisp Function Guide?

I have been using Emacs for more than three years now but it still takes me days to write even small functions in Lisp. I've looked through GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual but it's huge and structured completely opposite from JavaDoc, not from functions to descriptions but the other way around.
What will make my life much easier is some sort of small JavaDoc like document with most commonly used Emacs internal functions and they quick description.
(point) - returns current position in buffer
(save-excursion (p)) - saves current position in buffer before
executing (p) and restores it afterward.
Does anyone know where I can find something like that?
Have you tried the build-in manual in emacs? Open any lisp buffer (or any buffer in lisp mode), move your point to any function or variable, and hit C-h f (for function) or C-h v (for variable). Emacs will give you a fairly concise description of the function/variable.
For example, the manual content for (save-excursion) is
save-excursion is a special form in `C source code'.
(save-excursion &rest BODY)
Save point, mark, and current buffer; execute BODY; restore those things.
Executes BODY just like `progn'.
The values of point, mark and the current buffer are restored
even in case of abnormal exit (throw or error).
The state of activation of the mark is also restored.
This construct does not save `deactivate-mark', and therefore
functions that change the buffer will still cause deactivation
of the mark at the end of the command. To prevent that, bind
`deactivate-mark' with `let'.
The good thing also is the build-in manual give you "link" to to the source code of the function and to other functions that might be related, which make it nice to browse around.
Of course you can't learn lisp this way, but for looking up documentation of function this is a nice starter. When you find the build-in manual not understandable (which sometimes does happen), then it's time for you to google the function ;)
This site has some emacs lisp summary information that may be useful: http://xahlee.org/emacs/elisp.html.
In particularly, check out these links on that page: Basic Text-editing Functions, Emacs Lisp Idioms and Batch Text Processing
The GNU Introduction to emacs lisp is certainly more approachable than the reference manual.
I would add a couple of things:
M-x apropos - searches functions and variables for whatever string you specify (e.g. directory). Note that this is slightly different than C-h a, which only finds interactive functions
find a similar piece of code and copy it - you can learn an awful lot about how to do things by looking at what's already done. If you have a particular function you want to see examples of, one good way is to visit the main lisp source directory in dired (e.g. d:/product/emacs/lisp or /usr/share/lib/emacs/lisp) and do % g which will grep through all files looking for whatever string you type. Open up that file and see what other people have done with it.
C-h f and C-h v - as someone else mentioned, you can open up source, position point over a function or variable and then get documentation on it.
Check out the Emacs wiki, which has a crap-load of Emacs lisp modules for you to peruse.
I think you are taking the wrong approach. When learning a
programming language and set of libraries (collectively, "Emacs
Lisp"), you need to approach it on both the micro and macro scale.
Before you can start writing software, you need to know what tools you
have available. That is what the Emacs Lisp manual aims to educate
you on. You really need to sit down and read the whole thing. That
way you know what features Emacs provides.
After you do that, you need "micro-level" information. There are
a number of sources that provide this. If you have a general idea of
what you need to do ("working with buffers"), then the Lisp reference
is a good place to figure out what you need to know. If you know that
there's a function that does what you want, but don't quite remember
the name, then M-x apropos (C-u C-h a) will help you search the
documentation. If you know what function you want to use, but don't
remember quite how it works, then M-x describe-function (C-h f)
will sort that out for you.
So anyway, the key is to learn Emacs Lisp, and then let Emacs help you
with the details. A list of functions isn't going to teach you much.
(Oh, one more thing -- you should familiarize yourself with Common
Lisp. Most Emacs libraries use cl, which are the useful CL
functions implemented in Emacs Lisp. loop, destructuring-bind,
defun*, and so on are all there, and they are very helpful.)
Good suggestions from others -- Emacs help system is your friend.
In addition:
In order to understand what's on, quite often it's useful having a look at the source code.
Have you tryed <f1> f ? It is bound to describe-function. Example with point:
point is a built-in function in C source code.
Return value of point, as an integer.
Beginning of buffer is position (point-min).
Like most Lisp systeme, Emacs has an integrated documentation tool!
Any Lisp function or variable can declare an optional doc string.
Almost all standard command or function do declare a usefull doc string.
Emacs (like most Lisp systems) allows you to display the doc string of any function or variable (<f1> f and <f1> v) at any time.
When displayed, the doc string is browsable, meaning that you can click on symbols to see their doc string, or go to the source of the corresponding function or variable.
As soon as you evaluate any defun or defvar, its doc string is available through describe-function or describe-variable: this doc is alive!
M-x find-library RET <library name> is all you really need
If you're willing to fork over money for a dead tree, I'd recommend
(source: oreilly.com)
In XEmacs, and I believe in Emacs as well,
pressing C-h f, then the tab key for tab completion, which at that point is all functions, will give you a list of functions the editor knows about.
You just use cursor keys and scroll to one you want to know about and press enter to see details.
If a list of functions, with further info available, is what you want, that will give it to you.
This list is all currently available functions, so if you have packages of lisp installed, it shows the functions those packages supply as well as native functions. In my copy of XEmacs, today, I have 6,586 functions in the list. Emacs will be similar.
The problem is that not all functions have names that make them context-meaningful (ie not all menu variables/functions have the word menu in them, so you will miss some things if you go by names only.
You can use the INFO pages (on the menu) to view them more topically arranged, and get to the same usage information.
Download source code for Emacs. Go to src/ folder and type:
grep -r DEFUN *
You will get list of all primitive Lisp functions of Emacs.